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ES ADV S18 Personality and Instagram

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ



Day and Date: 04/18/2018



Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced


Class theme/topics discussed: Personality and Instagram


Goal of the class: Personality adjectives, question formation


How did you structure the class?


Head’s up (5’): Upcoming events


Warm-up: (10’) whole-group:

We begin by picking someone’s profile on Instagram. Students will be asked who that person is, and to describe the physical appearance and lifestyle. This will be a modelling activity of what they will have to do later.

We do this activity on the screen and in group.

Students get a sheet to fill out different features: profession, hobbies, appearance, personality.


Activity 1: (25’) pairs, then whole group

5’ to search, 5’ to discuss their personality and physical appearance


In pairs, students go on Instagram and look up the profiles of some people I tell them too. They tell me what these people do and describe them.


@pabloalboran             @SergioRamos             @soyunapringada

@Dabizmuñoz              @pau_eche                 @cristipedroche


Whole group:

Afterwards, each of them will present theirADV 04:18 Instagram READY characters and describe them following a similar way of doing it.



Activity 2 (20’): Groups of 4 or 5: Tiradas telemáticas
Students play a game of questions and answers that prompts the vocabulary that they have used and learnt during the previous activity and question formation.



What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Instagram, TV, Internet.




What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Using a social network such as Instagram definitely triggers students’ interest when it comes to class activities.

The first part of the class is not so conversational, but it prepares students for the second part in which they get to speak all the time.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

A set of fixed questions for them to discuss would help the beginning of the class to be more conversational.


 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

JP S18 INT/ADV School Rule

Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

Day and Date: 2/22/18

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: School Rules

Goal of the class: By the time this class ends, students get to know typical Japanese school rules and will be able to discuss some rules, supporting their opinion.

How did you structure the class?

Activity1 (10 min): Warm – up

We talk about strangest / funniest / strictest school rules.

Activity2 (10 min): Brainstorming    

Students are divided into two groups; one group is teachers, the principle and the school and the other group is students and parents. They come up with opinions that support their position. I choose one topic from what they told in Activity 1.

Activity3 (15 min): Discussion 

Students discuss. I write the opinions they say on the white board so they remember what their points are.

Activity4 & 5 (25 min): Brainstorming and Discussion   

We repeat the process of Activity 2 and 3 with a different topic.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everything worked well. I wish I could have somehow made more corrections on their utterances, which would improve their vocabularies or expressions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would make a list of vocabulary they might not know yet.

DE F17 ADV Thanksgiving

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

Day and Date: Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

Goal of the class: Students use vocabulary learned and talk about their Thanksgiving holidays

How did you structure the class?  

4.15-4.20 (5mins): Save the date – 4 Cultural activities

4.20-4.30 (10mins): Review Thanksgiving vocabulary; bomb-game (use bomb from the game “Tick Tack Bumm” in German LR apartment): each person has to say one word related to thanksgiving and after that they can pass the bomb to the next person. The person who holds the bomb when it explodes cannot participate in the regular game anymore, but has to act as a “lifeline”. Each player can ask for help from these students, but only once during the game.

 4.30-4.45 (15mins): students come up with questions about their Thanksgiving holidays: 2 groups (5 and 6 students); 12 questions (number questions like: 1., 1.1, 2., 2.1, …) for each group – they type them in the MacBook; LR assists and makes sure that the final questions are grammatically correct.

 4.45-5.15 (30mins): students dice and answer the question with the number they get; if they get the same number again, they use the second question for that number (e.g. 3. and 3.1). After approximately half of the time, the groups swap the questions they came up with.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

mac books for students, dice

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They liked to talk about Thanksgiving but one group was much more energetic and motivated than the other. This happens a lot; maybe switching people between the groups could help to improve that.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

make 10 questions (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2….) and if they dice 6, the person should switch the group.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


DE F17 ADV Conversation Project Reflection

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

Day and Date: Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Reflection of conversation project work and result; the students created a music video

Goal of the class: students should reflect upon their work and give feedback to each other

 How did you structure the class?  

4.15-4.20 (5mins): What are we going to do today, LR has prepared the plan on the whiteboard (5 steps)

4.20-4.25 (5mins): step 1 Re-watch video (sing along) and reflect individually (printed handout, worksheet1)

4.25-4.30 (5mins): step 2 discuss within your own group about your own group work (handout on macbooks, worksheet 2)

4.30-4.45 (15min): step 3 present feedback

4.45-4.55 (10min): step 4 write feedback for others

4.55-5.10 (15min): step 5 give other groups feedback (one [feedback from one group for each group], or two rounds [feedback from two groups for each group] depending on time)

5.10-5.15 (5min): info events and tables give students info about their attendances

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, play mobiles, handouts, etc.)

