Spanish Conversation Class – Advanced (Credits to Katherine Pérez)

Class theme/topic discussed: Trials, alibis

Goal of the class: To practice past tense and questions.

Class structure

Activity: A crime has been committed (specify place and time). When students first get to the classroom, you talk about a crime of which they are suspects (you make up a story as to how they are all suspects).

El miércoles pasado ocurrió una tragedia inimaginable, el asesinato de Mr. Zoom. Mr. Zoom estaba en Claremont dando un paseo por Marston Quad cuando un grupo de personas lo confrontó por permitir que los zoom bombers mostraran fotos obscenas en las clases de Pomona. Algunas personas incluso insinuaron que los zoom bombers actuaban bajo el conocimiento de Mr. Zoom, que él los ayudaba incluso. Todo esto ocurrió entre las 6 y las 10 de la noche del pasado miércoles.

Los detectives encontraron pelos de los pugs de Ari, las llaves de la casa de Sam y Vivian, la chaqueta de San Francisco de Eloise, una carta muy “” de Sammy, y el libro de estudios africanos de Ella. Cualquiera de ellas pudo haberlo hecho.

Los detectives encontraron pelos de los pugs de Ari, las llaves de la casa de Sam y Vivian, la chaqueta de San Francisco de Eloise, una carta muy “ de Sammy”, y el libro de estudios africanos de Ella. Cualquiera de ellas pudo haberlo hecho.

  • ALIBI: In pairs, they have to create an alibi to free themselves from the charges. Both students have to memorize their alibi as they will later stand trials separately and both of their stories will have to match. During the trial they are also going to be judges, therefore, they have to prepare some questions for the defendants as well.
    • TRIAL: One group volunteers or gets chosen to be the first defendants (acusados). The trial starts when one of the students leaves the classroom (into a breakout room) and the judges start the interrogation. *The jury should make the same questions to both defendants while trying to find inconsistencies in their stories. If the judges happen to find some discrepancy they can’t start talking about them while the trial is ongoing
  • Follow-up/Post-task: Students decide who where the culprits while commenting on each others alibi: whether there where inconsistencies in the stories or not, which one was the funniest one, etc.

Resources used

  • Alibi table (see below)

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

  •  Students loved this activity! Do this activity after you’ve learned some things about your students. A personalized story will make a difference.
  • Have a YouTube link or something for the student in the breakout room to watch. I used a music video in Spanish.


  • Alibi table
Para tu coartada:¿Dónde estabas?¿Con quién estabas?¿Qué estabas haciendo?
18:00 – 19:00   
19:00 – 20:00   
20:00 – 21:00   
21:00 – 22:00