an archive of lesson plans

Category: Games and Ice-breakers (Page 3 of 8)

Topics on recreation ranging from games, ice-breakers, board games, etc.

FR F16 INT TV Reality Show

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Marina Simonnet

Day and Date: Thursday, November 10                             

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: TV reality show: Students are candidates for a TV reality show in a desert island but they have to pass three tests. Each test allows students to earn points like a little contest.

Goal of the class:

Work on expression and strategic use of the target language: how to make yourself clear in the target language even if you are not fluent? Reviewing of general vocabulary, directions (left, right, straight, stop, turn, etc.) and work on argumentation.

How did you structure the class?

  1. First “test” with two groups and a little taboo game.
  2. Second “test” with pair work: one student is blind while the other has to guide him/her to find an object in the classroom.
  3. Third “test” with pair work: each student pick a job in the list and each group have to make an argumentative speech about how useful their skills can be to live in a desert island. The other students can ask questions. At the end, we make a vote to eliminate the group which didn’t manage to convince the others
  4. Vocabulary “tennis” to decide between the winners (if there is more than one). The topic would be related to the content of the class (objects to bring with you in a desert island for example).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

A scarf, a taboo game (with chosen topics to make it easier for an intermediate class), various objects (I used the fruits and vegetables of the LRO), a list of jobs (see below), ballot papers

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This worked very well and everyone was having fun. The second activity was the most entertaining. They have learnt some vocabulary (the fruit and vegetables we we’re hiding) without noticing it.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.



RU F16 ADV Soviet Cartoons

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Tatiana Ermolaeva

Day and Date: Tuesday, 10/04/2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Russian, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Soviet cartoons

Goal of the class: to get acquainted with Russian cartoons. Discuss pros and cons of living in a village

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up. The game “On the spot”. Students should invent funny answers as quick as possible.

10 minutes.

  1. Watch a cartoon:

Discuss pros and cons of living in a village.

30 minutes

  1. Wrap up. Test “What city you should live in?”

Discussing the results of the test.

15 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Internet, laptop

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went vey well. All the students were engaging in all activities. I love how debates are going in this class!

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Activity 1. Questions:

  1. Чем вас легко разозлить?
  2. Где кончается горизонт?
  3. Что вы носите дома?
  4. Как съесть целого слона?
  5. Что вы любите делать в дождливую погоду?
  6. Кто в доме хозяин?
  7. Откуда в сыре дырочки?
  8. Какая ваша первая ассоциация на красный цвет?
  9. Без чего вы не можете жить?
  10. Какая фамилия была у вашей матери до замужества?
  11. Как легче всего заснуть?
  12. Почему трава зеленая?
  13. Что вы делаете, когда вам грустно?
  14. О чем мечтают зомби?
  15. Что делает вас счастливым?
  16. Сколько звезд на небе?
  17. Что можно увидеть с закрытыми глазами?
  18. Чего от вас никто не ожидал?
  19. Где взять денег?
  20. Что вы едите на завтрак?



DE F16 INT Describing and Paraphrasing

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert

Day and Date: Monday, September 19, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Intermediate Conversation

Class theme/topics discussed:

Description of persons. Description of words. Recent campus events.

Goal of the class:

Students should discuss and talk as much as possible about familiar things. They also (re)learn how to describe people and talk about campus events.

How did you structure the class?

15-20 minutes: Warm-up taboo. Students get into two teams. Regular taboo rules, but the cards are preselected by the LR to eliminate words that are too hard to describe. Also – because this is a warm-up activity – the game is not played all the way through.

20-30 minutes: Students get in pairs. They draw a card from a deck (persons). Then one student describes the person to the other student. He/she tries to draw the person as exactly as possible. Then they take turns. The LR provides vocabulary so the students can describe the persons more easily. The students then present their descriptions first, then they show the original picture and the drawing. There is a prize for the picture that came closest to the original. Both the describer and the person drawing the card are expected to share the prize.

10 minutes: Turf-dinner. The students share how they experienced the turf dinner. How will they get involved? Why? Why not? How was the food? Something they disliked about the event?


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Taboo game, pictures/drawings of persons, slips of paper so that the students can draw, maybe colored pencils.

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

All the activities went very well!

How could this class be improved/modified?

I’d keep it as it is.


ES F16 INT Fun game for describing people/things/places

Language Resident Name: Tamara Olivos

Day and Date: October 3, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Spanish

Class theme/topics discussed: Descriptions

Goal of the class: To have fun while practicing vocabulary

How did you structure the class?

