an archive of lesson plans

Category: Movies (Page 3 of 3)

About cinema, actors, movies festival

JP S11 INT/ADV Watching a Movie “My Darling Is a Foreigner”

Class theme/topics discussed:

Watching a Japanese movie: “My Darilng Is a Foreigner”
Students watched a beginning part of the movies. At some point, I stopped the movie and asked some questions and they answered. When they had a question, I also stopped the video and answered their questions.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I finally found a movie of “My Darilng Is a Foreigner” This movie was the source of idea for intermediate conversation class project. So I really wanted students to watch the movie.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group discussion

How did students react?
They loved to watch the movie! They were curious about the cultural difference in daily life between American husband and Japanese wife.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?

This movie was really good tool for learning the current cultural difference between the U.S. and Japan. Students could learn a lot from the movie. Some conversation was difficult though, they seemed to enjoy watching the movie and discussion.

JP S11 INT/ADV Watching a Movie “Departures”

Class theme/topics discussed:

1. Talk about the Japan Fest (just for the lesson 21)
Since students will help out the Japan Fest, they need to check the schedule and what they are supposed to do and bring on the day of the Japan Fest.

2. Watch Japanese Movie: “Departures” (for both lesson 21 and 22)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Japan Fest is coming soon. I just wanted to remind them of the Japan Fest on coming Sunday. As for the movie, students asked me to show the movie because they already watched the beginning of the movie.

3. Question and Answer (for the lesson 22)
Students answer the question about the movie. Which scene is the most impressive? What is the funniest? How do you think about Japanese funeral? …etc.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Students asked me to watch everything after project. I accepted their offer because I also think this movie is good for them because conversation of this film include Japanese dialect.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group discussion

How did students react?
They loved to watch Japanese movie.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?
Watching movies motivate students to be curious about Japanese culture and society. It is good idea for conversation class to watch the movie. This movie is especially good. (It already got an Oscar!!) Since most of characters in the movie talked in a dialect of Japanese, students can explore cultural diversity in Japan.

DE F10 INT Books

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Intermediate Conversation
Date: 18th Nov 2010

Class theme/topics discussed:
Our favorite books

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Everybody talks about Harry Potter at the moment.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I gave my students a worksheet, where they had to take notes about their favorite book (content, characters, places, like, dislike). Then they gave a short presentation and we talked about their favorite book.

How did students react?
They liked it.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
Students liked to talk about their interests.

RU F10 INT Malysh i Karlson – Cartoon

Class theme/topics discussed:
Watching a cartoon: Малыш и Карлсон – часть 1

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Video, general discussion.

How did students react?
They liked the cartoon.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Laptop, video.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 24_Nov 28_Junior and Karlsson Questions

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
This cartoon is part of cultural background that almost every Russian person has, so it is important to introduce the students to it.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 24
November 18, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day

2. Introduce the cartoon: who? When? Where? Etc.

3. Watching the cartoon

4. Questions:

Персонажи мультфильма: кто они? Какие они?
– Что происходит в этой серии?
– Общее впечатление.

RU F10 INT/ADV Movies – Genres, Preferences

Class theme/topics discussed:
Preferences in Movies. Latest Russian Movies.

How did you pick this theme or topic? From the previous semester.
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, video clips presentation.

How did students react?
The topic elicits a lot of language use from the students.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, TV, laptop,
Please attach a copy. Handout from : «В пути», p. 327.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students can learn smth about modern Russian cinematography and decide what movie they would like to see. Plus, the topic is encouraging conversation.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 12
October 7, 2010

1. Warm-up: ask students what movies they have seen recently, why they decided to see these particular ones, whether they liked them or not, etc.

2. Handout: looking through the words (Genres of movies). Ask students about their preferences in genres.

3. Watching trailers for several Russian movies and discussing them.
Which one seems to be the most interesting for you? Rate the movies.
Guess what the story of the movie is.

– Похороните меня за плинтусом:
– Апельсиновый сок:
– Царь:
– Сказка про темноту:

CN F10 INT/ADV Movies

Class theme/topics discussed:

Movie I

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Moive is a common and interesting topic for students. In the following two class time, they can learn movie related vocabulary, how to describe a movie and get prepared for the movie project.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)


How did students react?

They love the activities!


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Movie is a common and interesting topic for students. In the following two class time, they can learn movie related vocabulary, how to describe a movie and get prepared for the movie project.

SFR S10 ADV – individual appointments + movie “l’Auberge espagnole”

Individual appointments + movie “L’auberge espagnole”

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to have an opportunity to talk to each one of them and ask them questions about the class, what they liked/disliked, etc…

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

I had a 10-minute appointment with each of them while the others were watching a movie. It took me 2 classes to talk to all the students.

