an archive of lesson plans

Category: Traditions, Culture and Stereotypes (Page 5 of 10)

About traditions, customs, holidays, celebrations, festivals

DE 11 FS15 Int. Party Committee

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


Day and Date: Wednesday, 16 September


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate


Class theme/topics discussed: 2nd part of free time activities / planning a party


Goal of the class: To repeat vocabulary of free time activities. To be able to talk about organizational topics and organize a (fake) Halloween-party.


How did you structure the class?


First activity: Repetition of the verbs of leisure activities from last time: Every student got a slip of paper with the beginning of a sentence. For example: On rainy days, I… / When my friends come over, we… etc. (5 minutes)


Second activity: We had some small talk and my students wanted to know about my experiences in California so far, general topics. (10 minutes)


Third activity: I presented them two choices: Would they like to work all together (there were 4 students present) or in pairs? And would they rather plan a Halloween- or a Thanksgivng-party? They decided they all want to work together on a Halloween-party. I gave them a handout with some expressions to use when planning a party and they talked about their ideas. For example, food, decoration, costumes, and who to invite. (10 minutes)


Fourth Activity: We also wrote an invitation together to show them some expressions for written invitations. (10 minutes)


Fifth activity: I gave them a handout with scenarios at partys and they had to discuss whether it is a do or a don’t. For example, dancing on the table, having a weird costume, bringing friends etc.


Sixth activity: We played the party game “Guess who”. Everyone gets a piece of paper with the name of a famous person. All the others can see the name, but not themselves. They have to ask yes/no questions and find out who they are. (20 minutes)



What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


Handouts, sticky notes


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Everyone had fun and there was a good atmosphere.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


Insert a simple role play of “You meet an old high-school friend at a college party. What do you say?”. This would be a bit more natural than the party game “Guess who”.



If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

 Handout Party Kommittee


FR F15 “Leisure Time”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz


Day and Date : 11/24


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Leisure time

Goal of the class : Get the students to mobilize vocabulary about leisure activities.

 How did you structure the class

First the students were asked about the vocabulary they already knew about leisure activities. Then they discussed in pairs about their pastimes, favorites activities, etc… and were then asked to introduce their counterpart in front of the class. Finally they drew two random activities from a hat and were asked to find 5 pros for one and 5 cons for the others, still in pairs and tell them to the class.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students spent almost all of the time speaking so the class was really effective.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

FR 11 class 25

RU F15 INT Russian Cartoons

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Tatiana Ermolaeva

Day and Date: Wednesday, 10/07/2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Russian, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Russian cartoons

Goal of the class:

How did you structure the class?
1. Warm-up. Remember and find the names of 12 months in the chart. Handout 1
5 minutes

2. What is your favourite cartoon? Do you like Russian cartoons?
Watch the Russian cartoon about Winni the Pooh

10 minutes
Try to recreate the story (one student says one sentence repeating the sentences of the previous students – snowball).
25 minutes

3. Which song from the cartoon did you like best?
Handout 2
Try to sing it (at least to read it a bit faster)
10 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, internet, TV

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The warm up went good. The students remember the material we studied before. The cartoon was a success. The game after the cartoon went well too. Students were very attentive and they spoke well. I still have a couple of students who are not interested in the Russian language, they don’t pay much attention to the tasks during the class and I’m still trying to figure out how to involve them into the conversation with the other students.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Handout 1. Найди названия 12 месяцев

с а в г у с т и б о
ы п ы м а р т ю н к
п р р ы ю ц о н ш т
с е н т я б р ь г я
ц л м б н щ ы р н б
р ь а у в р и о о р
ы ф й в а ы ю о я ь
й ф е в р а л ь б д
р й н у ь н ь р р д
д е к а б р ь н ь ю

Handout 2

ПЕСЕНКИ ВИННИ-ПУХА (из мультфильма «Винни-Пух»)
слова Б.Заходера

Если я чешу в затылке –
Не беда!
В голове моей опилки,
Но хотя там и опилки,
Но Шумелки и Вопилки
(А также Кричалки,
Пыхтелки и даже
Сопелки и так далее)
Сочиняю я неплохо
Хорошо живет на свете
Оттого поет он эти
И неважно, чем он занят,
Если он худеть не станет,
А ведь он худеть не станет,
(Если, конечно,
Вовремя подкрепится…).

Мишка очень любит мёд!
Почему? Кто поймёт?
В самом деле, почему
Мёд так нравится ему?
Если б мишки были пчёлами,
То они бы нипочём
Никогда и не подумали
Так высóко строить дом;
И тогда (конечно, если бы
Пчёлы – это были мишки!)
Нам бы, мишкам, было незачем
Лазить на такие вышки!

Я Тучка, Тучка, Тучка,
А вовсе не медведь.
Ах, как приятно Тучке
Пó небу лететь!

Ах, в синем-синем небе
Порядок и уют –
Поэтому все Тучки
Так весело поют!

FR F15 Les Shadoks

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz


Day and Date : 11/12

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: “Les Shadoks”

Goal of the class: Work on oral comprehension and the absurd in a foreign language

How did you structure the class?

I made the students listen twice to the soundtrack of a video which tells a story. They were supposed to understand as much as they could before I even showed them the video part. Ten they could see it and they were subsequently asked to fill out missing verbs in the past tense in a text. Ten we watched a few more episodes of the cartoon and I asked them comprehension questions.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube for the cartoons

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The reception was mixed, both because the language was a little difficult for them to understand and the humor as well. It is an old French TV show which is famous for its absurd humor. But once we reviewed the vocabulary and once everything was understood, the students really liked it.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Lesson Summary FR11 #21

ES F15 Thanksgiving and future sentences

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

 Intermediate Class

 Class theme/topics discussed:

 Thanksgiving. Future sentences

 How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (15min): (Hot potato) Students will have to write in pieces of paper two nouns and one verb and a punishment. The pieces of paper are put inside a bottle (potato). With music, they pass the bottle between each other. When the music stops, the person who holds the bottle pick one piece of paper and has to make up a sentence with the written words in future sentence in less than 10 seconds. If they fail, they will have to follow the punishment.

