an archive of lesson plans

Category: People (Page 3 of 8)

About people as individuals: relationships (friends, roommates), family (family life, pets), feelings, appearance, personality

RU F15 INT Daily Routine

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Tatiana Ermolaeva
Day and Date: Wednesday, 09/23/2015
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Russian, Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Daily routine
Goal of the class: to learn / remember the vocabulary for the daily routine

How did you structure the class?
1. Warm up. Look at the Handout 1 and say whether your everyday life is different.
5 minutes.
2. Have a look at the words and expressions from Handout 2, add the words for the actions you do every day.
15 minutes
3. Describe your typical day.
15 minutes
4. Discussion: is there any difference between weekday and weekends?
What do you usually do at the weekends?
15 minutes
5. Fill in the handout “My day” in writing (Handout 3).
10 minutes
6. Watch the video on how the morning is different for boys and girls:

Share your impressions on the video.
5 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, internet, TV

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The discussion went very well. Finally the students started using the full sentences, not just separate words. The video was definitely a success. I’ll try to find videos with not many words as they react better and don’t feel the pressure to understand every single word then.
How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Handout 1

Handout 1

Handout 1

Handout 2

Handout 3

Handout 3

RU S15 ADV April Fool’s Day

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: April 2, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

April Fool’s Day

 Goal of the class:

Talk about pranks and practical jokes for April Fool’s Day

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 – Warm-up Talk about April Fool’s In Russia and the US: differences – 10 minutes

Activity 2 Discuss my fake “Translation prize” 🙂 – 5 minutes

Activity 3 Best April Fool’s pranks of the 20th century – 15 minutes

Look at pictures, predict what the prank is, then read and discuss

Activity 4 More April Fool’s – 15 minutes

Activity 5 Create your own prank! – 15 minutes

Work in pairs, describe what you would do and how

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was super fun 🙂

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.



RU F14 INT/ADV Russian habits and Intsrumental case

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: November 17, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Russian habits, instrumental case 

Goal of the class:

Talk about Russian habits most Americans would find weird, revise and practice the instrumental case

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 3 minutes

“My address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union” – popular song from 1973 by “Samotsvety” band

Activity 2 – Russian habits – 20 minutes

Tanya Denisova wrote an article for Buzzfeed called “16 things Russians do that Americans would find weird”.

Not only did it go viral in the English-speaking world, it’s also been recently translated into Russian, with interesting modifications.

Each students gets a copy of HANDOUT 1 (a modified version of the Russian translation, with difficult words glossed). Each student gets one or two circled in their handout to cover (they’re circled). We look at the English original on the screen and find Russian equivalents in the HANDOUT. Whoever has the point circled reads it out loud and we discuss.

We also pay attention to cases – there is a lot of instrumental we are going to discuss later in the class.

Activity 3 Revision – Instrumental Case – 10 minutes

I explain the Cases Review Sheet everyone got during their individual feedback session and we review the main verbs and prepositions used with the instrumental case.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case pair work – 15 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using HANDOUT 2 – asking each other funny questions in the handout.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case exercise – 5 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using Case Review Handout Instrumental (see pdf attached), exercise 55.

 Activity 5Wrap-up Video: Dance revolution – 7 minutes

Video from a popular Russian talk show “Vecherny Urgant” – two contestants have to guess to which music the other person is dancing. It has a lot of revolutionary references, because this show is from November, 7, the day that used to be celebrated in Russia as the Day of the Great October Revolution.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went exceptionally well! While I will still rely on pair work mostly with this group, it was very good to have a general discussion in which everyone was engaged (everyone had to look for the point discussed in their handout). The article is funny and informative – a lot of culture and useful expressions. Students in this group really appreciate handouts, especially with difficult vocabulary glossed. Pair work worked very well as usual. The students also really liked the video, it’s a good idea to watch short things like that on their level, not too overwhelmingly verbal, very funny, with language that is very repetitive and that they can understand. The students asked to review grammar, so I am going to include grammar in the remaining lessons this semester. Also, they wanted to talk about themselves more, and Activity 4 addressed that.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


PDF INSTRUMENTAL EXERCISES Instrumental Review Exercises




  1. Наряжаться (dress up) перед походом в магазин.

Мы любим хорошо выглядеть (look good). Спортивные штаны и старая зеленая футболка —

не вариант (not an option) даже для обычного похода в магазин. А вот симпатичное платье и каблуки (heels)— идеальный наряд (attire) для прогулки. И это прекрасно.


  1. Присесть на минуту перед поездкой.

Когда чемоданы уже собраны, мы обычно делаем паузу, чтобы спокойно посидеть минуту —

присядем на дорожку”.


  1. Говорить длинные и сложные тосты.

Только самый ленивый (lazy) русский человек скажет простой тост «За здоровье!»/ «Ну, будьте здоровы!» / «Будем здоровы!» Серьезно. Мы всегда готовы услышать длинные анекдоты и пожелания. Потому что нам есть что сказать.


  1. Всегда и везде рассказывать анекдоты.

Мы можем начать рассказывать историю и в середине воскликнуть (exclaim): «О, это как в том анекдоте!» И обязательно вспомним его. Ведь мы любим посмеяться (laugh a little, imperfective).


  1. “Поздравлять” “с лёгким паром” ПОСЛЕ душа или сауны.

Хотя по правилам нужно желать друг другу легкого пара до бани, мы говорим «С лёгким паром!» исключительно после бани или душа.


  1. Отвечать честно (honestly) и в деталях на вопрос, как дела.

«Как дела?» У иностранцев этот вопрос не обязательно значит, что человеку действительно ужасно интересно, как у вас дела. На этот вопрос принятно отвечать «Хорошо, спасибо!» А у нас всё не так! Если уж нашего человека спросили, как у него дела, значит, нужно ответить по-настоящему (real) и полно (full).


  1. Не улыбаться незнакомым людям.

Мы не улыбаемся людям, с которыми просто случайно встретились глазами на улице. Улыбки у нас искренние (sincere) — для друзей, родных и любимых. Чтобы улыбнуться, нужен хороший повод (excuse)!


  1. Праздновать Новый год гораздо больше, чем Рождество.

Ёлка — на Новый год. Подарки — на Новый год. Вечеринка – на Новый год. Новый год — главный зимний праздник. Рождество до сих пор отмечается гораздо меньшим количеством (quality) людей и гораздо скромнее (modest).


  1. Постоянно пересматривать и цитировать старые советские мультфильмы.

Мы часто и с большим удовольствием напеваем песенки и произносим фразы из советских мультфильмов, сохраняя интонацию и голос персонажей. Из иностранных мультиков кроме (besides) смеха дятла (дятел – woodpecker) Вуди и песни про Чипа и Дейла я вообще ничего не помню. А в наших старых добрых кино и мультфильмах смысла (sense) столько, что до конца жизни можно переосмысливать.


  1. Называть всех женщин «девушка».

