an archive of lesson plans

Category: Traditions, Culture and Stereotypes (Page 3 of 10)

About traditions, customs, holidays, celebrations, festivals

RU F18 ADV Halloween

Language Resident Name: Mykyta Tyshchenko

Day and Date: Tuesday, 10.30.2018

Language and Level: Russian, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Halloween

Goal of the class:  practice talking about American traditions in Russian, practice storytelling

How did you structure the class?

  1. Greetings, general questions, announcements. – 5 min
  2. How did Halloween appear? Students tell the LR about the origin of the holiday. (It is OK to google together) – 5 min
  3. Survey: Students work with the survey (handout 1). – 20 min
  4. Russian horror stories for children: Reading and discussing. (handout 2) – 10 min
  5. Telling a страшилка (horror story) to each other: One by one, students and the LR tell a collective horror story. – 20 min

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Had to change the last activity to just telling personal stories because there were not many students in the class that day. + I brought candy, students were very happy.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Handout 1.


Праздник – holiday

Праздновать/отмечать – to celebrate

Наряжаться (+Кем? Чем?) – to dress as

Наряд – gown/costume + костюм

Украшать – to decorate +  декорировать

Кошелек или жизнь!



Вкусняшки, вкусняхи

Ништячки (Ништяк!)

Ты празднуешь Хэллоуин? Как?          
Кем или чем ты наряжался/ Наряжалась в прошлом?          
Будет ли у тебя костюм в этом году? Какой?          
Ты ходил/ходила в детстве за конфетами? Какой был самый удачный год? Что ты получил/ получила?          
Ты смотришь фильмы ужасов? Какие тебе нравятся?          

Handout 2.

Красная роза

Одна тетка пошла в магазин. Дочка ее увидела там красную розу и стала просить купить ее. Но мать сначала не хотела покупать. Девочка заплакала, и мать решила купить ее.

Когда они купили розу, они пошли домой и поставили на пианино. Вечером они легли спать. Но девочка не спала и любовалась розой. И вдруг она увидела, что роза стала расти и становилась все больше и больше. Вдруг роза стала совсем большой, и из нее вышел красный человек. Он пошел по коридору, шел долго, а потом зашел в какую-то дверь и исчез.

Наутро девочка рассказала об этом отцу с матерью. Мать пошла в милицию и позвала милиционеров на ночь. И они спрятались, стали наблюдать за этой розой.

Роза опять стала большой и оттуда вылез красный человек. Милиционеры стали стрелять в него, но все было без толку. Он все шел и шел. Наконец, он зашел в ту комнату и через некоторое время зашли туда и милиционеры.

Там они увидели этого человека. Он купался в бассейне, а там была кровь. Потом он вылез и умер.

Стеклянная кукла

Однажды одна семья — мама, папа и дочка — пошли в универмаг. Девочка увидела на витрине очень красивую стеклянную куклу. Она была волшебная. Дочка попросила купить эту куклу. Но отец сказал дочери, что эта кукла волшебная и она приносит несчастье. Девочка тогда стала просить у матери. Мать сжалилась и купила куклу.

Отец на следующий день уехал в командировку и оставил девочке записку:

«Дочь, не одевай на новую куклу голубое платье.»

Не послушалась девочка и одела. Ночью она услышала стук. Кукла подошла к постели девочки и спряталась под подушку. Она стала шептать девочке:

— Ляг, я тебя задушу.

Девочка подумала, что это ей кажется, и легла. Кукла её задушила. То же повторилось с мамой девочки.

Папа вернулся домой и увидел, что все мертвы, а кукла сидит на телевизоре и смеётся. Он подбежал к ней и разбил её об пол. Мама и дочка сразу ожили.