Activity 2 (10min): They explain to me and other foreigners what Thanksgiving is about. “En ese día…”

Activity 3 (5min): Video about the origins of Thanksgiving. We played the video a couple of times to make sure everybody understood it.

Activity 4 (10min): Individually, students describe their plans for this occasion as well as any particular tradition in their own families.

Activity 5 (20min): In pairs, they have to make up a traditional menu of a Thanksgiving dinner. After that, they will present it to the rest of the class using only future sentences.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Clip from youtube :

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

They enjoyed the class a lot, specially the last activity. We were so hungry at the end of the class…

JP F15 INT Onomatopeia

Language Resident Name:

Tasuku Sasaoka

Day and Date:

Mon. Nov. 23rd, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): 

Intermediate Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed:

Onomatopeia/ Mimetic words

Goal(s) of the class:

   Students will learn some onomatopoeia and mimetic words.

Students will be able to use the onomatopoeia and mimetic words.

How did you structure the class?



Title Notes (T: teacher, S: student)
5(5) Attendance check & Announcement T checks the attendance and talk about some upcoming cultural activities.
5(10) Introduction T gives some quiz as an introduction to today’s topic. In the quiz game Ss choose what they think fit to the situation given.
10(20) Pre-Activity Ss participate in an open discussion. They share the onomatopoeias and mimetic words and T writes them down on the board. Then T asks how they sound to get Ss think of the underlying rules.
10(30) Presentation T gives some onomatopoeia, mimetic words, and the foundation rules to use them.
18(48) Practice Ss participate in a comic making activity. They get into pairs and take a page of comic without lines and onomatopoeia. Activity proceeds as follow: First, they guess the story consulting with each other. Second, they write down the lines in the blanks of callout. Third, they write down onomatopoeia that they think to fit based on the stories they decided. After that, Ss read aloud the comic they made. T gives Ss some feedbacks and reminds them of the expressions and rules regarding to onomatopoeia.
10(58) Production Ss work individually in an activity. They find a partner and talk about their own comics using the onomatopoeia and mimetic words.
2(60) Consolidation T reviews the class and gives some feedback to students.



What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

powerpoint presentation, comic

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

   What worked: It seemed the lesson was planed in a good way so that each student can learn from each other through sharing vocabulary they had, thinking upon each words, answering questions to the words given.

   What did not work: The class was not quite conversational although it was communicative in a sense that it dealt with some writing communication.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

A more conversational activity could have been added as a consolidation part at the end of the class.


Powerpoint slides used in the class: JAPAN11 Nov. 23rd

RU S15 ADV April Fool’s Day

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: April 2, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

April Fool’s Day

 Goal of the class:

Talk about pranks and practical jokes for April Fool’s Day

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 – Warm-up Talk about April Fool’s In Russia and the US: differences – 10 minutes

Activity 2 Discuss my fake “Translation prize” 🙂 – 5 minutes

Activity 3 Best April Fool’s pranks of the 20th century – 15 minutes

Look at pictures, predict what the prank is, then read and discuss

Activity 4 More April Fool’s – 15 minutes

Activity 5 Create your own prank! – 15 minutes

Work in pairs, describe what you would do and how

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was super fun 🙂

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.



RU F14 INT/ADV Russian habits and Intsrumental case

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: November 17, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Russian habits, instrumental case 

Goal of the class:

Talk about Russian habits most Americans would find weird, revise and practice the instrumental case

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 3 minutes

“My address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union” – popular song from 1973 by “Samotsvety” band

Activity 2 – Russian habits – 20 minutes

Tanya Denisova wrote an article for Buzzfeed called “16 things Russians do that Americans would find weird”.

Not only did it go viral in the English-speaking world, it’s also been recently translated into Russian, with interesting modifications.

Each students gets a copy of HANDOUT 1 (a modified version of the Russian translation, with difficult words glossed). Each student gets one or two circled in their handout to cover (they’re circled). We look at the English original on the screen and find Russian equivalents in the HANDOUT. Whoever has the point circled reads it out loud and we discuss.

We also pay attention to cases – there is a lot of instrumental we are going to discuss later in the class.

Activity 3 Revision – Instrumental Case – 10 minutes

I explain the Cases Review Sheet everyone got during their individual feedback session and we review the main verbs and prepositions used with the instrumental case.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case pair work – 15 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using HANDOUT 2 – asking each other funny questions in the handout.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case exercise – 5 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using Case Review Handout Instrumental (see pdf attached), exercise 55.

 Activity 5Wrap-up Video: Dance revolution – 7 minutes

Video from a popular Russian talk show “Vecherny Urgant” – two contestants have to guess to which music the other person is dancing. It has a lot of revolutionary references, because this show is from November, 7, the day that used to be celebrated in Russia as the Day of the Great October Revolution.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went exceptionally well! While I will still rely on pair work mostly with this group, it was very good to have a general discussion in which everyone was engaged (everyone had to look for the point discussed in their handout). The article is funny and informative – a lot of culture and useful expressions. Students in this group really appreciate handouts, especially with difficult vocabulary glossed. Pair work worked very well as usual. The students also really liked the video, it’s a good idea to watch short things like that on their level, not too overwhelmingly verbal, very funny, with language that is very repetitive and that they can understand. The students asked to review grammar, so I am going to include grammar in the remaining lessons this semester. Also, they wanted to talk about themselves more, and Activity 4 addressed that.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


PDF INSTRUMENTAL EXERCISES Instrumental Review Exercises




  1. Наряжаться (dress up) перед походом в магазин.