Если мы хотим позвать официантку, мы кричим (shout): «Девушка!» Если обращаемся к 40-летней женщине, мы называем ее «девушка». Любая женщина, которую язык повернётся (tongue will turn, i.e. you’ll have the heart to) назвать девушкой, для нас — девушка. И все довольны!


  1. Садиться за стол поужинать и просиживать так часами до полуночи или дольше, постоянно разговаривая.

Когда мы компанией собираемся за ужином, мы садимся за стол, ужинаем и разговариваем. Затем мы просто разговариваем, потом еще едим и разговариваем, потом пьем чай и разговариваем, и, даже уходя домой, мы, стоя на пороге (threshold), еще некоторое время разговариваем. Мы любим поболтать (chat a little) и поесть. Особенно салаты с майонезом.


  1. Никогда не выкидывать (throw out) пакеты.

Серьезно, наверноe, в каждом доме есть пакет с пакетами. И ведь люди их действительно используют!


  1. Никогда не ходить в гости без подарка.

Это может быть тортик или вино к ужину, шоколад или цветы (их должно быть нечетное количество

[odd number]). На самом деле неважно, что именно дарить, главное — не приходить

«с пустыми руками» (empty-handed).






Каким американцем (или какой американкой) ты больше всего гордишься? Луисом Армстронгом, Нилом Армстронгом или Лэнсом Армстронгом?


C кем ты хочешь сфотографироваться в Голливуде? С Элвисом?


За чем ты обычно ходишь в Куп стор или в Хаб? За шоколадом? За соком? За чипсами? За вдохновением? (inspiration)



Чем ты занимался/занималась, когда был(а) маленький/маленькая? Спортом? Танцами? Музыкой? Керамикой? Астрономией? Верховой ездой? Ничегонеделанием и прокрастинацией?


Кем ты никогда и ни за что НЕ хочешь работать? Моделью? Президентом? Поваром? Медсестрой? Преподавателем? Экономистом? Юристом? Кинозвездой? В Старбаксе?


С чем ты любишь пить чай/кофе? С молоком?


RU F13 ADV/INT Akinator and 20 questions game

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: October 15, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:

20 questions – people and things

 Goal of the class:

Play the 20 questions game about people and objects – practice listening comprehension and short-term memory

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 – Warm-up + Video

Do you know the principle of the game? Let’s see how it works using “akinator”, a Russian alternative web site (only characters/people) – a teenager shows how the site works and narrates as he goes along. Watch once – 5 minutes

Activity 2 – Using the website

Go to projected on the screen, students thinks of a character together and them take turns in reading out the questions (one student) and answering them (another student). They negotiate if they are not sure and have to produce an answer everyone agrees with. – 10 minutes

Activity 3 – Game!

Handout 1 – Go through questions and expressions as well as sample questions – 5 minutes

Play using words in Handout 2 – only objects – 40 minutes Again, 1 student has the word and the others have to negotiate between themselves.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, Internet text

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went very well, although we only did 3 words in the game sections – but everyone had fun and practiced a variety of language expressions.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Handout 1

ИГРА 20 вопросов

Варианты вопросов:


Материал: натуральный/синтетический, ткань/бумага/пластик/железо/стекло и т.д.



Использование: как, где, зачем




  • Это больше по размеру, чем компьютер?
  • Это можно есть?
  • Это используется в учебных целях?
  • Этот предмет обладает памятью?
  • Это дорого стоит?
  • Этот предмет летает?
  • Этот предмет можно использовать дома?
  • Этот предмет – источник вдохновения?
  • С помощью этого предмета можно сделать человека красивее?
  • Этим можно писать?


Варианты ответов

Да, нет, маловероятно, возможно, иногда, редко, зависит от ситуации, отчасти, затрудняюсь ответить (вопрос не может быть применен к этому предмету)



Handout 1







Пластиковая бутылка воды


Степлер для бумаги








Вечернее платье


Крем для лица


Книга «Есть молиться любить» Элизабет Гилберт


Автомобиль «Понтиак Firefly»


JP S15 ADV/INT Love in Japan

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: Tuesday, January 27th, Wednesday January 28th.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Advanced and Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Love in Japan

 Goal of the class:

Students will be familiar with St. Valentine day in Japan.

Students will learn the differences of love between the US and Japan.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Advertisement

I advertise upcoming Japanese cultural activities.

2. St. Valentine day in Japan

I ask students what is happening in this season in Japan; the answer is St. Valentine day. I ask them what the Japanese do at the time of St. Valentine day. Students explain what they know about the event. After their explanation, I streamline what they say and give a short lecture on that topic. Foe example, what are 義理チョコ,友チョコ,本命チョコ? What’s the difference between them? I explain them, using whiteboard.

3. Where to meet in Japan?

I switch the topic from St Valentine day to Love in japan. First, I ask students where an American couple gets to know each other and meet. On the left side of whiteboard, I list what they say. Second, Students think about the places where a Japanese couple usually got to know each other. On the right side of white board, I list what they come up with. 合コン is a typically Japanese occasion, so I explain about this.

4. Love process in Japan.

I write a horizontal line on whiteboard. The left end of the line means when a couple gets to know each other. The other end is the end of the couple, which means marriage, break-up etc. I list these things; first date, second date, third date, confession of love, kiss, hold hands, introduction of partner to family. Students guess when a Japanese couple do these things. Students guess how long it takes them to do these things after they first meet each other? Then, I explain about confession of love in Japan, which is very typical process in Japan when a couple starts going out.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked really well. Actually I somehow hesitated to carry out this class, because I need more time to explain—so it becomes kind of lecture—and deprive students of their opportunities to talk. I strongly recommend this topic for any Japanese LRs, since the way, process to go out in Japan is very different from American one. Students were really interested in this class.

SP15 JPN Ad Int Love in Japan

RU S15 INT New Year Resolutions

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11 

Date: January 21, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Winter break, New Year resolutions

Goal of the class:

We talk about Winter break, their classes this semester, and discuss New Year resolutions

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 Warm-up – Winter break & classes this semester – 20 minutes

How was your break? Where did you go? What did you do? What classes are you taking this semester? The students ask each other

Activity 2 – New Year Resolutions – Newspaper article – HANDOUT 1 – 20 minutes

They take turns reading the resolutions out loud, we discuss grammar and vocabulary. 

Activity 3 – New Year Resolutions: their own – 10 minutes

We write our resolutions on the board – 5 each using “I will” (practice imperfective verb forms)

Activity 4 – Housekeeping – 10 minutes

We go through the conversation class requirements, sign the agreement, talk about cultural activities and possible topics for conversation classes and our conversation class project

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Reading aloud is really good for both of these students! We’ll definitely do smaller texts in the future, otherwise it becomes tedious pretty soon, but it’s definitely useful for both of them.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CC_RUSS11_New Year Resolutions_Jan21 


ES S15 INT Advices/Cohabiting

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 11.1- Intermediate

 Date: 02/25/2015

 Class theme/topics discussed: Giving advice. Cohabiting issues. Opinion, negotiating.