Reminder of cultural activities


Activity1: I divided the class in two groups of 3. Each group had a turn, one person would roll the dice and take a card of the category/color it shows. They had 30 seconds to describe that word to their group and if after those 30 seconds they still hadn’t guessed, the opponents could guess it and take their point. After this it was the other team’s turn.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked really well and there was a lot of new vocabulary.


 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


ES F16 INT Speaking about Hobbies

Language Resident Name: Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date: 09/05/2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Hobbies

Goal of the class: Students can speak about their hobbies confidently

How did you structure the class?

Heads-up: I introduce the LRs’ websites.

Activity 1: Warm-up High Five. I explain to the students how to say “give me five” (choca esos cinco!). Then, they stand up and walk around the classroom introducing themselves starting by saying “give me five”. They have to say at least name, age and home city.

Activity 2: Guess the hobby. Each student must give instructions on how to practice their favorite hobby to the rest of the class as if they were about to practice the hobby for the first time, but without mention the name. The rest of the class must guess the name of the hobby

Activity 3: Hobby discussion. In a bowl, I have a lot of pieces of paper in a bowl with different questions related to hobbies. Students in pairs or little groups pick up one paper after the other and answer the questions.

Activity 4: Apps. Students are divided in groups and I handle them a description of an app that helps creating habits. They have to read it and prepare a little presentation about it in front of the class. I handle a printed version so they can prepare what they are going to say and afterwards I display the website on the screen so everyone can see the pictures.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students liked this class. It is the beginning of the year so students were a bit shy during activity 4 but still it was fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would wait until students feel confident enough to speak in front of their classmates.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

RU F16 INT Treasure Hunt

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Tatiana Ermolaeva

Day and Date: Monday, 12/05/2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Russian, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Treasure hunt

Goal of the class: to make a fun class and check how they remember the vocabulary they’ve learnt this semester

How did you structure the class?

There’re 7 envelopes with different tasks that should be fulfilled at different places. We used Facebook chat to communicate and check the answers. I also gave them directions on where to find new envelopes after they complete the task. On completing the hunt everyone gets chocolate.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Envelopes with tasks, candies

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went great! Students enjoyed it and it was a good method of remembering everything we studied in class. They all came back smiling and were happy to get out of the lounge for a while.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Next time I’ll do more complicated tasks because these were too easy for them. They finished early but it’s not bad because we had time to talk a little bit in Russian.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Questions for the treasure hunt:

  1. Выйти из гостиной. Повернуть налево. Повернуть налево. Спуститься на первый этаж. Найти конверт №2 рядом с арабской гостиной.
  2. Расположить буквы русского алфавита в правильном порядке.
  3. Перечислить все ингредиенты для приготовления блинов.
  4. Назвать хотя бы (at least) три способа сказать по-русски «мне все равно».
  5. Проспрягать глагол «заснуть»
  6. Как сказать по-русски bride, groom, to marry, to divorce, to be happily married?
  7. Какой праздник отмечают в России 13 января?
  1. Из русской гостиной возле арабской
  2. Из арабской гостиной на общую кухню (молоко, мука, яйца, сахар, соль, масло)
  3. Из общей кухни идем в общий холл
  4. Из общего холла в glass room (там на доске спрягаем глаголы)
  5. Из glass room идем к немецкой гостиной
  6. Из немецкой гостиной идем на улицу, на лавочку перед Олденборгом
  7. Возвращаемся в русскую гостиную


JP F16 ADV Card Game

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Sep 15, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: Sport Festival at school in Japan & Japanese Card Game

Goal of the class:

Students will learn about Japanese sport festival at school called “Taiikusai”.  

Students will learn and play the card game popular in Japan.

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (5 min) Attendance check and an announcement

I check students’ attendance and give them an announcement.

Activity 2 (5 min): Warm-up

I ask the students about the dinner yesterday with Japanese international students and I let them talk about it freely in the class.

Activity 3 (8 min): Review of the Last Class

I ask some questions about Taiikusai to the students and review the key points together. I also introduce other events to the students with PowerPoint if possible. I also show them some related videos to the students. After that students freely talk about it in the class.

Activity 4 (35 min): Introduction of Babanuki

I ask the students about what games they have played before by using playing card in their country. Students think about it and share the ideas in the class. Then I introduce the Japanese popular game called Babanuki and some phrases used in the game to the students. I explain to the students about the rules of it and they play it in a group a couple times.

Activity 5 (7 min) Consolidation

I ask the students about how it was and gather the ideas in the class. Then I give them a handout and they write down the comment and give them back to me.

