an archive of lesson plans

Category: Politics and Social Issues (Page 3 of 6)

About political system, politicians, election, and social “problems”

ES SP16 INT/ADV: Sexism in the professional world

Language Resident Name:

Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

 Intermediate/Advance Class

 Class theme/topics discussed:

 Sexism and women in the professional world

 How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10min): Introduction to the topic. I make sure that students know the basic vocabulary using the banners from a video of a recent demonstration in Spain in favor to gender equality (see link below)

Activity 2 (20min): In little groups, each one has to come up with at least three examples of sexism in labor world.

Activity 3 (15min): I gave them an article of opinion about the men’s role in feminist. Each student must read through a paragraph and summarize it loudly without asking the LR as few words as possible. Afterwards, we discuss the meaning and vocabulary.

Activity 4 (15min): Open debate about ¨micromachisms¨ in daily life.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think it was a very good class. Students were very motivated to speak about this topic.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.



DE SP16 ADV Election campaigns then and now

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


Day and Date: Thursday, 14 April ‘16


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced


 Class theme/topics discussed: Election campaigns then and now


Goal of the class: To discuss and understand some old and new posters used in elections by various political parties in Germany.


 How did you structure the class?


  • Each student got a paper with pictures of about 16 electoral campaign posters since 1949. They took turns reading out and describing them and we tried together to understand their meaning and context in the election back then. It also served to introduce students to the different political parties that exist in Germany and their general profile (liberal, social, environmental, and so on).
  • I showed students some contemporary campaign posters from 2013 and we discussed their effects and their messages.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


Copied pictures from a book about political education from my high-school years (I attach the pdf).




What worked well in this class? What did not work?


It was a good introduction to the names and profiles of the general political parties. It was just hard to explain all the allusions and the political context because this is sometimes very specific and complicated. But nevertheless, students got a lot to speak because they had to describe the pictures and formulate hypotheses about the message.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


Talk also about campaign posters in the US – it is more relatable to the students and you might get to know a lot about American politics.

Lesson Plan


FR S16 ADV “News and Fake News Report”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date: 1/27


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): FR 13

Class theme/topics discussed: News and Fake News Report

Goal of the class: Learn about the vocabulary of the news and get to the students to work in pair in preparing a fun skit.

How did you structure the class?

First we watch a random news report. ( here the introduction of the euro currency back in 2002) Then we review so vocabulary starting with what the students already know. Then I give them additional vocabulary. Then they have 30 min to come up with a skit. They will present it next class to the rest of the students.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube + a vocabulary sheet from Amherst College.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The skits at the end were really good and I think the students had fun writing and acting them. Definitely a schedule of activity I will reuse with a different theme.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

It is hard to come up with an efficient and interactive way to introduce vocabulary so going through a voc. Sheet was really the best way it could be done fast and efficiently.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


FR F15 “Institutions : l’Assemblée Nationale”

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date : 11/19

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: French Instititutions/ Parliament

 Goal of the class : Read and summarize information about the French Assemblée nationale.

How did you structure the class? Students in groups of two were asked to read a full page on a particular aspect of the Assemblée Nationale. Then they had to go in front of the class and summarize the most important information on their page to the other students.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

See handout.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I think it helped go over the details they had not understood/ forgotten from the video we watched during the last class and helped them find interesting questions. Develop presentation but also selection of information skills.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I should have started by a summary of what they remembered.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Document : kit-pedagogique

CN F15 ADV One-child Policy

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

China’s one-child policy

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages about the one-child policy, and express their own opinions about the new policy.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Background: discuss the reason for carrying on this policy, think of other solutions for Chinese population problem.
  2. Advantages & Disadvantages:
  3. Watch a video, which is an interview about some Chinese people’s opinions about this policy and discuss what advantages and disadvantages have been mentioned in the video;
  4. Talk about the present society issues which were brought by one-child policy, such as the aging population, abandoned girls and spoiling children.
  5. New policy: Discuss the reason why the government ends the one-child policy and introduces a new policy, do you think the new policy will solve China’s present problems.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube, handout,

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Class went very well. Students were all engaged and they came up with a lot of new topics and questions to discuss.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).

11/03 Conversation Class (Advanced)

1、独生子女政策/计划生育政策 n. one-child policy

政策 n. policy

2、实施 bring something into effect 实施政策

3、少数民族 n. ethnic minority

4、农村   n. countryside

5、大陆     n. mainland

6、失衡 out od balance 男女比例失衡

7、养  v. raise 养孩子、养狗

8、复读 这里指高考考得不好,再读一年。

9、人口老龄化 aged tendency of population

10、发展 v./n. develop/development 发展中国家developing country 发达国家 developed country

11、人性 n.   humanity

12、同龄人   n. contemporary

ES F15 Bullfights

 Goal of the class:

 To know more about this Spanish reality which sometimes is seen as a mere stereotype.

 How did you structure the class?

 Activity 1 (10min): Warm up. Students talk in partner about what would they do if
–     The world ended in 24 hours

  • They had 1 billion dollars
  • They had one year on vacation
  • They had a time travel machine

Activity 2 (15): A video from youtube is played on the screen. The clip is made with real images of bullfights and a song. After the first time, they speak briefly what it is about. Then, they are given the lyrics with some gaps that they have to fill in after listening the song the second time. Vocabulary is discussed before that.

Activity 3 (15): I show them news about the bullfight reality in Spain. We have a political open debate.