 Goal of the class: To get familiar with some vocabulary related to renting and apartment/cohabiting issues. To solve problems and situations when living together with other people. Big Brother.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):


 1st Activity-warm-up: Giving advices. Each student picked a card with a problem, i.e I like my best friend’s partner, and I can’t sleep… He/she asked his/her peers for solutions and they all practiced the formula: debes/deberías, tienes que, debes.

2nd Activity: Role-play. In pairs and trios, they need to deal with certain unpleasant situations when sharing a flat: two roommates in a hurry at the same time in the bathroom, cleaning schedule, gossiping, and so on. I hand out cards with given roles and situations.

3rd Activity: Big Brother. (See pdf attached) I hand out cards with profiles and descriptions written on them. Each student will represent one housemates of Big Brother. Then each student is given a copy of the next page and finds out who he/she ́s going to be. Everybody introduces himself to the group. Students must decide who they ́re going to nominate according to the information provided in the table and any other details they may make up. Once they ‘ve taken a decision they will have to nominate one of their housemates face to face, giving their reasons and saying at least something positive about the nominee too. Nominees have the right to defend themselves. Once all the contestants have nominated someone, the votes are counted and the two most voted contestants try to persuade the audience not to vote to evict them.

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was fun and coherent. The students engaged in the activities and act out.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

I changed the order of the activities in this class and it worked better. The Big brother activity should be very directed.

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.



 (Dos fichas. Tres personas).

Uno de vuestros compañer@s de piso últimamente no limpia cuando le toca. Vosotros habéis decidido tener una charla para decirle lo que pensáis. A es bastante duro, pero B intenta suavizar la situación.
Compartes piso con otros dos compañero@. Últimamente estás muy ocupad@ y no has limpiado mucho la casa. Tus compañer@s han decidido hablar contigo. Tú los entiendes, pero intentas excusarte diciéndoles lo ocupado que estás últimamente.

(Una ficha. Dos personas).

Tenéis que hacer la compra en el súper. Estáis l@s dos en la cocina viendo lo que tenéis y lo que tenéis que comprar.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas)

Acaba de llegar un corean@ al piso donde vives. Ve una cafetera italiana pero nunca había visto nada parecido. Tienes que explicarle para qué sirve y cómo funciona. Tendrás que ser un poco paciente porque casi no sabe español.
Acabas de llegar a un piso en España. Entras en la cocina y ves una cafetera italiana. Pero tú nunca has visto nada parecido en Corea (tu país). Le preguntas a un@ de tus nuev@s compañer@s. Tú no sabes casi nada de español, pero eres muy curios@ y le preguntas varias veces para entender bien todo lo que te dice.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

El/la chic@ de la habitación de al lado hace mucho ruido por la noche. Lleva un mes así y decides hablar con él/ella. Estás bastante nervios@ porque tienes que madrugar y casi todas las noches te quedas dormid@ muy tarde por los ruidos. Él/ella dice que no sabe de qué estás hablando. Pero tú insistes.
El/la chic@ de la habitación de al lado te dice que en tu cuarto hay mucho ruido por la noche. Él/ella tiene que madrugar y está bastante molesto. Tú te haces el suec@ y le dices que no son de tu cuarto, que no sabes de qué te habla. Él/ella insiste y tú te vas un poco enfadado, aunque sabes que sí son de tu cuarto.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Vives en un piso con tres compañer@s más. En el edificio hay una vecina muy cotilla que viene con un pastel para vosotros, pero en realidad viene para que le cuentes la vida de los del piso y te hace muchas preguntas sobre la gente del piso: cuántos sois, qué estudiáis…
Hace poco han venido al piso de al lado un@s estudiantes. Tú, que eres muy cotilla, vas a su casa con un pastel y te encuentras con uno de ell@s. En realidad quieres saber de sus vidas y le haces muchas preguntas: cuántos sois, qué estudian…

(Una ficha. Tres personas).

Acabáis de llegar a un piso para compartirlo durante el nuevo curso. Una de las cosas más importantes que tenéis que hacer es organizar la limpieza de la casa. A es una persona muy activa y parece un poco marimandona. B siempre le lleva la contraria a A y C es una persona muy tranquila pero termina enfadándose porque no os ponéis de acuerdo.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Son las siete y media de la mañana. Vas rápidamente al baño para ducharte y vestirte porque tienes que ir a hacer un examen. Pero te encuentras a otro compañer@ de piso que también va a entrar al baño. Tú le dices que lo sientes mucho, pero tienes que irte rápidamente a la facultad porque tienes un examen y no te da tiempo. Él/ella tiene que ir a trabajar. Si tú llegas tarde al examen no te dejarán entrar.


Son las siete y media de la mañana. Vas rápidamente al baño para ducharte y vestirte porque tienes que ir a trabajar. Pero te encuentras a otro compañer@ de piso que también va a entrar al baño. Tú le dices que lo sientes mucho, pero tienes que irte rápidamente porque tienes que ir a la oficina y no te da tiempo. Él/ella tiene que se tiene que ir a hacer un examen. Tu jefe es muy estricto con el horario.

(Tres fichas. Tres personas).

Vives con otros dos compañer@s de piso. Este fin de semana es tu cumpleaños y quieres hacer una fiesta en el piso. Es un día muy especial para ti y quieres hacer esa fiesta de todas formas. Además, ya has invitado a unas veinte personas. Se lo comunicas a tus compañer@s. Habrá problemas y te propondrán otros días alternativos para hacer la fiesta, pero tú intentarás celebrar tu cumpleaños cuando lo habías decidido.
Un@ de vuestr@s compañeros de piso quiere hacer una fiesta en el piso este fin de semana porque es su cumple. Tú no quieres que haga la fiesta de ninguna manera porque el lunes tienes un examen muy importante. Así que intentarás evitarla. Te pones muy, muy nervios@.
Uno de vuestr@s compañer@s de piso quiere hacer una fiesta en el piso este fin de semana porque es su cumpleaños. A ti no te importa demasiado, pero a tu otro compañero sí (sois tres) porque tiene un examen muy importante el lunes siguiente. Al principio intentas que se haga la fiesta, pero luego te das cuenta de que tu compañer@ que tiene el examen tiene razón e intentas que la fiesta no se haga. Propones tros días alternativos para hacerlas.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Son las nueve de la mañana. Tocan al timbre del piso y abres. Es la madre de uno de tus compañer@s de piso que ahora mismo no está en casa. La madre entra y tú no sabes qué hacer, así que te sientas con ella en la sala. Ella te hace muchas preguntas (algunas muy personales) sobre su hij@ y tú contestas. Pero a esas horas no te apetece nada hablar. Además, sabes que su hij@ lleva en secreto algunas cosas de su vida. Le terminas diciendo que tienes algo que hacer para escapar de la situación.
Llegas al piso de tu hij@. Te abre un@ de sus compañer@s porque él / ella no está. Pasa, te sientas en la sala y empiezas a preguntarle a su compañer@ cosas (algunas muy personales) sobre tu hij@: si come bien, si tiene novi@, si estudia mucho… Además, tú sospechas de que tu hij@ te esconde algunas cosas.