ES FA18 INT Jeopardy

  • Language Resident Name: Hugo Briones Cáceres
  • Day and Date: Monday, November 26th   
  • Language and Level:Spanish Conversation Intermediate
  • Class theme/topics discussed:  Vocabulary, games, pop culture
  • Goal of the class:

To play games to review and acquire new vocabulary

  • How did you structure the class? 
  • Activity 1: with the help on an online webpage, students play a game of jeopardy to review and acquire new knowledge on vocabulary, grammar and pop culture.
  • What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Super Teacher’s Tools

  • What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Even though I thought out the activity as an ice breaker, we ended up playing the game for the whole class. It helped to tackle some vocabulary and grammar doubts and to learn some interesting facts about pop culture. It is very important to follow up each question with some explanation or discussion in regards to students’ doubts.  

  • How could this class be improved/ modified?

The class worked out well. 

ES F18 ADV Rosalía (Spanish culture and music)


Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: José Gómez

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  

.Goal of the class: To learn and discuss about traditions in Spain.  To discover new music artists in Spain

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1:

Students get a piece of paper with prompts to discuss about their musical taste

They stand up and walk around asking each other

Activity 2:

Students are asked the features that a good artist needs to have. We write those words in the whiteboard

Activity 3:

Students look up the artist Rosalía on Instagram. They describe what they see and what they think of her.

Activity 4:

We brainstorm different elements from the Spanish culture. Students are guided with a powerpoint presentation in order to get them to discuss about semana santa, bullfighting, suburbs…

Activity 5:

Students watch the Malamente music video by Rosalia. They have toidentify the elements we have learnt before. Then we discuss how they arerepresented in the video and figure out the meaning of the video.

Activity 6:

Now that students are more familiar with the artist and the imagery. We discuss about elements that are relevant also in the US. Cultural appropriation and Rosalía.

Activity 7: If there is time, we watch another music video by the same artist that shows similar topics, and discuss the different elements portrayed in it.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

We used prompts to bring up the topic at the beginning of the class.

We also used a powerpoint presentation to bring the imagery of the artist to the classroom and make it more fun to engage in the topic.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class worked very well with advanced students because they really liked the artist. They could see and discuss elements from the Spanish culture that they were already familiar with, and put them into a different perspective. After this class, this artist became a recurrent topic in class, students would follow her progress and the new material she was releasing. It was a fantastic resource for them to bring Spanish home and keep practicing. 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

There is a PowerPoint presentation attached.

ES FA18 ADV Argentinian Spanish

  • Language Resident Name: Hugo Briones Cáceres
  • Day and Date: Tuesday, November 27th    
  • Language and Level:Spanish Conversation Advanced
  • Class theme/topics discussed: Gender violence, Argentinian accent
  • Goal of the class:

To discuss gender violence in the Latin American context

To analyze the Argentinian accent.

  • How did you structure the class? 
  • Activity 1: Students watch a PSA video against sharing personal pictures online. The video is from Argentina and the dialogues have a strong Argentinian accent. 
  • Follow up: A set of questions about the topic is discussed and pairs and then in the class. 
  • Follow up 2: A set of questions about the Argentinian accent are discussed in the class. Students pose questions and doubts in regards to the dialect. 
  • Activity 2: In groups, students enact a given situation using the Argentinian accent and dialect.
  • What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


  • What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Bringing audiovisual material always works well in class. Analyzing both, the topic and the Argentinian Spanish, worked out quite well as students could get acquainted with a less standardized Spanish. Even though the topic might be a little bit difficult or even triggering for some people, students were able to provide their insights while being responsible about it. 

  • How could this class be improved/ modified?

The class worked out quite well as it was. Though, it is always important to ask the class whether the topic might be triggering or make them uncomfortable. 