Мы любим хорошо выглядеть (look good). Спортивные штаны и старая зеленая футболка —

не вариант (not an option) даже для обычного похода в магазин. А вот симпатичное платье и каблуки (heels)— идеальный наряд (attire) для прогулки. И это прекрасно.


  1. Присесть на минуту перед поездкой.

Когда чемоданы уже собраны, мы обычно делаем паузу, чтобы спокойно посидеть минуту —

присядем на дорожку”.


  1. Говорить длинные и сложные тосты.

Только самый ленивый (lazy) русский человек скажет простой тост «За здоровье!»/ «Ну, будьте здоровы!» / «Будем здоровы!» Серьезно. Мы всегда готовы услышать длинные анекдоты и пожелания. Потому что нам есть что сказать.


  1. Всегда и везде рассказывать анекдоты.

Мы можем начать рассказывать историю и в середине воскликнуть (exclaim): «О, это как в том анекдоте!» И обязательно вспомним его. Ведь мы любим посмеяться (laugh a little, imperfective).


  1. “Поздравлять” “с лёгким паром” ПОСЛЕ душа или сауны.

Хотя по правилам нужно желать друг другу легкого пара до бани, мы говорим «С лёгким паром!» исключительно после бани или душа.


  1. Отвечать честно (honestly) и в деталях на вопрос, как дела.

«Как дела?» У иностранцев этот вопрос не обязательно значит, что человеку действительно ужасно интересно, как у вас дела. На этот вопрос принятно отвечать «Хорошо, спасибо!» А у нас всё не так! Если уж нашего человека спросили, как у него дела, значит, нужно ответить по-настоящему (real) и полно (full).


  1. Не улыбаться незнакомым людям.

Мы не улыбаемся людям, с которыми просто случайно встретились глазами на улице. Улыбки у нас искренние (sincere) — для друзей, родных и любимых. Чтобы улыбнуться, нужен хороший повод (excuse)!


  1. Праздновать Новый год гораздо больше, чем Рождество.

Ёлка — на Новый год. Подарки — на Новый год. Вечеринка – на Новый год. Новый год — главный зимний праздник. Рождество до сих пор отмечается гораздо меньшим количеством (quality) людей и гораздо скромнее (modest).


  1. Постоянно пересматривать и цитировать старые советские мультфильмы.

Мы часто и с большим удовольствием напеваем песенки и произносим фразы из советских мультфильмов, сохраняя интонацию и голос персонажей. Из иностранных мультиков кроме (besides) смеха дятла (дятел – woodpecker) Вуди и песни про Чипа и Дейла я вообще ничего не помню. А в наших старых добрых кино и мультфильмах смысла (sense) столько, что до конца жизни можно переосмысливать.


  1. Называть всех женщин «девушка».

Если мы хотим позвать официантку, мы кричим (shout): «Девушка!» Если обращаемся к 40-летней женщине, мы называем ее «девушка». Любая женщина, которую язык повернётся (tongue will turn, i.e. you’ll have the heart to) назвать девушкой, для нас — девушка. И все довольны!


  1. Садиться за стол поужинать и просиживать так часами до полуночи или дольше, постоянно разговаривая.

Когда мы компанией собираемся за ужином, мы садимся за стол, ужинаем и разговариваем. Затем мы просто разговариваем, потом еще едим и разговариваем, потом пьем чай и разговариваем, и, даже уходя домой, мы, стоя на пороге (threshold), еще некоторое время разговариваем. Мы любим поболтать (chat a little) и поесть. Особенно салаты с майонезом.


  1. Никогда не выкидывать (throw out) пакеты.

Серьезно, наверноe, в каждом доме есть пакет с пакетами. И ведь люди их действительно используют!


  1. Никогда не ходить в гости без подарка.

Это может быть тортик или вино к ужину, шоколад или цветы (их должно быть нечетное количество

[odd number]). На самом деле неважно, что именно дарить, главное — не приходить

«с пустыми руками» (empty-handed).






Каким американцем (или какой американкой) ты больше всего гордишься? Луисом Армстронгом, Нилом Армстронгом или Лэнсом Армстронгом?


C кем ты хочешь сфотографироваться в Голливуде? С Элвисом?


За чем ты обычно ходишь в Куп стор или в Хаб? За шоколадом? За соком? За чипсами? За вдохновением? (inspiration)



Чем ты занимался/занималась, когда был(а) маленький/маленькая? Спортом? Танцами? Музыкой? Керамикой? Астрономией? Верховой ездой? Ничегонеделанием и прокрастинацией?


Кем ты никогда и ни за что НЕ хочешь работать? Моделью? Президентом? Поваром? Медсестрой? Преподавателем? Экономистом? Юристом? Кинозвездой? В Старбаксе?


С чем ты любишь пить чай/кофе? С молоком?


RU F14 INT Russian cities

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11 

Date: November 24, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Big cities and famous places in Russia, traveling

Goal of the class:

Talk about plans for Thanksgiving, revise verbs of motion, learn about four interesting cities in Russia and other famous places (ходить/идти/ехать/ездить/лететь/летать, доехать/прилететь) 

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Thanksgiving plans – 15 minutes

General discussion – who is going where for Thanksgiving? We revise verbs of motion quickly.

Activity 2 Video “Iz okna” – 10 minutes – HANDOUT 1

NB! A funny video about a band touring Russian cities. First, we revise slang/curse words without looking at the lyrics, then listen to the song and try to pick out 8 names of Russian citite – do you know which part of Russia they’re in? We then we look at the lyrics and I explain a few constructions.

Activity 3 10 miracles of Russia – 10 minutes

We look at the website of the national contest/project “10 miracles of Russia” and talk about where these places are, has anyone been? Does it sound interesting etc. 