(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Estáis en época de exámenes y últimamente no limpiáis mucho la casa, o sea, que está hecha una pocilga. Tus compañer@s de piso han salido y llega la casera. Se enfada muchísimo contigo porque tenéis todo sucio. Tú le dices que estáis de exámenes y que no tenéis mucho tiempo para limpiar. Pero ella está muy furiosa, así que terminas enfadándote tú también por su incomprensión.
Eres la casera de un piso de estudiantes. Vas a ver qué tal van las cosas por el piso y te lo encuentras todo muy sucio. Está en casa un@ de l@s chic@s y te enfadas con él /ella. Se intenta excusar, pero a ti no te calma nada de lo que te dice y te pones muy furiosa. Amenaza con echarl@s de la casa.

big brother

RU S15 ADV Happiness

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: January 27, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Talk about what makes people happy, 21 habits happy people have

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 5 min

We watch a short video where schoolkids are interviewed on the subject of happiness


Activity 2 – Happiness – Vocabulary – 5 min

We brainstorm synonyms for happy, joyful, excited, on cloud nine etc.

Activity 3Habits happy people have: brainstorm – 10 min

They work in pairs, writing a list of habits happy people have (minimum 10)

Activity 4Habits happy people have: read out, ask questions, discuss – 15 min

Each pair reads out their lists, taking turns. We compare, find habits that all three pairs have mentioned, discuss

Activity 5Habits happy people have: HANDOUT 1 – 25 min

We read (some points out loud) and discuss the article “21 habits happy people have”, adapted from (which is in turn translated and adapted from an English-language article published in the Huffington post

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class went super well! The topic is fun, and there was a great balance of listening (video in Activity 1), speaking (all the discussions), writing (their lists) and reading (Handout 1). They all loved the article. So good topic + good balance of activities/skills + good, natural timing = great class!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


DE S15 INT Feelings

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: Monday, 1/21/2015

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Feelings

Goal of the class: Familiarize the students with the vocabulary for describing people and feelings

 How did you structure the class?

Ice Breaker: Talk about the weekend – who saw the Pomona – CMS basketball game? Talk about the swim meet (one of my students swims for the team), have everyone present themselves again because we had a new student 

Activity One: Watch a short comedy clip that introduces the topic and vocabulary (

 Activity Two: Which adjectives were in the video? Which other ones do you know to describe people/feelings 

Activity Three: I prepared a handout with emoticons and another one with adjectives describing feelings. The students had to match the feelings to the emoticons

Activity Four: Guess a feeling. I prepared cards with an adjective on them that describes a feeling. The students each drew a card and then we all said the same simple sentence (“I’m meeting Sven tomorrow”) but with an inflection and gestures appropriate to whatever feeling each student had on their card. The rest of the group had to guess which feeling the student was trying to portray.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Video, whiteboard, handout 

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

The students loved the video (I already used it in my intermediate class last semester and they really liked it too) and impressed me with how many adjectives they already knew. They liked the exercise with the emoticons and trying out the new vocabulary in the last activity drew a lot of laughs

How could this class be improved/ modified?

At first I thought the exercise with the emoticons took a bit too long and should maybe be done with less vocabulary. But then the students started bringing the handout to the next class to look up words which means they actually value it as a resource, so maybe it was a good idea to make it comprehensive

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


CN S15 INT Stereotypes about China & Chinese

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed:

Stereotypes about China & Chinese

Goal of the class:

  • To make students aware of some stereotypes about China and Chinese;
  • To help students develop a comprehensive and true understanding of China and Chinese;
  • To help students get a critical view of some issues and phenomena in China.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Introduce the word “stereotype” in simple Chinese to the students;
  2. Ask them to brainstorm some stereotypes about China and Chinese;
  3. Invite them to write down the stereotypes they hold (key words) on white board;
  4. Explain each stereotype they wrote and provide them with more information;
  5. Let the students fully understand different stereotypes that foreigners hold:

  1. Wrap up this topic.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Brainstorming worked well in this class, since the students were very active in coming to the front to write down the stereotypes they held on white board. Besides, they loved to understand those stereotypes through discussion with me (a native Chinese) after watching the videos.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Some stereotypes about the Chinese:

  • Chinese people are only good at math and science;
  • Chinese restaurants serve cats and dogs;
  • Chinese people look alike/exactly the same;
  • Chinese women are inferior and subordinate to men;
  • Chinese people are not allowed to be Christians;
  • Chinese people are very quiet and introverted;
  • Chinese people can ride bicycles, but can’t drive;
  • Chinese people eat everything that moves;
  • Everything “made in China” is fake;
  • Chinese people know how to play Kung Fu;
  • All Chinese names are difficult to pronounce;
  • There are only two famous actors in China: Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan;
  • When you see an Asian on the street, he/she must be Chinese;
  • Chinese is the most difficult language in the world;
  • Cantonese is the official language of China;
  • Chinese people are traditional and conservative;
  • Chinese people think money can buy anything;
  • Many foreigners tend to think that Chinese people are brainwashed or mind-controlled by their government.

ES S15 ADV Speed dating

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Rosina Desimone


Day and Date: Thursday, April 9th


Language and Level: Spanish Advanced


Class theme/topics discussed: Citas


Goal of the class: For students to review and work on vocabulary related to a varied set of topics, so as to create and act out their own characters.


How did you structure the class:


Ice-breaker: Short game “¿Qué puedes hacer con esto?: The teacher writes a word on the board (eg: lámpara). Then, he/she divides the group into two teams. Each team has to come up with the greatest amount of “crazy” ways in which a certain object may be used.


Warm-up: The teacher divides the students into groups of two. Then, she /he shows them a ppp with pictures of Argentinian celebrities. The tasks consists for the students to create and adopt a fictional character based on these pictures. They have to come up with basic information related to name, age, hobbies, likes and dislikes, appearance, nationality, etc.


Then, the teacher indicates that these characters the students invented are best friends and have relationship problems with their respective partners. The students in pairs discuss what would they need/like in a future boyfriend or girlfriend as if they were friends.


After that, the teacher indicates that these characters are going to a blind date soon and therefore, they have to give advice to each other about these future date (what to do/not to do? What to say/not to say? What should they wear? Etc.)


Role-play: girls sit in a circle and the boys sit opposite each girl. They are going to have a speed date as if they were the characters they invented at the beginning of the activity. They have approximately 5 minutes to talk before they rotate and move to their next “date.”


Wrap up: The “friends” (groups of two of the first activity) meet again and talk about their experiences on the dates they had; they give advice for their further future dates.






