an archive of lesson plans

Author: Natalia Cano Jimenez


Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Goal of the class: The students learn about Bad Bunny, Rosalia and old Reggaeton

Class structure:

Warm up:

Do you know Bad Bunny?

Do you know any of his song?

Activity 1: Bad Bunny and Kendall Jenner go on a date

We watch a little bit of this video:

Even though it is in English, it is important for the activity, since they have to know about Bad Bunny’s English for the activity.

After watching the video, they have to decide in pairs who is going to be Bad Bunny or Kendall Jenner. After that, they have to do a little theatre being these characters.

Activity 2: La noche de anoche

What references do you see in this video? What do you think about it?

Activity 3:

We listen to these three song with the lyrics:

-Titi me preguntó – Bad Bunny

-X si volvemos – Karol G

-Candy – Plan B

What differences do you see between these songs and songs in English

Resources used:

Youtube, Spotify

What worked well? What did not work?

This class was very good, my students were very enthusiastic about the topic. However, a class about reggaeton is always going to have explicit content. So it is important to do a disclaimer at the beginning of the class.

SP ADV Influencers

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Influencers

Goal of the class: The students learn critical vocabulary, some information about Spanish influencers and practice conditional

Class structure:

Warm up:

-What do you like most about influencers?
-Do you follow any influencers? Why do you follow them?
-Do you think influencers have a social responsibility? Why?
-What do you think about the relationship between influencers and brands?
-Do you think influencers can influence the behavior of their followers?
-What do you think about influencer scams that are sometimes seen on social networks?
-Do you think the popularity of influencers affects the way people view their own lives?
-Have you ever bought something recommended by an influencer and why?
-Do you think influencers have a positive or negative impact on society?
-What do you think about the regulation of advertising and collaborations between influencers and brands?

Activity 1:

What Spanish influencers do you know?

Activity 2:

We watch this video with Georgina’s best quotes:

Activity 3: Conditional

Imagine you have have Georgina’s credit card for a day. What would you do?

Resources used:

Georgina’s video

What worked well? What did not work?

This class went well because my students are very talkative and they were willing to talk a lot.


Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: 

Goal of the class: The students learn vocabulary related to sports and Spanish athletes

Class structure:


  • What sports do you like to practice?
  • Have you ever played basketball? How was it?
  • What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Why?

Activity 1: Vocabulary check

In pairs they have to decide how to say these words in Spanish:






-track and field





Activity 2:  In pairs/as a group

-Do you know any famous Spanish athlete?

-What sport do they practice?

-What was the biggest prize they have won?

Activity 3:

What of these athletes do you don’t know? Find information about them and share it with the rest of the class.

-Rafael Nadal

-Pau Gasol

-Andrés Iniesta

-Mireia Belmonte

-Alberto Contador

Activity 4: 

-Do you like to watch the Olympic Games?

-What Olympic sport is your favorite?

-What is the country with more Olympic Medals?


Have you ever been to a live sport event?

How was the experience? What do you remember about that day?

Resources used:

Powerpoint, google

What worked well? What did not work?

This class worked pretty well, they shared they experiences with each other. The only problem for me was that I was expecting 4 students and only 2 arrived, so it was not as dynamic as I expected.


Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Shakira and Piqué’s drama

Goal of the class: The students learn how to talk about current affairs and vocabulary related to cheating.

Class structure:


  • Do you know who Shakira is?
  • Do you know who Piqué is?

Activity 1:

Information about:



-Worldcup 2010

-Ibai’s video

-Clara Chia


-Henry Cavill’s reaction to Shakira

Activity 2: 

-We analyze together the Bizarrap song’s lyrics.

Activity 3: 

In pairs, they have to act as if they were different characters of this story in these situations:

-Piqué arrives home and Shakira is recording the song.

-Piqué, Clara Chia and Shakira meet each other.

-Henry Cavill goes on a date with Shakira and Piqué shows up.

Resources used:


Bizarrap session:

What worked well? What did not work?

The students absolutely loved the class and they spent the rest of the semester talking about this couple. They asked so many questions that the class went super fast.

ES ADV: Podcast

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Podcast

Goal of the class: The students discover new podcasts in Spanish.

Class structure:


  • Do you listen to podcasts?
  • What is your favorite podcast?
  • What topics are you interested in?

Activity 1:

We watch a video of my favorite podcast: Estirando el chicle.

Activity 2: What is your favorite podcast?

We made an incredible list about podcasts in English and Spanish. My students had great taste.

Activity 3: Influencers

What do you think about influencers?