Activity 4 Four cities – 25 minutes

Using Handout 2, students research one of the four cities in pairs – Ekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Kazan, and Kostroma (geographically very wide in scope). They spent about 15 minutes doing research (location, population, sightseeing, claim to fame, how to get there) and discussing their destinations, then each group gets 2 minutes to “advertise” their city and we all decide whether we want to go.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well and the students definitely enjoyed working together and learning about new cities in Russia. I think it would be a good idea to develop on this topic – Russia is so huge but even major cities are not really well-known to Americans. I am also really pleased with how they use verbs of motion – they all seem to be getting really comfortable!

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any. 




В рот я ебал ваш первый канал

И второй канал тоже в рот ебал,

Третий канал тоже тот ешё кал

Да и четвёртый если честно

Смотреть бы не стал.

По мне так что пятый канал

что шестой, такой же отстой,

Как седьмой и восьмой,

Девятый десятый бля пятидесятый.

Куда не включи кругом одни дегенираты.

Сколько кнопками не щёлкой на пульте

Нормально не чего не показывают ни где

Я так устал от всего это говна

И вот именно поэтому


Из окна гостиничного номера своего

Я телевизор выкинул на авто

Авторитета местного, ну и что?

Я рок-звезда, идите на! (2 раза)

Бум! Прогнулась крыша «геленвагена»

Ха-ха-ха! Смотрите все, какая вмятина! (2 раза)


Привет Самара! Ой, то есть Саратов! То есть Волгоград!

Я крайне рад сегодня в вашем классном городе играть

Я где только не был, но самые красивые девушки в мире,

Честное слово, зуб даю, у вас в Сибири!


У вас тут так красиво – море, мосты разводные

В общем, Тверь теперь мой самый любимый город России!

То есть Казань! То есть, конечно, Пенза, я хотел сказать!

Калуга! Где ваши руки? Не слышу ваши голоса!


Вы бы знали, что сейчас творится за кулисами –

Там к нам приехали дяди какие-то лысые

Говорят – не по понятиям вниз кидать телевизоры

Если правильный пацан тачку припарковал поблизости.


Как широка и необъятна наша страна,

До чего плотно и густо населена она

Занудами типа братвы этого быдло на

Нет, ну, подумаешь… Да, ну и что, что…


Из окна гостиничного номера своего

Я телевизор выкинул на авто

Авторитета местного, ну и что?

Я рок-звезда, идите на! (2 раза)


Бум! Прогнулась крыша «геленвагена»

Ха-ха-ха! Смотрите все, какая вмятина! (2 раза)


А завтра снова в новый город нас поезд утащит

Продюсер нам сказал, что скоро отпуск, но он обманщик

Так что DJ, басист, клавишник и барабанщик

Ещё не раз посмотрят вниз на летящий ящик


Опа! На асфальте мелкие осколки кинескопа

Хозяин тачки смотрит наверх со злобой

Смотрите, вот он – уже на ресепшен потопал

Давайте выпьем за меткость, куда же делся штопор?


Как широка и необъятна наша страна

Каждый день – новые лица, новые имена

Безумный гастрольный график сводит меня с ума

И вот именно поэтому…


Из окна гостиничного номера своего

Я телевизор выкинул на авто

Авторитета местного, ну и что?

Я рок-звезда, идите на! (2 раза)


Бум! Прогнулась крыша «геленвагена»

Ха-ха-ха! Смотрите все, какая вмятина! (2 раза)



  1. ______________________ находится на юге/ юго-западе/ западе/ северо-западе/ севере/северо-востоке/востоке/юго-востоке России.
  1. Это большой/небольшой/маленький город. Численность населения – __________­­­­­_________________________________________­­­­­__ тысяч/миллионов человек.
  2. Город был основан в ________________________________________________ году.
  1. _______________________ знаменит(а) своим/своей/своими

(+Instr. e.g. музеями/парками/природой/музыкальной традицией/красивыми девушками/атмосферой/вкусной едой/ промышленностью – industry) ______________________________________________________________


  1. Три самых интересных места в (+Prep) _______________________ – это __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Город красивый/интересный/необычный/ со своей атмосферой______________________________________________________________.


  1. Нужно обязательно съездить в (+Acc.)___________________, потому что там можно___________________________________________________________________


  1. Из Москвы в ________________________ можно долететь на самолете/доехать на машине/автобусе/поезде/собаках…..

Билет стоит около _____________________ рублей.



Летом мы с друзьями ездили в __________________________________.

Мы прилетели на самолете/приехали на ___________________________________. Мы ходили в _________________________________________________________________________


Больше всего нам понравилось/ не понравилось




JP S15 ADV/INT Love in Japan

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: Tuesday, January 27th, Wednesday January 28th.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Advanced and Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Love in Japan

 Goal of the class:

Students will be familiar with St. Valentine day in Japan.

Students will learn the differences of love between the US and Japan.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Advertisement

I advertise upcoming Japanese cultural activities.

2. St. Valentine day in Japan

I ask students what is happening in this season in Japan; the answer is St. Valentine day. I ask them what the Japanese do at the time of St. Valentine day. Students explain what they know about the event. After their explanation, I streamline what they say and give a short lecture on that topic. Foe example, what are 義理チョコ,友チョコ,本命チョコ? What’s the difference between them? I explain them, using whiteboard.

3. Where to meet in Japan?

I switch the topic from St Valentine day to Love in japan. First, I ask students where an American couple gets to know each other and meet. On the left side of whiteboard, I list what they say. Second, Students think about the places where a Japanese couple usually got to know each other. On the right side of white board, I list what they come up with. 合コン is a typically Japanese occasion, so I explain about this.