Activity 4 (15): I show them a powerpoint about the history of bullfights. Afterwards, they discuss in groups about the difficulty of erasing a old tradition in a country.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube :


powerpoint: Toros

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class work well. Students were very curious about it. Even, I had to stop the political debate because they were too involved. I used a non-related warm-up activity, but you can use another one.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

This topic is very intense, there should be a very relaxing class either the day after or previous in order to counterbalance it.


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

ES F15 Family and relationships


Class theme/topics discussed:

 Family. Relationships

Goal of the class:

To firmly remember vocabulary about family and have deep conversations about new and current changes on the concept of family in society.

 How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (5min): Introduction. We talk about the weekend and upcoming events.

Activity 2 (10min): Warm-up: I give them an empty genealogical tree and, in pairs, they have to fill in the name of the different relationships.

Activity 3 (15min): Video and Discussion. I show a video from a news program that talks about new kinds of family (non-conventional families).

Activity 3 (15min): Debate in little groups: Different topics are written in different pieces of papers inside of a bowl. The groups pick up one of the papers and discuss (or try to answer) what is written in the paper. From time to time, I will stop the conversations to have them speaking loudly their opinions.

ES F09 INT Familia

Activity 4 (15min): Famous’ genealogical tree. One by one, students pick a picture of a famous person and put it on the board making a genealogical tree. They have to say all the possible relationships between the picture they put and those that are already on the board.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Students enjoyed the class, they found the topics very interesting and were very involved and participative. The last activity is super fun, choose any kind of famous people (from Obama to Putin, Cleopatra, Shakira…).

RU S14 ADV Political situation in Ukraine (+ funny jokes about learning Russian, unrelated)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: February 25, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Political situation in Ukraine

Goal of the class:

 Talk about OLC on Ukraine “Crisis in Ukraine – internal and external perspectives”, discuss political rhetoric, linguistic device

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Warm-up – 15 minutes 

Discuss funny excerpts from Russian for foreigners- textbooks and phrase books “Why foreigners don’t understand Russians” and listen to funny listening comprehension tasks “Princeton Russian”

 Activity 1 Handout 1 20 minutes 

Read a recent livejournal post from a Ukrainian living in Kiev about the current political situation. Summarize, talk about the rhetoric, talk about what opinion(s) the author is trying to refute (reconstruct opinions)

 Activity 2 Handout 2 – 10 minutes 

Read a parody poem about the political situation in Ukraine – whose interests are really at stake?

Activity 3 Discussion – 15 minutes

Talk about OLC on Ukraine “Crisis in Ukraine – internal and external perspectives”, compare to the point of view of the livejournal post. Watch video “I am Ukrainian, this needs to go vial”, discuss

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, Internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It is so wonderful to see students being able to express very complex thoughts on very complex issues and analyze the rhetoric used in propaganda. The class went very well and the students are also much better at taking turns now.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Handout 1

Mutha Fukka on the Motorcycle (kaidannik) wrote,

20140224 16:39:00

UPD: Что происходит (кратко для друзей и близких из России)

Привет, друзья. За последние пару дней, к большому своему сожалению, успел рассориться с большим количеством москвичей, с которыми долгое время общался, дружил, приезжал в гости и принимал у себя как дорогих гостей. Пишу для всех здравомыслящих людей, склонных делать свои собственные выводы, и верить собственным ушам и глазам. Никого не собираюсь переубеждать, и, Боже упаси, ломать шаблоны. Просто расскажу, как нам живется.


Любителям НТВ, ОРТ, Россия 24, Киселева, Кобзона, Доренко, цитирующих призывы Жириновского и что там у вас еще есть, рекомендую просто не тратить свое время: утолить жажду крови и ненависти, почитав о зверствах нацистов и озверевшей банды, здесь вы не сможете.


Так вот, тезисно:


– У нас так же есть российские каналы. И то, что там показывают, иногда веселит, но чаще всего вызывает горькую досаду, так как направлено исключительно на разжигание ненависти на национальной, религиозной и политической почве, и вместе с этим, ничего общего с происходящим это не имеет. Примерно такую же реакцию вызвал бы сюжет новостей, в котором ведущий на полном серьезе прочитал бы “У лукоморья”, и ушел на рекламу. Кстати, сюжет,в котором корреспондент Россия24 в полном экипе ползет под обстрелом, а его оператор якобы получает ранение, снят не на Институтской или Грушевского, а на Лаврской, под стенами Лавры, что примерно в 5 километрах от Майдана 🙂 Без смеха на такую лажу смотреть сложно, но ведь показывают это не киевлянам …


– Здес НЕ преследуют русских. Так же, как не преследуют беларусов, молдаван, евреев, поляков, грузинов, азербайджанцев, чечен, англичан, немцев, итальянцев и всех остальных. Украина всегда была страной, в которую можно было ехать в любое время, в любую ее часть БЕЗОПАСНО, и с тех пор ничего не изменилось. Какие еще этнические чистки, какое бегство русских, алло, вы чего? Половина Украины как говорила, так и говорит по-русски, хотя, скажу честно, благодаря льющейся лжи все больше хочется этот язык забыть.


– Киев (и все остальные города тоже) НЕ захвачен, НЕ разрушен, НЕ засран и НЕ разграблен. Мы, как обычно, живем своей жизнью, ходим на работу, гуляем с детьми. Все происходило на Крещатике, улицах Грушевского и Институтсткой. Конечно же, там предстоит как следует убраться. Но даже в самом центре событий нету ни разбитых витрин, ни разграбленных магазинов. Цел глобус, магазинчики в трубе, цветочный рынок, даже Сбербанк России, что прямо на углу Институтской и Крещатика. О чем это говорит?


