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Category: French (Page 5 of 11)

French Conversation class

FR F14 ADV French Geography

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

Day and Date:
Thursday, November 13th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
French advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:
French Geography

Goal of the class:
– To check their knowledge of the French geography
– To teach them some fun facts about the French geography
– To talk about the stereotypes between the different regions of France

How did you structure the class?
I tell the class that we are going to do a little contest. I divide them in pairs (plus one group of 3)
After every test, a group corrects the work of another and counts the points. We do the correction orally and I add some cultural information or fun facts.

Test 1: I give them a blank map of France. They have to place and name the main mountains and rivers.

Test 2: Quiz; they must answer eight questions about the regions/cities/departments/geographical position of France in Europe.

Test 3: they have a blank map of the regions of France and a list of those regions. They must find where each region is located.

Test 4: Each group has a “map of stereotypes”. They have to prepare a short presentation of what are those stereotypes and guess where do they come from.
I also show them the trailer of “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis” about the North/South stereotypes
To relax in the end, I show them a funny PowerPoint about the Google suggestions about the regions of France and all the stereotypes that it implies.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They all learnt about the French geography in previous classes (in high school, college) but forgot a lot. That was a good reminder. I am always surprised to see that they are confused between cities and regions. It was the occasion to clean things up.
It was also an opportunity to talk about the new law about the “découpage territorial”: France division will change from 22 to 13 regions soon.


Les cartes et leurs corrigés :

Les clichés français

Les Français selons Google

ADV Géo française

FR S14 INT Family & Marriage

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 04/15

Class theme/topics discussed:

Family and marriage

Goal of the class:

Review the family members

Talking about one’s family and one’s own ideas about marriage

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

1 General discussion

How is their family? Are they close? Do they see them often?

2 Taboo

Pairs. A student draws a card with the name of a family member. He has to make his partner guess who is it without saying it.

3 Brainstorming

I give them a handout with 12 questions about the family. They pick up one and answer it in front of the rest of the class.

4 Same-sex marriage

I tell them about the law that was adopted last year. I show them a video with the negative comments about it and then ask their opinion.


What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

As I had only three students, I had to modify it a little bit. Actually, we took a lot of time just talking about our families. I think now they are comfortable enough with the language to have more debates and general conversations about a topic, which is really interesting. We also talked more generally about marriage if they would like to get married, when, why


How could this class be improved/ modified?






  1. Quelles sont les différences entre les familles américaines et les familles françaises si vous en connaissez ?


  1. Qui devrait prendre soin des personnes âgées ?


  1. Quels sont les modèles de famille en dehors de la conception traditionnelle de la famille ? (par exemple : les familles monoparentales, les familles recomposées, le mariage homosexuel…)


  1. Depuis que vous êtes à l’université, votre relation avec vos parents a-t-elle changé ?


  1. Le mariage est-il essentiel pour le bon fonctionnement de la famille ou de la société ?


  1. Pouvez-vous comparer la vie d’un jeune Américain à l’université et celle d’un jeune Français ?


  1. Mariage religieux ou mariage civil : lequel est le plus important pour vous ?


  1. Quelles valeurs pensez-vous devoir enseigner à un enfant ?


  1. Les droits des parents séparés sur la garde des enfants : que pensez-vous de la situation des pères ?


  1. Quels sont les avantages et/ou les inconvénients des familles multiculturelles ?


  1. Pensez-vous que les enfants d’aujourd’hui sont négligés en raison des longues heures de travail des parents ?


  1. Que pensez-vous du droit des homosexuels d’adopter des enfants ?




































FR S14 ADV Party (2 classes)

Language and Section: FR 13

Date: 04/15 & 17

Class theme/topics discussed: Student party/Parties

Goal of the class:
Learning vocabulary about party and partying.
Learning slang

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Warm-up
Weekend? Did you go to a student party?
Dans votre pays d’origine, participiez-vous à des soirées étudiantes? Racontez-nous vos soirées étudiantes, vos meilleurs souvenirs et vos anecdotes.
Est-ce que vous aimez les soirées étudiantes ? Pourquoi ?
Avez-vous déjà participé à des soirées étudiantes dans d’autres pays ? En quoi sont-elles différentes ?
Quels conseils pouvez-vous donner aux étudiants qui s’apprêtent à aller pour la première fois en soirée étudiante aux Etats-Unis ?