4. Love process in Japan.

I write a horizontal line on whiteboard. The left end of the line means when a couple gets to know each other. The other end is the end of the couple, which means marriage, break-up etc. I list these things; first date, second date, third date, confession of love, kiss, hold hands, introduction of partner to family. Students guess when a Japanese couple do these things. Students guess how long it takes them to do these things after they first meet each other? Then, I explain about confession of love in Japan, which is very typical process in Japan when a couple starts going out.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked really well. Actually I somehow hesitated to carry out this class, because I need more time to explain—so it becomes kind of lecture—and deprive students of their opportunities to talk. I strongly recommend this topic for any Japanese LRs, since the way, process to go out in Japan is very different from American one. Students were really interested in this class.

SP15 JPN Ad Int Love in Japan

RU S15 ADV Music and wisdom: Boris Grebenshikov

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: January 22, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

Interview with Boris Grebenshikov

Goal of the class:

Announce two cultural activities coming up – two films at the Laemmle, introduce students to “Aquarium”, a cult Russian indie-rock band, their music, their spirituality and their fearless leader, Boris Grebenshikov

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Announcements – 10 min

I show the trailers for the movies I am taking students to see:

Hermitage Revealed


Activity 2 – “Aquarium” and Boris Grebenshikov – HANDOUT 1 – 15 min

We look at the lyrics of “Vyatka – San Francisco”, a cool song by Aquarium, and then watch two version of it: acoustic and full band

We discuss and try to figure out Boris Grebenshikov’s

Activity 3Interview with Boris Grebenshikov – HANDOUT 2 (questions) and HANDOUT 3 (answers) 35 min

The original is here:

It’s from January 21, so it’s really new! Each student gets Handout 2 with the question and a couple of answers (rescrambled). I give them 3 minutes to look at their answers. I ask them to read the questions out loud and whoever has the answer reads it. We discuss and clarify the vocabulary if needed. Some of the more sophisticated structures are great examples of a translation challenge, e.g. “не могло не отразиться”, “искусственно раздутый скандал”.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The more I do it, the more I see how great reading out loud is for students of any level! Some of my students are very fluent speaking, but seem to have hit a “glass ceiling” where they cannot really make their vocab and structures more varied – and reading really helps that, I find. Some of them have difficulty with it, but they all seem to be enjoying it. So I do want to keep integrating it, maybe in smaller doses.

The interview is great – great language and very representative of the political stance of Russian intelligentsia.

Finding answers in a great exercise – they have to look for thematic vocabulary, but most importantly, structures! Also, it’s great for listening comprehension, because the others don’t have those answers.

I wanted to give them time to work in pairs and answer the interview questions from a completely different perspective – say, that of a hardcore Putin supporter, or a communist, or a pop star, but we didn’t have enough time. I should have definitely cut down the number of questions. But they still enjoyed it!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CC_RUSS13_Interview with Boris Grebenshikov_Jan22

RU S15 ADV Happiness

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: January 27, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Talk about what makes people happy, 21 habits happy people have

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 5 min

We watch a short video where schoolkids are interviewed on the subject of happiness


Activity 2 – Happiness – Vocabulary – 5 min

We brainstorm synonyms for happy, joyful, excited, on cloud nine etc.

Activity 3Habits happy people have: brainstorm – 10 min

They work in pairs, writing a list of habits happy people have (minimum 10)

Activity 4Habits happy people have: read out, ask questions, discuss – 15 min

Each pair reads out their lists, taking turns. We compare, find habits that all three pairs have mentioned, discuss

Activity 5Habits happy people have: HANDOUT 1 – 25 min

We read (some points out loud) and discuss the article “21 habits happy people have”, adapted from (which is in turn translated and adapted from an English-language article published in the Huffington post

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class went super well! The topic is fun, and there was a great balance of listening (video in Activity 1), speaking (all the discussions), writing (their lists) and reading (Handout 1). They all loved the article. So good topic + good balance of activities/skills + good, natural timing = great class!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


FR S15 INT Famous People

Language Resident Name:

Day and Date:
Tuesday, January 27th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
French intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:
Famous French People

Goal of the class:
– Getting familiar with French celebrities
– Talking a bit about French history and politics through some personalities
– Talking about those French famous in the US

How did you structure the class?

1. Warm-up
Coming CA
What did you do last weekend?

2. Famous People
I give them a list of questions. In pairs, they have to guess which French celebrities it is about. Then, we watch a PowerPoint with the answers. I take time to talk to them about French politics, sports, cinema and music.
I ask them which French celebrities do they know and I list them on the white board.

3. Time’s up
We write different names of celebrities of little pieces of paper. Round 1: a student describes the person without saying the name; the others have to guess; Round 2: the student only say a word; Round 3: the student has to mime the celebrity.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

We took our time to do the activity, watching videos on Youtube to learn more about those people, what did they do, etc. I also gave them some background about French politics and history. One students was really into sports so he talked about famous French sportsmen.

PowerPoint Famous People

Handout Famous People

RU S15 ADV Poetry and wisdom: Joseph Brodsky

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: April 9, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

Joseph Brodsky: poetry and wisdom; English-language poetry in Russian

Goal of the class:

Prepare for the Russian tea April 15, learn about Joseph Brodsky, talk about life and wisdom, read well-known English-language poems in Russian

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Who is Joseph Brodsky? – 5 minutes

We discuss what they know, look at the Wikipedia page and other sources

Activity 2 Handout 1 – “Don’t leave the room” – 10 minutes

We listen to the dub-step version of Brodsky reading one of his best-known poems, “Don’t leave the room” and discuss

Activity 3 Handout 2 – Brodsky’s Life Advice – 25 minutes

We read the highlights of the famous Ann Arbor Speech – and I read from the full text on Discuss. What’s your favorite piece of advice? What is the most relevant today? How can we tell this was meant for American students?