ES FA18 ADV Telenovela

  • Language Resident Name:  Hugo Briones Cáceres
  • Day and Date: Tuesday, October 2nd
  • Language and Level:Spanish Conversation Advanced
  • Class theme/topics discussed: Acting, telenovelas, use of pronouns
  • Goal of the class:

To analyze and discuss Telenovelas as cultural resources 

To act in a telenovela skit

  • How did you structure the class? 
  • Activity 1: we watch an extract of the 1998 Mexican telenovela “La Usurpadora”. Students are asked to pay attention to the tone of the clip, the relations among the characters and the whole plot of it.
  • Follow up 1: we discussed the questions and pay extra attention to relationship markers, such as the use of “Tú” vs. “Usted”.
  • Follow up 2: students are asked to enact a common situation, such as “order a coffee” or “first date” with the same tone and melodrama shown in the clip. 
  • What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


  • What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The activity worked quite well. Students were able to test their listening comprehension and also have a little peek to Latin American culture. This class would work pretty well with intermediate students too.

  • How could this class be improved/ modified?

The activities and the timing worked out pretty well. 

DE F17 ADV Thanksgiving

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

Day and Date: Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

Goal of the class: Students use vocabulary learned and talk about their Thanksgiving holidays

How did you structure the class?  

4.15-4.20 (5mins): Save the date – 4 Cultural activities

4.20-4.30 (10mins): Review Thanksgiving vocabulary; bomb-game (use bomb from the game “Tick Tack Bumm” in German LR apartment): each person has to say one word related to thanksgiving and after that they can pass the bomb to the next person. The person who holds the bomb when it explodes cannot participate in the regular game anymore, but has to act as a “lifeline”. Each player can ask for help from these students, but only once during the game.

 4.30-4.45 (15mins): students come up with questions about their Thanksgiving holidays: 2 groups (5 and 6 students); 12 questions (number questions like: 1., 1.1, 2., 2.1, …) for each group – they type them in the MacBook; LR assists and makes sure that the final questions are grammatically correct.

 4.45-5.15 (30mins): students dice and answer the question with the number they get; if they get the same number again, they use the second question for that number (e.g. 3. and 3.1). After approximately half of the time, the groups swap the questions they came up with.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

mac books for students, dice

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They liked to talk about Thanksgiving but one group was much more energetic and motivated than the other. This happens a lot; maybe switching people between the groups could help to improve that.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

make 10 questions (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2….) and if they dice 6, the person should switch the group.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


ES F17 ADV Debate on Current Latin American Music

Language Resident Name: Hugo Briones Cáceres

Day and Date: Thursday, October 5th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Conversation Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

  • Debate
  • Latin American Music

 Goal of the class:

  • Debate in Spanish about two popular Latinamerican songs

 How did you structure the class?

  1. Students are introduced to their next activity, which is a debate on which contemporary Latin American song is better (Despacito and Mi Gente). They will have to come up with arguments and counter arguments during the class and have a debate on the topic. Two students will be the moderators of the debate and will help to determine the winning team.
  2. Students work in their arguments and counterarguments for the debate. The moderators prepare questions and will guide the whole activity.
  3. The students take turns to defend their songs with arguments. Then, they take a 4-minute break to come up with their counterarguments against their opponents’ song. They continue with the counterargument section of the debate.
  4. Finally, moderators make questions to both groups and define a winner.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students really liked the idea of the debate. They enjoyed it and were passionate about defending their songs. The arguments were really strong and their Spanish was really up to the task.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I should have included better guidelines in regards to the time they should spend defending each argument (1.30). I should have also made it clear that they could take notes and share ideas among groupmates.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


Junto a tu equipo, desarrollen argumentos e ideas que ayuden a respaldar que la canción de su grupo es mejor que la del grupo adversario. Cada integrante tendrá un papel importante en el debate. Estos papeles deben ser asignados democráticamente entre los integrantes del equipo.

Integrante 1: Introducción y argumento 1 (Presentar la canción y el primer argumento a favor)

Integrante 2: Argumento 2 y 3 (Presentar los dos siguientes argumentos a favor de la canción)

Integrante 3: Contraargumento (Presentar un argumento en contra de lo propuesto por el otro equipo)

Integrante 4: Conclusión (Presentar las ideas centrales expuestas y cerrar)

Tipos de argumentos a presentar:

Esta canción representa mejor el español porque…

Esta canción representa mejor a Latinoamérica porque…

Musicalmente, esta canción es mejor porque…

Tipos de argumentos no admitidos:

Me gusta porque…

DE F17 INT Thanksgiving

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

 Day and Date: Monday, Nov 20, 2017

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, intermediate, 3 students

 Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

 Goal of the class: Students learn basic vocabulary about Thanksgiving

 How did you structure the class?  

