an archive of lesson plans

Category: Media and Advertising (Page 3 of 3)

Internet, radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, social networks, advertising, news

JP S11 ADV Party Planning

Class theme/topics discussed:
1.Warm up discussion: What did we do last Class?
-Some students explained what they did last class to other students who went to TV meeting.

2. Party Planning
-Checking advertisements of Japanese grocery stores.
-Planning a party in a group. One student leaded the conversation as a facilitator.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought students needed to practice a group work for planning real event on April.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group work
General discussion

How did students react?
They loved to see Japanese advertisement and think about their party.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Japanese advertisements

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Authentic materials drove students to talk a lot in Japanese. It was very successful class!!


JP S11 INT Setsubun, Party Planning

Class theme/topics discussed:
1. Setsubun
-Guess what the family of picture is doing(Throwing roasted soybeans)
-Read an article of Setsubun and answer some questions about its contents
2. Party Planning
-Check advertisements of Japanese grocery stores.
-Plan a party in a group. One student leaded the conversation as a facilitator.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted to introduce one of Japanese seasonal events, Setsubun. On the day, Japanese families celebrate the close of winter and hold the party. This lesson plan is also connected to the study break.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group work
Handouts for planning a party
Advertisement of Japanese grocery stores

How did students react?
Students really love to see Japanese advertisements.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they talked a lot in Japanese.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Downloaded video from youtube

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
I think today’s class was good to know Japanese traditions. Authentic material was good for initiating conversation. After the lass, students could enjoy throwing the beans and eating Ehoumaki (Sushi) at the study break.

RU S11 INT Advertising. Commercials – cont’d

Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising/ Commercials – continued

How did you pick this theme or topic? cont’d previous class

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
general discussion

How did students react?
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages spontaneous speech in the target language.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 6
February 3, 2011


Students create a script for a commercial –
– pick a product to advertise;
– decide on the plot and characters;
– create a list of props needed;
– fill out a story frame (i.e. discuss the filming itself: angle, takes, etc. and draw a scheme of each take in a table).

JP S11 INT/ADV Cultural Difference

Class theme/topics discussed:

Cultural differences 2:
-Talk about last week’s meeting with Japanese exchange students. Students describe their feeling at least 5 sentences.
-Watch a special TV program for the movie of “My Daring Is Foreigner”
-Question and answer about the TV program.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
(For advanced students) I wanted to do a kind of rapping up activities about meeting with native Japanese speaker. Since I expected they felt a lot of cultural differences, I was wondering how they noticed them and what the differences were.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion

How did students react?
Students really love to talk their experience and cultural differences. They were surprised that their Japanese were much better than Japanese student’s English.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they talked a lot in Japanese.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV, Downloaded video from youtube

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
I think today’s class was a coherent lesson. Students could express their feeling based on their experience, which many students really want to improve. Also, talking about cultural difference would be good and helpful to understand Japanese culture.

RU S11 INT Advertising. Commercials

Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising/ Commercials

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Videos, handouts, general discussion, students’ presentation.

How did students react?
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 5_Feb 1_Video1 Questions
Lesson 5_Feb 1_Commercial #1
Lesson 5_Feb 1_Commercial #2
Lesson 5_Feb 1_Video2 Transcript

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages spontaneous speech in the target language.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 5
February 1, 2011

1. On the board: РЕКЛАМА

2. News of the day

3. Brainstorming:

Что важно для хорошей рекламы?
Introduce words: изюминка / слоган/ логотип

4. Video #1: Lesson 5_Feb 1_Commercial #1

Questions (give out a handout Lesson 5_Feb 1_Video1 Questions + write down some hints on the board):

– Какой продукт рекламируют (реклама чего)?
– Какой слоган используют в этом ролике?
– В чем изюминка/ фишка этой рекламы?
– Персонажи рекламы? (сотрудники банка и клиенты/ посетители)
– Каких посетителей нам показывают?
– На ваш взгляд, это удачная реклама?

5. Video #2: Lesson 5_Feb 1_Commercial #2

a) first showing – NO SOUND
Questions: что рекламируют? какой слоган? что происходит?