2 Article
Read altogether an article about the French student parties.
Qu’est-ce que ces témoignages vous apprennent sur le mode de vie des étudiants français ?
Quelles sont les alternatives aux soirées étudiantes ?
On rentre chez les parents le week-end ; soirées étudiantes le jeudi ; pas de « vie de campus » à l’américaine

3 Brainstorming
What are the reasons to party? (talking about “la pendaison de crémaillère”)

4 Listening comprehension
Video from Norman about birthday parties

Students then have to answer to 10 questions about this video

5 Scenario
You are at an American student party with a French friend. You have to explain him (in French) the meaning of two words or expressions of American slang.

6 Song
Tryo “Désolé pour hier soir”
They have to “translate” the slang from this song into a “correct” French

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class took me actually two days instead of one. Students who already lived in France loved sharing their experiences about students’ parties. One of the good surprises was the scenario exercise: it worked really well, and it was a good activity to paraphrase something they know and realize the connotations and levels of language in their own language, so then they understand better the French slang as we worked on translations.

ADV 18 Soirées étudiantes

FR S14 ADV Cinema & Cannes festival (2 classes)

Language and Section: FR 13

Date: 04/22 & 04/24

Class theme/topics discussed:
Cinema and Cannes Festival

Goal of the class:
Discovering the most viewed French movies in France
Learning the history of the Cannes Festival
Creating stories from movie posters

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Video about Cannes Festival
In pairs, they have to answer the questions about this video.
Ask them some other questions related to the festival, they have to guess the answers (available on the website + which Disney movie received a Palme d’Or? Dumbo. Which countries received the most Palmes? USA – France – Italy).

2 Top 10 in France
I give them a paper with pictures from the 10 most viewed movies in France. They have to match these pictures with the title and the year, and rank them in the right order.

3 A l’affiche
Groups of 3. I give each group a poster of a movie screening now in France. Then have to imagine the story, write it down and then present it to the other students. In the end, they decide with one should receive the Palme d’Or.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I did not expect this class to last two days. They loved it. Especially when they had to create skits to present the movies. We watched the actual trailers, and they were really interested in watching them.

Top 15 films français

FR S14 INT Masterchef

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 01/28

Class theme/topics discussed: Masterchef (food and cooking)

Goal of the class:
Review and learn vocabulary about the food
Review the imperative tense
Create a recipe

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Warm-up
I show them a trailer of the French version of “Masterchef”. Who does watch this TV show? What is it about? Do they like to cook? Then, we “play” at Masterchef! (in two teams because I had 4 students)

2 Visual test
This test is only in the French version. When on TV the contestants must guess ingredients just tasting it, here the students have to match a picture of an aliment and its name in French.

3 Pressure test
Students have to put together in order the recipes of famous French dishes (following the indications First, then, finally,…) They also have to transform the infinitive form into the imperative one.
Then, we talk about some other famous French dishes with a PowerPoint (made by a previous LR);

In order to help them, there is a short list of vocabulary.

4 The mystery box
With the ingredients seen during the first test and the verbs used on the recipes of the second test, they have to create their own recipe. It could be a real dish or something crazy they just make up!

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They LOVED it! For the last test, they created weird dishes with seafood and chocolate. The tests themselves are quite quick, so we had time to talk about food in France. I think it was a good way to review basic vocabulary. Maybe for a future class I should add a fourth test?

powerpoint les plats français

vocabulaire aliments

6 Masterchef

FR F13 INT Ecology

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French 11



Class theme/topics discussed: Ecology

Goal of the class: Talking about ecological actions and the environment

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion: did they have class about ecology and the environment when they were kids? Importance of this in France.
  2. Energies: they have to match a word and a picture of a type of energy, and then tell if it is renewnable or not.
  3. Reading and writing: advice to be ecological. Then, following the examples, they have to write down some ideas in pairs.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They were not really motivated, I don’t know if it was only their mood or the topic of the class. I found out that Europe and the US don’t give the same attention to ecology.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

PowerPoint + handouts here: Handout l’envrionnement French INT Ecology

FR F13 INT Studies

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French INT



Class theme/topics discussed: Studies

Goal of the class:

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion about what they did last weekend.
  2. I give them a list of questions, and in small groups they have to ask and answer them.
  3. Then, I ask each of the to pick up one question and answer it in front of the class.
  4. I explain them how the French educational system works (name of the degrees, how are the grades, etc.)
  5. Cyprien, les études à l’étranger (studies abroad):

  1. Would they like to study abroad? Why?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The discussion lasts a long time. All of them had the opportunity to talk a lot.

