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Tag: animals

ES SP23 INT Wild Animals

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Intermediate

Class theme/topic discussed: Wild animals

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and categorize vocabulary related to animals and pets.
  • Use conditional and past subjunctive to talk about possible scenarios
  • Discuss the benefits and risks of having a pet.
  • Compare, contrast and rate animals using a given criterion (danger to humans) 

Class structure:

Warm up:

Juego de la Canasta: In a circle, one of the students chooses a subcategory of the main theme (example: body parts of animals, wild animals of the sea, dangerous insects, etc.) and each one will say a work without repeating what someone else said. When someone repeats a word or  says something that does not belong to that category, that person loses and start another subcategory.


Students answer the questions in small groups: If you had been an animal in a past life, what animal would you be?

They discuss the following questions:

¿Cuál es tu animal salvaje favorito? ¿Por qué te gusta tanto?
¿Has tenido alguna experiencia cercana con un animal salvaje? ¿Cómo te sentiste?
¿Crees que las personas deberían intentar tener animales salvajes como mascotas? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué animal tendrías de mascota?

“¿Cuál te asusta más?”: Students see pictures of 6 animals that might dangerous to humans. In groups, they compare them and rate them in terms of which one would be more dangerous and which one would not be as much; creating a list. They later share it with the rest of the class and compare their rating with the other group. If their results are different from the others, they will make a little debate in order to show the others why they think it is how they are determined.


Students discuss the following questions about ethics on animals. After that, the class is divided two groups and they do a little debate on 2 different postures.

¿Qué tan diferentes son otros animales a los humanos?
¿Hasta qué punto es válido que no sean tratados como sujetos de derecho?
¿Qué soluciones podrían existir para evitar el maltrato a animal?

¿Qué piensas sobre los zoológicos? ¿Son buenos o malos para los animales salvajes?
¿Deberíamos dejar que los animales salvajes vivan en libertad o deberíamos mantenerlos en cautiverio para su protección?
¿Qué responsabilidad tienen los gobiernos en la protección de los animales salvajes?

Wrap up:

Students wrap up the debate and give their final thoughts on the topic

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation. 

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

Some students were very passionate about the topic, especially in the debate. However, there were some students that were not as engaged. But the class went well. While they were in groups, I went around helping with vocabulary and trying to ask direct questions to the students that were not participating as much.

ES FA22 INT Animals and pets

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Intermediate

Class theme/topic discussed: Animals and Pets

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and categorize vocabulary related to animals and pets.
  • Discuss the benefits and risks of having a pet.
  • Compare, contrast and rate animals using a given criterion (danger to humans) 

Class structure:

Warm up:

Juego de la Canasta: In a circle, one of the students chooses a subcategory of the main theme (example: animals of the sea, animals that have tales, activities people do with their pets, etc.) and each one will say a work without repeating what someone else said. When someone repeats a word or  says something that does not belong to that category, that person loses and start another subcategory.

Students are encouraged to speak up when they think someone has said something that is not necessarily part of that category and explain the reasons for that. Whoever is alluded can either refute the other’s claim or lose and start a new subcategory


Students talk about their current pet, a pet they had in the past or a pet that they might like to have in the future. They are encouraged to show a picture of it to the class in order to illustrate it. 

In couples or groups, they discuss the benefits and risks of having a pet. They can use the chipboard to remember main points and then share with the rest of the class.

“¿Cuál te asusta más?”: Students see pictures of 6 animals that might dangerous to humans. In groups, they compare them and rate them in terms of which one would be more dangerous and which one would not be as much; creating a list. They later share it with the rest of the class and compare their rating with the other group. If their results are different from the others, they will make a little debate in order to show the others why they think it is how they are determined.

Wrap up:

Each student briefly describes an animal of their preference without saying what it is. The rest of the class asks questions to find out what that animal is.

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation. 

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

Animals seem to be a relatively popular topic and so students will engage with it. Activities went well with no major difficulties. They went through a lot of vocabulary at the beginning of the class so that they could use it later on in the activities. Maybe one of the challenges is that students get very excited and conversations might go off topic a little bit, which i don’t think is necessarily bad. Students seemed to have fun

ES INT: Safari

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Travel, animals and future tense

Goal of the class:

The students revise animals vocabulary, travel and present and future tense

Class structure:

Activity 1:

We go on a safari. The students have to decide in pairs a safari trip for the Language residents. They have to decide where to go, who many days, find the flights, accommodation and things to do.

Once they found all the information, they have to present it to the class.

Activity 2:

What animals would we see on a safari?

The students brainstorm about all the animals they know and I give them the vocabulary they do not know.

Activity 3:

What is your animal spirit?

The students take a test in Spanish to discover their animal spirit. Then, they share it with the rest of the class. The LR also takes the test, so their information can also be shared.

Activity 4:

Animal stories.

I give each student cards with 4 random animals. They have to come up with a story for kids where those three animals are characters.

Backup activity: animals taboo

The students play taboo with the cards previously used in the activity 4.

Resources used:

Animal spirit test:

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warm up as: what is your favorite way of traveling. However, I did not do it because the previous class to this one was about traveling. The class went very well and the students were very talkative. They made me play a Taylor Swift video about a safari. I was not very happy about showing a song in English in the class, but the video had a very interesting plot, so I made them explain what happened in the video in Spanish once the video was done. We did not have enough time to do the backup activity.

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