Activity 4: Malas personas

Backup: The worst influencers’ controversies

Resources used:

Estirando el chicle:

What worked well? What did not work?

This class was great. We discussed a lot of different topics and we all discovered a lot of different podcast.

ES ADV: Architecture

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Goal of the class:

Class structure:

Warm up:

-What do you think about architecture?

-Do you like it?

-Is it art?

Activity 1:

What is your favorite building? Why?

All the students show each other their favorite building

Activity 2:

The students get a lot of famous buildings around the world and they have to say if they know the building, if they know where it is, if they have been there and if they would like to go.

Activity 3:

The students have to match the building pictures with their name and a short explanation about them.

Resources used:

Powerpoint, building pictures, names and explanations on paper.

What worked well? What did not work?

The class was fantastic. My students favorite buildings were beautiful and we all had a great time.

ES INT: Health

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Health

Goal of the class: The students learn the basic vocabulary to survive in a Spanish-speaking country in case they get sick and have to go to the doctor.

Class structure:

Warm-up: Brainstorm: parts of the body and diseases

The students have 3 minutes to brainstorm about this topic.

Activity 1: Useful vocabulary

Hola, quiero pedir hora para una cita.

Doler: me duele el estómago/me duelen las rodillas

Estar: estar resfriado/a, mareado/a, enfermo/a, herido/a

Tener: tener fiebre, covid, tos.

Dermatólogo, oculista, cardiólogo

Tarjeta sanitaria, radiografía, ecografía, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, una receta, una receta, farmacia, pastillas, jarabe, la crema

Ir en ayunas, la baja/el alta

Una operación de corazón/apendicitis

Activity 2: Situation

Juan tiene dolores abdominales desde hace unos días y tiene que ir al médico de cabecera para la revisión. Naima, su cuidadora, pide una cita y lo acompaña a la consulta.

The students have to come up with a theatrical situation with the following characters: Juan, Naima, the doctor.

The students show their theatrical piece to the rest of the students and, after that, I show the students one video with the actual situation and they ask question related to vocabulary.

Resources used:

What worked well? What did not work well?

This class went very well. The students had a lot of questions, so three activities were enough. They were very interested when I explained them cultural things as the ”tarjeta sanitaria europea” concept.

ES INT: Safari

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Travel, animals and future tense

Goal of the class:

The students revise animals vocabulary, travel and present and future tense

Class structure:

Activity 1:

We go on a safari. The students have to decide in pairs a safari trip for the Language residents. They have to decide where to go, who many days, find the flights, accommodation and things to do.

Once they found all the information, they have to present it to the class.

Activity 2:

What animals would we see on a safari?

The students brainstorm about all the animals they know and I give them the vocabulary they do not know.

Activity 3:

What is your animal spirit?

The students take a test in Spanish to discover their animal spirit. Then, they share it with the rest of the class. The LR also takes the test, so their information can also be shared.

Activity 4:

Animal stories.

I give each student cards with 4 random animals. They have to come up with a story for kids where those three animals are characters.

Backup activity: animals taboo

The students play taboo with the cards previously used in the activity 4.

Resources used:

Animal spirit test:

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warm up as: what is your favorite way of traveling. However, I did not do it because the previous class to this one was about traveling. The class went very well and the students were very talkative. They made me play a Taylor Swift video about a safari. I was not very happy about showing a song in English in the class, but the video had a very interesting plot, so I made them explain what happened in the video in Spanish once the video was done. We did not have enough time to do the backup activity.

ESINT SP2022 Money, money, money

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Conditionals and money

Goal of the class: The students revise the conditionals, subjunctive and vocabulary related to luxury/material things

Class structure:

Activity 1: 

Revision: conditionals and subjunctive

Activity 2:

The students had to tell me conditional situations they would think about, and we would translate it to Spanish and/or correct it.

Activity 3:

What would you do if you had 3 millon dollars?We make a list of all the things they would go. It was great to revise vocabulary.

Resources used: Lounge TV and powerpoint

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warmup to this class. This was not a easy class for them because we revised grammar. However I think it was helpful for them.

ESINT SP2022 Music

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Music

Goal of the class: The students get to know the music their classmates like and they discover new songs in Spanish. They also (if they didn’t know before) get to know who Rosalia is.

Class structure:

Warm up: Interview your partner

  • When do you listen to music?
  • What type of music do you like?
  • Do you always listen to the same type of music?
  • Do you play an instrument? Which one? Which one would you like to play?
  • If you had a band, what type of music would you play?
  • What characteristics of an artist do you like?
  • Do you think music represents a country’s society?
  • Do you like artists that do social criticism?
  • Do you know Spanish speaker artists?