4.15-5.45 (30mins): Story telling – my funny Thanksgiving (story cubes from German LR closet). Each student gets 5 story cubes (= dice with various symbols) and has to tell a story about Thanksgiving which includes all the symbols they diced. The other students have to guess which part of the story came from the cubes. Students can ask for and look up vocabulary.

5.45-5.15 (30mins): collect all vocab on the board; students handcraft a vocabulary turkey – all the new words are written on feathers made from paper; they can color the feathers and the turkey (prepared by LR) as they want and stick all the feathers on the turkey – it’s a nice decoration for the classroom or the bulletin board.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

whiteboard, story cubes; handcrafting materials (paper, scissors, colors, glue or tape)

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked very well, but we would have needed a little more time. They had troubles telling an exciting story that also has to do with thanksgiving; but as they are intermediate that is okay.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

Add some basic vocab work before having them telling the story. Repeat all the vocab in the end. If you have enough time, each student could make their own turkey – for example assign them different themes like family, food and activities. The activity, including the additional proposals made, could be planned for two lessons.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

JA S17 INT “Japanese Song & TV Show”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Monday, February 6, 2017

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

 Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese Song & TV Show

 Goal of the class:

The students will be able to understand the basic contents of Japanese song and TV show.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (2 min) Attendance check and Announcement

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements.

 Activity 2 (8 min) Warm-up

I casually ask the students about their weekend and Japanese New Year’s Party held last Friday.

Activity 3 (25 min) Review of the song “Mirai-e”

The students listen to the song with lyrics and fill in the rest of blanks while listening. Then I introduce some vocabulary and we review the meaning of lyrics sentence by sentence together in the class. Then I give them several questions related to the song and students talk about them in the class. In the end, we sing the song together in the class.

Activity 4 (25 min) Japanese Show

I ask a question about what you would do if you pick up some money. Students share the idea by demonstrating themselves in the class. Then, I introduce the show in the class and give them a question related to the theme on the show. We exchange the ideas in the class and watch the show together in the class. Then we review general information of what they have seen. I also give them explanation about some vocabulary not familiar with the students.

Back-up Activity (15 min) Listening to Japanese short comedy

I give them the theme before watching the clip. Students brainstorm what the story is about by sharing the ideas in the class. Then, we watch a clip together in the class and review general information of it. I also give them explanation about some vocabulary not familiar with the students.


 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was good in general. I was able to get the song activity done quickly and to move on to the next activity. I just found the short comedy, which was supposed to do in the class today, difficult, so I switched the activity with another one that I just came up with right before the class. Honestly, it was not prepared enough because of that sudden change, but I did my best. I could prepare enough before conducting the class, so that I could instruct the class well.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

When I conduct new activities in my intermediate class, I often failed as I feel in that way, and I find many points needed to be revised by the next class of teaching. This semester I usually try new activities in my intermediate class, so I need to be prepared enough more than I did in the last semester; otherwise, the class goes terrible. I need to be more aware of my delivery, explanation, and instruction for guiding the class from now on.

JA S17 INT “Valentine Day around the World & White Day in Japan”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Monday, February 13, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

 Class theme/topics discussed: Valentine Day around the World & White Day in Japan

 Goal of the class:

The students will be able to get to know the Valentine day and compare it with the ones of other countries.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (2 min): Attendance check and Announcement

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements.

 Activity 2 (8 min): Warm-up

I casually ask the students about their weekend and lead discussion by asking the questions to the students since we had beautiful sunny skies during the weekend.