What technology, media or props did you use?:


TV set, my laptop, My Ppp


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The warm up was not as engaging as the main activity in the class.

The “speed date” activity worked really well as each task was “building” the vocabulary and structures they needed to move to the next activity. It was also very fun for the students to have their teacher participating on the last activity (I had to take a role so that the number of students in the circles was even)

How could this class be improved/modified?

Speed Date

DE S15 ADV Crime

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

Day and Date: Thursday, 4/10/15

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Crime

Goal of the class: introduce vocabulary around crime, familiarize the students with one of the most popular German TV series right now

 How did you structure the class?  

Ice Breaker: how did you like working on the project? What was new, also in terms of language?

Activity One: Which words do you know that are related to crime? How could someone die? I checked the words off of a list I prepared and handed it around in the end so they could see which vocabulary was still new 

Activity Two: Work in pairs: One of you describes a crime scene, the other one has to draw it 

Activity Three: “Black Story”. A black story is a very short account of a crime/ crime scene, the audience then has to guess what happened, using only yes or no questions

Activity Four: We watched the first episode of the German TV show “Tatortreiniger” which is about someone who comes to clean up crime scenes. An episode is only 25 minutes, so there was enough time to stop every now and then and make sure they understood the main points (there are no subtitles for the show)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube, whiteboard, handout

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They loved the class and kept using the words even in later classes, so for some reason it must’ve been memorable

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Das Verbrechen

Der Mord, der Mörder, jemanden ermorden, der Selbstmord
Die Tat, der Täter, der Tatort
Der Beweis, etwas beweisen, das Beweismittel
Die Spur, Spuren suchen, die Spurensicherung, der Fingerabdruck
Der Tod, töten, tot
Die Leiche, der Leichnam
Das Blut, bluten, die Blutflecken
Die Polizei à die KriPo, der Kommissar, der Detektiv
Das Gericht, der Richter, der Anwalt, das Urteil, jemanden verurteilen
Das Verbrechen, der Verbrecher, ein Verbrechen begehen
Das Gefängnis / der Knast (colloq.), im Gefängnis sitzen 


RU F14 ADV Stereotypes

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: September 4, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Talk about stereotypes about Russia, practice listening comprehension, revise vocabulary, develop synonymy

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 – Video 1 – poem (I have learned that I have a big big family) – 5 minutes

Discussion – where is this from? What is it about (listening comprehension without the text)

Activity 2 – Poem HANDOUT 1 – 5 minutes

Compare the video to the original poem (there are some textual differences), recite it together

Activity 3 – Video 1 “You have something to be proud of” Commercial – 15 minutes

Stop for listening comprehension of Russian, discuss stereotypes about Russia: banya, hiking, icebreakers, ballet, space, music.

Activity 3Vocabulary building – HANDOUT 215 minutes

Explain vocabulary from Activities 1 and 2, talk about etymology and word-building. Based on my experience last year, this semester I keep a Google spreadsheet with vocabulary we stumble upon in class. Regular vocabulary revision with a strong focus on word-building (morphology is crucial in Russian) was one of the most efficient elements last year and it got great feedback from students. I update the spreadsheet after every class and share it with the students. They understand it is not homework, but they can consult it at their leisure (they can also edit the file, adding translations, examples, etc.)

Activity 4 – Video 4 – Interview with the director of the commercial – 15 minutes

Listening comprehension (watch once without stopping, watch again with pauses). Listen for specific information: What is the main concept of the video? Who else did they have in mind for the role? What is the budget of the commercial? What were David Duchovny’s impressions?

Activity 5 – Discussion – 5 minutes

Is the commercial rhetorically effective? What is makes good or bad?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) 

Video, Internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went very well, the students had fun watching the commercial and reading the poem. Just like with Intermediate, David Duchovny is not a big name, but the discussion was still very interesting. The interview was quite hard to understand, but these students seem to really like a challenge, so we are going to watch more videos like that in the future.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Владимир Орлов “Родное”

Я узнал, что у меня

Есть огромная родня:

И тропинка, И лесок,

В поле – каждый Колосок,

Речка, Небо надо мною –

Это все мое, родное!


4 сентября 2014

Вам есть, чем гордиться


ледокол, колоть лёд, колоть дрова







колос, колосок

родной, родня

взаимность, взаимные чувства


Крещение, крестить

купаться в проруби, прорубь (рубить)

средство передвижения


ES F14 ADV Body Language, Facial Expressions, Moods

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: ISAAC GIMENEZ

Day and Date: 10/11/2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Body language. Facial expressions. Moods.

Goal of the class: To be able to describe facial expressions, moods and actions. Revise vocabulary related to body/face parts

How did you structure the class?

Ice-Breaker: What am I doing? We stand up and I start by doing a gesture, for instance I pretend I eat my nails, and saying something else like I am watching TV. The next student says “You are not watching TV, you are reading” while doing another gesture, for instance yawning. I write all the vocabulary on the board.


1st Activity: Acting out with gestures

Each student takes a piece of paper. In the paper a gesture or action is described, like whistling while walking, drumming your fingers on the table, and so on. Students need to guess how to say the action in Spanish and discuss about its meaning, appropriateness, and context. We also talk about the social connotations it might have and the difference between countries.


2nd Activity: Faceboard project. The American photographer Mike Lerramor developed a project where the same person is portrayed doing many faces. Students work in groups of 3. Each group has a handout. In turns, they need to describe certain face, its expression, what it projects, and the others have to guess to which picture he/she is referring. [See the following website for more information about the project].

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Handouts, board

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

We revised many words related to gestures and expression in the first 2 activities, so students could use them in the last activity. I wanted them to go further when describing someone’s face and I think it was successful. This plan could be adapted for intermediate students.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The last activity was probably too long, A variation of the same activity could be useful.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

1st Activity:

  • Atusarse el pelo con la mano
  • Ajustarse el nudo de la corbata con la mano
  • Morderse un labio
  • Acariciar un objeto determinado inconscientemente
  • El ceño fruncido
  • El puño cerrado: Revela tensión nerviosismo, se oculta la verdad
  • Los hombros caídos
  • Sentarse con las dos piernas unidas paralelamente
  • Cruzar la pierna en un ángulo de 90º al nivel de la rodilla
  • Pestañear contantemente: Denota atención total.
  • No mirar a una persona
  • Mirar prolongadamente con la cara seria.
  • Mirar hacia los lados con cierta frecuencia
  • Caminar muy deprisa/despacio
  • Jugar con un lápiz o un objeto cualquiera:
  • Mirar el reloj mientras se habla
  • Tamborilear los dedos sobre una superficie
  • Silbar mientras se camina
  • Poner los pies sobre la mesa
  • Echarse hacia atrás en una butaca
  • Un tono de voz demasiado alto

Twenty portrait of a woman with differnet expressionsFaceboard_Project_by_Mike_Larremore_2014_0510653045881065304568

DE F14 INT Body Parts

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: Wednesday, 09/24/2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Body parts, conversation class projects

 Goal of the class: repeat vocabulary on body parts, introduce idioms related to those

How did you structure the class?