– Лавра не захвачена, не разграблена, все святыни, мощи, иконы, а так же служащие в полном составе на месте, и занимаются своим обычным делом – дерут с туристов и прихожан деньги.


– Раду не захватывали, как писали многие российские СМИ. Поторопились опубликовать. Милиция сняла оцепление, прогнала титушек (наподдав им на последок, своим же), и отошли, ожидая захвата. И люди пошли, но … только для того, чтобы пустить внутрь депутатов, которые, наконец-то, начали собираться, включая все партии кроме коммуняк. Депутаты начали работу, а СМИ опубликовали сюжет о захвате рады, все идет по плану 🙂 Вот беда 🙂 Это было очень смешно.


– Система (если угодно – хунта, что значит бандиты в погонах) действительно пала, и люди, виновные в сотнях человеческих жертв, растрате казны и т.д. преследуются правоохранительными органами, после задержания будут преданы суду.


– Для того, чтобы обезопасить свои семьи, дома, автомобили от гопников, привезенных властью из юго-восточных областей, люди организовывают дежурство по дворам. Но это продлится не долго – на улицы вернулись патрули, многие из которых усилены простыми людьми из самообороны. Возвращаться домой ночью, да в спальном районе, можно спокойно.



– Люди не празднуют. Потому что цена в сто человеческих жизней – слишком высока, чтобы праздновать (человеческих, а не повстанцев или милиции, ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИХ). Потому что рано – теперь нужно строить и строить, и всем хватит работы. Потому что оставшимся политикам все равно никто не верит, и люди следят за каждым словом. Потому что милиции нужно привести в порядок молодых и горячих, которые решили, что они революционеры. Потому что нужно латать дыры в экономике,


– Мы не понимаем, почему нас называют бандеровцами. Здесь нету таких. Нету фашистов, нацистов, партизан и так далее. Нету зомби, майданутых, ебанутых, западенцев. Здесь есть обычные люди: учителя, программисты, официанты, пенсионеры, колхозники, врачи, библиотекари, музыканты, юристы, военные, ветераны и инвалиды, молодые и старые, богатые и бедные. Сотни тысяч. Дай бог каждому из вас увидеть и почувствовать ту силу, которая исходит от тысяч людей, которые, слыша бой церковных колоколов, выходят из дому, вливаются в море таких же, и молча идут вперед – лечить, выносить, подносить, идут воевать в мирное время.


– У нас полно бензина, еды, банкоматы работают, доллар растет, снега нет, за окном солнце, и скоро весна.


Кто не верит – приезжайте, и посмотрите своими глазами. И информация для тех, кто брызжет слюной о “предательстве хохлов” и героизме ментов – знайте: ваши отрыжки не обидны, и не цепляют. Они выглядят как вопли городских сумасшедших где-то на улице: жалко бедолаг, хочется помочь, успокоить, и знаешь, что это невозможно, только медикаментозное лечение.


Помните: во времена тотальной лжи правда звучит, как экстремизм.


Мир всем!




Честно говоря, не ожидал такого резонанса – я не блоггер особо, уж точно не “тысячник”, и совсем не журналист. Но раз зацепило, значит тема болит у многих. Добавлю пару тезисов, часто спрашивают.


  1. Я не рисовал розовую картинку. Да, нас ждет не просто кризис, а яма, из которой сообща мы выберемся. Это хорошо понимают все. Я описал картину, которую видел или вижу каждый день не по телевизору, а своими глазами, занимаясь привычными делами обыкновенного жителя столицы Украины 35 лет отроду.


  1. Я не разделяю позицию Правого Сектора, как и любых других экстремистов. Я не бросал коктейль молотова, никогда в жизни ни в кого не стрелял, и таких людей здесь столько же, сколько в любой другой славянской или европейской стране – подавляющее большинство.


  1. Да, те, кто рвутся к власти сейчас, в большинстве все те же упыри, только, наверное, чуть напуганные. А где вы видели, чтобы страну по мановению волшебной палочки изменили за несколько дней?


  1. Нагнетание обстановки российскими СМИ ведет к ненависти, нетерпимости и прочему дерьму НА БЫТОВОМ уровне, никакого влияния на большую политику это не оказывает. Просто ссорят соседей, и все. Соседи, давайте оставим политику политикам.


  1. Вопрос языка. Мне кажется, во всем мире принято государственные документы в государственных учереждениях заполнять на государственном языке. Разве в России это не так? В остальном – да хоть на китайском, лишь бы тот, кому вы говорите, вас понял. Или вы думали, что у нас приняли закон, запрещающий русский язык? Часто упоминаете Фарион, и я согласен – это бооольшой перегиб. Или перекос. Или недочто-то. Но это ведь вопрос мизерной важности 🙂


  1. Я не считаю, и никогда не считал русских рабами, зомби, имбецилами и т.д., и это мнение большинства людей. Скорее пропагандистская машина РФ очень хороша.


И последнее: я отлично понимаю, что это – всего лишь субъективное, возможно несколько наивное мнение, и оно может кардинально отличаться от других. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь, на любом языке 🙂 Только без срача.


Очень хотелось бы, чтобы все мы оставались людьми, и не велись на очковтирательство и промывание мозгов.


Еще раз мир всем.

Tags: life, maidan, ukraine, Украина, майдан



Handout 2



– А у нас в России газ! А у вас?