Activity 3 (20 min): Introduction of Valentine Day

I simply ask the students about the Valentine day upcoming this week and announce the today’s topic. I also ask them about general information of it with the perspectives of both America and China and write them down on the whiteboard. Then, I ask them about their memory of that day and share them in the class. After that, I lead the discussion by giving them the equal chances where they are able to express their ideas in the class. Then, I talk about the recent trend of Japanese one by introducing the types of chocolate that one gives it to the other with some illustration on the whiteboard.

Activity 4 (30 min) Watching a Japanese Warmhearted Story

I briefly introduce the story in the class and give them some questions which the students need to pay attention to while watching it. Then, we watch the whole story together in the class. After that, we review about the summary of that story together in the class by asking them questions and getting the answers in the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was successful in general. Today’s topic did help a lot the class be more productive and interactive. Basically, I was able to lead the class as planned, conducting each activity in an appropriate order. The story that we have watched in the class today was also relevant to their level of Japanese, so it seems to me that they understood the story very well. However, I found some parts needed to be revised.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

The PowerPoint I used today was simple, so I can put more photos in the slides, which makes it creative.  By doing so, it would be also a good help for their understanding when they get lost during the class. Before watching the short story in the class, I need to give the students basic background of the story such as main character, key points, and new vocabulary, which would motivate the students to watch it with those views. Also, I need to clarify well about the activity after watching it.

ES S17 ADV Immigration in Spain

Language Resident Name: Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date: 04/19/2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Debate

Goal of the class: Debate about immigration

How did you structure the class?

Heads-up: Announcements and upcoming cultural activities

Activity 1: We read an article about second generation immigrants in Spain. Students read loudly the article in turns and we comment paragraph by paragraph and they share thoughts and compare it with the immigration situation in the US. 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students love the topic. We had to divide the original class plan into two sessions because the discussion was very long! 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.



JA S17 ADV “3.11 & Reading a Short Story”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Thursday, March 9, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: 3.11 & Reading a Short Story

Goal of the class:

Students will understand a story of Disneyland on March 11 of 2011 and then consider true nature seen within Japanese people.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (5 min): Attendance check & Announcement

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements. Then, I casually ask the students about their updates and news, leading small conversation in the class.

Activity 2 (20 min): Warm-up & Introduction of 3.11

I ask some questions about natural disaster to the students. Then the students discuss them in pairs and class. We review related vocabulary together by showing the images and writing them down on the whiteboard. Then, I introduce a today’s topic in the class, and I give them some questions and they share their experiences in the class. Finally, I introduce a little bit history of earthquakes with some videos, which we had a lot in the past. Then the students freely share their ideas and comments in the class.

Activity 3 (25 min): Reading & Comprehension

I make pairs in the class and then give them a handout. The students read aloud the story sentence by sentence while switching. After reading, we review the story together in the class asking some questions to the students. Also, students learn some vocabulary from the reading. I give them several critical questions and they think about them in groups. We share the ideas and discuss each question in the class and consider the true nature of Japanese people.

 Activity 4 (10 min): Conclusion

I back to the main topic of 3.11, and then we review the key points together in the class. And I will show them a special video created by those in stricken areas and then students watch that video. After that, I lead open-conversation where students freely share their ideas and comments about 3.11 in the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was successful in general. Today I was able to lead the class as planned, conducting every activity in time. Today’s topic is something deep and sentimental, but students demonstrates their active interest towards the theme. I tried to give them as many chances as possible where they can share their ideas and comments in the class. As a result, we had great class today overall, and their performance in the class today was great.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Well, I might be able to conduct the reading activity more effectively and efficiently. Today, I led the activity, but there would be some other ways which makes the activity work and more interactive. Since I have a small class, it is hard to apply the other teaching techniques that I know to that class. I am going to research the teaching methods for small class over the weekend and would like to use them in the class in the near future.

JA S17 ADV “Graduation Ceremony”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: “Graduation Ceremony”


Goal of the class:

Students will understand the Japanese graduation ceremony and compare it with theirs.