Students create a script/ text for this commercial, if possible, read it out along with the video;

b) second showing – WITH THE SOUND

Students retell what they just heard. If needed, play the video again, pausing after each line and making them repeat after the video.

c) third showing – W/ SOUND and W/ TRANSCRIPT (handout Lesson 5_Feb 1_Video2 Transcript)

6. Script: (if time!)

Students create a script for a commercial. If they want to, we film it in our next class session.

FR S11 ADV – commercials


How did you pick this theme or topic?

Commercials can be fun and get the students interested I think. Also, it’s a big part of culture since we see them every day in magazines, on tv, etc…

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Work in pairs

How did students react?

They reacted well. They had a lot of ideas about commercials they liked, and they even showed me some on youtube, then we talked about them, etc… I didn’t have time to do the last activity I had planned.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes, some were very talkative and participated actively in the conversation, some others were less talkative but still interested.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Videos on youtube

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes! It worked well.

1/25 Advanced

1) warm up : weekend – 5 mn

2) tongue twister – 5 min

⇒ le chasseur fait sécher les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse sur une souche sèche

3) Commercials on youtube

• Questions – 10 min

What is the purpose of a commercial? Where do we find them? Do you like them? Why? Can they be shocking? Examples? What make a commercial successful? Superbowl?

• Commercials on youtube – 10 min

• Orangina debbouze
• Renault lapins cretins
• Spontex
• Évian
• Iphone

⇒ what’s going on? Purpose? Why this setting/characters…? Comical, philosophical, etc…? Does it work?

4) Creation of a commercial

– They are 2 or 3 and have to choose an object or clothe or whatever they want and create some kind of advertisement for it – 20 min
– They have to present it to the class
– They discuss which one is the most successful

FR S11 INT – commercials


How did you pick this theme or topic?

Commercials can be fun and get the students interested I think. Also, it’s a big part of culture since we see them every day in magazines, on tv, etc…

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Work in pairs

How did students react?

They reacted ok. It wasn’t very successful because they didn’t have any ideas of commercials they liked or anything so I felt that I talked much more than they did.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Sort of. They had to talk to each other at some point, so they did, but apart from that, they were not very talkative.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Videos on youtube

Please attach a copy.
SP11 LP Interm 3 at

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes but I would change things to force them to talk more.


Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/14/2010

Class theme/topics discussed:
Everyday life

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I found some very interesting videos on the internet called HBO Habla and I thought we could watch them in class and talk about the many and different topics the talk about.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We watched the videos and discussed after each one whatever he or she was talking about.

How did students react?
They liked the videos a lot and learned a lot of information that they didn’t know until that moment. Some topics were really interesting for them.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Videos from Youtube

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They enjoyed the different topics a lot.

DE F10 ADV TV Show

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Advanced Conversation
Date: 09-09-10

Class theme/topics discussed:
German TV Serie “Doctors Diary”

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It is a popular girls serie in Germany and I have only girls in this class

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

How did students react?
They liked it very much and even stayed 10min longer, because they wanted to see the end of that episode

Did they engage with each other and you?
We stopped the video every now and then, because there is no subtitle. So we talked about what had happened.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
If there are only girls in the class then definitely

Why or why not?
I don’t think that boys would like it that much

JP F10 INT/ADV Tongue twister, weekends, children’s song

Class theme/topics discussed:
-Practicing Japanese tongue twister (watch the video and practice it)
-Taking about “How was your weekend?”
(Pairwork→explaining partner’s weekends)
-Singing a song (For Intermediate students): Shiawasenara te wo tatakou (If you are happy and you know it.)
-Discussion about cell phone (After reading the English articles)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Last week, I thought I should pick up topic of the daily life because students had limited vocabulary.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
-Showing You Tube
-Power Point
-articles about Japanese cell phone

How did students react?
They seemed to enjoy talking themselves in Japanese. Some students prepared what they speak in advance. Some students loved singing a song.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Since pair work went well, all students tried to use Japanese.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
-You Tube
-Power Point
-Articles about Japanese cell phone

Please attach a copy.
Please also check the “Power Point” and “Web Resources” on Sakai.
Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, today’s activity was well organized.

Why or why not?
Students seemed to enjoy more than last class. Now, I found what I should pick up the topic in the Intermediate class. I’ll focus on the daily life topic for a while.
As for Advanced students, I should have brought Japanese articles instead of English articles because they really wanted to read Japanese.