Back up activity (5-10 min) Brainstorming

I ask the students about their favorite Japanese song. Students think about it and discuss it in the class. I write down them they said on the whiteboard.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, youtube

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everything was great in general. Students had fun playing the Babanuki with the new vocabularies. Also, they learned the Japanese popular card game. Just I could not manage the time to ask them to write down their comment of today’s class on their own sheet within the class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I should have shortened the Activity 4 so that everything would be okay as planned.



 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

ES SP16 INT/ADV: Introductory Class

Language Resident Name:

Joaquin Garcia 

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Advance Class

Class theme/topics discussed: 

Advance Class

Goal of the class:

Students get to know each other

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (15min): Students fill in three different pieces of papers: name, hometown and studies. All the pieces of paper are mixed and then students pick up three of them randomly. Students must find their original papers asking the others’ names, hometowns and studies and exchange the papers once the find them. Afterwards, each of them read in front of the class the written information.

Activity 2 (20min): Students are put in pairs. Each partner has to say three characteristics of their personality and a reason that support or prove this characteristic (E.g. “I’m adventurous because I love traveling”). After a while, they have to introduce their partner. Some characteristics are written in the whiteboard by the teacher in order to give some original ideas.

Activity 3 (15min): After a brief moment of thinking, students say three statements about themselves. One of them must be not true. The rest of the class has to guess which it is.

Activity 5 (10min): The teacher explains the rules and the conversation class agreement

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work? How could this class be improved/ modified?

It is a very good class for the first weeks. Fun and motivating and the ice-breakers work really well.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

DE SP16 ADV Finding topics (1st class)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


Day and Date: Tuesday, 19 January ‘16


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced


Class theme/topics discussed: Introduction and ice-breakers


Goal of the class: To get to know each other, assess students’ interests


How did you structure the class?


  • 2 truths and a lie: students tell three facts about themselves, of which one must be false. The other students try to guess what is wrong. (10 min)
  • Selecting topics of conversation and discussing which is interesting: Students get 14 cards with possible topics in the conversation class, e.g. German-American relations, culture, news, history, etc. They each pick 4 of them and explain why they find these topics interesting. They reveal interests and hobbies, course of studies etc. (30 min)
  • I asked the students what kind of topics they would like to add. They added some topics related to American politics. (10 min)
  • Class agreement and announcement of the welcome party. General advice on going to the language tables and information on my website, upcoming events. (10 min)


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


Flashcards with topics written on them (see Lesson Plan and also German lounge folder “advanced”)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Both students are pretty good at speaking, so the flow was very dynamic and I did not have any problem to fill the hour even though they are only two students in the class. Selecting topics worked very well because it gave me an idea of their interests and it gave a lot of opportunities to ask further questions about their hobbies, stories etc.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


The first game: 2 truths and a lie. Instead of guessing, students should ask tricky questions in order to make the student reveal what is not true by answering vaguely.


Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 19. Januar

ES SP16 INT/ADV: Games

Language Resident Name:

Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Advanced Class

Class theme/topics discussed:  


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (): Heads-up. Reminding the upcoming events.

Activity 1 (15min): Scattergories: There are different fields: food, animals, clothes, professions, parts of the human body… I say one letter and the students have 1 to 1:30 minutes to think a word for each field that starts with that letter. Afterwards, we check the words and those we are repeated don’t give points. The student with more points at the end wins.

Activity 2 (15min): Connecting pairs. Students are put in pairs or groups. Then, each group receives a pair of words and they have to write as many connections as possible in one minute. Then, the groups switch the pair of objects. When all the groups have gone through all the words, we count how many connections have been found and the group with the highest number shares loudly their result. Pairs:

  • elephant, nail varnish
  • wedding, ant
  • snowflake, coin
  • religious fanatics, matchbox
  • number 25, criminal
  • a (named) singer and a ladybird
  • silkworm, axe
  • love, rubbish dump
  • pen, new-born baby
  • Garden of Eden, bar of soap


Activity 3 (15min): Combining elements into a story. In the same groups, students have to create a story which contains all the given items. Then we share the story loudly.

  • paper, afraid, foot, slow, seventy-five, quickly
  • lion, telephone, happily, green, dance, milk
  • the President, river, key, apple, smile, angrily, how are you?
  • actor, grandfather, eye, snake, move, go away, hard
  • electric, ski, oily, dramatically, Robin Hood, hippopotamus
  • squeeze, crocodile, explosion, vegetarian, pure, violin
  • shoot, ventriloquist, potato, guilty, slippery, anxious
  • jungle, telephone, bride, renew, microbe, religiously
  • egg-shaped, model, atmosphere, lawfully, caricature, congratulate
  • fossil, suburb, incoherent, whip, obstruction, polygamous

Activity 4 (15min): Odd man out. As in apples to apples, students but one must argue with of the words of the group does not belong in it. Then, the student who didn’t argue must choose their favorite.