 Ice Breaker: One of my students had a video he wanted to share, it was a soap opera for learners of German with German subtitles, we watched the first 7 minutes of one episode

 Activity One: Talk about the conversation class projects. Introduce the topic, brainstorm. Show examples of earlier projects

 Activity Two: Fill out sheet. Match the name of the body part to the respective line in the picture.

Activity Three:  What hurts? Repeat the vocabulary by creating scenarios and then asking which body part ends up hurting as a result of that scenario (for example: My shoes are to small and I’ve been walking in them all day. What hurts?)

Activity Four: talk about idioms with body parts. I write down the idiom and give them an example when it would be used. They have to say what it means and tell me if there’s an English equivalent

 Activity Five: Simon says with body parts (Simon says: touch your navel. Simon says: Raise your hand. Touch your foot, …)

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Video, white board, handouts

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They were great at filling out the sheet and for once were equally matched in terms of vocabulary. One of my best moments was when my usually weaker student explained her fellow student why he got two of the body parts wrong.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

We spent too much time on the idioms and didn’t get to play Simon says

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

 Body Parts



ES S14 ADV – Communication and Technology

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 13.1- Advanced

Date:  04/15/2014

Class theme/topics discussed: Communication and technology

Goal of the class: To discuss about communication, distant relationships and language used when texting.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Head-ups: Upcoming cultural activities.

Warm up activity: In pairs, back to back.

First each student has to draw a Tic Tac Toe squares. Inside each frame they have to draw three geometrical figures among squares, triangles, circles, stars, dots and lines (horizontal, vertical and diagonal). Then, in turns, they have to draw their partner’s squares exactly as it looked. For that purpose, they use directions, such as: in the right top frame there is a triangle on top, below the triangle there is a diagonal line going up from left to right and next to it and star.

Both students have to give directions and listen to their peers.

Activity 1: Trailer of the Spanish film 10.000 kms, dealing with a love relationship through the Internet.

We discuss about distance relationships and the secrets to survive.

Activity 2: We brainstorm about the language used in English for texting. We come up with some examples.

Then, I say a sentence and students need to translate it into texting language on the board. We came up with some rules.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) Board, TV, laptop, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed the debate and discussed about long-distance relationships.  They enjoyed a lot Spanish used for texting , as is something they can use in their daily life. They were very creative in the end and came up with many text messages to be translated to regular Spanish.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

They could have worked in smaller groups, so the interaction would have been more fruitful.


Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


HOLA= hl

¿QUÉ TAL?= q tl? k tl?

ESTOY= toy, stoy


DESDE= dsd

PORQUE= pq, xq

PARA= xa

PERO= xo

TE QUIERO= tq, tk

UN BESO= 1bs

UN BESITO= 1 bst

UN BESAZO= 1 bsz

EN CASA= n ksa

ESTA NOCHE= sta noxe

CENAR = cnar

TENGO= tngo

CUANDO= cnd,cd




GUAPO,A= wapo,a







1. hl nene, qt? qdms a ls 5 n l parq? bss

2. Q tl? Yo toy mb. Vams sta noxe a cnar fuera ?

3. Stoy studiand. No puedo salir pq tngo exam mñn.

4. Hl, wapa! k hacs? yo toy n mi ksa. Dps salgo 1 poco. Bst!






1. Hola, Carlos. ¿Quieres venir mañana al concierto de Shakira?

2. ¿Qué tal? Esta tarde no puedo irporque tengo que estudiar. Un beso.

3. ¿Vas esta tarde al instituto? Si vas, nos vemos allí. Hasta luego.

4. ¿Cuándo vas a llegar? Te estoy esperando hace una hora.


FR S14 INT Family & Marriage

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 04/15

Class theme/topics discussed:

Family and marriage

Goal of the class:

Review the family members

Talking about one’s family and one’s own ideas about marriage

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

1 General discussion

How is their family? Are they close? Do they see them often?

2 Taboo

Pairs. A student draws a card with the name of a family member. He has to make his partner guess who is it without saying it.

3 Brainstorming

I give them a handout with 12 questions about the family. They pick up one and answer it in front of the rest of the class.

4 Same-sex marriage

I tell them about the law that was adopted last year. I show them a video with the negative comments about it and then ask their opinion.


What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

As I had only three students, I had to modify it a little bit. Actually, we took a lot of time just talking about our families. I think now they are comfortable enough with the language to have more debates and general conversations about a topic, which is really interesting. We also talked more generally about marriage if they would like to get married, when, why


How could this class be improved/ modified?






  1. Quelles sont les différences entre les familles américaines et les familles françaises si vous en connaissez ?


  1. Qui devrait prendre soin des personnes âgées ?


  1. Quels sont les modèles de famille en dehors de la conception traditionnelle de la famille ? (par exemple : les familles monoparentales, les familles recomposées, le mariage homosexuel…)


  1. Depuis que vous êtes à l’université, votre relation avec vos parents a-t-elle changé ?


  1. Le mariage est-il essentiel pour le bon fonctionnement de la famille ou de la société ?


  1. Pouvez-vous comparer la vie d’un jeune Américain à l’université et celle d’un jeune Français ?


  1. Mariage religieux ou mariage civil : lequel est le plus important pour vous ?


  1. Quelles valeurs pensez-vous devoir enseigner à un enfant ?


  1. Les droits des parents séparés sur la garde des enfants : que pensez-vous de la situation des pères ?


  1. Quels sont les avantages et/ou les inconvénients des familles multiculturelles ?


  1. Pensez-vous que les enfants d’aujourd’hui sont négligés en raison des longues heures de travail des parents ?


  1. Que pensez-vous du droit des homosexuels d’adopter des enfants ?




































ES S14 INT – Body Parts

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 11.1- Intermediate

Date:  02/18/2014

Class theme/topics discussed: Body Parts

Goal of the class: To review and learn vocabulary related to body parts

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Warm-up

In pairs, they need to fill the blanks and complete all the body parts pointed out.

2 Expressions

I write down some expressions in Spanish related to body parts. They try to infer what they mean and find their equivalent in English.

3  Cards

Students have certain amount of cards with different parts of the body. They need to say “my head hurts”, for instance, and their peers need to guess whether it is true or not. The goal is to have less and less cards.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) Board, handouts


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 They liked to topic and got into it from the very beginning. They enjoyed the expressions in Spanish and English, it was challenging to understand but they managed.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

The card game worked for sometime but then it became boring. The students can make up more rules and make it more interesting.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

(see pdf)


ES S14 INT/ADV Group Therapy

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 11.1/13.1- Intermediate and Advanced

Date:  03/06/2014

Class theme/topics discussed: Giving advice: Therapy group.