Activity 4 Handout 3 – Poetry in translation – 20 minutes

Each student gets one poem, they take time to read and try to guess what it is (they’re really famous mostly). We discuss.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went very well – poetry is always so much fun! And they loved the life advice. More pair work next time.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CC_RUSS13_Poetry and wisdom_April 9

FR S15 ADV Women’s Day

Language Resident Name:

Day and Date:
Tuesday, March 10th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
French advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:
Women’s Day

Goal of the class:
To talk about gender discrimination
To create the end of a video
To give your opinion
Reading comprehension
To make them describe a poster

How did you structure the class?
1. Warm-up: coming CA + how was their weekend?
2. Do they know what happened on the 8th of March? If I say “male-female parity or equality”, to which fields are they thinking of?
3. Video
I show them the beginning of the video, they have to guess the end. Then we watch the real end and we discuss it.
4. Posters
I separate them in small groups of 3 and give them a poster made for Women’s day. They have to prepare a small presentation to describe the poster to the rest of the class, explain which message it conveys and if they think it works well.
5. Article
We read together an article and I introduce them to the association for women’s rights “Ni putes ni soumises”. What do they think about this article? About people’s reactions? Is there an American equivalent of “la journée de la jupe”?
6. Famous women
Still in small groups, they pick up a famous woman and prepare a small presentation about her life, her influence, her fights, and why is she inspiring for them (fictional or real woman)

Le Figaro, 9 mars 2012
Des collégiennes qui avaient organisé une «Journée de la jupe» ont été priées de changer de tenue. L’association Ni putes ni soumises critique l’attitude du collège.
Pas de jupe pour la Journée de la femme… Jeudi, à l’occasion du 8 mars, une trentaine d’élèves du collège Roger-Vailland de Poncin, dans l’Ain, avaient délaissé leur jean pour une tenue plus féminine. L’initiative a inquiété la direction de l’établissement qui a invité les collégiennes, âgées de 13 à 15 ans, à aller se changer. «En raison d’agressions verbales dont certaines ont été victimes, un membre de l’équipe de direction leur a proposé d’adopter une autre tenue», a expliqué vendredi Sylvain Weisse, le principal du collège.
Taille de la jupe
Mais les adolescentes de 4e et de 3e ont refusé d’obtempérer. Soutenues par quelques enseignants, elles ont fait circuler une pétition qui a retenu près de 80 signatures pour soutenir leur action, rapporte le quotidien Le Progrès , qui a dévoilé l’histoire.
Provocation de lolita ou acte féministe: la réponse est-elle à trouver dans la taille de la jupe? En plein débat sur l’hypersexualisation de la société après la remise d’un rapport de la sénatrice Chantal Jouanno, la direction du collège a-t-elle jugé nécessaire de calmer le jeu? Interrogés par l’observatoire Orange Terrafemina, les parents plébiscitent pour leur part à 83% l’interdiction des tenues indécentes à l’école. En juin dernier, une élève de 11 ans d’un collège de Villeparisis (Seine-et-Marne) avait également été rappelée à l’ordre par une surveillante qui avait jugée sa jupe trop courte.
«Régression du droit des femmes»
«J’avais une jupe à fleurs qui m’arrivait un peu au dessus du genoux. Ce n’était pas de la provocation. C’était un peu aberrant que l’on nous demande d’enlever notre jupe parceque l’on ne peut pas travailler avec une jupe», a rapporté une élève du collège Roger-Vailland sur RTL. «Il faut que l’on réeduque le regard des garçons, des hommes et même de la société», a également plaidé la mère d’une collégienne.
L’association Ni putes ni soumises, à l’origine du lancement de la Journée de la jupe, organisée tous les 25 novembre pour encourager les filles à oser se montrer féminines et à faire fi des préjugés, se dit choquée par cette réaction. «Je la trouve dégradante. C’est scandaleux, s’offusque sa présidente, Asma Guenifi. Ce genre d’attitude laisse penser que la provocation vient de la fille qui porte la jupe. On cautionne l’idée que cette fille est une pute. C’est très symptomatique de la régression du droit des femmes et des jeusnes filles.» Ce faisant, l’école ne fait pas son travail et va à l’encontre des valeurs de la République dénonce également l’association. «C’est là qu’il faut aborder les rapports fille garçon, parler du sexisme, lutter contre les préjugés», avance Asma Guenifi.
«Cet incident sera l’opportunité pour l’établissement de poursuivre une action engagée depuis des années autour des thèmes du recpect d’autui et des relations entre les filles et les garçons» convient le principal de Roger-Vailland. La volonté des élèves s’inscrit dans une démarche positive et reconnue comme telle par l’établissement. Des actions pédagogiques et éducatives seront très prochainement conduites avec les élèves et leurs familles», promet-il pour apaiser les tensions.

CN S15 INT Stereotypes about China & Chinese

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed:

Stereotypes about China & Chinese

Goal of the class:

  • To make students aware of some stereotypes about China and Chinese;
  • To help students develop a comprehensive and true understanding of China and Chinese;
  • To help students get a critical view of some issues and phenomena in China.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Introduce the word “stereotype” in simple Chinese to the students;
  2. Ask them to brainstorm some stereotypes about China and Chinese;
  3. Invite them to write down the stereotypes they hold (key words) on white board;
  4. Explain each stereotype they wrote and provide them with more information;
  5. Let the students fully understand different stereotypes that foreigners hold:

  1. Wrap up this topic.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Brainstorming worked well in this class, since the students were very active in coming to the front to write down the stereotypes they held on white board. Besides, they loved to understand those stereotypes through discussion with me (a native Chinese) after watching the videos.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Some stereotypes about the Chinese:

  • Chinese people are only good at math and science;
  • Chinese restaurants serve cats and dogs;
  • Chinese people look alike/exactly the same;
  • Chinese women are inferior and subordinate to men;
  • Chinese people are not allowed to be Christians;
  • Chinese people are very quiet and introverted;
  • Chinese people can ride bicycles, but can’t drive;
  • Chinese people eat everything that moves;
  • Everything “made in China” is fake;
  • Chinese people know how to play Kung Fu;
  • All Chinese names are difficult to pronounce;
  • There are only two famous actors in China: Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan;
  • When you see an Asian on the street, he/she must be Chinese;
  • Chinese is the most difficult language in the world;
  • Cantonese is the official language of China;
  • Chinese people are traditional and conservative;
  • Chinese people think money can buy anything;
  • Many foreigners tend to think that Chinese people are brainwashed or mind-controlled by their government.