RU S10 INT Print Media vs Online Media

Class theme/topics discussed:
Paper publications vs E-publications
How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, debate, listening practice

How did students react?
The listening part seemed to be not very challenging for them;
The topic itself is a successful communicative idea – students willingly expressed their opinions.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, Internet.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 25_April 20_News

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is an efficient combination of listening, reading, and conversational practice.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 25
April 20, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day

2. Listening Practice:

(for the vocabulary list, exercises, and transcript see file Lesson 25_April 20_News)

– read and discuss new words;
– listen to the recording;
– do the exercises
– answer the questions:

Что американцы предпочитают читать онлайн – книги, газеты или и то, и другое?
Сколько в среднем люди готовы платить за доступ к Интернет-изданию?
Откуда эта информация?

3. Reading and Discussion:
Students read the text along with the recording and the translate if needed.

Что предпочитаeте вы – бумажные или электронные издания? Почему?
Как вы узнаете новости?
Считаете ли вы, что информация должна быть максимально доступной? То есть – должен ли быть доступ к онлайн публикациям дешевым или даже бесплатным? Аргументируйте.

JP S10 ADV News, Game

Class theme/topics discussed:
Warm up-まじかるバナナ
Currently News Topic
You Tube Video

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Just came up this idea randomly

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Student 新聞やNewYork Times・Los Angeles Timesを準備。
学生に好きな記事を選ばせ、Summerize ・Why did you chose that topic, what is your interestなどを話させる。それが終わると、各自で個々に発表。『私に分かるように説明 してください』とくぎをさしておく。

How did students react?
They reacted well. They seemed to be having fun!
They discussed a lot about their article what they chosen.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Pomona Studnet News papers

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
YES! Definitely! 

Why or why not?
Topicを選ぶのと、要約をするのに少し時間がかかったようだが、It was really fun to know the article that students chose. They made a lot of jokes with the articles, and discuss a lot.

FR S10 ADV – reality shows

Reality shows (and plans for Spring Break)

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to introduce the project and I also wanted to talk about a topic that most young people are interested in – tv and reality shows.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion

How did students react?

They reacted well. They talked a lot and shared a lot of ideas but with the general discussion, they often tended to go off topic.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes they engaged a lot with each other and then with me.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)


Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, it was interesting!

Advanced 03/09

1. Warm-up – 15 min
– Good week-end ?
– Plans for Spring Break?

2. Reality shows – 40 min
Interviews in pairs – 20 min
– General discussion – 20 min

FR S10 INT – Xtra normal story about Spring Break

Xtra normal story about Spring Break to get started with the project.

How did you pick this theme or topic?

They knew they wanted to do something with Xtra normal so I wanted them to familiarize with the software, and start using it.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Student creation of a short story about their plans for Spring Break which was coming up

How did students react?

They reacted well, they seemed to enjoy working with the computers. And I think it was good for their comprehension skills and pronunciation to hear what they had typed thanks to the program.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Moderately – they had to create a short story each, so they didn’t have to speak. But I talked with them about ways of improving the sentences they wanted to use.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Computers in the LRO
Xtra normal software on the internet

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, but I would have them work together so they could speak to each other and not just to me.

FR S10 INT – individual appointments and tv news

Individual appointments + news on tv

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I had to meet with them individually but since they were just two, I didn’t want to waste the hour so the first student had his meeting for the first 10 minutes, then the other student came and we watched the news on tv5 for 15 minutes and then talked about it for 15 minutes before I had the meeting with the second student.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Tv channel on the tv in the lounge

How did students react?

They reacted well, they seemed happy to have the opportunity to talk to me individually. About the news, I thought it was going to be subtitled but it wasn’t the case, so they actually didn’t understand anything and I had to explain them what it was about.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes. They engaged with me about the class, what they liked/didn’t like. About the news, they asked some questions.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Satellite tv
White board

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, but with news with subtitles so they can summarize in French what they understood!

FR S10 INT – Music and song “Je ne veux pas travailler”

Music :
– general discussion about music and instruments
– “Fill the blanks”
– Imagine the tv advertisement

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I think music is a fun way to tackle a foreign language because it is something universal, so even if they had never heard the song, there were many chances that they liked music and thus found this class interesting. Music is also a nice way to learn about a country’s culture. And since I wasn’t really sure about their level, I chose an easy song to test their level.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Handouts – lyrics of the song with blanks to be filled by the students

How did students react?