– А у нас переворот, вот.


– А у нас переворот не допустит наш народ!


– А у нас Олимпиада. Что еще для счастья надо? И ликует весь народ. Вот!


– А у нас переворот. Вот…


– А зато у нас в стране, благодаря, конечно, мне, нет ни бедных, ни богатых, все живут лишь на зарплату.


– А у нас на лыжах в Сочи каждый сможет отдыхать. И чиновник, и рабочий. Вот такая благодать!


– А у нас переворот… Вот.


– Ну, а мне вообще все страны шлют картошку, газ, бананы. Кто бананы не пришлет – у того переворот. Вот.


Алексей Мазницын

CN S15 ADV Juvenile Delinquency

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Advanced 013

Class theme/topics discussed:

Juvenile Delinquency

Goal of the class:

  • To help students learn some Chinese terms and expressions about juvenile delinquency;
  • To make students aware of the effects of juvenile delinquency on family and society;
  • To develop students’ understanding of the motive and prevention of juvenile delinquency.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: introduce this topic by referring to campus shootings in the U.S.:;

  1. Ask the students to think about the following questions: what is juvenile delinquency? Which age group does this refer to? What does juvenile delinquency include? Examples?
  2. Teach the students some Chinese terms and expressions about juvenile delinquency, and try to ask them to rephrase those words/expressions in simple Chinese;
  3. Guide the students to analyze the causes and effects of juvenile delinquency:;

  1. Discuss how to prevent juvenile delinquency from various social dimensions (juvenile delinquent, victim, family, community, and society);
  2. Wind up this topic.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handouts, videos.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The in-depth analysis and discussion of juvenile delinquency went on well in this class, since the students found they’re confident and fluent in talking about complicated social issues in Chinese. They made great progress in my conversation class this semester.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


  1. 青少年:teenager           犯罪(fan4 zui4):crime
  2. 青少年犯罪:juvenile delinquency 犯罪率(lv4)
  3. 心智不成熟:emotionally and intellectually immature
  4. 暴力:violence                 家庭暴力
  5. 沉迷于网络/电脑游戏
  6. 心理问题/疾病
  7. 叛逆(pan4 ni4):rebellious
  8. 违反法律
  9. 拜金主义(bai4 jin1):money worship
  10. 虐待儿童:child abuse
  11. 未成年人
  12. 色情节目:pornography
  13. 误入歧途(wu4 ru4 qi2 tu2): go astray
  14. 文盲:illiteracy
  15. 坐牢(lao2):be in jail

FR S15 ADV Women’s Day

Language Resident Name:

Day and Date:
Tuesday, March 10th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
French advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:
Women’s Day

Goal of the class:
To talk about gender discrimination
To create the end of a video
To give your opinion
Reading comprehension
To make them describe a poster

How did you structure the class?
1. Warm-up: coming CA + how was their weekend?
2. Do they know what happened on the 8th of March? If I say “male-female parity or equality”, to which fields are they thinking of?
3. Video
I show them the beginning of the video, they have to guess the end. Then we watch the real end and we discuss it.
4. Posters
I separate them in small groups of 3 and give them a poster made for Women’s day. They have to prepare a small presentation to describe the poster to the rest of the class, explain which message it conveys and if they think it works well.
5. Article
We read together an article and I introduce them to the association for women’s rights “Ni putes ni soumises”. What do they think about this article? About people’s reactions? Is there an American equivalent of “la journée de la jupe”?
6. Famous women
Still in small groups, they pick up a famous woman and prepare a small presentation about her life, her influence, her fights, and why is she inspiring for them (fictional or real woman)

Le Figaro, 9 mars 2012
Des collégiennes qui avaient organisé une «Journée de la jupe» ont été priées de changer de tenue. L’association Ni putes ni soumises critique l’attitude du collège.
Pas de jupe pour la Journée de la femme… Jeudi, à l’occasion du 8 mars, une trentaine d’élèves du collège Roger-Vailland de Poncin, dans l’Ain, avaient délaissé leur jean pour une tenue plus féminine. L’initiative a inquiété la direction de l’établissement qui a invité les collégiennes, âgées de 13 à 15 ans, à aller se changer. «En raison d’agressions verbales dont certaines ont été victimes, un membre de l’équipe de direction leur a proposé d’adopter une autre tenue», a expliqué vendredi Sylvain Weisse, le principal du collège.
Taille de la jupe
Mais les adolescentes de 4e et de 3e ont refusé d’obtempérer. Soutenues par quelques enseignants, elles ont fait circuler une pétition qui a retenu près de 80 signatures pour soutenir leur action, rapporte le quotidien Le Progrès , qui a dévoilé l’histoire.
Provocation de lolita ou acte féministe: la réponse est-elle à trouver dans la taille de la jupe? En plein débat sur l’hypersexualisation de la société après la remise d’un rapport de la sénatrice Chantal Jouanno, la direction du collège a-t-elle jugé nécessaire de calmer le jeu? Interrogés par l’observatoire Orange Terrafemina, les parents plébiscitent pour leur part à 83% l’interdiction des tenues indécentes à l’école. En juin dernier, une élève de 11 ans d’un collège de Villeparisis (Seine-et-Marne) avait également été rappelée à l’ordre par une surveillante qui avait jugée sa jupe trop courte.
«Régression du droit des femmes»
«J’avais une jupe à fleurs qui m’arrivait un peu au dessus du genoux. Ce n’était pas de la provocation. C’était un peu aberrant que l’on nous demande d’enlever notre jupe parceque l’on ne peut pas travailler avec une jupe», a rapporté une élève du collège Roger-Vailland sur RTL. «Il faut que l’on réeduque le regard des garçons, des hommes et même de la société», a également plaidé la mère d’une collégienne.
L’association Ni putes ni soumises, à l’origine du lancement de la Journée de la jupe, organisée tous les 25 novembre pour encourager les filles à oser se montrer féminines et à faire fi des préjugés, se dit choquée par cette réaction. «Je la trouve dégradante. C’est scandaleux, s’offusque sa présidente, Asma Guenifi. Ce genre d’attitude laisse penser que la provocation vient de la fille qui porte la jupe. On cautionne l’idée que cette fille est une pute. C’est très symptomatique de la régression du droit des femmes et des jeusnes filles.» Ce faisant, l’école ne fait pas son travail et va à l’encontre des valeurs de la République dénonce également l’association. «C’est là qu’il faut aborder les rapports fille garçon, parler du sexisme, lutter contre les préjugés», avance Asma Guenifi.
«Cet incident sera l’opportunité pour l’établissement de poursuivre une action engagée depuis des années autour des thèmes du recpect d’autui et des relations entre les filles et les garçons» convient le principal de Roger-Vailland. La volonté des élèves s’inscrit dans une démarche positive et reconnue comme telle par l’établissement. Des actions pédagogiques et éducatives seront très prochainement conduites avec les élèves et leurs familles», promet-il pour apaiser les tensions.