Students will read an article related to that topic and understand the story.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (15 min): Attendance check & Announcement & Warm-up

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements. Then, I casually ask the students about their updates and news, leading small conversation in the class. I will mainly ask them about their Easter and summer vacation.

Activity 2 (8 min): Introduction of Today’s Topic

I announce the today’s topic and discuss them in the class. Students talk about their experiences of graduation ceremony and share them in the class.

Activity 3 (10 min): Discussion in the Class

We discuss general information of graduation ceremony in America and Japan. And then we compare the results and talk about some points in the class.

Activity 4 (10 min): The Features of Japanese Graduation Ceremony

I introduce some of the features of Japanese graduation ceremony with the images on the powerpoint and explain them one by one while interacting with students.

Activity 5 (17 min): Reading a Story

I give them pieces of paper and briefly introduce a story. Students read them and try to put them in a right order in pairs. After that, they summarize the story and then we review the story and discuss it in the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was good in general. We talked about graduation ceremony in the class. One of the students had sick, so she was not active in the class at all. The other students were okay and participated in the activities. But their attitude towards the class was rude overall. Two of the students were really like a child, the other students were like a robot. If this happens in the next class on Thursday, I need to do something in order to improve the class and students’ attitude.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Today I did a new style of activity related to reading in the end of the class. It went well and students liked it, but some of the students spoke English, not Japanese during the activity. Also, I found many parts needed to be revised while they were working. So I am going to modify the plan tonight for intermediate class tomorrow.


FR S17 ADV French Slangs

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Marina Simonnet

Day and Date : Monday, May 1                          

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: French Slangs

Goal of the class:

Discover about French interjections, slangs and cursed words. This is supposed to be a light class about how to sound more French with vocabulary they can only use in an informal context.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: We watch a short excerpt from Matrix and students have to recognize the French cursed words. We will brainstorm on French cursed words: Oh la vache, Zut, Flûte, Putain, Merde, Bordel, Dégage!, Sacrebleu, Bon sang, etc.
  2. How to sound more French? Use of interjections like Bref/Euh/Bah/Donc/Beurk/Miam/Pfff/Ohlala/Pitié/Chut/Tiens/Oups : I asked the students to draw one of the word and either to give an example with the word or to explain a situation in which we could use this word.
  3. The students are given handouts (see below) and have to match the slang with their academic translation.
  4. With all the vocabulary they’ve learnt, by pair, they have to invent dialogs using the more vocabulary they can. The other students who listen have to count the slangs.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I made four groups of two students: two groups worked on the first list and two groups on the second list. Then I asked to one student in each group to pair with another student who worked with a list they didn’t work on: consequently, everybody had the chance to work on both list and to exchange their opinion! They had a lot of fun, it worked great because some students studied abroad and were very curious about some expressions they’ve heard! It was more dynamic for everyone…

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Be prepared to give clues to the students, explain the “verlan”, and some concepts (like how “abusé” is not used in its literal sense for example) that can be evident for a native-speaker but are not for foreigners, etc. This class is challenging for the instructor!

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

2017-05-01 ADV.2 Slangs (handouts)

CN S17 ADV Family Value & Kinship Terminology

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Family Value

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to discuss the differences between the Chinese and American opinions on Family Value, and learn more about Chinese family relationship.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Group discussion: Do you know some differences between the Chinese and American opinions on family value? What are they? What are the reasons behind this?
  2. Role-play: Teacher collects some common Chinese family conflicts and gives them to different groups. Every group work on thier issues and find out what you will do in this situation.
  3. Kinship terminology: The Chinese Kinship System is very complicated. Distribute pictures of a family tree to every group, and ask them to figure out how to call those people on the family tree in Chinese.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, handout,

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Class was really good. Students had a lot of fun, especially when they talked about the kinship terminology.  

How could this class be improved/ modified?


 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  

Common family conflicts:





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