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RU F09 INT Marriage

Class theme/topics discussed:
Marriage (basic vocabulary)
Dative Case – practicing

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It is congruent with the topic that students have at Russian 33 course this week.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Exercises, direct questioning, general discussion.

How did students react?
They liked that the conversation class is based on the companion classes at the Russian-33 course.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts with exercises, comics strips.

Please attach a copy.
Sept 17_Handout _2
Sept 17_Handout _3
Sept 17_Handout _4

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Yes.
Why or why not?
Questions given to the students encourage discussion, which allows them to practice the vocabulary they learned at the Russian-33 course and at the beginning of the conversational class.

Wedding & Marriage (Students get several separate handouts – see above; Handout #1 – ex.1,2 below).

1, 2. Dative Case Revision. Preparation for the discussion.
Handouts: «Student Activities Manual: В пути. Russian Grammar in Context», 2d ed., by Olga Kagan, Frank Miller, Ganna Kudyma, p.54, ex. 3-29; p. 57 ex. 3-35.

3. Расположите в хронологическом порядке русские эквиваленты следующих выражений а) с позиции мужчины; б) с позиции женщины. (Handout #2 – for ex. 3, 4).

Wedding; to get married; to marry smb; to be married; fiancé/fiancée (groom/bride); to get divorced; to be divorced.

4. Ответьте на вопросы о парах.

Виктор и Ольга

Кто из них женился? На ком?
Кто из них вышел замуж? За кого?
Кто поженился?

Александр и Татьяна

Кто с кем развелся?
Кто разведен?
Кто разошелся?

5. Посмотрите на комикс и расскажите, что произошло. (Handout #3)

6. Прочитайте текст. (Handout #4 – for ex. 6, 7)

Какие варианты неравного брака обсуждает автор? Каковы мнения о них? Как вы относитесь к неравным бракам?
В наши дни неравный брак, в котором мужчина значительно старше своей половины, считается делом обычным. Это в XIX веке художники создавали полотна с изображением на них несчастных девушек, отданных замуж за стариков. Сегодня все не так: молодые девушки по доброй воле выходят замуж за мужчин, которые годятся им не только в отцы, но и в дедушки. Психологи говорят, что такие браки часто оказываются более прочными, чем браки между ровесниками.
А что насчет случаев, когда мужчина женится на женщине старше его? Прочны ли такие браки, возможно ли в таких семьях счастье? Специалисты в области семейных отношений говорят «да». Счастливые браки, в которых жена старше мужа, возможны, но редки. Известен брак Агаты Кристи. Ее муж, по профессии археолог, был моложе писательницы на 15 лет. Профессия мужа давала Агате Кристи повод для шуток. Писательница любила говорить, что для археолога женщина должна быть как можно старше, ведь тогда ее ценность значительно возрастает.

7. Расскажите…

1) У вас есть невеста/ жених? А у кого-то из ваших друзей?
2) В каком возрасте (во сколько лет) вы хотите жениться/ выйти замуж?
3) Как вы относитесь к студенческим бракам?
4) У вас есть друзья и подруги, которые уже женились/ вышли замуж?
5) Как вы думаете, хорошо ли, что можно разводиться?
6) Как вы считаете – брак должен быть на всю жизнь?

ES F09 INT/ADV Relations Men-Women

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/08/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Friendship between men and women.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it might be interesting for them to know some of the vocabulary it is used in this kind of situation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We started with a little advertisement from Argentina that I wrote down for them and discussed the differences between Spanish from Argentina and Spain. Later I gave them another page with an article from a magazine about the topic and asked some questions about it, and we finished watching a short movie about the same topic and drawing conclusions.

How did students react?
They really liked the audiovisual material and found really funny both the ad and the short movie (Yo tambien te quiero). They were interested and talked a lot, but ones more than others.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, most of them.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Articles and youtube videos.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They liked the topic and had a chance to ask a native speaker all this vocabulary they wouldn’t ask a normal professor. They were interested but they are still shy and didn’t speak as much as I wanted.

3rd Class INT
3rd Class INT texto
3rd Class INT Intro

Anuncio 1

Hey, vos1!
Sprite tiene algo para decirte: tu amigo te tiene ganas2.
Mira, atrás de ese mejor amigo se esconde un caldero3 de hormonas que está al acecho4, esperando que tengas un momento de debilidad…
Masajes, mimos, roces, cualquier excusa es buena para tocarte.
De donde sacaste esa idea ingenua de que él es tu amigo?
Él ya tiene un montón de amigos y tienen pelos en las piernas!
Pensás5 que te entiende. No, solo te imagina sin ropa.
Aun así, darías todo por él, y él te daría6 porque… te tiene ganas.
Las cosas como son.