DE S15 ADV Crime

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

Day and Date: Thursday, 4/10/15

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Crime

Goal of the class: introduce vocabulary around crime, familiarize the students with one of the most popular German TV series right now

 How did you structure the class?  

Ice Breaker: how did you like working on the project? What was new, also in terms of language?

Activity One: Which words do you know that are related to crime? How could someone die? I checked the words off of a list I prepared and handed it around in the end so they could see which vocabulary was still new 

Activity Two: Work in pairs: One of you describes a crime scene, the other one has to draw it 

Activity Three: “Black Story”. A black story is a very short account of a crime/ crime scene, the audience then has to guess what happened, using only yes or no questions

Activity Four: We watched the first episode of the German TV show “Tatortreiniger” which is about someone who comes to clean up crime scenes. An episode is only 25 minutes, so there was enough time to stop every now and then and make sure they understood the main points (there are no subtitles for the show)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube, whiteboard, handout

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They loved the class and kept using the words even in later classes, so for some reason it must’ve been memorable

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Das Verbrechen

Der Mord, der Mörder, jemanden ermorden, der Selbstmord
Die Tat, der Täter, der Tatort
Der Beweis, etwas beweisen, das Beweismittel
Die Spur, Spuren suchen, die Spurensicherung, der Fingerabdruck
Der Tod, töten, tot
Die Leiche, der Leichnam
Das Blut, bluten, die Blutflecken
Die Polizei à die KriPo, der Kommissar, der Detektiv
Das Gericht, der Richter, der Anwalt, das Urteil, jemanden verurteilen
Das Verbrechen, der Verbrecher, ein Verbrechen begehen
Das Gefängnis / der Knast (colloq.), im Gefängnis sitzen 


FR S14 INT Family & Marriage

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 04/15

Class theme/topics discussed:

Family and marriage

Goal of the class:

Review the family members

Talking about one’s family and one’s own ideas about marriage

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

1 General discussion

How is their family? Are they close? Do they see them often?

2 Taboo

Pairs. A student draws a card with the name of a family member. He has to make his partner guess who is it without saying it.

3 Brainstorming

I give them a handout with 12 questions about the family. They pick up one and answer it in front of the rest of the class.

4 Same-sex marriage

I tell them about the law that was adopted last year. I show them a video with the negative comments about it and then ask their opinion.


What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

As I had only three students, I had to modify it a little bit. Actually, we took a lot of time just talking about our families. I think now they are comfortable enough with the language to have more debates and general conversations about a topic, which is really interesting. We also talked more generally about marriage if they would like to get married, when, why


How could this class be improved/ modified?






  1. Quelles sont les différences entre les familles américaines et les familles françaises si vous en connaissez ?


  1. Qui devrait prendre soin des personnes âgées ?


  1. Quels sont les modèles de famille en dehors de la conception traditionnelle de la famille ? (par exemple : les familles monoparentales, les familles recomposées, le mariage homosexuel…)


  1. Depuis que vous êtes à l’université, votre relation avec vos parents a-t-elle changé ?


  1. Le mariage est-il essentiel pour le bon fonctionnement de la famille ou de la société ?


  1. Pouvez-vous comparer la vie d’un jeune Américain à l’université et celle d’un jeune Français ?


  1. Mariage religieux ou mariage civil : lequel est le plus important pour vous ?


  1. Quelles valeurs pensez-vous devoir enseigner à un enfant ?


  1. Les droits des parents séparés sur la garde des enfants : que pensez-vous de la situation des pères ?


  1. Quels sont les avantages et/ou les inconvénients des familles multiculturelles ?


  1. Pensez-vous que les enfants d’aujourd’hui sont négligés en raison des longues heures de travail des parents ?


  1. Que pensez-vous du droit des homosexuels d’adopter des enfants ?




































RU S14 ADV Sochi Olympics

Conversation Class Lesson Summary – Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: January 23, 28 and 30 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi: optimistic (PART 1), critical (PART 2) and application (PART 3) 

