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Tag: Expressions (Page 4 of 4)

RU S10 ADV Slang. “Russ-glish”

Class theme/topics discussed:
Language of immigrants
Some Russian slang

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I assumed it could be an interesting topic to discuss, plus, students were interested in Russian slang.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Video, cards, general discussion.

How did students react?
They willingly participated in the discussion.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Laptop, Internet, printed cards with words and expressions.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 3_Jan 26_Etymology

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages conversation and gives an opportunity to introduce new vocabulary to the students.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 3
January 26, 2010

1. News of the day.
2. Video –
Discussing the video – what they understood: what the woman was talking about, characterize her language…
3. Opinion: emigrants and their language – preservation or assimilation?
4. Some Russian words etymology.
Students draw cards with short information on the etymology of the words in turns and retell it to the others.
5. Russian slang
Students draw cards with slang words and expressions in turns and try to guess what the word could mean.

FR F09 INT – Slang and expressions from the south

Words and expressions from the South

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to carry on the topic of slang and to introduce the students to some words and expressions from the south of France.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Pair work
Fill in the blanks

How did students react?

They reacted very well, they were interested. First they had to match slang words with their synonyms and to fill in blanks with the right word.
They also had to fill in the blanks of a song with the same words they had just seen.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes they engaged with each other when trying to fill in the blanks of the text with slang words.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)


Please attach a copy.

Here is the plan I had with me

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Yes definitely

Intermediate 12/3

1. Warm-up 5 min

2. Slang 15 min

– What do they know? 3min
– List of words they need to match 5 min
– Correction – 5 min

3. Words from the South 10 min

– List of words they need to match with the standard meaning – 5 min
– Correction – 5 min

4. Song ‘Tomber La chemise’ de Zebda – 30 min

– 1st time without the lyrics
– 2 times with the lyrics
– Correction, explanation of the words

RU F09 INT Manners for Hosts and Guests. Винни-Пух Cartoon

Class theme/topics discussed:
A Soviet Cartoon “Винни-Пух идет в гости”
Etiquette for hosts and guests.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Students mentioned the topic Russian Animation in the questionnaire distributed at the first class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, describing pictures, general discussion

How did students react?
They were excited about watching a cartoon; this helped to have a lively discussion.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV + laptop, poster, handout.

Please attach a copy.
Sept 29_Cartoon Transcript
Sept 29_Poster
Sept 29_Reading

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students always like to have fun at the class, and cartoons are both entertaining and educating: they can be discussed from various perspectives, and therefore can be applied for working on different topics.

Занятие 9. Мультфильм «Винни-Пух идет в гости». Этикет для хозяев и их гостей

1. Ask the students if they have seen the Soviet cartoon about Winnie-the-Pooh. What do they know about Russian Winnie-the-Pooh?

2. Distribute the handout with the transcript for the cartoon (file Sept 29_Cartoon Transcript). Students read it on their own and ask questions about all unfamiliar words.

3. Watching the cartoon –

4. Students tell briefly the story of the cartoon. (Кто персонажи? Что они делают? Почему? …)

5. Ask students to compare the Soviet cartoon and the Walt Disney Cartoon.

Что общее у мультиков? Чем они отличаются? Какие персонажи есть в диснеевском мультфильме, какие – в советском?

Distribute a poster with the images of the cartoons’ characters (file Sept 29_Poster) and ask students to compare two Winnies and all the other characters.

6. Discussion: etiquette.

Как ведет себя Винни-Пух? Что он делает правильно/неправильно? Почему?
Как ведет себя Кролик? Что вежливо, а что – не очень? Почему он так себя ведет?

Как принято себя вести в гостях? Сравниваем с Винни-Пухом (можно ли прийти без приглашения? И т.д.)
Как должны вести себя хозяева? Сравниваем с Кроликом.
Если получается, сравниваем этикет в Америке и России.

Вспоминаем неловкие ситуации, связанные с приемом гостей или походом в гости.

7. Analyzing the transcript:

Give cultural comment on the greetings and partings (and ask students to find the examples of greetings/partings in Russian and possible replies to them).