  • apple, orange, mango, banana, grape, peach
  • India, China, France, Uganda, USA, New Guinea
  • finger, blood, heart, eye, muscle, tongue
  • sock, coat, dress, underpants, scarf, jeans,
  • Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks, Cinderella
  • tree, bush, flower, weed, plant, grass
  • trumpet, drums, violin, flute, harp, piano
  • river, waterfall, lake, sea, marsh, puddle
  • quiet, angry, graceful, shy, modest, quick
  • peace, joy, harmony, beauty, delicacy, grace
  • horse, cat, mouse, camel, lion, cow


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Scattergories always works, they like it a lot. The rest of the games are good too, specially if you have very imaginative students.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

JP S16 ADV Lateral Thinking Puzzles

 Language Resident Name:

Tasuku Sasaoka

Day and Date:

Thu. Feb. 25th 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):                                                                                        

Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed:

Hypothesize and inference/ Lateral Thinking Puzzles

Goal(s) of the class:

   Students will use Japanese to solve questions.

Students will use Japanese to acquire necessary information.

How did you structure the class?



Title Notes (T: teacher, S: student)
5(5) Attendance check & Announcement T checks Ss’ attendance and talk about a hot topic in contemporary Japan.
10(15) Project T will briefly review what they decided about the project last week and describe the plan, schedule, process, etc. Ss can also talk about the project if they want to revise or add something to the plan.
40(55) Activity Students will participate in lateral thinking puzzles. In this game, students can ask questions that the game master can answer with “yes”, ”no” or “doesn’t matter” to solve the given problems. Students are encouraged ask lots of questions to gain information, test their hypotheses, and learn about the answers. T will help students by asking questions that stimulate students speculations, giving hints, and/or showing clues.
5(60) Consolidation T reviews the class and gives some feedback to students.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Power point presentation

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

   What worked:

There seems to have been fair amount of speech from each student. I could also encourage some shy students to talk by letting them do the game master part. I also successfully introduced some new vocab words by sending the answer to the last questions via email.

   What did not work:

I think balancing each student’s amount of speech is the next step or task.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think letting students ask questions one by one would help all the students to ensure more fair balance of the speech amount.

FR S16 INT & ADV “Rencontre Minute” (Speed Dating)

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date: 02/11

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: “Finding the perfect flatmate”

 Goal of the class: Have students discuss about their perspectives on life and tastes

 How did you structure the class?

I used a handout given to me by Christelle Rolland. It is an 18 question questionnaire about one’s tastes, expectations, and self projections. We filled it up with the students and compared our answers to try and find  who would be the perfect flatmate for everyone.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handout provided by Christelle

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was a great questionnaire and I think the students enjoyed talking about themselves and thinking about those questions.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Rencontre Minute 

FR S16 INT “Self-Portraits”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date: 1/4

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Class

Class theme/topics discussed: Self-Portrait

Goal of the class: Get the students to remember their vocabulary about description.

How did you structure the class?

First I give them self-portraits that I found online. I asked the students to read them out loud and then we review the extended vocabulary of description.

finally they were asked to come up with a brief self portrait of their own.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Self-portraits that I found online.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

A bit tedious to read and go through vocabulary but necessary to improve their description skills and expand their vocabulary

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Instead of many self-portrait, one could be sufficient. Also maybe come up with a handout to help them create the self-portrait.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Link to the self-portraits we read:

JP S16 INT Making Descriptions

Language Resident Name:

Tasuku Sasaoka 

Day and Date:

Wed. Jan. 27th, 2016 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):                                                                                        

Intermediate Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal(s) of the class:

Students will practice aru and iru (Japanese verbs that equal “there is” for living and nonliving things).

Students will practice describing a picture only using words.

How did you structure the class?



Title Notes (T: teacher, S: student)
5(5) Attendance check & Announcement T takes attendance and will have a short conversation with students about what is going on in today’s Japan. T also talks about the cultural activity occurring this week.
5(10) Introduction T puts a blindfold on himself and asks Ss to describe the classroom they are in. After the description T gives feedback to those descriptions and introduces today’s topics.



10(20) Pre-Activity T asks questions about the rules of using aru and iru. After students remembered the general rules, teacher asks about the exceptional cases (e.g. robots, taxi, lovers, family, zombie, corpus of insects, grandfather’s bones). Through the discussion S tries to refine the rules they already know and make it into more specific one.