1 y 5: Acento argentino. Las forma vos es muy común allí. Además modifican la segunda persona del singular (piensas → pensás).
2: Tener ganas a alguien: Dos significados. Según el diccionario español: Tenerle rechazo o repugnancia a alguien o algo. En Argentina: Tener deseo sexual hacia una persona (to fancy).
3: Caldero: caldron.
4: Estar al acecho: Observar, aguardar cautelosamente con algún propósito.
6: Darle a alguien: en slang, querer tener sexo con alguien.


Amistad entre hombres y mujeres
Puntos a favor y otros en contra de este tipo de amistad:
Tener un amigo (o una amiga si eres hombre) nos permite entender más sobre la manera de pensar del otro. Entender su opinión, su forma de ser y sus prioridades nos puede abrir la puerta a una mejor relación de pareja, basada en una mejor comprensión del punto de vista del sexo opuesto.
No hay competencia. En algunas personas, competir con los de su mismo sexo es algo innato, que desaparece en esta clase de amistad.
Podemos compartir charlas sobre temas impensados, lo que nos hace aprender sobre muchas más cosas (para las mujeres, por ejemplo, desde cómo cambiar la rueda de un auto hasta entender cómo forma un equipo de fútbol).
Nuestra pareja puede tener celos…
La atracción… No solo sucede en películas como “Cuando Harry conoció a Sally”, la realidad es que acostumbrarse a una persona muchas veces deriva en sentimientos inesperados.
Que sea una amistad “encubierta”: es común “hacerse” el amigo o la amiga para estar cerca de esa persona y así conquistar su corazón. En muchas circunstancias, da buen resultado, pero no se trata de una amistad sincera, y de alguna manera estaríamos engañando a la persona que confía en nosotros…
Si además añadimos el sexo en este tipo de relación, una de las dos partes probablemente quiera que la amistad cambie de categoría y se transforme en noviazgo… y cabe la posibilidad de que se suscite un problema (y el fin de la amistad) si no es correspondida.

¿Crees en la amistad entre hombres y mujeres?
¿Tienes amigos/as del sexo opuesto?
¿Crees que tarde o temprano alguno de los dos va a sentir algo más?
¿Más aspectos positivos y negativos?

CN F09 INT/ADV What is “KenLaoZu”

Class theme/topics discussed:

What is “啃老族”?Where am I in China?

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Nowadays, many young people in China choose to live with parents even after they get jobs or get married. The main purpose of that is to save money. However, this is quite controversial. Different people have various ideas towards this situation and it is a good topic for students to discuss in order to provoke conversations.
For the game is just to let students have fun and know more places of interest in China.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Picture maze, handouts, discussion and role play

How did students react?
Students love playing picture puzzle and they figure out the meaning of “啃老族” with the two pictures.
Also they like to play the roles of as “啃老族” and parents to make conversations.

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Pictures(explain 啃、老、族)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?
Students love to play the picture puzzle and after that they are more active in making conversations. The game goes well because students are quite competitive to try to get more correct answers and therefore they have to organize their target language to tell more information to their classmates.

FR F07 INT – tv show “Un gars, une fille”

Exercise to have them react to images and express themselves as quickly as possible.
Then we watch “Un gars une fille” which is a short TV program, a series of skits about a young couple in their everyday life.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted to work both on their oral comprehension and on their ability to speak. I had planned some skits too, but we did not have time to do them.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Screening, pairs group

How did students react?
They loved the first exercise, which was really hard. Basically they saw a series of images that they had to describe to their classmate, sitting in front of them, and who could not watch the screen. They realized how hard it was to describe basic situations when you have no time to think about the vocabulary. Sometimes, they all had difficulties finding the same word, and when I had to give it to them, They were all like “ of couuuuuuuuuurse” That was a very fun activity and they asked to do it twice.
Then, we watched this TV show, and II asked them specific questions to check their understanding. I think they really liked the show even if it was hard to understand, because again, thanks to the visual elements, they could catch some information.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, especially during the first exercise

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
You tube videos

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes!, but maybe I would work on a shorter video ( maybe 3 minutes) and I would ask very specific questions.

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