Goal of the class:

Talk about the social and economic aspects of the Olympic games in Russia before the games begin, develop argumentation skills and critical analysis of language

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 


Activity 1 – Warm-up

Handout 1 – Who do you root for? Who won what? Using Handout 1 we talk about the contents of the official website of the Olympics sports, medals, teams. We also look at for content that the students comment on using the Handout.  What do you watch? Who do you support? Which teams/athletes won what?  – 15 minutes

Activity 2 –  Advantages and disadvantages of holding Olympic games – preparation for the video

Students list advantages and disadvantages of hosting Olympic games (blackboard) 10 minutes

Activity 3 – Video Opinion poll

Before watching: what is the general consensus? What does that tell us about the people organizing the poll? Do they have an agenda? Watch the first half first for a general picture. Then watch question by question and discuss. – 25 minutes

Activity 4 – What would you ask Russian people if you were doing the poll?  Other students try to answer – 10 minutes


Activity 1 – Warm-up – general discussion, classes, news – 15 minutes

Activity 2 – Vocabulary revision (Handout 2) – Taboo game – 10 minutes

Activity 3 – Video Sochi Olympics –  Feast in Time of Plague

Watch once for general comprehension, the speech is very fast but it’s very visual and all the numbers are shown on the screen – 5 minutes

Activity 3 – Article & Discussion (Handout 3) – 30 minutes

Students read an article summarizing foreign press articles about the Sochi Olympics. They each have one main problem to characterize based on the article. General discussion includes comparisons with the previously studied material (the optimistic opinion poll). Analysis of rhetoric strategies and specific language in the article and in the videos.

PART 3 – THE FUTURE – Presenting an application to host the Summer Olympics 2024

Activity After a 5-min warm-up, the students prepare their applications based on the handout (each one gets their own city) for 10 minutes, then each of them presents while the others ask questions.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) 

Video, Internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went very well because students are interested in the topic. Part 3 (presentation of cities) was especially successful, since students were able to recycle a lot of useful vocabulary from two previous classes. They also practiced their argumentation skills and, most importantly, asking questions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Conversation Class_RUSS13_SOCHI_OLYMPICS

CN S14 ADV Immigration

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:
By the end of the class, students will be able to talk about immigration situation both in China and America.

Structure of the class:
1. Warm up talk — how is your life? What is your favorite program? How do you like the ending of ?
2. Learn new words — explain plus practice
3. Ask questions by looking at two groups of statistics

What technology, media or props did you use?

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The topic is really interesting for students. Especially some students’ parents from my class are immigrates. They feel it is important to learn something about immigration.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

目的地 Destination 来源 Origin
种族 race 公民 citizen
群体 group 永久 forever
居住 reside 居民 resident
非法 illegal 合法 legal
身份 identity 排名 rank
数据 statistics 显示 show
社会保障 social welfare 逃税 Tax evasion
经济危机 economy crisis 国籍 nationality

1) 最受欢迎的移民目的地是哪三个国家?

2)美国的现在的移民来源是哪里? 中国移民占美国移民的第几位?

3) 哪四个国家移民海外的人非常多?



6) 你猜一猜,接受最多中国移民的国家有哪些?

7) 在美国有非法移民吗?你听说过他们的故事吗?你看过什么电影关于非法移民吗?

8) 你知道在中国也有非法移民吗?这些非法移民可能哪些国家?


DE S14 ADV News and broadcasting

Date: 04/22/2014

Class theme/topics discussed: News

Goal of the class: talk about current events, news and their importance, understand and compare different kinds of news broadcasters

 Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–       I asked whether students watched or read news

–       We summarized the big topics in current international and national affairs

–       I asked students what kind of news they watched

–       What kind of shows did they know

–       I also asked why they preferred a certain show over another.

–       We watched the beginning of that day’s German news

–       Students were asked to describe the news with regard to tone, design, presenter, gestures, facial expression etc

–       I asked them what news for children should be like: we gathered ideas

–       I showed them Children’s News and we analyzed their presentation and the topics and compared it to the previously seen “normal” news broadcast 

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

White board, TV, computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The question of what news students watched and liked sparked a tiny discussion among them which I had not expected since the class is not very “independent” when it comes to talking and usually needs a lot of guidance. That was a good moment.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


DE S14 ADV Reading a newspaper article

Class theme/topics discussed: reading on the Crimean Conflict 

Goal of the class: read a text and be able to understand it properly 

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–       I gave students a text on the Crimean Conflict from

–       The class was divided into 3 groups and each had to work on a paragraph in the article

–       Each group then summarized the paragraphs and presented unknown vocabulary to the class

–       We discussed the title of the article and the content

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It went really well and students were happy to practice reading at some point in this class! They had perviously asked for a reading exercise.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


ES F13 ADV Camp at Sol Square

Lesson #2: 15-M Social Movement in Spain

Date: October 29th 2013

The class level: Advanced

Size of the class: 9 students

Class time: 1 hour

Lesson Plan

Overall Goal: Discussing about recent social movements in Spain

Teaching Objectives:

–       Review vocabulary related to demonstration and social discontent. Banner language.

–       Showing current Spanish situation

–       Practice assembly rules. Hypothetical problem solving. Working in commissions.


Media/ supplies needed: handouts, video projector

Procedures and time needed:

Greetings + warm–up (15 min): Students work in pairs. I hand out pictures of recent banners found in demonstrations in Spain. They need to understand the messages, what banners refer to, their context, and explain them to their classmates. Gathering vocabulary.