How did students react?

They reacted well. I think they liked to have the opportunity to talk about the class and their personal preferences. And I think they also enjoyed the movie.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes they engaged a lot with me.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Movie L’auberge Espagnole (I had them choose)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, it was interesting to talk to them individually.

FR S10 ADV – stereotypes (American and in movies)


How did you pick this theme or topic?

We had talked about French stereotypes, but this topic is so vast that there is a lot to say about it – talking about general stereotypes, stereotypes in movies, stereotypes of Americans or other nations…

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Group discussion

How did students react?

They reacted very well. As for the French stereotypes, they had a lot to say and were curious to share their opinions.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes they engaged a lot with each other when discussing the different stereotypes and also engaged with me at the end to know what I thought.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Slips of papers
Handouts with a chart (stereotypes in movies)

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, I think it was very productive and created a lot of speech from the students’ part.

Advanced 02/09

1. American stereotypes – General discussion

⇒ Have you ever experienced stereotyping in France or abroad?

2. 10 stereotypes – game

⇒ Each one has to read the slip of paper with statements
⇒ The others have to guess which stereotype it is

3. General stereotypes in movies (chart with nerd/professors/old people…) – they have to give examples of movies

⇒ Have to work in pair
⇒ General discussion about it

RU F09 INT Movies

Class theme/topics discussed:
Preferences in Movies. Latest Russian Movies.

How did you pick this theme or topic? From the questionnaire distributed at the beginning of the semester
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.
How did students react? They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?
What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, TV, laptop,
Please attach a copy. Handout from : «В пути», p. 327.
Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students can learn smth about modern Russian cinematography and decide what movie they would like to see. Plus, the topic is encouraging conversation.

1. Warm-up: ask students what movies they have seen recently, why they decided to see these particular ones, whether they liked them or not, etc.
2. Handout: looking through the words (Genres of movies). Ask students about their preferences in genres.
3. Watching trailer for the latest Russian movies anddiscussing them.
Which one seems to be the most interesting for you? Rate the movies.
Guess what’s the story of the movie.
– Похороните меня за плинтусом:
– Апельсиновый сок:
– Царь:
– Сказка про темноту:

RU F09 INT Manners for Hosts and Guests. Винни-Пух Cartoon

Class theme/topics discussed:
A Soviet Cartoon “Винни-Пух идет в гости”
Etiquette for hosts and guests.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Students mentioned the topic Russian Animation in the questionnaire distributed at the first class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, describing pictures, general discussion

How did students react?
They were excited about watching a cartoon; this helped to have a lively discussion.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV + laptop, poster, handout.

Please attach a copy.
Sept 29_Cartoon Transcript
Sept 29_Poster
Sept 29_Reading

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students always like to have fun at the class, and cartoons are both entertaining and educating: they can be discussed from various perspectives, and therefore can be applied for working on different topics.

Занятие 9. Мультфильм «Винни-Пух идет в гости». Этикет для хозяев и их гостей

1. Ask the students if they have seen the Soviet cartoon about Winnie-the-Pooh. What do they know about Russian Winnie-the-Pooh?

2. Distribute the handout with the transcript for the cartoon (file Sept 29_Cartoon Transcript). Students read it on their own and ask questions about all unfamiliar words.

3. Watching the cartoon –

4. Students tell briefly the story of the cartoon. (Кто персонажи? Что они делают? Почему? …)

5. Ask students to compare the Soviet cartoon and the Walt Disney Cartoon.

Что общее у мультиков? Чем они отличаются? Какие персонажи есть в диснеевском мультфильме, какие – в советском?

Distribute a poster with the images of the cartoons’ characters (file Sept 29_Poster) and ask students to compare two Winnies and all the other characters.

6. Discussion: etiquette.

Как ведет себя Винни-Пух? Что он делает правильно/неправильно? Почему?
Как ведет себя Кролик? Что вежливо, а что – не очень? Почему он так себя ведет?

Как принято себя вести в гостях? Сравниваем с Винни-Пухом (можно ли прийти без приглашения? И т.д.)
Как должны вести себя хозяева? Сравниваем с Кроликом.
Если получается, сравниваем этикет в Америке и России.

Вспоминаем неловкие ситуации, связанные с приемом гостей или походом в гости.

7. Analyzing the transcript:

Give cultural comment on the greetings and partings (and ask students to find the examples of greetings/partings in Russian and possible replies to them).