 Goal of the class: Giving advice to other people. Telling a story in the past. Talking about the present.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):


– Upcoming cultural activities

Activity 1: Each student takes a random card with a profile: alcoholic, Bigorexic, exhibitionist and so on. They need to make a story up considering the past of the character and the way that condition affects daily life. Other students need to give him/her some advices.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) Handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

All the students told their story and listened to others. It was really fun because some students told crazy stories and got into the characters. It is an activity to do with both, intermediate and advanced and it takes one hour.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

There are many students in the class so in the end we had to hurry up to introduce everybody´s character. Some people took it too seriously and spoke a lot, not allowing other people participate that much so I needed to balance it out.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


CN S14 ADV Pick-up Lines

Class theme/topics discussed:
Pick-up lines

Goal of the class:
Learn something funny in real life.

Structure of the class:
1. Warm up activity— What kind of pick-up lines you already know?
2. Pick-up lines practice (see attachment)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students loved the pick-up line topics. They asked me to teach them more. Also they enjoyed the cards against humanity games.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

搭讪Pick-up lines

我以为幸福(happiness)是以H开头started with H的,为什么我的幸福以U开头?


你知道我的T恤是什么材料(materiel)做成(made of)的吗?男朋友材料。

你有地图吗?因为在你的眼睛里我迷路(get lost)了。



我的医生说我缺少(lack)维生素Vitamin U。

你最近看医生了吗?我觉得你缺少(lack)一些维生素Vitamin Me。

你太漂亮了,以至于我忘了我的搭讪pickup台词 line.。





你就像一本字典,因为你给我的生活 增加(add)了意义(meaning)。



RU S14 ADV Wrap-up Parody songs Simultaneous translation class

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: December 8, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Have an enjoyable tea-party with delicious cookies and listen to/watch some genuinely fun examples of contemporary culture and also talk about some aspects of simultaneous translation.

GREAT for MID-TERM class

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Warm-up – sign Christmas/New Year’s cards in Russian. Cards are provided. How do you wish things in Russian, etc. – 10 min

Activity 1 –  Song & Parody – 15 min

  1. 1.     Russian pop song about a girl who longs to go to Manhattan and be pals with Demi Moore –  Handout 1
  2. Russian parody song about Demi Moore who longs to go to Russia and live a “normal” Russian life –  lots of fun stereotype inversions etc. Handout 2
  3. Discussion – what makes the parody funny? What Russian stereotypes are involved?

Activity2  – Russian talk show “Vechernyj Urgant” – interview with Mark Zuckerberg35 min

Simultaneous translation and language transformations involved (cf. “make the world more connected” – “сделать мир более открытым», “the challenge is..” – “задача в том, чтобы….”, “a lot of why we’re here..” – “главная причина, по которой мы здесь…») – you can sometimes hear both languages, interesting to compare.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, text

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The goal was without a doubt fully achieved! The students are also so proficient already that it makes sense to talk about certain application of language such as simultaneous translation. It is fascinating to them and certainly can be something they could try!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

HANDOUTS Russian Advanced 13 F13 Wrapup 


RU S14 ADV Proust Questionnaire

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: October, 8 and 10, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:

Proust Questionnaire – Traits of character/qualities

Goal of the class:

Talk about traits of character/qualities, listening comprehension (normal speed spontaneous speech)

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

PART 1 (60 minutes)

Activity 1 – Warm-up

First glance at the lyrics of “Vasya”, a song by  Bravo, a 80’s-90’s Russian disco/rock’n’roll band – some words are missing (see handout 1) – 3 minutes

Video 1 – music video of “Vasya”, live from 1991

Fill in on the first listen, check together, discuss etymology of words, watch again – 7 minutes

Activity 2 – Marcel Proust’s Questionnaire – 30 questions divided into 3 parts (number of students). Each student reads their question to make sure everyone understands it – 15 minutes. Make sure we understand the vocabulary.

Video 2 – “Pozner” – Russian tv-show by Vladimir Pozner. Questionnaire part of the interview with director and tv personality Aleksandr Gordon, starts at 46:03  – 7 minutes

Video 3 – “Pozner” – Russian tv-show by Vladimir Pozner. Questionnaire part of the interview with magazine editor Aliona Doletskaya , starts at 45:32 – 7 minutes

Ask your partners a few of «your» questions, discuss – 20 minutes

PART 2 – SHORT (30 minutes)

Activity 1 – vocab revision – take one sentence from HANDOUT 3 (all adapted from handout 2) and describe a situation/evaluative scenario which ends with this sentence, 9 sentences – 25 minutes

Activity 2 – discuss conversation class projects – 5 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

 Video, Internet, text

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I thought the class went very well.

Vasya is a fun song and relatively easy to understand for this level, serves as a nice warm-up for any class, regardless of the topic. With it, we also establish continuity for this class as well as for an advanced Russian/Post-soviet culture class all the 3 students are taking (they will be covering different subcultures, including stilyagi)

The Proust Questionnaire integrates well thematically with the topics we have covered so far: learning types (visual, aural, kinesthetic), personal preferences in life and work as well as recycles an important task type – personality test questions.

Going through the questions in activity worked well: 1) listening comprehension (each students has 10 out of 30 questions); 2) structural transformations/synonymy (some of the Proust questions are phrased slightly differently by Vladimir Pozner). Also, students are generally interested in learning about themselves and each other, and in this group they are very comfortable discussing these matters, the group dynamics are very good and is only strengthened by the use of such exercises.

Watching interviews with very interesting Russians – journalists, writers, politicians etc. seemed to be appreciated by the students as very good exposure to the culture.

Describing an evaluative scenario which leads up to a sentence containing vocabulary to be revised is very effective (Handout 3), and I will definitely use it more. It creates a “context” and thus 1) really checks whether the students understand the word well, and 2) helps them remember new vocab better, because their situations are personalized even if they are completely imaginary.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Handout 1

Группа «Браво» – «Вася»

_____ ______  огнем витрины

На старых улицах Mocквы

Не трудно встретить этого мужчину

_____ ______ _____

На нем всегда _____  ______   отличный

Оттенка _____  ______ с 
_____ ______ _____

И побродить по улицам столичным

_____  ______ _____  ______   _____

Спросите у любого на Тверском бульваре,

Кто лучше всех танцует __________ и ­_____  ______ _____,

Кто лучше всех _____  ______ _____  Пресли на _____  ______ _____

На это каждый ответит, каждый ответит:

– Конечно, Вася, Вася, Вася,

Ну, _____  ______ _____ _____  ______?

Вася, Вася, Вася – стиляга из Москвы.

Пойдите в ­_____  ______  “С­­­­­­овременник”,

На _____  ______ _____ в Дом  _____  ______

В таких местах всегда вы, _____  ______ _____,

Встретите ­его

­_____  ______ _____  ______ “Спартак”-“Динамо”

И переполнен _____  ______ _____

А это ­кто сидит с _____  ______ _____ _____  ______ –

Ну, конечно, он.