TV, mac books for students, whiteboard, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The timing was very good and the students performed well on the tasks. In the beginning the students found it a bit boring, but throughout the lesson they had more and more fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Make it more fun; Maybe make it a game or competition and one group can win.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

01 Worksheet1 Individuelle Reflexion 01 Worksheet2 Gruppenarbeit Reflexion


JA S17 INT “Valentine Day around the World & White Day in Japan”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Monday, February 13, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

 Class theme/topics discussed: Valentine Day around the World & White Day in Japan

 Goal of the class:

The students will be able to get to know the Valentine day and compare it with the ones of other countries.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (2 min): Attendance check and Announcement

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements.

 Activity 2 (8 min): Warm-up

I casually ask the students about their weekend and lead discussion by asking the questions to the students since we had beautiful sunny skies during the weekend.

Activity 3 (20 min): Introduction of Valentine Day

I simply ask the students about the Valentine day upcoming this week and announce the today’s topic. I also ask them about general information of it with the perspectives of both America and China and write them down on the whiteboard. Then, I ask them about their memory of that day and share them in the class. After that, I lead the discussion by giving them the equal chances where they are able to express their ideas in the class. Then, I talk about the recent trend of Japanese one by introducing the types of chocolate that one gives it to the other with some illustration on the whiteboard.

Activity 4 (30 min) Watching a Japanese Warmhearted Story

I briefly introduce the story in the class and give them some questions which the students need to pay attention to while watching it. Then, we watch the whole story together in the class. After that, we review about the summary of that story together in the class by asking them questions and getting the answers in the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was successful in general. Today’s topic did help a lot the class be more productive and interactive. Basically, I was able to lead the class as planned, conducting each activity in an appropriate order. The story that we have watched in the class today was also relevant to their level of Japanese, so it seems to me that they understood the story very well. However, I found some parts needed to be revised.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

The PowerPoint I used today was simple, so I can put more photos in the slides, which makes it creative.  By doing so, it would be also a good help for their understanding when they get lost during the class. Before watching the short story in the class, I need to give the students basic background of the story such as main character, key points, and new vocabulary, which would motivate the students to watch it with those views. Also, I need to clarify well about the activity after watching it.

JA S17 INT “Consensus Game”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

 Class theme/topics discussed: Consensus Game

 Goal of the class:

Students will be able to express their ideas and opinions in the class.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10 min): Attendance check & Announcement & Warm-up

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements. Then, I casually ask the students about their updates and news, leading small conversation in the class.

Activity 2 (5 min): Introduction of the Game

I briefly introduce about Sekiggae, one of the exciting school events in Japan. And then I give them a handout and introduce the game in the class. Also, I explain about the situation to the students.

Activity 3 (20 min): Consensus Game 1 (Where is my seat??)

Students are given pieces of information cards and look at them and read them on their own. And then I explain a couple of rules on the game to the students. When they are ready, students stand up and talk with one another exchanging information with classmates in order to complete the game. They write down the answers on the whiteboard. And I check them out at the end.

 Activity 4 (25 min): Consensus Game 2 (Drawing a map)

I briefly explain the game in the class and give the students pieces of information card. The students read them on their own. When they are ready, students stand up and talk with one another exchanging information with classmates in order to complete the map activity. They draw the map on the whiteboard. And I check it out at the end.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was successful in general. And students loved the activities I prepared. They spoke a lot in the class in order to work on the activities. I conducted this kind of consensus activities for the first time, but it went well. I have two more classes left this semester, so I am going to try this type of activity again in the next class on Monday.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Everything was perfect in the class today. The students engaged a lot and participated in the activities. They were also motivated to working on the activities. Overall, today’s class was, needless to say, wonderful. Students really liked it as I did. I will teach them two more times through the semester, and I am so excited to teach them in the class.

JA S17 ADV “Graduation Ceremony”

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: “Graduation Ceremony”


Goal of the class:

Students will understand the Japanese graduation ceremony and compare it with theirs.