Well, but they didn’t have any vocabulary about the instruments so we couldn’t play the game I ahd planned (making them draw and guess the name of the instrument)
About the song, they didn’t know it. They understood most of the lyrics, though.
They were not creative for the last activity and didn’t have many ideas about the commercial.

Did they engage with each other and you?

So-so. They liked the song I think, but were not creative about the tv ad and didn’t have much to say.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Computer (youtube), handout, white board.

Please attach a copy.
see below

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, I think they liked it but I think it’s more effective and fun with more advanced and talkative students.

01/26 Intermediate

1) warm up

2) Introduction of the topic:
– Do you know some French singers? Groups?…
– Do you know French music?
– French singers, bands?

– Name for instruments in French?
→ each students comes and draws an instrument on the board
• guitare
• piano
• trompette
• saxophone
• flute
• violon
• batterie
• percussions
• basse
• ….

3) Introduction of the song and the band
– Pink Martini

4) Song without the text and without the video

Je ne veux pas travailler

– I give them the lyrics: Explanation of the words they don’t understand.
– They listen to the song again and have to fill the blanks
– Correction and explanation.
– Try to imagine which kind of tv ad could fit with this music

9) Show the tv ad


10) Discuter de la pub

– Qu’est-ce qui se passe ?
– Est-ce que la chanson correspond ?
– etc…

CN F09 INT/ADV Rose shop Advertisement

Class theme/topics discussed:
Project3: Movie making: Advertisement for rose shop_A Romantic story at Pomona
How did you pick this theme or topic?

It based on the photos and story they made from last class. They need to combine it with an advertisement idea to sell rose for a rose shop. To finish the task, they need to talk a lot to figure out how to make the advertisement and reach agreement.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work

How did students react?

They like the idea very much!
Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes. They engaged with each other and me pretty well and asked me questions.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

FLRC computer
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?
Students like to make video project and they talked a lot during working. However, 1 hour is not enough to make a video. It would be better to spend two hours.

DE F09 ADV News

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Advanced Conversation
Date: 17. November 2009

Class theme/topics discussed: News in Germany

How did you pick this theme or topic? In the week before I had noticed that my students did not seem to know too much about what was going on in Germany a few years ago and even today. So I thought it might be interesting to talk about recent things that happened in Germany and how they are portrayed in the news.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
To start off, we played the game 2 truths and a lie. Then we talked about how easy it is to tell a lie and how people believe it. I asked my students if they thought that media can be like that too, i.e. that news shows or newspapers sometimes told lies or changed stories to a certain extent. We then talked about things that recently happened in Germany and how they were portrayed in the news, I showed my students a few articles from the Bild Zeitung for that purpose. Then, I asked my students to design their own front page of the Bild Zeitung. They were supposed to write 3 true stories on something they thought was interesting and 1 lie about something they made up. The students typed their stories into the computer and we printed their ‘own newspaper’.

How did students react?
The students enjoyed the game at the beginning of the lesson and they enjoyed working on their own newspaper. They did not seem very interested in the articles I had brought.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, the students talked a lot and raised some interesting questions. They were also very creative.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Articles from the Bild Zeitung
Blank draft of the Bild Zeitung in word file

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, the students had fun and they were very talkative. I would try to find different kinds of articles though.. maybe some that are more interesting to young students.

FR F09 INT – stereotypes (5Cs and tv)

General stereotypes about the 5Cs and tv

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Stereotypes are interesting because they make you think about the way people sometimes categorize other people, basically those who are different. And I thought it was a nice way of introducing French and American stereotypes.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Work in pairs

How did students react?

They reacted well, they seemed to enjoy talking about different stereotypes and finding ways of challenging them. They had quite a lot to say so it was easy to keep the discussion going.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes. They had to ask questions to each other, and then to talk to me and the others about what their partner said.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
white board

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

It was a very good way of introducing the topic about French stereotypes, and of making them speak. And I could compare their thoughts to those of the Advanced students, which was interesting.