They loved the video.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

  1.  Quelles études faites-vous ? Quelle est votre classe ou niveau cette année ?
  2.   Vous avez cours l’après-midi ? Quels cours avez-vous l’après-midi ? Et le matin
  3.  Comment faites-vous pour vous rendre à votre établissement ? Comment faites-vous pour rentrer chez vous ?
  4.  Quelles sont vos matières préférées cette année ?
  5. Que se passe-t-il si vous arrivez en classe en retard ?
  6. Vous assistez régulièrement aux cours, mais dans quelles circonstances exceptionnelles vous arrive-t-il de “sécher” des cours ?
  7.  Combien de temps par semaine consacrez-vous à l’étude et aux devoirs ?
  8.  Quelles sont les matières avec lesquelles vous avez des difficultés cette année ?
  9.  Côté examens, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez voir changer ?
  10.  Côté notes, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez changer ?
  11.  Côté installations et infrastructures, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez changer ?
  12.  Qu’est-ce qu’un bon prof ? Est-ce qu’il y en a un qui vous a marqué ?
  13. Vous pensez que c’est mieux une université publique gratuite ou privée et payante ?


FR F13 INT Speech Game

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French11 INT



Class theme/topics discussed: Having fun!

Goal of the class: no pressure today, just board games!

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion / coming cultural activities
  2. Speech: One student picks up three cards (with pictures on it, for example a witch, someone angry and an apple) and has to make a story about these pictures.
  3. Speech: A first student picks up a card, invent a story about it. Student #2 picks up a second card, invent a story about this card but related to what have been told before. Etc.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Game « Speech ».

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved it. Even the shiest talked a lot. This game is better in small groups (we were 8, no more!). Every time a card is picked, we first find the word to describe it. Even if I didn’t ask them to do so, many of them took notes of the vocabulary.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

FR F13 ADV City

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French13 ADV



Class theme/topics discussed: The city

Goal of the class: Talking about living in a city, learn vocabulary about it

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion about the coming feedback session
  2. Listening comprehension with a song. I give them the lyrics of the song by Pauline Croze “Dans la ville”. They have to fill the blanks with words related to the city while listening the song. Then we explain the song, the vocabulary, etc. Finally, we listen to it a second time and sing it. (handout 1)
  3. 3.     You prefer… Pair work. I give them a list of questions “do you prefer this or that” and they had to answer each of them. Then, each pair answer a question in front of the rest of the class. (handout 2)
  4. Debate : do they prefer to live in a big city or in a smail town/in the countryside?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They really loved singing the song and asked me to show another song from Pauline Croze.

This class would actually be more adapted for intermediates.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Next page: handouts 1 and 2 

Dans la ville – Pauline Croze


J’avais pensé quelques fois,
Tiens il faudrait retenir
Le nom de cet endroit, il faudra revenir…
Je m’étais dit bien souvent,
c’est une adresse garder
Il faudra essayer ce banc, cet été…

Mais dans la ville,
Je m’aperçois,
Ces adresses inutiles,
je n’y reviendrais pas…
Mais dans la ville, je m’aperçois, ces journées d’avril, ce n’était que toi…

La pensée m’était venue, en t’attendant un matin, je reviendrai dans ces rues, l’an prochain.
J’avais gardé pour plus tard, un quartier à visiter
Les environs de la gare, le papier peint du café

Ce n’était que toi…


Tu préfères ceci ou cela ? Pourquoi ?

–       Habiter en centre-ville ou en banlieue, ou à la campagne ?

–       Sortir en boîte ou aller au cinéma ?

–       Vivre seul(e) ou avec des colocataires ?

–       Habiter dans une petite rue ou sur une grande avenue ?

–       Parler aux étrangers dans la rue ou les éviter ?

–       Préserver les parcs publics ou construire plus d’édifices ?

–       Rouler en voiture ou prendre les transports en commun ?


FR F13 ADV Health

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French13 ADV



Class theme/topics discussed: Health

Goal of the class: students may be able to describe what they feel to a doctor and understand treatments.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Introduction: 5mn

–       Greetings

–       Coming cultural activities

–       Any questions?

–       Autumn and cold are coming: have you been ill recently?

Vocabulary bingo (pair work) 10 min

–       Goal: to see vocabulary

–       I give each pair a table with words about health.

–       I describe one word without saying it. Then students cross the word they think it is.

–       The first pair with 3 words in a row wins.

–       Make them explain the rest of the words

Brainstorming: 15 min

–       Goal: group reflection about a given topic


–       In group (3), they should make list:

What should we do not to spread germs?

What should we do when we are sick to get better?

Debate:  20 min

–       Reading comprehension: I give them an article about the fact that the French people buy a lot of medicine. We explain the vocabulary together.

–       In two groups They have to make a pro and cons list about the use of medicine.

–       Debate half of the class is pro the use of medicine, the other half is against.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, French ad about the importance of washing hands:

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed this class!