Handout 2

Опросник Марселя Пруста Часть 1

1. Что такое, по-вашему, крайне бедственное положение?

2. Главная черта Вашего характера?


3. Качества, которые Вы особенно цените в мужчинах?

4. Качества, которые Вы особенно цените в женщинах?

5. Что Вы больше всего цените в друзьях?

6. Ваш главный недостаток?

7. Ваше любимое занятие?

8. Что для Вас наивысшее счастье?

9. Что было бы для Вас самым большим несчастьем?

10. В какой стране Вы хотели бы жить?

Опросник Марселя Пруста Часть 2

11. Ваш любимый цвет?

12. Цветок, который Вы любите?

13. Ваша любимая птица?

14. Ваши любимые писатели?

15. Ваши любимые поэты?

16. Любимый литературный герой?

17. Любимые литературные героини?

18. Любимые композиторы?

19. Любимые художники?

20. Любимые имена?

Опросник Марселя Пруста Часть 3

21. Что Вы больше всего ненавидите?

22. Исторические персонажи, вызывающие у Вас презрение?

23. Военное событие, достойное, по-вашему, наибольшего восхищения?

24. Реформа, которую вы оцениваете особенно высоко?

25. Способность (дар), которой вам хотелось бы обладать?

26. Как вы хотели бы умереть?

27. Состояние духа в настоящий момент?

28. Проступки, вызывающие у вас наибольшее снисхождение?

29. С кем из ныне живущих людей Вы хотели бы встретиться?

30. Ваш девиз?

Handout 3

Я испытываю к этому человеку глубокое презрение.

Я по-настоящему ей восхищаюсь.

В общем, он очень нетерпеливый.

Одним словом, у него много необычных способностей.

Доверчивость – одна из ее главных черт.

Одним словом, наша организация находится в бедственном положении.

В общем, его девиз – «Один раз живем!»

Поэтому теперь она сидит дома и погружается в уныние.

Но это все не так важно, больше всего, конечно, я ценю в нем его доброту и честность.



JP S13 ADV Who is this?


Language and Section:  Japanese Intermediate/advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Questions and answers to establish people’s appearance, interests and other details.


Goal of the class: To be able to describe details of the people

 Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

5-10 minutes I asked students how they feel that day.

50 minutes each student makes a “biographical card” of a well-known person, all these biographical cards are displayed. All the students study the cards on display and write down the names.   Students work in pairs to figure out who the person is.


What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


None. Just some handouts


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked well. Some students did not have enough vocabularies to describe people.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

RU S13 ADV Housing Communal Flat (Kommunalka)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced

 Date:  03/05/13

Class theme/topics discussed: The way of life in a communal flat (kommunalka)

 Goal of the class:

–        To learn new cultural information (to become familiar with the way of life in a communal flat) and to learn new vocabulary

–        To practice listening, reading, speaking

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–        Watching a music video clip of the Russian song ‘Communal flat’ (‘Eta kommunalnaya kvartira’): students are asked to watch it really carefully so they could identify the details of the communal life style and its possible problems;

–        Students get the handouts with the song’s lyrics, which contain blank spots: students need to remember/guess the missing words and write them down;

–        Listening to the song for the second time in order to help the students to write down more missing words (those they didn’t get from the first listening);

–        Checking the answers with the whole class;

–        Discussion: students tell what they noticed about the communal way of life and its advantages and disadvantages (they also come up with possible solutions to the most common problems). While they are doing that, the teacher writes the necessary vocabulary on the whiteboard (such words as schetchik and so on);

–        The teacher tells some cultural information about the communal flats (or, just like me shares his/her experience about living in a communal flat if he/she used to);

–        Students get the handouts with a fact about communal flats written on them (it contains difficult numbers): they are asked to read a piece of it;

–        Role-play: students get their roles (babushka, studentka, molodaya sem’ya s rebenkom etc), they have to pretend that they are neighbors in a communal flat. They start the conversation with ‘complaining’ about some problems and they have to reach some kind of a compromise (for example, imagine the rules that would make their life easier in this flat).

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

–        Whiteboard


–        Handouts with the lyrics

–        Handouts with a sentence containing difficult numbers

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed watching the video and they really liked the song.  They noticed quite many things about this special life style and they managed to identify quite many possible problems. They also enjoyed the stories I told from my experience. The students were very good in reading numbers as well. And we all had fun during the role-play.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Everything worked well so I wouldn’t change anything.

RU S13 ADV Future and advice

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced

Date:  02/26/13

 Class theme/topics discussed: Ways to know your future; Giving advice

 Goal of the class:

–        To practice future tense

–        To develop imaginative talk in Russian

–        To practice problem-solving

 Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–        Pair work: students exchange their dream collages[1], they look at them for a while and try to imagine the future for another student according to his/her dream collage. They also think of questions they would ask regarding their future. While they are doing that, the teacher is writing down some expressions the students could use on the whiteboard;

–        Pair work continues (role-play): one of the students wants to know his/her future, another student is a fortune-teller. To make the game more interesting students ask their questions they came up with earlier;

–        Pair work continues: switching roles;

–        Presentation: each student tells his/her future after he /she ‘went’ to a fortune-teller and comments on whether it was close to what he/she was actually dreaming about;

–        Discussion: Fortune-tellers, can they really predict the future or are they just good psychologists? + Students tell whether they would ever go to a fortune-teller for real;

–        Asking students what other ways of predicting the future they know (horoscopes are among them);

–        Students go to the white-board and draw 3 zodiac signs each. The teacher tells the name of each of it in Russian;

–        Students get their February horoscopes and read them to the class;

–        Together we identify the different parts of a horoscope (love life, career, family & friends etc.) and note its element of advice;

–        Students need to write down on a piece of paper their own or an imaginary problem that needs a solution/advice. The teacher writes down such expression as ‘in my opinion’, ‘to my mind’, ‘I believe/consider’, ‘my advice is’ etc.

–        Game ‘Doctor Ai-bolit’: the teacher collects the papers with problems, mixes them and pretends that he/she is the one who needs a piece of advice. He/she reads the problems one by one and students pretend to be the ‘doctors’ – those who give advice. In order to get 1 point a student should be fast and creative in giving advice. The one, who gets the most points, also gets some prize.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

–        Dream collages

–        Whiteboard

–        Fact magazine, which contains horoscopes

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was a fun class as it involved a lot of different activities implying different skill sets. The students had a chance to imply their imagination while telling the future to their partners. The final stories were quite interesting. Another fun thing is that they had a chance to draw on a whiteboard. This way they remember new vocabulary better due to association. The students also like the activities that involve competition and some prize. So they were really motivated during the ‘Doktor Ai-bolit’-game. During this lesson the students talked a lot so be prepared that you might not have the time to finish all the planned activities. However, you can always continue them in the next lesson.

[1] We made those collages during one of the previous lessons when we were talking about the dreams. Otherwise, they could be made in the beginning of the new lesson.

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