5(20) Presentation T presents the rules using the slides, summarizing Ss’ disucussions.




15(35) Practice aru iru practice

Ss practice the use of iru and aru with power point slides.   First, each S says aru or iru based on the picture shown in the screen. After that, S makes a sentence that describes the picture with a proper word use. Finally, Ss practice by saying an inappropriate one that does not match to the picture.


Where practice

T also introduces several vocabs that will be helpful in the following activity such as “奥(back)” ,”手前(in front)”.

20(55) Production Blind Pictionary

T draws the frames of the different parts of the picture on the board and asks one S to come up to the board. The S will be in charge of drawing picture while the other classmates describe the picture to the S. They should be as precise as possible in a given amount of time. The S at the board is encouraged not to look back and rely on what he/she hears as much as possible.

When one part is finished, the S changes the role with another student.

When all the parts of the picture have been drawn on the board, the entire picture is revealed to the Ss who can admire their blind reproduction and compare it to the original.

During the activity, T gives corrective feedbacks and hints to help the Ss.

5(60) Consolidation T reviews the class and gives some feedback to students. Ss write down their evaluation on and comments to the today’s class.


 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Power point presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

   What worked: Pre-activity discussion was quite good because it deals with a topic that is slightly more detailed and complex than the student’s present knowledge, resulting in giving a better understanding of the Japanese grammar.

   What did not work: The discussion took longer time than expected.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The class was good and appropriate for the students. In order to make it applicable for intermediate class students, I think I need to use easier vocabularies, set a different focus (e.g. more focus on practice), and different pictures for the Production part.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


FR S16 ADV “Powerpoint Karaoke”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz


Day and Date: 1/17


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French advanced 


Class theme/topics discussed: Powerpoint Karaoke


Goal of the class: Work on improvisation skills

How did you structure the class?

I had gathered random powerpoint presentations, around 15 slides each.

In pairs, students had to come to the board and improvise a presentation 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentations found online.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It is somewhat of a difficult exercise but it is also really fun and the class had a good laugh for an hour

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Here are the powerpoint presentations

Aliens caseorganic2powerpointkaraoke-1226903193345528-8 Earthquakes Presentation 1 Presentation2 Presentation3 TheMeanOne

DE SP16 INT Reading a city map interactively

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


 Day and Date: Wednesday, 3 February ‘16


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate


 Class theme/topics discussed: Reading a city map


 Goal of the class: To practice the preposition “zu”, to name different places in a city, like theater, parking spot, crossroad, etc.


How did you structure the class?


  • My German language fellow came to class and introduced the fellow program at Mason Hall. We talked also about the upcoming FLRC Open House and Oldenborg Open House. (10 min)
  • I put a large map of Berlin on the table, in which metro stations, sights, and public places were indicated (a typical tourist map of Berlin). Each student had a figure from a board game to mark a place in the city. Students said sentences like “Go to a parking lot”, and every student looked for a parking lot on the map to put their own figure on. Then the next student called another category, and everyone searched again. (50 min)


 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


A tourist map of Berlin


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


This worked really well. Students were very creative and wanted to learn all the symbols on the map. The acitivity went on for more than 45 min and it was so simple.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


This could also work for beginners. Works with any city map (even of L.A., if you don’t have a large German city plan here).




FR F15 “Advertisement and Tongue Twisters”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date: 09/24

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: French advertisements + tongue twisters

Goal of the class: teach the students about some famous ads that are famous in France.

How did you structure the class? I showed many iconic French ads to the students. We discussed them a bit and reviewed the vocabulary. Then they had to come up with little skits/ads for products I chose. Finally we worked on the tongue twisters.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students were puzzled at the ads because the language is varied, but I still think they should be exposed to those many different ways of speaking French. They loved to do the skits and loved the tongue twisters even more.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Subtitles might have helped but then they might have not focused on the language.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


Lesson Summary FR13 #8

CN F15 INT/ADV Chinese TV series

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:

10/05/2015, 10/06/2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Intermediate&Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Chinese TV series

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to:

  1. describe the scene in TV series;
  2. make a story and some dialogs according to the scene from the TV series.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Students work in pairs. The teacher plays the TV series without sound. In each group, only one student can watch it, so they need to describe the scene to their partners at the same time. Every minutes students change their position so that everyone has a chance to describe.
  2. Students’ feedback: After showing the series, ask students some questions, like “How many roles are there”, “What’s the relationship between them”.
  3. Show the series without sound again, and let students make a story and some dialogs for it. Students show their stories in pairs.
  4. Show the series with sound and explain the new words in the video.
  5. Discuss about the project.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Show the first seven minutes of this video on class:

Video for intermediate class:

Video for advanced class :

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Class went very well, students are active to make stories and dialogs with imagination.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).