I was really surprise by their enthusiasm for the debate. They had many different ideas and it worked really well.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Médicaments : comment consomment les Français ?

Publié le 10-07-2013 à 17h39

Par Le Nouvel Observateur

INFOGRAPHIE. 48 boîtes de médicaments par an et par habitant, un marché en léger recul… Aperçu chiffré de la consommation de médicaments en France.

L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a publié son analyse des ventes de médicaments pour l’année 2012 en France. Principale conclusion : le marché des médicaments est en léger recul. Il s’explique non par une baisse des quantités vendues mais par celle du chiffre d’affaires. En cause : les baisses de prix mises en œuvre en 2012 et le développement des génériques.

48 boîtes de médicament : c’est ce que consomme en moyenne chaque Français en un an. C’est moins que l’année dernière (-1,5% au total: -2,8 % pour les ventes en pharmacies; + 3% pour celles destinées aux établissements hospitaliers) mais «la consommation des médicaments reste importante», note l’agence.

Le 13 juin dernier, le syndicat de l’industrie pharmaceutique, le Leem, évoquait un «recul historique» après deux années de quasi-stagnation, avec, au total, un chiffre d’affaires (CA) qui a diminué de 2%. Pour le Leem, le recul du CA des ventes en officine était de 2,5% en 2012 et le CA à l’hôpital était stable.


FR F13 ADV Driving & Driving license

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French 13 ADV



Class theme/topics discussed: Driving

Goal of the class: Talking about driving and the driving license

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Vocabulary about the car: 10 min

–        Pair work. I give them a schema of a car and a list of words to place correctly.

General discussion: 10 min

–        We just talk about how is the driving license in France: time, cost, “conduite accompagnée”, how is the exam, etc. We compare it with the American system.

Street signs: 10 min

–       Goal : make them guess the meaning of some French street signs

–       Groups of 3 students. I give them a paper with different street signs. They have to guess what does it means.

–       Five minutes later, I give them more information, like a list of meanings and they have to match the sign and the definition.

Brainstorming: 10 min

–       Goal: making a list of the all the offenses you could do while driving. How should we behave while driving? Learn new vocabulary.

–       With all the class.

–       Did they already have a car accident or make an offense?

Pair-work: 20 min

–       Goal: make them create a story and a dialogue based on a context.

–       I give them some situations and roles (policeman, driver)

–       Two to three turns.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They were interested in the French driving license and they had no idea it was this complicated and expensive.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Next page : the pictures are on the lesson plan: French ADV Driving



Vocabulaire à placer

–       Une portière

–       Un pare-brise

–       Un capot

–       Un pneu

–       Un clignotant

–       Une roue

–       Un phare

–       Le toit

–       Une plaque d’immatriculation

–       Un siège

–       Un volant

–       Le levier de vitesse

–       Un essuie-glace

–       Un rétroviseur

–       Le coffre

–       Un pare-choc

–       Une vitre

HANDOUT: Street signs

Les panneaux triangulaires annoncent un danger.

Les panneaux ronds annoncent une limitation, une interdiction.

Les panneaux bleus annoncent une obligation.


Sens interdit : on n’a pas le droit de passer par là

Limitation à 50 km/h : on n’a pas le droit d’aller plus vite

Interdiction de stationner : on n’a pas le droit de se garer

Impasse : cette rue est sans issue

Attention, passage de piétons

Attention, feux tricolores à proximité

Obligation de tourner à droite

Attention, succession de virages


HANDOUT: Role-play

Vous faites un excès de vitesse, un gendarme vous arrête. Vous lui expliquez que votre femme est sur le point d’accoucher mais il ne vous croit pas.

Un gendarme vous arrête. Il veut à tout prix vous trouver une infraction, mais vous êtes irréprochable.

Un gendarme vous arrête pour avoir téléphoné au volant. Vous vous faites passer pour quelqu’un de très important, mais le gendarme est suspicieux (il a du mal à vous croire).


FR S13 ADV/INT Werewolves Game

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French Intermediate

Date: 2.19.13

Class theme/topics discussed: Werewolf Game

Goal of the class: Practice argumentation

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Werewolf game (Role play):
The class was a village. Students were given cards with a role and had to hide them from the other.
2 students were werewolves
The others (6 students) were villagers; some of them had specific powers (Cupid, the Witch, the Clairvoyant, the Thief, the Hunter)
The goal of the two teams was to kill all the members of the other one.
We organized “nights”. Each night the werewolves killed a villager by pointing him or her silently. Each morning the entire village had to vote for a person that they believe he or she was a werewolf. All the students were debating on this.
In the end, the team who killed all the members the other one won.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Cards, rules on the whiteboard

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved the game!


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