Students will read an article related to that topic and understand the story.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (15 min): Attendance check & Announcement & Warm-up

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements. Then, I casually ask the students about their updates and news, leading small conversation in the class. I will mainly ask them about their Easter and summer vacation.

Activity 2 (8 min): Introduction of Today’s Topic

I announce the today’s topic and discuss them in the class. Students talk about their experiences of graduation ceremony and share them in the class.

Activity 3 (10 min): Discussion in the Class

We discuss general information of graduation ceremony in America and Japan. And then we compare the results and talk about some points in the class.

Activity 4 (10 min): The Features of Japanese Graduation Ceremony

I introduce some of the features of Japanese graduation ceremony with the images on the powerpoint and explain them one by one while interacting with students.

Activity 5 (17 min): Reading a Story

I give them pieces of paper and briefly introduce a story. Students read them and try to put them in a right order in pairs. After that, they summarize the story and then we review the story and discuss it in the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was good in general. We talked about graduation ceremony in the class. One of the students had sick, so she was not active in the class at all. The other students were okay and participated in the activities. But their attitude towards the class was rude overall. Two of the students were really like a child, the other students were like a robot. If this happens in the next class on Thursday, I need to do something in order to improve the class and students’ attitude.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Today I did a new style of activity related to reading in the end of the class. It went well and students liked it, but some of the students spoke English, not Japanese during the activity. Also, I found many parts needed to be revised while they were working. So I am going to modify the plan tonight for intermediate class tomorrow.


DE S17 INT German and U.S. education system

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert


Day and Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Intermediate Conversation


Class theme/topics discussed:


The German and U.S. education system in comparison


Goal of the class:


Students learn or recap vocabulary about school and education, talk about their educational background and compare it with the German system.


How did you structure the class?


20 minutes: Match the people. The LR presents a list of about ten jobs on the board. Then each student writes down ten associations that he or she has with one of these jobs. All of these have to be a single word, no matter if noun, adjective or verb. The students then work in pairs: they have to guess to which of the job the associations correspond. The associations shouldn’t be too obvious. When the partner guessed correctly, the explanation for each of the associations should be provided.


40 minutes: The German and U.S. education system in comparison. Students get in pairs. Together, they work to provide an overview of the U.S. school system (regarding all educational institutions from birth to the first real job). This should entail information such as the different schools (e.g. kindergarten, primary school), the age groups, the subjects studied, curriculum, the classes within the school, the qualification of teachers, hours that children stay in school daily, compulsory schooling, difficulty of studying, private vs. public schools, job training, university education, tutoring, grading/grades, food at schools, homeschooling etc. The students then share their collected information with the group. Subsequently, they watch a short video about the German school system and compare in their groups the most obvious differences. Then they share their thoughts and comments with the group. The LR provides vocabulary and additional information.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


Whiteboard, Video about the German education system, Vocabulary sheet.


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Both activities went well. It was interesting for the students to hear about the different educational backgrounds that they each had and liked to get to know new information about the “German way”.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


Maybe I would provide a table/sheet that helps the students to better organize their educational background.



FR F16 ADV PLUS Politics of education in France

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language Resident Name: Marina Simonnet 

Day and Date: Monday, November 14                               

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Plus

Class theme/topics discussed: Start of the college year in France 

Goal of the class:

Discuss about French political questions about education.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: What do you remember from your first day of class in France?
  2. We read an article from the Le Monde (French newspaper): I will focus on pronunciation. We review the vocabulary.
  3. We have a debate about the questions raised by the text: How would you feel if you wanted to apply to a formation and that you could only be chosen by having your name drawing out? Positive and negative consequences.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

An article from Le Monde (see below)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The debate worked great and the students were willing to share their experience in a French college. The discussion was very spontaneous.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I’m not sure it will work with big groups (we were only four).

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Article Le Monde


DE F16 INT The Fall of the Wall

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert

Day and Date: Monday, October 3, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Intermediate Conversation

Class theme/topics discussed: 

The “Tag der Deutschen Einheit”.

 Goal of the class:

Students gain basic historic knowledge about the fall of the wall. They develop skills to describe movie scenes.

How did you structure the class?

 20-25 minutes: Scattergories. Students are handed out a table with different categories. One of the students silently “counts” the alphabet, another student tells him to stop after a certain time. Now the students have to find words starting with that letter for each category. The first one to have a word in each category calls the others to stop. Everybody who has something in a category receives a point. If their word is only mentioned once, they receive three points. If a person is the only one to have a word in a category, he/she receives ten points.