Tell the students about the most popular quotations from this cartoon and explain the context in which they are used.
(e.g. «И того и другого! И можно без хлеба!»; «Ты что? Застрял? – Неет. Я просто отдыхаю»; «А что подумал Кролик, никто не узнал, потому что он был очень воспитанный»)

8. Reading exercise: «Как звали бы Винни-Пуха в разных странах» (see file Sept 29_Reading).

RU F09 ADV Russian Slang

Class theme/topics discussed:
Russian slang

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last year’s materials
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, dialogues, group discussion

How did students react?
They were very excited and willing to talk a lot.
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handout, TV, computer, Internet
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
This was by far the most popular topic of the entire semester.

Lesson plan 24

• Алё, гараж! — (lit. ‘Hello, citizen!’) an ironical address or hail
• Алкаш — a drunk, an alcoholic, an alky
• Амбал – a big, strong, stout man
• Бабки – (lit. ‘the little cakes’) ‘the dough’, a necessary monetary amount
• Базар (n) – (lit. ‘bazaar’) a bullshit session, chitchat
• Базарить – v
• Без базара – (lit. without the chitchat) ‘no problem’
• Бляха муха! — (lit. ‘buckle-fly) Gosh! Gee-whiz! a G-rated interjection expressing suprise or amazement
• Бухать – (lit. to bang, to thunder) to hit the bottle
• Все ништяк! Все путем! Все пучком! Все тип-топ! – Everything’s allright, It’s all good; the last one is an obvious borrowing from English
• Въезжать – (lit. to enter by vehicle) to dig, to understand. Ты въезжаешь? – ‘can ya dig it?’
• Геморрой – (lit. hemorrhoids) a big problem
• Голубой — (lit. light blue) gay (male)
• Да ну! — You don’t say! Well I’ll be! (‘nu’ is very idiomatic and doesn’t really translate literally
• Достал (а)! – (lit. took, got it) You got me up to here! I’m very annoyed with you!
• Жмот – a skinflint, a miser
• Заткнись! — ‘shut up,!’ ‘shut it!’
• Круто/Клёво — (lit. steep, sharp) these are the most common words for cool, awesome, kickass
• Мне в лом – (lit. ‘to scrap metal for me,’ but that’s iffy…this is highly idiomatic) ‘I’m too lazy (to do something)’
• Мне до лампочки/ мне по барабану/ мне по фигу – (lit. ‘to me it’s up to the lightbulb,’ I think. Once again, highly idiomatic) ‘I don’t care,’ ‘whatever’
• Ни фига себе! – (lit. ‘not a fig to itself’ ?) Golly! Gosh! Jeez!, expression of suprise
• Облом! — (lit. broken-off piece) failure of plans and hopes
• Прикол – (lit. a moor, a mooring) a joke or funny situation, ‘funny stuff’
• Прикольно – jokingly, comically, funnily
• Пахать – to work hard
• Тащиться (от) – (lit. to stick up, to stick out) to get delighted, to enjoy something greatly
• Наезжать – (lit. to break into someone) to express dissatisfaction, to blame, to point the finger
• Тусовка – группа людей с общими интересами (молодежная, политическая, интеллектуальная и т.д) – a hangout, a party, a place where young people gather
• Тусоваться – быть среди кото-го, проводить время, общаться, развлекатьсяЮ дружить.
• Оттягиваться – отдыхать, прекрасно проводить время, расслабляться

Replace marked words with synonyms.
1. Тусовалось человек сорок, пили пиво, танцевали. Чужому в их тусовке делать нечего.
2. Сеть интернет – это огромная мировая тусовка!
3. Я не очень тусовочный человек, поэтому Новый Год буду встречать дома.
4. После работы подружки решили потусоваться в клубе.
5. Бизнесмены оттягиваются – кто на Канарах, кто на Ямайке.

1. Съешь бобра – спaсешь дерево. (бобер – beaver)
2. Я буду тебя звать Боинг, потому что ты у меня 747ой.
3. Лучший выход из Российского кризиса – аэропорт!

RU F08 ADV Holidays and Traditions

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last year’s materials
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Making dialogues, group discussion, reading

How did students react?
They were very excited and willing to talk a lot.
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV, computer, Internet
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic was interesting and encouraged the students to talk.

Lesson plan 10

Celebrating, meeting and greeting guests.

Warm-up (10 min):

1). News of the day – presentation
2). Work in pairs. Answer the questions and explain your point of view.

