an archive of lesson plans

Category: Traveling (Page 3 of 3)

About traveling, tourism, geography, transportation

RU F09 INT Traveling in Russia

Class theme/topics discussed:
Travel in Russia
+ translating the script for the project in English to create subtitles

How did you pick this theme or topic? From the questionnaire distributed at the beginning of the semester

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion

How did students react? They seemed to be excited both about the topic and about the facts they learned.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts with small pictures and brief info on several interesting tourist places in Russia, a map of Russia

Please attach a copy.
Nov 19_Travel in Russia

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It provides both language and culture knowledge.

Занятие 22. Путешествия в России

1. Translating subtitles for the project
2. Warm-up: speaking about travelling – where in the US did you travel? In Europe? In the world? Where would you like to go? Etc.
3. Handout: students read the article, ask about the new words.
4. Discussion – where they would like to go in Russia and why.

DE F09 ADV Travels

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Advanced Conversation
Date: 12. November 2009

Class theme/topics discussed: Reisen nach Deutschland

How did you pick this theme or topic? We had the ‘Kaffee and Kuchen’ the week before and talked about the city of Berlin. My students said they would like to talk more about Berlin and other big cities in Germany.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Only one student came today. I talked to her about her knowledge of German geography and she told me about her visits to Germany. We looked at a map of Germany and talked about big cities, what they are famous for, and why people might like to travel there. Then, I asked my student to design a poster of a German city she liked and include some fun facts that would motivate young people to visit that city. At the end of the lesson we talked about how to motivate students to travel to Germany and how Germany could improve their advertisement so that more young people would travel there.

How did students react?
My student was very interested and seemed to like the topic. She also enjoyed working on the poster.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, she was very talkative and engaged with me very well.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Map of Germany
Blank poster

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would use this topic again. I think it is interesting for young students and it gives them the chance to talk a lot about their own experience.






CN F09 INT/ADV Break plan

Class theme/topics discussed:

Spring break plan

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It is almost spring break and students love to share their spring break plans. It’s also a good opportunity to help them expand their travel-related vocabulary.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work, general discussion
How did students react?

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?

This is a close-to-life topic and students are easily get excited and therefore talk a lot.

Class theme/topics discussed:

How was your summer?

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Students like to share their fresh experience and memories of summer vacation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work

How did students react?

They like to talk about their summer and share interesting stories.
Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

It helps students to get to know each other’s summer stories and find hobbies in common. The story telling also helps students to get their Chinese back gradually with less pressures. And students’ reaction is pretty good.

How was your summer?

Show students topic samples for this semester and they can discuss and add what kinds of topics they would like to talk about.

Warm up: 8 MIN
4 groups discuss the handout and get to know all the vocabulary from the handout (3MIN)
Handouts for students to walk around and found somebody who matches the question and write down their name
Process: 32 MIN
Brainstorm: What will you think when talking about this summer? 2MIN
Write down vocabulary students offer Story telling:
Group discussion: 4 persons as 1 group talking about:
The most awesome thing I’ve done in the summer or the worst thing I’ve done in the summer using the vocabulary they just offer.
Pick up the best two stories in the group, 1 best or 1 worst 8 MIN
Write down the key words of each story by time sequence on the white board 2 MIN
Group discussion: each group need to discuss and figure out other groups’ stories based on the key words (3 MIN each, 15 MIN in total)
One group tell a story of another group and other group needs to guess which story it is.10MIN

FR F09 INT/ADV – Food and regional dishes

Food and French dishes with an emphasis on regional dishes.

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I thought that after having talked about French regions, it would be good to do a follow-up lesson and also introduce the materials of the project since both groups want to do something related to food. And learning more about the typical French dishes is good for their general knowledge about French culture since gastronomy is very important in France.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work
Work in pairs
General discussion

How did students react?

They reacted very well, they were very interested and they liked talking about food and French dishes. Some of them knew some typical dishes but only a few, most of them only knew the basic French food like cheese or bread, so I think that’s why they were eager to know more about French food.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes they all participated, talked to each other since they had to work in pairs, and asked questions to me to know more about some dishes. One student was also very interested in the cooking vocabulary so we spent some time on that topic.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Powerpoint presentation on the tv screen

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, totally. I think it was a real success. And they left the class hungry after that!


1. Warm-up

2. introduction to basic vocabulary to describe dishes

– in pairs, they need to fill out a sheet with food pictures
– and then to sort out the words in the chart

3. Interview questions – in pairs

– What is their favorite dish ?
– Have they ever tried French dishes ?
– What French dish would they like to try ?