Intermediate 09/15


1. Warm-up: 5 min

1. Write the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says:
a) Garçon
b) Fille
c) Quelqu’un qui porte des lunettes
d) étudiant de Pomona / Pitzer / Scripps / CMC
2. Group discussion about the results

2. Interviews

→ in pairs
→ then, each one talks about the other

3. Television stereotypes

→ in 2 groups, they need to find as many stereotypes as possible 5 min
→ we all share what they found
Two columns on the board: POSITIVE and NEGATIVE
→ writing on the board

ES F09 INT/ADV Relations Men-Women

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/08/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Friendship between men and women.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it might be interesting for them to know some of the vocabulary it is used in this kind of situation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We started with a little advertisement from Argentina that I wrote down for them and discussed the differences between Spanish from Argentina and Spain. Later I gave them another page with an article from a magazine about the topic and asked some questions about it, and we finished watching a short movie about the same topic and drawing conclusions.

How did students react?
They really liked the audiovisual material and found really funny both the ad and the short movie (Yo tambien te quiero). They were interested and talked a lot, but ones more than others.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, most of them.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Articles and youtube videos.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They liked the topic and had a chance to ask a native speaker all this vocabulary they wouldn’t ask a normal professor. They were interested but they are still shy and didn’t speak as much as I wanted.

3rd Class INT
3rd Class INT texto
3rd Class INT Intro

Anuncio 1

Hey, vos1!
Sprite tiene algo para decirte: tu amigo te tiene ganas2.
Mira, atrás de ese mejor amigo se esconde un caldero3 de hormonas que está al acecho4, esperando que tengas un momento de debilidad…
Masajes, mimos, roces, cualquier excusa es buena para tocarte.
De donde sacaste esa idea ingenua de que él es tu amigo?
Él ya tiene un montón de amigos y tienen pelos en las piernas!
Pensás5 que te entiende. No, solo te imagina sin ropa.
Aun así, darías todo por él, y él te daría6 porque… te tiene ganas.
Las cosas como son.

1 y 5: Acento argentino. Las forma vos es muy común allí. Además modifican la segunda persona del singular (piensas → pensás).
2: Tener ganas a alguien: Dos significados. Según el diccionario español: Tenerle rechazo o repugnancia a alguien o algo. En Argentina: Tener deseo sexual hacia una persona (to fancy).
3: Caldero: caldron.
4: Estar al acecho: Observar, aguardar cautelosamente con algún propósito.
6: Darle a alguien: en slang, querer tener sexo con alguien.


Amistad entre hombres y mujeres
Puntos a favor y otros en contra de este tipo de amistad:
Tener un amigo (o una amiga si eres hombre) nos permite entender más sobre la manera de pensar del otro. Entender su opinión, su forma de ser y sus prioridades nos puede abrir la puerta a una mejor relación de pareja, basada en una mejor comprensión del punto de vista del sexo opuesto.
No hay competencia. En algunas personas, competir con los de su mismo sexo es algo innato, que desaparece en esta clase de amistad.
Podemos compartir charlas sobre temas impensados, lo que nos hace aprender sobre muchas más cosas (para las mujeres, por ejemplo, desde cómo cambiar la rueda de un auto hasta entender cómo forma un equipo de fútbol).
Nuestra pareja puede tener celos…
La atracción… No solo sucede en películas como “Cuando Harry conoció a Sally”, la realidad es que acostumbrarse a una persona muchas veces deriva en sentimientos inesperados.
Que sea una amistad “encubierta”: es común “hacerse” el amigo o la amiga para estar cerca de esa persona y así conquistar su corazón. En muchas circunstancias, da buen resultado, pero no se trata de una amistad sincera, y de alguna manera estaríamos engañando a la persona que confía en nosotros…
Si además añadimos el sexo en este tipo de relación, una de las dos partes probablemente quiera que la amistad cambie de categoría y se transforme en noviazgo… y cabe la posibilidad de que se suscite un problema (y el fin de la amistad) si no es correspondida.

¿Crees en la amistad entre hombres y mujeres?
¿Tienes amigos/as del sexo opuesto?
¿Crees que tarde o temprano alguno de los dos va a sentir algo más?
¿Más aspectos positivos y negativos?

RU F09 ADV Radio

Class theme/topics discussed:
Russian radio

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last year’s materials
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, dialogues, group discussion

How did students react?
They were very excited and willing to talk a lot.
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handout, TV, computer, Internet
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
This was by far the most popular topic of the entire semester.