Tell the students about the most popular quotations from this cartoon and explain the context in which they are used.
(e.g. «И того и другого! И можно без хлеба!»; «Ты что? Застрял? – Неет. Я просто отдыхаю»; «А что подумал Кролик, никто не узнал, потому что он был очень воспитанный»)

8. Reading exercise: «Как звали бы Винни-Пуха в разных странах» (see file Sept 29_Reading).

RU F08 ADV Vii by N. Gogol (for Halloween:)

Class theme/topics discussed:
News of the day (student’s presentation)
Gogol on Halloween. (Nikolay Gogol and his famous book “Vii”)
Vii” 3 films versions
Film presentations, сomparison

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last year’s materials
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Presentation, watching video, group discussion

How did students react?
They reacted very well
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
International Theatre, Internet
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic is very interesting and relevant

Lesson plan 17
Russian Conversation Advanced

Famous Russian writers
Nikolay Gogol and his famous book “Vii”

“Vii” 3 films versions
Film presentations, comparison

Introduction. (10 min)
Listen to the presentation of the Gogol’s biography and his book “Vii” and retell it.

Николай Васильевич Гоголь – великий русский писатель, поэт и драмматург. Родился он в Украине в небольшом селе 20 марта 1809 года. В 18 лет он приехал в Петербург, чтобы учиться. Литературную известность ему принесла книга “Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки”. Его самые извечтные книги: “Ревизор”, “Мертвые души”, “Шинель”, “Нос”.
Однажды ночью главный герой, студент семинарии Хома, убил ведьму. Скоро его вызывают отпевать в течение трёх ночей молодую девушку, которая оказывается той ведьмой. Сейчас она хочет отомстить Хоме. Хома пытается сбежать, но его не отпускает отец девушки. Итак, Хоме надо 3 ночи сражаться с нечистью в закрытой церкви. А наместник Сатаны на земле – ужасный Вия с веками до земли…

Video 1.
1967 год.

Video 2.
2006 год., рижессер Олег Фесенко

Video 3.
2009 год., режиссер Олег Степченко

RU F08 ADV TV. TV-Shows in Russia

Class theme/topics discussed:
Modern Russian TV shows
Humor on TV

How did you pick this theme or topic?
During the mid-term evaluation the students asked to watch more TV shows and contemporary TV programs

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Watching videos, retelling them, group discussion, asking questions.

How did students react?
They were very excited and willing to discuss the videos and share their opinion.
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
International theatre, Internet
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic was interesting and encouraged the students to talk.

Lesson plan 13

The topic discussed:
Modern Russian TV shows
Humor on TV

Warm-up (10 min):

1). News of the day Presentation

2). Interview
Work in pairs: You are a person from TV monitoring company. You have to interview your partner and find out everything about his/her TV tastes and preferences. After the interview be ready to present a report to the class.

Practice (30 min):
Watching and discussing the videos:

1. Наша Раша:

2. Спиногрызы:

3. Бальзаковский возраст или все мужики сво…

RU S08 INT Russian Cartoons

Russian cartoons screening.
Asking and answering the questions.

Карлсон (…3:20 min – 7:00 )

1. Как зовут главных героев мультфильма?
2. Где живет Карлсон?
3. Что значит “мужчина хоть куда/в полном расцвете сил ”?
4. Что ест Карлсон? Почему?
5. Объясните выражение “Со мной не соскучишься”.

Винни-Пух (00:30 – 2:40)

1. Как зовут друга Винни-Пуха?
2. Какую песню сочиняют герои? Напойте.
3. Куда идут друзья? Зачем?
4. Объясните разницу между русским мультфильмом и мультфильмом Дисней.

Мартышка и удав (00:30 – 4:20)

ползти –
мысль –
1. Что дулают Мартышка и удав?
2. Какой рост у удава?


проходить –
задавать –

1. Опишите Антошку.
2. Что говорят дети Аношке в первый раз? Во второй?
3. Что отвечает он? Почему?

FR F07 INT – movie “8 femmes”

Extracts of the movie “8 femmes”

How did you pick this theme or topic?
They love movies! This one was very popular in France and in the US, so I wanted to make them discover it.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion before and after watching different extracts.

How did students react?
Very well! They loved the movies and wanted to see it, so this is the one that I’m going to show on Wednesday November 28th.

Did they engage with each other and you?
The plot is really puzzling, the movie is original, and visually there is a lot to say, so they were really interested in knowing what was going on. I only got positive reactions

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, definitely. It is cultural, a good exercise for audio comprehension, the director of the movie is the most famous in France now… a lot of reason to keep showing this movie to students.

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