1. Американцы любят…
2. Они не очень…
3. Большинство американцев чувствуют…
4. Многие американцы верят в…
5. Америка – страна, где…
6. Некоторые американцы делают…
7. Сейчас американцы беспокоятся о…
8. Самое важное в жизни каждого американца – это…

1. Русские любят…
2. Они не очень…
3. Большинство русских чувствуют…
4. Многие русские верят в…
5. Россия – это страна, где…
6. Некоторые русские делают…
7. Сейчас русские беспокоятся о…
8. Самое важное в жизни каждого русского – это…

Introduction (10 min):
Look at the list of holidays and 1) arrange them in order of their importance to you. Explain why. 2) Say when every holiday is celebrated and how.

Practice (20 min):
Read the text “Russian New Year” and express your opinion of it.

Revision: (10 min):
Accusative case: making toasts.
Make toasts for different people (Accusative case)

RU S08 ADV Politeness. Compliments

Politeness is still important?

Warm-up (5 min):
Define which form is polite and which is not.
1. Принеси мне воды.
2. Будь добр, принеси воды, пожалуйста.
3. Ой, здрасьте!
4. Здравствуйте!
5. Садись сюда!
6. Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста.

Free discussion (10 min):
1. Вы считаете себя вежливым человеком?
2. Почему важно быть всегда вежливым?
3. Вы когда-нибудь встречали грубых людей? Опишите один случай.
4. А сами вы вели себя невежливо? Расскажите.
5. Что такое этикет?

Сomprehension reading (20 min):
Read a passage and retell the etiquette rules. Express your own opinion. Does it work in this country. Why or why not.

• Прилюдно не ковырять в носу.
• Не плевать на пол.
• Громко не смеяться.
• Мужчина пропускает женщину вперед.
• Одеваться чисто.
• Не опаздывать.
• Мужчина открывает дверь спутнице.
• За ужин платит тот, кто пригласил.
• Ходить в гости с небольшим необременительным подарком (торт к чаю)

Practice. (15 min)
Let’s make compliments!
Когда вам делают комплимент, его можно принять (скрыто или прямо) или отвергнуть.
Если вы принимаете комплимент прямо, то это может обидеть человека. Например:
– Эльвира, ты такая умная!
– Да, я знаю
Но если вы не принимаете комплимент совсем, человек тоже может обидеться:
– Эльвира, ты такая красивая сегодня!
– Неправда, я выгляжу ужасно!

А как вы реагируете на комплименты?

In chain finish the sentences: make a compliment to your classmate. The classmate has to reply to the compliment.

1. Ты выглядишь…
2. Какой красивый…
3. Ты говоришь по-русски…
4. Мне нравится твой новый…
5. Твоя прическа…
6. Где ты купил такой…
7. Я восхищаюсь…
8. Молодец! Ты…

FR S08 INT – expressions and typical mistakes

Indispensable expressions/ typical mistakes

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Good to do that at th beginning of the semester

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I asked several students “ca va?” “ comment ca va”…so, same questions but asked in different ways. Then they responded different things, so I started from their answers and asked them for synonyms, or ways of saying the opposite. For example “ je vais bien = je suis en forme” Which is different from “ je suis malade”…
Then I asked them to express anger or joy…
I tried to made a point about typical mistakes from a direct translation of Englsih into French. Example: Qu’est ce qui se passé = what’s up, or pas beaucoup instead of pas grand chose, because they translate literally “not much…

How did students react?
They found it fun

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

RU S08 INT/ADV Foreign Languages

Class theme/topics discussed:
Languages of the World.
Video: Russian Language in Israel.
Text “This funny English”
Discussion “LANGUAGE LEARNING” – debates

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Russian magazine

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Free discussion, comprehension reading, debates on the questions

How did students react?
They were very interested

Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handout, video

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Lesson plan 2
Russian Conversation Advanced/Intermediate

Languages of the World.
Video: Russian Language in Israel.
Text “This funny English”
Discussion “LANGUAGE LEARNING” – debates

Warm up: (5 min)
1. Сколько языков существует в мире?
2. Какие языки вы хотели бы изучать, почему?
3. На каких языках вы говорите?
4. Когда лучше изучать языки? В каком возрасте?