35-40 minutes: Students are divided in two groups. One is facing the screen, the other isn’t. They partner up and watch a short video but without the sound ( ). They describe what happens and what they can see. After half of the video they take turns. Afterwards, they try to make sense of what they’ve seen. Then they share their ideas with the class and discuss what happened in each scene. They then watch parts of the video again and try to figure out what the speaker and people in the video could have said. The information is then presented in class. Then all the students watch the video again, but with sound. They then discuss the things they understood and make sense of the video. The LR provides additional information and questions.

5 min: Short heads up for conversation class project.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) 

Scattergories sheet, Short film, TV-screen, pictures GDR

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students had some problems to come up with words for the scattergories warm-up game but still had fun. The students were very interested in the movie about the events that led to the fall of the wall. 

How could this class be improved/modified?

Maybe other categories for the scattergories game would have worked better.


Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:

Education system

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to make a brief introduction of the education system in the US, and learn about the system in China.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up: Ask students how to say the different stages of education in Chinese, such as primary school, high school.
  2. Ask students to share their most unforgettable experience of school life.
  3. Group work: Students are divided into three groups and represent primary school, middle school, and high school respectively. Each group needs to make a brief introduction of the school they represent, such as school time, courses.
  4. Presentation time. Meanwhile, the teacher provides some information about the Chinese education system.
  5. Group discussion about College Entrance Examination:                                                                                                                   a. Chinese people often say that this exam determines your whole life; do you agree with it?                                  b. Do you think exam is a fair way to decide who gets the permission of college?                                                                 c. Did all your friends go to college? If some didn’t, why? What are they doing now?                                                               d. Do you think everyone should go to college?
  6. Play a part of a BBC documentary referring to Chinese teaching method.
  7. Discuss about the final question in groups: Will you send your children to a school in China? Why or why not?

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, BBC documentary :

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class is a revised version from advanced class and it turned to be very successful. The questions for presentation were easier than that of advanced, so intermediate students could discuss.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).

FR S16 INT & ADV “Rencontre Minute” (Speed Dating)

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz

Day and Date: 02/11

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: “Finding the perfect flatmate”

 Goal of the class: Have students discuss about their perspectives on life and tastes

 How did you structure the class?

I used a handout given to me by Christelle Rolland. It is an 18 question questionnaire about one’s tastes, expectations, and self projections. We filled it up with the students and compared our answers to try and find  who would be the perfect flatmate for everyone.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handout provided by Christelle

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was a great questionnaire and I think the students enjoyed talking about themselves and thinking about those questions.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Rencontre Minute 


Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

 Day and Date:


 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

In this class, students will compare the differences between Chinese parents and western parents, and discuss about the characteristics that good parents should have.

How did you structure the class?

1.Students introduce and describe their parents in pairs.

2.Students discuss in pairs: what will your parents do in following situations, for example, if you get a low score from an exam; if you are going to have a tattoo?

3.Watch a video that compares the differences between Chinese parents and western parents.

4.Disscuss the reactions of the parents in the video.

5.Group discussion: What are the factors of being good parents?

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint, internet

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Class was good. Last class we watched a TV show about the “Tiger Mom” in China, so they were interested in this topic. This topic was also very close to their own lives, so they had many opinions and experiences to say.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

ES SP16 INT/ADV: Sexism in the professional world

Language Resident Name:

Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

 Intermediate/Advance Class

 Class theme/topics discussed:

 Sexism and women in the professional world

 How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10min): Introduction to the topic. I make sure that students know the basic vocabulary using the banners from a video of a recent demonstration in Spain in favor to gender equality (see link below)

Activity 2 (20min): In little groups, each one has to come up with at least three examples of sexism in labor world.

Activity 3 (15min): I gave them an article of opinion about the men’s role in feminist. Each student must read through a paragraph and summarize it loudly without asking the LR as few words as possible. Afterwards, we discuss the meaning and vocabulary.

Activity 4 (15min): Open debate about ¨micromachisms¨ in daily life.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think it was a very good class. Students were very motivated to speak about this topic.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.



CN F15 ADV Dialects

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will be able to talk about the dialects in China and the U.S., and express their opinions about teaching dialects to their children.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: Teacher says one sentence in a Chinese dialect, and students guess the meaning.
  2. Dialects in China:

What dialect do you know? Can you say some words or sentences in that dialect?

What are the characteristics of Chinese Dialects?