CN S15 INT Chinese Spring Festival

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed:

Chinese Spring Festival

Goal of the class:

  1. To help students understand the quintessential part of Chinese culture;
  2. To help students know the history and some stories of Chinese Spring Festival;
  3. To practice students’ speaking skills from the cultural perspective (in simple Chinese).

How did you structure the class?

  1. Introduce a new topic today—Chinese Spring Festival by brainstorming (The students say something about it as much as they can.);
  2. Ask the students to learn the story and history of Chinese Spring Festival by group facilitation;
  3. Ask them to talk about how people celebrate Spring Festival in China;
  4. Learn some words and expressions about Spring Festival celebration;
  5. Learn the culture by watching some videos:

  1. Learn how to sing the Chinese New Year song “gong xi gong xi”:

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handouts and videos.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The discussion and video part worked well in this class, since the students are passionate about Chinese culture and they are interested in the funny stories of Chinese Spring Festival. Some of them will study in China next semester.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

RU F14 ADV Stereotypes

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: September 4, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Talk about stereotypes about Russia, practice listening comprehension, revise vocabulary, develop synonymy

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 – Video 1 – poem (I have learned that I have a big big family) – 5 minutes

Discussion – where is this from? What is it about (listening comprehension without the text)

Activity 2 – Poem HANDOUT 1 – 5 minutes

Compare the video to the original poem (there are some textual differences), recite it together

Activity 3 – Video 1 “You have something to be proud of” Commercial – 15 minutes

Stop for listening comprehension of Russian, discuss stereotypes about Russia: banya, hiking, icebreakers, ballet, space, music.

Activity 3Vocabulary building – HANDOUT 215 minutes

Explain vocabulary from Activities 1 and 2, talk about etymology and word-building. Based on my experience last year, this semester I keep a Google spreadsheet with vocabulary we stumble upon in class. Regular vocabulary revision with a strong focus on word-building (morphology is crucial in Russian) was one of the most efficient elements last year and it got great feedback from students. I update the spreadsheet after every class and share it with the students. They understand it is not homework, but they can consult it at their leisure (they can also edit the file, adding translations, examples, etc.)

Activity 4 – Video 4 – Interview with the director of the commercial – 15 minutes

Listening comprehension (watch once without stopping, watch again with pauses). Listen for specific information: What is the main concept of the video? Who else did they have in mind for the role? What is the budget of the commercial? What were David Duchovny’s impressions?

Activity 5 – Discussion – 5 minutes

Is the commercial rhetorically effective? What is makes good or bad?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) 

Video, Internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went very well, the students had fun watching the commercial and reading the poem. Just like with Intermediate, David Duchovny is not a big name, but the discussion was still very interesting. The interview was quite hard to understand, but these students seem to really like a challenge, so we are going to watch more videos like that in the future.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Владимир Орлов “Родное”

Я узнал, что у меня

Есть огромная родня:

И тропинка, И лесок,

В поле – каждый Колосок,

Речка, Небо надо мною –

Это все мое, родное!


4 сентября 2014

Вам есть, чем гордиться


ледокол, колоть лёд, колоть дрова







колос, колосок

родной, родня

взаимность, взаимные чувства


Крещение, крестить

купаться в проруби, прорубь (рубить)

средство передвижения


DE F14 INT Christmas and comparative

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: Wednesday, 12/03/2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas, comparative and superlative

 Goal of the class: revision of Christmas vocabulary and grammar discussed on Monday, expand on the grammar, short wrap up

How did you structure the class?

Ice Breaker: Christmas cartoon,announcements. How was the week so far, how crazy will next week be (finals)?

Intro: What did we do last time (one of my two students wasn’t there, so the other one gets to broadly summarize)

Activity One: Write all the words you associate with Christmas and winter on the board. Read them out loud and explain the ones the other person doesn’t know

Activity Two: do a word puzzle in which some of those words appear

Activity Three: grammar review – the student who was there on Monday explains the rules of comparative and superlative to the other student. Try to remember the irregular cases. Add one or two extra rules we didn’t talk about last time. Do one or two examples together

Activity Four: “Quartett” à A deck of cards is split among the students – every card has one German dish that is rated in four different categories (adjectives, so they can use the comparative). They put their cards so they can only ever see the top one. The goal is to get your partners cards. The way you do that: You pick a category you think your card has a good rating in and say the category and the rating – the person opposite checks the rating of their card, if it’s lower, he/she has to hand it over, if it’s higher he/she gets their partners card instead.

Activity Five: the students put their three favorite words they learned this semester on the board. Then they write a very short story with those words.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Cartoon, whiteboard, quartett game

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 Activity one was a little slow. They loved the games in the end and went all out on their comparatives.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Have a back up for activity one, make them explain the words they have put on the board

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


DE F14 ADV Christmas and Slang

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: 12/04/2014

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas, slang

 Goal of the class: Review vocabulary, compare traditions, recognize and understand slang expressions

 How did you structure the class?