4. PowerPoint presentation

– need to guess the dish, the region and what seems to be in (ingredients)

FR F09 INT/ADV – French regions

French regions with an emphasis on Bretagne and Provence.

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to see what they knew about the French regions and cities because I think it is important to know more about the geography of a country when you study its language. I also thought it could be nice to focus on other regions than Paris, for a change, so they could discover something else than the capital.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work
Work in pairs
General discussion

How did students react?

They reacted well, but didn’t know much about the regions. So I think it was useful for them to get to know Bretagne and Provence.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Yes but they were not very talkative. Maybe because the activities I had planned were not based on communication enough.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, but I would modify the activities to make them talk more.

Regions francaises

1. Warm-up – 5mn

2. Can you name 5 french regions? 5 cities?

3. Map of France : they must locate the regions or cities they know
–> use a map like this one

4. Provence et Bretagne – work in pairs
⇒ Assumptions on either Provence or Bretagne, they must find out which region each sentence refers to
⇒ Fill in the blanks with the right words
⇒ Reading of the text

For Intermediate:

5. Role play “travel agency” – two groups
→ each group represents a region, they must talk with the other students in their group about the assets of the region and write them down
→ then they need to try to convince a potential tourist to go visit their region, using the region’s assets, as if they were working in a travel agency

For Advanced:

5. Closed-task discussion – three groups
→ They need to agree with their classmates on the top 3 priorities of a tourist on vacation in a foreign region or country
⇒ General discussion

ES F09 INT/ADV Spanish Regions

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/15/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Clichés within Spain.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it could be interesting to figure out how much they know about Spain and present it in an interesting way.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I decorated the lounge with both images of Andalusia and Catalonia and split the students into two groups. We started with a warm up activity, then a text to fill in the gaps and finish with a discussion on why should the others visit their region.

How did students react?
They didn’t participate and it was really hard to have them talking. They knew very little about the regions and didn’t enjoy it.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Not much. They worked well in groups but with difficulties.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Images and other info from Internet.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
I would, but maybe with other groups.

Why or why not?
They didn’t like the topic but maybe because they didn’t know much about it, so it should be better to compare two countries instead of two regions (such as Mexico and Spain).

5th Class INT
5th Class IB
5th Class Cataluna
5th Class Andalucia

CN F09 ADV Beijing Dialect and the life of Beijing People

Class theme/topics discussed:

Beijing Dialect and the life of Beijing people

How did you pick this theme or topic?

Mandarin and Beijing Dialect have differences that sometimes confuse students.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Handouts, group work, debate

How did students react?
They are a little bit confused about what they should do for the debate but they enjoy watching the video about Beijing people.

Did they engage with each other and you?

They engage with eache other very well to figure out the dialect in the video. Later they ask me questions regarding to the life of young Beijing people.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Showing students video can be lots of fun but need to choose the video carefully—the video should have subtitle in Chinese and the speed should be slow.


RU F08 ADV World Geography

Class theme/topics discussed:
World geography – countries, cities.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last year’s materials

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Game, crossword, group discussion

How did students react?
They reacted very well
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV, Virtual World Map

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic is very interesting and relevant

Lesson plan 1 (09.04)
Russian Conversation 1
World geography – countries, cities.
(Find a country/place on the map. Explain where it is situated).
Prepositional case – revision + Question words

Warm-up: (10 min)
1. Game: put a note with a name of a geographic object on the back of each students and have them question each other (yes\no questions): Is it on this continent? Is it a river? Etc.
2. Solve a crossword “Cities” in pairs discussing the tasks with your partner.

Introduction: (15 min)
New words list check. (countries, continents, places)

Нидерла́нды (Голландия)
Города (+Столица)


Стороны света: (На…+Prepositional case, На Юге)


Находиться…- to be located/to be situated…
Далеко от…+ Genitive
Близко от…+ Genitive

+ Question words (see handout from grammar dictionary)


Practice: (15 min)
1. Find a country/city on the map. Explain where it is situated, what is its capital or what country it is a capital of. Have you been there? Would you like to go?
2. Look at the slides and guess what is it and where the sight is situated.
3. What Russian cities/towns do you know? What can you say about them? What are they famous for?

Discussion (20 min):
Answer the questions p.6-7 (text-book “Russkaya leksika” by Starovoitova)

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