Can you share some interesting stories or your own experiences concerning dialects? Watch a video about dialects in China which is from a very popular TV show.

  1. Dialects in the U.S.:

Are there many different kinds of dialects in the U.S.? What are they? Watch a video about the dialects in the U.S.. Introduce the dialect in your hometown. Which accent is popular among people? Which is not?

  1. Discussion

Does dialect have any bad effects on job application or other events?

Will you teacher your own children speak dialect in the future?

Do you think dialects will disappear? Why?

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handout, youtube, powerpoint


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students were very interested in this topic. They shared their many experiences and opinions related to dialects. Class was good.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).


CN F15 ADV Gap Year

Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Gap Year 

Goal of the class:

Address your views on taking a gap year during university.

How did you structure the class?

1. Warm-up: Q&A

Do you like travelling? Why? What are the advantages of travelling?

  1. Play two videos to introduce Chinese students’ opinion about gap year/working holiday.
  2. Role play: Students are separated into 3 groups. Each group represents a family. They are given this situation: children want to take a gap year to work and travel abroad, but parents reject it. They need to write down five reasons for parents and than pass the paper to the group next to them. After that, children will show how to negotiate with parents.
  3. summarise the advantages and disadvantages of gap year/working holiday.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint, internet


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students like this topic. They are very active in the role play activity.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

DE 11 FS15 Int. Max Thalmann

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


Day and Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate


Class theme/topics discussed: Max Thalmann in Pomona College Museum of Arts


Goal of the class: To look at art by Max Thalmann and talk about moods and impressions of the pictures


How did you structure the class?


  1. We met at the entrance of the museum and got an introduction from museum staff in the collection study room. Partner was Steve Comba.
  2. Students looked at the pictures individually and talked in pairs about their impressions, asked questions to Steve about the artist.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


I did not have to prepare much except write Steve Comba an e-mail a month earlier and asking for looking at the specific pictures from the collection. For more information :


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Students enjoyed the art and it also attracted some other students from the German courses at Pomona. It counted as a cultural activity for the students and the staff from the museum was very helpful!


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Of course, you could also show pictures of art in the lounge. But for some students, it was the first time that they got to go to the college museum of art and it connected students from different German courses.

Flyer Max Thlamann

Handout Max Thalmann

FR F15 Les Shadoks

Language Resident Name: Julien Moniz


Day and Date : 11/12

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): French intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: “Les Shadoks”

Goal of the class: Work on oral comprehension and the absurd in a foreign language

How did you structure the class?

I made the students listen twice to the soundtrack of a video which tells a story. They were supposed to understand as much as they could before I even showed them the video part. Ten they could see it and they were subsequently asked to fill out missing verbs in the past tense in a text. Ten we watched a few more episodes of the cartoon and I asked them comprehension questions.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube for the cartoons

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The reception was mixed, both because the language was a little difficult for them to understand and the humor as well. It is an old French TV show which is famous for its absurd humor. But once we reviewed the vocabulary and once everything was understood, the students really liked it.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Lesson Summary FR11 #21

RU F13 ADV University life

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: October 3, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:

University life/ higher education systems in Russia and the US

Goal of the class:

Revise vocab, practice listening comprehension

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 – Warm-up – vocab revision – taboo game

Handout 1 – Students get cards with words connected to university use; students have to explain the words to their partner without saying them, take turns – 10 minutes

Activity 2 – Discussion

What do you like about studying at Pomona? Use as many words from Activity 1 as possible – 10 minutes

Activity 3 – Video Higher Education in Russia – watch twice, stop and comment where needed – 10 minutes

Activity 4 – University schedule in Russia

Explore the St. Petersburg State University website as an example – how many courses? What are they? What kind of education does the student end up getting? The students ask the instructor questions about the university system in Russia – 10 minutes

Activity 5 – Discussion

Compare university life in Russia and US – 20 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, Internet text

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. The students were interested in how their peers in Russia study.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe design an activity for them to ask more questions?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Handout 1


Степень бакалавра/магистра

Окончить университет

Готовиться к чему-либо

Записаться на курс

Оценка (по предмету –

физике, русскому языку)

Сдать экзамен

Заниматься в библиотеке




Бросить курс

Обязательный курс

Возможность выбора

Нужный предмет/ненужный предмет

Глубокое образование/ Широкое образование


Профессиональные навыки

Практическое образование/ Теоретическое образование

Устный экзамен

Письменный экзамен



CN S15 ADV Educational Differences between China and the U.S.