Activity #1 Video (20 min): Re-activation of vocabulary. Explaining some vocabulary before watching the video. I play two clips showing the reasons behind 15M Movement and the beginning of Camp at Sol Square. Discussion about other movements all over the world and their reasons.

2’30’’-4’50’’. Massive demonstrations that showed people’s discontent in 2011.

7’-9’50’’. Camp at Sol Square

Activity #3 Assembly (25 min): Working in assemblies. As people from 15M movement did at the Camp and afterwards, students learn how to work in assemblies. They need to listen to other people’s opinions, vote and reach a consensus taking in consideration all the proposals. The teacher is the moderator of the assembly, and he/she reads the agenda of the day. Students represent different commissions: food, infrastructure, action, communication and so on. They discuss about some issues related to every commission and try to fin solutions by voting and reaching consensus.



FR F13 INT Ecology

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French 11



Class theme/topics discussed: Ecology

Goal of the class: Talking about ecological actions and the environment

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion: did they have class about ecology and the environment when they were kids? Importance of this in France.
  2. Energies: they have to match a word and a picture of a type of energy, and then tell if it is renewnable or not.
  3. Reading and writing: advice to be ecological. Then, following the examples, they have to write down some ideas in pairs.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They were not really motivated, I don’t know if it was only their mood or the topic of the class. I found out that Europe and the US don’t give the same attention to ecology.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

PowerPoint + handouts here: Handout l’envrionnement French INT Ecology

DE F13 INT Gaming and its dangers

Intermediate German Conversation

Date: 11/19/2013

Class theme/topics discussed: gaming and its dangers

Goal of the class: talk about gaming habit and discuss potential dangers

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–  I asked students what kinds of games they liked to play

–  I tried to make students talk about their favorite games and playing habits, present and past.

–  What are the advantages of board games, what are those of computer games?

–  I asked student about what they preferred. We also looked up videos on youtube which would give us an impression of the games students named. I also asked what exactly they liked about the respective games.

–  We watched a 9 minute long video about computer games and their potential connection to violence and gunman incidents at school

– We discussed the topic and the very complicated and difficult implications

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

TV screen, computer, white board

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Even though the discussion became pretty difficult and abstract, students did a very good job.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The problem was that both students were not really computer game players so at certain points I was somewhat hanging and had to improvise to keep the class flowing. However, I think this is a danger due to a small class.

DE F13 ADV Immigration (II)

 Advanced German Conversation

Date: 11/14/2013

Class theme/topics discussed: Immigration, part II

Goal of the class:  Discuss current issues on immigration, the idea of culture

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

– We started off by watching a short video on new immigration into Germany due to the European crisis. Students were asked to summarize the video, identify the previously mentioned problems and advantages of living in Germany.

– Summarize and recapitulate the episode of “Türkisch für Anfänger” for the students who had not been to class the week before

Citizenship test: I wanted to do the German citizenship test with my class. First, I divided the class into  3 groups and asked them to discuss what they thought would be important enough to be part of a test as such.

–  When we collected the ideas, a discussion started about culture and nationhood which went very deep and made almost everyone contribute significantly. I decided to leave the test for next class and let them go on.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

TV screen, computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

One of the best classes so far. The discussion that students spontaneously started was a highlight of this semester.

How could this class be improved/ modified?




CN F13 ADV Drugs

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:
Learn new words that related to drugs.
Talk about your opinion about Marihuana legalization.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):
1 Chinese song < Say No to porn, gambling and drugs>
2 Warm up activity: Jeopardy ( In this game, everyone writes down ten answers to questions about themselves. After writing down the answers, people have to form pairs or small groups and try to find out what the questions are.)
3. Drugs (Introduce the topic by talking about Chinese character “毒” which means poisonous. Then talk about getting poisoned. At last talk about drugs. Is there drug problem on campus? What kind of drugs are popular? Why? Which school has the most serious problem about drug?)
4.What is your opinion about Marihuana legalization?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students talked for the first half an hour and I was just keeping the conversation alive. I felt they were more engaged with this issue since it is something that they have experiences with.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
There is another song that I wanted to show for students. However, I do not have enough time. I need to learn to manage time better.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

DE F13 ADV German Federal Elections & Politics

Advanced German Conversation

Date: 09/10/2013

Class theme/topics discussed: politics in Germany

Goal of the class: learn about political parties, colors, governmental system, etc.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–   Students were shown the “colors” of the four major political parties

–  They were asked about what associations they had with the color and what it could stand for.

–  Class was divided into 4 groups: each group got a color

–  Task: what political agenda do you associate with the color, how would you call your party, what would your ideology be like?

– Students presented their parties to the class

– “solution”: I informed students about the parties and where their party program coincided with the actual one.

Final activity: We watched the campaign TV commercials of the parties

– Students were asked about the mood, the way they were made, and the message they conveyed. Which one is most appealing to you and why

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

White board, TV screen, computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students seem to be quite happy about the topic politics so the class went pretty well.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


ES S13 ADV Guns

Language and Section: Spanish 13-01

Date: January 31, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed: Restrictions for guns in the US

Goal of the class: talk about this current topic with US students

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below)

We started the class with a little warm-up game: the pictionary. After I handed them an article about the restrictions of having guns in the US. This article appeared in the Spanish newspaper called “El Pais”. I also gave them a vocabulary sheet. In the same groups as for the pictionary, they had to each read a paragraph (it was perfect because the article had 11 paragraphs and there were 11 students!) and then explain the paragraph they read to their group. After that we talked about the article and I asked them questions. Then, again working in groups, I asked them to think of advantages and disadvantages of having guns. I erased the title of the article so they had to come up with a title that they though would fit best.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I worked well, but they were not very talkative.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I wanted to show them a couple of news videos in Spanish about this topic but we ran out of time. I will probably show it next class. It is always good to practice by listening to the Spanish news, even if it can be a little bit challenging. Maybe, in order to make it easier for them to talk, I should have given them a guideline with some questions/bullet points that they had to talk about in their own groups. I could have pointed a moderator who would make sure they go through every point.