 Ice Breaker: Announcements, talk about finals

 Activity One: play a Christmas-themed memory where the pairs consist of a picture and the word

 Activity Two: do a Christmas-related puzzle while we talked about Christmas traditions in our families

 Activity Three: My student is going to Freiburg in spring and I want her to be able to understand people there as much as possible, so we did a quick review of the most important characteristics of the dialect there. Then I asked her to do a couple of things in dialect and she had to do them

 Activity Four: I had prepared cards with slang expressions and their correspondents in standard German. She had to figure out what corresponded to what

 Activity Five: We read a dialogue in standard German. Then, using the slang expressions we learned, we transformed that dialogue in something you would hear on the street

 Activity Six: We finished with a very popular video of a German band in which a lot of the slang expression are used

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Video, whiteboard, handout, memory

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 More time!! We had to finish after half the slang expressions I prepared and only did half the dialogue because of that

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


FR F14 ADV French Geography

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

Day and Date:
Thursday, November 13th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
French advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:
French Geography

Goal of the class:
– To check their knowledge of the French geography
– To teach them some fun facts about the French geography
– To talk about the stereotypes between the different regions of France

How did you structure the class?
I tell the class that we are going to do a little contest. I divide them in pairs (plus one group of 3)
After every test, a group corrects the work of another and counts the points. We do the correction orally and I add some cultural information or fun facts.

Test 1: I give them a blank map of France. They have to place and name the main mountains and rivers.

Test 2: Quiz; they must answer eight questions about the regions/cities/departments/geographical position of France in Europe.

Test 3: they have a blank map of the regions of France and a list of those regions. They must find where each region is located.

Test 4: Each group has a “map of stereotypes”. They have to prepare a short presentation of what are those stereotypes and guess where do they come from.
I also show them the trailer of “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis” about the North/South stereotypes
To relax in the end, I show them a funny PowerPoint about the Google suggestions about the regions of France and all the stereotypes that it implies.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They all learnt about the French geography in previous classes (in high school, college) but forgot a lot. That was a good reminder. I am always surprised to see that they are confused between cities and regions. It was the occasion to clean things up.
It was also an opportunity to talk about the new law about the “découpage territorial”: France division will change from 22 to 13 regions soon.


Les cartes et leurs corrigés :

Les clichés français

Les Français selons Google

ADV Géo française

CN F14 ADV Chinese Food & Dining Culture

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Thursday, October 2, 2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Advanced 013

Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese food and dining culture

Goal of the class:

  1. Students will know eight distinguished regional cuisines in China and their unique features;
  2. Students will understand Chinese dining culture;
  3. Students will know how to make a simple Chinese dish and explain its procedures in Chinese.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Ask the students to brainstorm anything about Chinese food and dining culture;
  2. Introduce eight distinguished regional cuisines in China and analyze their unique features;
  3. Discuss Chinese dining etiquette with the students after watching a video clip;
  4. Learn how to make Chinese dumplings via two videos;
  5. Ask the students in pairs to explain the making process in simple Chinese.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Videos, powerpoint, pictures

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students were crazy about Chinese food and they really enjoyed talking about it. They thought it’s very useful to know Chinese dining culture and they have already known what to do at Chinese table. Everything went smoothly in this class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

No. (I will invite my students to make Chinese dumplings in my apartment next time.)

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.




CN F14 ADV Shopping in China

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Advanced 013

Class theme/topics discussed: Shopping in China & Tips on how to bargain in China

Goal of the class:

  1. The students will understand basic words and expressions about shopping in China;
  2. The students will learn how to bargain in China.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Help the students recall what they have known about shopping in Chinese (brainstorming);
  2. Introduce some new words and expressions about shopping in China, and ask them to discuss merits and demerits of shopping in different places;
  3. Give the students some tips on how to bargain in China via two videos:
  4. Divide them into several groups (pair work): give them a list of items that they need sell and purchase. In a group, one student acts as a salesperson, and the other as a customer. Use the useful expressions learned in this class to act out the role play.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Videos, handouts, powerpoint, pictures

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Brainstorming and role play worked very well, because almost all of them have been to China, and they are really interested in shopping there. Besides, they loved the funny videos and the role play in class, since they could easily put those useful expressions into daily practice.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


  1. 售货员:salesperson
  2. 顾客:customer
  3. 夹克:jacket
  4. 裤子:pants
  5. 男式衬衣:shirt
  6. 女式衬衣:blouse
  7. 外套:overcoat
  8. 裙子:skirt
  9. 西装:suit
  10. 运动鞋:sports shoes/sneaker
  11. 高跟鞋:high-heeled shoes
  12. 字典:dictionary
  13. 自行车:bike
  14. 贵:expensive     便宜:cheap
  15. 打折:discount
  16. 还价:bargain
  17. 试穿:try on
  18. 信用卡:credit card     现金:cash
  19. 收银台:cashier
  20. 试衣间:fitting room
  21. 你需要什么?What can I do for you?
  22. 我想买…: I want to buy …
  23. 让我看看…: Let me have a look at …
  24. 我只是随便看看:I am just looking.
  25. 我能试穿一下吗?Can I try it on?
  26. 你穿这个很漂亮:It looks nice on you.
  27. 这个多少钱?How much does it cost?
  28. 能便宜点吗?Could you please make it cheaper? 打折吗?Any discount?
  29. 收银台在哪里?Where is the cashier?
  30. 我用现金支付:I will pay in cash.
  31. 我用信用卡支付:I will pay by credit card.
  32. 你在收音机上听到有一个国庆节后的“close-out”,请问是什么意思?
  33. 商店里的售货员告诉你想要的东西已经“sold out”,请问是什么意思?
  34. 你看到一家店提供的所有衣服都写上了“30% discount”,请问是什么意思?
  35. 当你买完东西,付完钱之后,你将会得到一张上面写有你购买这件东西的时间和价格,请问这是什么?
  36. 如果你需要退换一件商品,售货员问你希望得到的是“a refund or an exchange”,请问是什么意思?
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