CN F15 INT Describe A Person

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:

How to describe a person

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to:

  1. recall some words that can be used to describe a person;
  2. find someone’s unique characteristics from his/her appearance, and describe him/her appropriately.

How did you structure the class?


Brainstorm: when you see someone’s picture, how can you use words to describe the person?

Through this activity, students will recall some words they have learned before, such as words of body parts, color and gesture.

2.Activity: You Describe, I Guess

Students will be divided into a few groups and stand in different lines. The first student of each line will be shown a same picture. Then they go back to their lines and describe the picture to the second students. The second students describe it to the third students …… After the last students get the description, they come to the teacher and find the right one from two similar pictures. The first team who find out the right picture will win.


Summarize new words and phrases. During the activity, there must be some words and phrases that students are not familiar with. Teacher can write them down and ask students to review them together.

4.Talk about the project.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

A few pairs of similar pictures.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class went well, students like this game.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Picture example:

1 u=2720575174,1601098451&fm=21&gp=0

JP F15 INT haiku poems

Language Resident Name:

Tasuku Sasaoka

Day and Date:

Oct. 7th, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): 

Intermediate Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed:

Japanese poems/Haiku

Goal(s) of the class:

Students will be able to explain the rhythms in Japanese poems.

Students will understand the concept of the Haiku meeting and be able to participate in it.

How did you structure the class?



Title Notes (T: teacher, S: student)
5(5) Attendance check & Announcement T checks the attendance and tells them about the coming study break.
8(13) Introduction Ss watch the video that explains how to compose Japanese haiku.
8(21) Discussion Ss talk about what they watched in the video and share their knowledge of haiku. T introduces some new words related to haiku.
12(33) Activity 1 Yomi-bito shirazu

Every student gets a piece of paper that has 17 boxes. Student write one letter on any box and mix the pieces of paper with other students’ ones. They continue this until all the boxes are filled. Finally, students compose the randomly-made haikus one by one, and give feedbacks of comments to each others’.

14(47) Activity 2 Barabara 575

Students get three small pieces of paper. On them students write two sentences or words consist of 5 moras and one consist of 7 moras. When finished, students mix their pieces and randomly pick three from them. Each student takes turn and composes their works of combination of the pieces. After one student composes, other students give feedbacks.

10(57) Activity 3 Haiku poets

Students make their original haikus and compose them. Other students give feedbacks.

3(60) Consolidation T review what they have learned, emphasizing the basic rhythms of the Japanese haiku poems.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

powerpoint presentation, background music, and handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

   What worked:

Students enjoyed composing haikus they made. The activity was easy to do and students worked with little stress.

What did not work:

The purpose of the first activity is to enjoy the rhythm of the Japanese haiku poems but the students tried too seriously to make good haikus. I should have clarified the purpose first.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Since it was obviously clear that students cannot make good poems for their first trials, I should have told them to take it easy and the purpose is just to enjoy the rhythm.

RU S15 ADV Register and “Activity” Game

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: April 7, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

Register, style, politeness

Goal of the class:

Discuss register and its cultural connotations, play “Activity” (simplified rules)

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 Warm-up – What is register? Examples – 15 minutes

We discuss linguistic register and stylistics. Appropriate levels, situations, context. I write the continuum on the white board. Examples.

Activity 2 Define style, paraphrase in as many registers as possible – Handout 1 – 20 minutes

Each student gets one phrase from Handout 1. They have to locate the phrase on our register continuum and then paraphrase it in as many different styles/situations as possible

Activity 2 Discussion – 25 minutes

Experiences in Russia. Cultural differences between register in Russia and the US. The thou/you (ты/Вы) distinction in Russian. Feminism in Russia

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well and we discussed some important cultural differences.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Handout 1

Ты меня задолбал!

Приносим извинения за причинённые неудобства.

Ты мой зайчик миленький, какой ты молодец!

Мне глубоко безразлично Ваше мнение.

Я тут сходил в клуб, снял такую тёлочку – улёт!

Да вообще он козёл!


RU S15 ADV/INT “Who am I” Game

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: January 28, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Music video, “Who am I?” game 

Goal of the class:

We watch a music video for comprehension, revise participles in a funny cartoon and play the “Who am I?” game 

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Music video – 15 minutes

We start with a song – we watch the music video “My love on the 5th floor” twice, they fill in the blanks in HANDOUT 1. Revise vocabulary from last class and grammar in the lyrics.