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Advanced 013

Class theme/topics discussed:

Educational Differences between China and the U.S.

Goal of the class:

  • To help students learn about Chinese educational systems at all levels;
  • To help students analyze educational differences between these two countries;
  • To help students develop critical understanding of their own strengths in education.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Ask the students to discuss about the American educational systems, including the subjects they take in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college/university;
  2. Introduce some new & advanced words/expressions about education for their group discussion;
  3. Distribute the handouts and ask them to analyze educational differences between these two countries from a wide range of perspectives;
  4. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese & American educational systems;
  5. Wrap up.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students are keen on educational differences between these two countries, and they want to take the positive sides of these two educational systems for their future self-development. So the discussion went on very well in the class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


  美国 中国


FR S14 ADV Party (2 classes)

Language and Section: FR 13

Date: 04/15 & 17

Class theme/topics discussed: Student party/Parties

Goal of the class:
Learning vocabulary about party and partying.
Learning slang

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Warm-up
Weekend? Did you go to a student party?
Dans votre pays d’origine, participiez-vous à des soirées étudiantes? Racontez-nous vos soirées étudiantes, vos meilleurs souvenirs et vos anecdotes.
Est-ce que vous aimez les soirées étudiantes ? Pourquoi ?
Avez-vous déjà participé à des soirées étudiantes dans d’autres pays ? En quoi sont-elles différentes ?
Quels conseils pouvez-vous donner aux étudiants qui s’apprêtent à aller pour la première fois en soirée étudiante aux Etats-Unis ?

2 Article
Read altogether an article about the French student parties.
Qu’est-ce que ces témoignages vous apprennent sur le mode de vie des étudiants français ?
Quelles sont les alternatives aux soirées étudiantes ?
On rentre chez les parents le week-end ; soirées étudiantes le jeudi ; pas de « vie de campus » à l’américaine

3 Brainstorming
What are the reasons to party? (talking about “la pendaison de crémaillère”)

4 Listening comprehension
Video from Norman about birthday parties

Students then have to answer to 10 questions about this video

5 Scenario
You are at an American student party with a French friend. You have to explain him (in French) the meaning of two words or expressions of American slang.

6 Song
Tryo “Désolé pour hier soir”
They have to “translate” the slang from this song into a “correct” French

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class took me actually two days instead of one. Students who already lived in France loved sharing their experiences about students’ parties. One of the good surprises was the scenario exercise: it worked really well, and it was a good activity to paraphrase something they know and realize the connotations and levels of language in their own language, so then they understand better the French slang as we worked on translations.

ADV 18 Soirées étudiantes

FR F13 INT Studies

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French INT



Class theme/topics discussed: Studies

Goal of the class:

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

  1. General discussion about what they did last weekend.
  2. I give them a list of questions, and in small groups they have to ask and answer them.
  3. Then, I ask each of the to pick up one question and answer it in front of the class.
  4. I explain them how the French educational system works (name of the degrees, how are the grades, etc.)
  5. Cyprien, les études à l’étranger (studies abroad):

  1. Would they like to study abroad? Why?

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The discussion lasts a long time. All of them had the opportunity to talk a lot.

They loved the video.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

  1.  Quelles études faites-vous ? Quelle est votre classe ou niveau cette année ?
  2.   Vous avez cours l’après-midi ? Quels cours avez-vous l’après-midi ? Et le matin
  3.  Comment faites-vous pour vous rendre à votre établissement ? Comment faites-vous pour rentrer chez vous ?
  4.  Quelles sont vos matières préférées cette année ?
  5. Que se passe-t-il si vous arrivez en classe en retard ?
  6. Vous assistez régulièrement aux cours, mais dans quelles circonstances exceptionnelles vous arrive-t-il de “sécher” des cours ?
  7.  Combien de temps par semaine consacrez-vous à l’étude et aux devoirs ?
  8.  Quelles sont les matières avec lesquelles vous avez des difficultés cette année ?
  9.  Côté examens, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez voir changer ?
  10.  Côté notes, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez changer ?
  11.  Côté installations et infrastructures, qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez changer ?
  12.  Qu’est-ce qu’un bon prof ? Est-ce qu’il y en a un qui vous a marqué ?
  13. Vous pensez que c’est mieux une université publique gratuite ou privée et payante ?


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