Here are the links from the news that could have been very useful:

Protesta a favor de las armas:
Plan Barack Obama:
Sube la compra de armas (1.15′):
”          ”          ”          ” (1.37′):

ES S13 INT/ADV Drugs

Language and Section: Spanish 11-01

Date: April 4, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed: Drugs

Goal of the class: Learn new vocabulary about drugs and talk about them.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below)

I wrote four words on the board: “botellón” “porro” “colocado” and “chocolate”. I asked them what those words had in common. They though about it until someone came up with the word “drugs”. After that I asked them about the atmosphere about drugs on the campus. They talked about some of their experiences and told me some “funny” anecdotes about this issue on campus. We kept talking about how easy it is to get drugs on campus and what drugs are mostly consumed on each campus. After that I showed them a couple of videos on drug prevention in Spain:

I gave them a piece of paper with some questions about the advertisements. They worked in small groups and then we talked a little bit more in a big group. I asked them questions about the legalization of marihuana or the reasons why young people consume drugs and the effects of the “21-year-old” policy.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Youtube videos

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everything worked well. Students talked for the first half an hour and I was just keeping the conversation alive. I felt like they were more engaged with this issue since it is something that they have experiences with.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I could have changed the direction of the conversation depending on what I thought it was important but I wanted to give them free rein.

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Here are the questions that I used related to the videos:

¿Qué ves en cada anuncio y qué historia se narra?
¿Crees que estos anuncios muestran situaciones reales? ¿Has visto alguna vez una situación parecida?
¿Qué quieren transmitir? ¿Lo hacen de una manera apropiada?
¿Qué anuncio crees que es más eficaz y por qué?
¿Cuál te ha llamado más la atención?
¿A quiénes están dirigidas estas campañas publicitarias? ¿Por qué crees que es así?
¿Cuál crees tú que es el mejor método para concienciar a las personas del abuso de drogas?
¿Cuáles son algunas de las razones por las que los jóvenes consumen drogas?


ES S13 INT/ADV Immigration

Language and Section: Spanish 11-01

Date: April 18, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed: Immigration

Goal of the class: Talk about immigration and the differences between the US and Spain

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below)

I started the class with a song (papeles mojaos-chambao) that talked about immigration. We commented that song and then I showed them a news video in which they were talking about African immigrants crossing the ocean to get to Spain. We talked about all the differences between Spain and the US, how the immigrants get to the US, what they can do once they have arrived, what kind of jobs they can get, etc. We also talked about the DREAM Act and they explained to me what it was about. I had some questions with me that I kept looking in case I forgot something that I wanted to ask.

Chambao – papeles mojados:

 What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Youtube and

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They were interested in the topic and I think the song was a good start.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

At first I wanted to have them work in two groups and talk about this, but after, since they were all explaining things in the US to me I thought it would make more sense if we just discussed it altogether. Also, instead of keeping the questions with me, I could have handed them to the students and have them discuss them in groups of 3 or 4 people.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

I attach the lyrics of the song and the questions that I had with me to keep the conversation going.


Chambao – Papeles mojados

Miles de sombras cada noche trae la marea,
navegan cargaos de ilusiones que en la orilla se quedan.
Historias del día a día, historias de buena gente.
Se juegan la vida cansaos, con hambre y un frío que pela.
Ahogan sus penas con una candela, ponte tu en su lugar,
el miedo que en sus ojos reflejan, la mar se echó a llorar.

Muchos no llegan, se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papeles sin dueño Muchos no llegan se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papales sin dueño

Frágiles recuerdos a la deriva desgarran el alma,
cala to’ los huesos el agua los arrastra sin esperanza.
La impotencia en su garganta con sabor a sal,
una bocanada de aire le da otra oportunidad.
Tanta noticia me desespera, ponte tu en su lugar,
el miedo que en sus ojos reflejan, la mar se echo a llorar.

Muchos no llegan, se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papeles sin dueño. Muchos no llegan, se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papeles sin dueño

Muchos no llegan, se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papeles sin dueño. Muchos no llegan, se hunden sus sueño papeles mojaos, papeles sin dueño


¿Con qué se asocia el término inmigración?
¿Cómo acceden los inmigrantes a EE.UU?
¿Existen en EE.UU trabajos temporales para los inmigrantes?
¿Cuáles creéis que son las formas en que se pueden conseguir “papeles”? ¿Es posible trabajar sin tener papeles? ¿En dónde?
¿Qué ventajas tiene la inmigración para el país y para los inmigrantes? ¿Y problemas/desventajas?
¿Con qué medios llegan los inmigrantes a EE.UU?
En EE.UU, ¿las leyes de inmigración son las mismas en todos los Estados? ¿Hay alguno que tenga leyes más severas? ¿Cuál y por qué?
Los inmigrantes, ¿qué tipo de trabajos desempeñan normalmente?

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