Activity 2 – Disney princesses’ hair: participles revision – 10 minutes

We look at a Buzzfeed-like article from the popular Russian lifestyle/inspiration site “If Disney princesses’ hair were real”

Revise participles, especially passive (disheveled etc.)

Activity 3 – Who am I – 35 minutes

We develop on the 20 questions game (Akinator) we played in the previous class and play “Who am I” using HANDOUT 2

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It’s great to alternate hardcore grammar work and more subtle revision through humor ( is a great source and I’ve used it a lot already). Taking time to play a game is always great, especially after a hard class like the last one we had. For these two students, it’s important to feel comfortable using the language and a handout for a game is always a good idea.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.





Снова _________ всё тот же ___________

Как я ему он мне знаком

Он меня считает чудаком

Пpишел опять сюда _______________

Всю ночь не ________________ и ждать


Под покpовом темноты

Смотpю навеpх ________________________ (3 слова)

Выше нет на свете высоты

Двоpы кусты свели мосты

И лишь коты со мной на ты



Моя любовь на пятом этаже

Почти где _________

Моя любовь конечно _____________ уже

___________________________ !

Моя любовь на пятом этаже


Дом окутан тишиной

И только ________________ над головой

Спpосит не поpа ли мне ________________


Мне плевать на дождь и тьму

Hо мне понять бы самому

Для чего я здесь и __________________


Двоpы кусты свели мосты

И лишь коты со мной на ты




Hа часах ___________________________

фонаpь луны давно погас

С якоpя сниматься в самый pаз


Снова мне не хватит дня

Hо скоpо гоpод весь в огнях

И эта полночь вновь спасет меня

Пpиду опять сюда ___________________

Всю ночь не спать молчать и ждать

ПРИПЕВ х 3 раза 



20 вопросов – КТО Я?


  1. Я человек? – ДА!
  2. Я реальный человек? / Я выдуманный персонаж?
  3. Я мужчина?
  4. Я женщина?
  5. Я американец/американка, русский/русская…
  6. Я жив/жива? (alive)
  7. Я жил/жила в восемнадцатом/девятнадцатом/ двадцатом веке?
  8. Я герой/героиня романа/фильма/сериала?
  9. Я родился/родилась в Америке? в России? в Европе?
  10. Я родился/родилась
  11. в январе/ феврале/ марте/ апреле/ июне/ июле/ августе/ сентябре/ октябре/ ноябре /декабре?
  12. Я умный/ умная?
  13. Я красивый/ красивая?
  14. Я популярный/ популярная?
  15. Меня все любят?
  16. Мне нравится футбол? Хоккей? Дзюдо?
  17. Я политик/ певец(певица)/ актер (актриса) /писатель (писательница)/ спортсмен (спортсменка)/ космонавт?
  18. Я вегетарианец/ вегетарианка?
  19. Я играю на гитаре?
  20. Я молодой/молодая?
  21. Я люблю спорт?
  22. Я говорю по-английски/ по-русски/ по-китайски?
  23. Я хорошо пою?
  24. Я хорошо готовлю?
  25. Я много отдыхаю?
  26. Я учился/училась в университете?
  27. Я много работаю?
  28. Я женат/замужем?
  29. У меня есть жених/невеста?
  30. У меня большая семья?
  31. Меня интересует политика?
  32. Я много смотрю телевизор?


RU F14 INT Introductions – Game – Find someone who

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11 

Date: September 9, 2014 

Class theme/topics discussed:

GAME “Find someone who” 

Goal of the class:

More getting to know each other PLUS revise some RUSSIAN 33 material

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 – Warm-up – 20 minutes

GAME “Find someone who” HANDOUT 1

Activity 2 – Dialogue + Exercise – 25 minutes


Students read all together, discuss in pairs, then do the exercise together.

Activity 3 – Vocabulary from the dialogue HANDOUT 3 – 15 minutes

Write on the board, talk about etymology, synonyms, etc.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, text, Internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The classes went very wel! They seem to really like pair work, so maybe I should have done some of the work on the dialogue in pairs, too. I think consistent vocabulary revision is working very well.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

HANDOUT 1 Find someone who

 (1) Найдите кого-то, кто:

  1. _____________________________ играет на пианино.
  2. _____________________________ ОЧЕНЬ любит Ким Кардашьян.
  3. _____________________________ никогда не был(а) в Нью-Йорке.
  4. _____________________________ говорит на четырех языках.
  5. _____________________________ любит русскую кухню.
  6. _____________________________ не любит попкорн.
  7. _____________________________ хочет стать звездой Голливуда.
  8. _____________________________ родился/родилась весной.
  9. _____________________________ носит очки или контактные линзы.
  10. _____________________________ мечтает полететь в космос.
  11. _____________________________ не любит заниматься спортом.
  12. _____________________________ хорошо поёт.
  13. _____________________________ никогда не был/а в Париже.
  14. У + (Gen) ____________________________ есть собака/кошка.
  15. У + (Gen) _____________________________ аллергия на……

(2) Найдите кого-то, кто:

  1. _____________________________ хочет спать.
  2. _____________________________ читал/а романы Достоевского.
  3. _____________________________ родился/родилась осенью.
  4. _____________________________ не говорит по-французски.
  5. _____________________________ интересуется политикой.
  6. _____________________________ изучает лингвистику.
  7. _____________________________ соня (любит ложиться и вставать поздно).
  8. _____________________________ играл/а в петанк.
  9. _____________________________ умеет кататься на лыжах.
  10. _____________________________ никогда не был/а в России.
  11. _____________________________ любит мороженое.
  12. _____________________________ не умеет свистеть (whistle).
  13. У + (Gen) ____________________________ нет айфона.
  14. У + (Gen) ____________________________ есть велосипед.
  15. У + (Gen) _____________________________ есть машина.


HANDOUT 2 scan see word document attached


 8 сентября 2014



строчка – ни дня без строчки!

нЕ за что

ни за чтО

рифмуется с (слово “любовь” рифмуется со словом “вновь”)

только ради Белки! только ради тебя

У тебя это займет часа два



ES S15 INT/ADV Treasure Hunting

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: ISAAC GIMENEZ

Day and Date: 04/15/2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Treasure Hunting

Goal of the class: To interact with other students and complete the riddles proposed for “treasure hunting“ activity

How did you structure the class?

  1. Heads-up: Upcoming cultural events
  2. I pair the students and give the instructions for the game.
  3. Treasure Hunting. There were 9 envelopes with 9 different riddles located in different parts of Oldenborg Center (mainly in the Spanish halls, basements and yards. Each envelop corresponded to one letter of the word O L D E N B O R G. Them teams needed to first find the envelopes, and then find the right answer to the riddle proposed. Each team had a handout to write down the answer. Once completed the handout, they had to check with us the answers. The faster team in completing the handout with all the right answers wins.

I collected some chocolate bars for the end.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Handouts, board, and envelops.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed the class very much. They liked the fact of getting out of the lounge and moving around. I helped them a bit with the riddles so they could complete most of them in one hour.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think it is a great class to break with the routine.

It is important to make clear in the beginning where to look for the different envelops and also to offer some support to each team, so they don’t find it extremely hard. This activity can be adapted to advanced levels.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.



3 mujeres entran al hotel y son las 2:45 y le dicen al mesero que necesitan lo mismo que dice el reloj ¿qué necesitan?


“Está en la navaja

y está en el cuaderno,

se cae del árbol

antes del invierno.”


“Es pequeña como una pera, e ilumina toda la casa, ¿Qué es?


¿Cuál es el nombre de niña que termina y comienza por una nota musical?


La mamá de Alexander tiene cinco hijos: el primero se llama segundo, el segundo se llama primero, el tercero se llama cuarto, y el cuarto se llama quinto. ¿Cómo se llama el quinto?


“Si conduces un autobus con 43 personas, suben 7 personas y bajan 5; paras en Zaragoza y suben 8 y bajan 4; llegas a Barcelona 20 horas mas tarde, ¿cómo se llama el conductor?”


“ Llevo dinero y no soy banquero,

de tela o metal, me da igual.”


5 personas cazan 5 animales en 5 días ¿cuántas personas cazarán un animal en un un día?




DE S15 INT Sentence Structure

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

Day and Date: Wednesday , 4/15/15

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Sentence structure

Goal of the class: repeat sentence structure

How did you structure the class?

Ice Breaker: talk about the rest of the week and their plans for the weekend

Activity One: review sentence structure with an example sentence 

Activity Two: I had prepared cards with different words and sentence parts on them and they had put them in as many different combinations as possible

Activity Three: I gave them postcards, some of them my own from around the US, some of them leftover from the Open House with German cities and asked them to write a fake postcard, starting every sentence with a different part of a sentence


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Printed cards, postcards, whiteboard 

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

It was a great class! They really enjoyed the game and the postcards and I feel that after the rather dry grammar part of our last class, this was the perfect end to this grammar unit

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


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