Introduction: (15 min)
Video: Russian Language in Israel
1. О чем это видео? Какая это страна?
2. Кто эти студенты, откуда они? Какой язык они изучают?
3. В Израиле много возможностей изучать русский язык? Почему?
4. Опишите семью. Кто они такие? На каких языках говорят?
5. Кто такие дети-билингвы? Приведите пример.

Practice: (15 min)
Text “This funny English”
Read the text and explain what you think about it.
Смешной такой язык — английский.

Discussion: (15 min)
1. Быстро говорить по-русски важнее, чем говорить правильно. Вы согласны?
2. Преподавать иностранный язык должен носитель языка. Вы согласны?
3. Когда туристы приезжают в Америку, они говорят по-английски? На каком языке вы говорите, когда приезжаете во Францию? Почему?
4. Все дети должны изучать второй иностранный язык. Вы согласны?
5. Какие языки должны быть официальными в мире, на ваш взгляд?

Comprehension reading. (10 min) (Read and answer if English is a logical language? )
Давайте посмотрим на примеры: eggplant (баклажан) не имеет ничего общего с яйцом (egg), в гамбургере (hamburger) нету ветчины (ham), а ананас (pineapple) не имеет ничего общего ни с сосной (pine), ни с яблоком (apple). Картофель фри (French fries) не был придуман во Франции.
Мы часто считаем английский язык логическим, однако Quicksand (зыбучий песок) медленно затягивает вниз, боксёрский ринг (boxing ring) на самом деле квадратный а giunea-pig (морская свинка) не из Гвинеи — она даже не свинья.
Ну, если vegetarian (вегетарианец) ест vegetables (овощи), тогда что же ест humanitarian (гуманист)?
Почему человек, играющий на пианино (piano), называется пианист (pianist), а тот, кто водит гоночный автомобиль (race car) не называется racist?
В конце концов, почему люди из Польши (Poland) — это Poles, а люди из Голландии (Holland) — это не holes?

FR F07 INT – Games (music, proverbs, language)

Team games about music, proverbs and language.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I have never talked about proverbs. I wanted the students to discover more music, and the last game was to have them make full sentences, and IMAGINE things.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Team game (only 4 students were there)
1) I gave them a sheet with 2 columns, with the beginning and the ends of the proverbs. They have to match them
2) I played 30 sec of songs and they had to guess the year when it was released.
3) 2 people per group. Each had to tell one story. ! was true, 1 was a lie, the other team had to guess which one was a lie.

How did students react?
Pretty good, for the music and they really did a good job for that one. I was surprised that they did not know any proverb in French. Even the most famous.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they tried to get the dates right (years), they asked questions about the songs themselves, tried to understand the meaning of all the proverbs…

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Sheet , computer with windows media.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class.
Yes, I would do the same exercises, but maybe in a different order.

FR F07 INT – song “Deux Pieds”

Chanson de Thomas Fersen « Deux Pieds » :
_« Fill the blanks »
_“Imagine the video.
_“Give advice to the character.”

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I love listening to music and usually, so do the students. It’s a good way to discover French culture (even if this song is old), and it’s a very good exercise to listen to the language.
You can also create follow up activities to have the students be active, and speak.
I chose a slow song in order to “test” the oral comprehension of the students.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion
Group discussion.

How did students react?
They found the song a little hard to understand because of the use of idiomatic expressions, and the fact that the singers skipped some sound ( usual way to speak)
They really liked the song though, and they had fun trying to imagine how the video would be.
Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes. All of them tried to guess, both the lyrics, and how the video would be.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Computer (youtube), handout

Please attach a copy.
Below are the lyrics of the song, and the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, because they liked it, it’s a good exercise of which you can modify the difficulty level according to the song.

1) warm up : 5-10mn. « quoi de neuf… ? »
2) Introduction of the topic: « Do you know some French singers? Groups?…)
3) Introduction of the song and the singer.
4) Song without the text and without the video
5) I give them the lyrics with the blank, they read it and ask for what they don’t understand.
6) Song again, they have to fill the blanks
7) Correction and explanation. (expressions)
8) Try to imagine how you would create the video for this song
9) Discussion and then comparison with the video
10) Everyday life: The character doesn’t do anything right. Give him advice ( work on expression to give advice and orders “ il faut que”, imperative mode…
11) Picture of the singer

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