Lesson plan 26

Warm-up (10 min):
• Вы слушаете радио? Какая ваша любимая станция?
• В какое время вам нравится слушать радио?
• Что вы думаете о рекламе на радио?
Practice (15 min): Listen to the following songs and discuss them according to the scheme:
1. Жанр
2. О чем эта песня (главная тема)
3. Почему эта песня популярна? (Кто слушает ее, на ваш взгляд)
4. Она вам понравилась или нет и почему?
1. Т9 – «Ода нашей любви»
2. Трофимов, Сергей – «Не покидай меня»
3. A’Studio/Отпетые мошенники – «Сердцем к Сердцу»
4. Челси – «Лети»
Review (15 min): Listen to a song and fill in the blanks (Elvira didn’t leave this handout. I guess any song could work… – Anastasia.)

FR S08 ADV – technology

Debate about technology

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Maria and Elya did it in their class and it worked well.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
1) brainstorming: what does technology make you think of?
2) reading of an article from “ Le monde” about the dangers of technology (files kept everywhere, idea that we are watched…) each group of 2 had one section of the article dealing with one specific device or system, or danger.
3) answering questions I gave them/ debate

How did students react?
It was fun when we talked about how we are addicted to technology. Some of the students asserted that they could live without it while others were like “NEVER!”
Also, that class was specifically noisy in terms of phone ringing.
They agreed on the fact that technology in itself is not dangerous but it’s the misuse of it that is dangerous.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Board, article.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

FR S08 INT – French sitcoms

Then I showed them videos of stupid French sitcoms

How did you pick this theme or topic?
We had to view the project, and fix a few things. Now it’s done.
Then we just had a few minutes left so we did something entertaining.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We all made suggestions for the video.

Sitcoms: I asked them if they knew TV shows or sitcoms in France. I gave them the name of one that I used to watch when I was 10/12 years old.
They had to guess or make up other names of sitcom.
Then we watch an extract, and commented on it.

How did students react?
They laughed a lot

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did a good job in guessing the titles of the shows.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, and I would have them actually perform something.

FR F07 INT – tv show “Un gars, une fille”

Exercise to have them react to images and express themselves as quickly as possible.
Then we watch “Un gars une fille” which is a short TV program, a series of skits about a young couple in their everyday life.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted to work both on their oral comprehension and on their ability to speak. I had planned some skits too, but we did not have time to do them.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Screening, pairs group

How did students react?
They loved the first exercise, which was really hard. Basically they saw a series of images that they had to describe to their classmate, sitting in front of them, and who could not watch the screen. They realized how hard it was to describe basic situations when you have no time to think about the vocabulary. Sometimes, they all had difficulties finding the same word, and when I had to give it to them, They were all like “ of couuuuuuuuuurse” That was a very fun activity and they asked to do it twice.
Then, we watched this TV show, and II asked them specific questions to check their understanding. I think they really liked the show even if it was hard to understand, because again, thanks to the visual elements, they could catch some information.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, especially during the first exercise

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
You tube videos

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes!, but maybe I would work on a shorter video ( maybe 3 minutes) and I would ask very specific questions.

FR F07 INT – Newspapers


How did you pick this theme or topic?

It was September 11th, so it made me think about the news. I also wanted to do something more “serious” than the previous class

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion ( hoe can you have access to the news? Newspapers…do you know any in France?)
Group work ( they chose a magazine or newspaper, went to the website, search it in order to be able to explain its organization, then they chose an article that they liked

How did students react?
They were interested in knowing more magazines, especially about music, cinema… more than serious newspapers .

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes. They could choose the newspaper or magazine they wanted to study, so they got involved in the research

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Computer (websites of the newspapers or magazines), handout with questions.

Please attach a copy.
Below are the questions

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, but I would try to have them even more involved in the search, I think by having to look for one specific piece of information that I will have looked for before the class.


Quel journal avez-vous choisi et pourquoi?
Présentez votre journal à la classe. (Rubriques, photos…) Quelles sont les informations principales ?
Dans quel ordre sont-elles présentées ? Qu’en pensez-vous ?
Quelle partie avez-vous préféré, pourquoi ?
Choisissez un article et présentez-le à la classe.
Avez-vous envie de lire des journaux français ?
Quels sont les avantages de lire des journaux français ?

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