Activity 1:

They students write down in the blackboard some information about the Spanish speaker artists they like.

  • Name
  • Nationality
  • Music genre
  • Favorite song

Activity 2: La voz

First I showed them a video of La voz Spain and then they have to be the new judges. Students are asked to turn around from the projector. I play some songs and they write down their new ‘’playlists’’ on the blackboard.

Activity 3: Rosalia and cultural appropriation

  • Who is Rosalia?
  • Look her up on Instagram?
  • What do you think about her when you see her photos?

We played the video of Malamente and they identify all the typical Spanish cultural things in the video.

Resources used:

We played a little bit of this video because I wanted them to know who are the coaches in La Voz Spain:

This songs in YouTube:

  • Paquita la del barrio – rata de dos patas
  • Canelita: Juanito Juan
  • Manuel Carrasco: no dejes de soñar
  • Rels B: Reina de Pikas
  • Natos, Waor, Recycled J: sudores frios
  • Bad Bunny y Sech: Ignorantes
  • C.Tangana: Paris
  • Manolo Garcia: pajaros de barro
  • Maná: rayando el sol
  • La Oreja de Van Gogh – Muñeca De Trapo
  • Juanes: A Dios le pido
  • El sueño de Morfeo: esta soy yo

Rosalia: Malamente

What worked well? What did not work?

I think this class went well. The students enjoyed discovering new songs in Spanish and they also had the opportunity to talk about the kind of music they like and share this information with their classmates. I also think it was a good idea to do this class after the Spanish traditions one, so they already were able to identify the cultural examples in Malamente’s video.

ESADV SP2022 Literature and poetry

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Literature and poetry

Goal of the class: The students learn about Spanish literature and poetry

Class structure:

Activity 1: No juzques un libro por su portada

I show students the book covers of 6 Spanish literature classics. After randomly reading the back cover of the books, students have to match them to the book cover.

Activity 2: La Celestina

I asked them if they knew this book. I showed a draw my life video of La Celestina and they asked me questions about the plot.

Activity 3: Helicón

In pairs, create a story with this text as inspirations. Then, each pair will share their story with the rest of the class.

  • Si la memoria no me engaña y puedo considerarme aún un hombre cuerdo, con la normal capacidad para interpretar los signos del calendario y del reloj, precisaré que fue hace diez días y nueve horas exactamente cuando cometí el error.

Activity 4: Poetry

  • Who is your favorite poet? In any language.
  • What do you think it is more important when translating poetry? Keeping the rhym, the meaning or the images?

Activity 5: Your favorite poem

Which one is your favorite poem?

In pairs, they have to choose a poem in English and try to translate it to Spanish.

Activity 6:

Poetry in Spanish.I brought to class two books. One is a bilingual edition of Neruda’s poems and the other one is Lorca’s Poeta en Nueva York, so they can take a look at the poems. 

Resources used:

La Celestina:


Poems of Love, NerudaPoeta en Nueva York, Lorca

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warm up to this class, but I think the class went well. The students loved to share their opinions related to literature and poetry and they also found very challenging the translation part.

ESADV SP2022 Music and poetry

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Music and poetry

Goal of the class: The students discuss their opinions and come up with a story in Spanish

Class structure:

Activity 1: Reggaeton or poetry

The students have to decide if these fragments are reggaeton or poetry.

Tú eras tóxica como veneno

Pero me falta el aire desde que no estás

Quizás no me trajeses nada bueno

Pero al menos no nos la pasábamos mal

Es un placer conocerte

Quizá tú me traigas pena

Pero no puedo perderte

Me gustas cuando callas porque estas como ausente, y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca. Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca.

Hoy te odio en el secreto, ante todo lo confieso

Si pudiera te pidiera que devuelvas todos los besos que te di

Las palabra y todo el tiempo que perdí

Me arrepiento una y mil veces de haber confiado en ti

Quisiera que te sientas como yo me siento

Quisiera ser como tú, sin sentimiento

Quisiera sacarte de mi pensamientoQuisiera cambiarle el final al cuento

Y que yo me la llevé al río
creyendo que era mozuela,
pero tenía marido.

Yo sé que lo nuestro es cosa de ayer

Y me pone contento que te va bien con él

Yo ni te extrañaba ni te quería ver

Pero pusieron la canción que te gustaba ponerY me acordé de ti, cuando me hiciste feliz

¡Ay, qué trabajo me cuesta
quererte como te quiero!
Por tu amor me duele el aire,
el corazón
y el sombrero.

Ella y yo, dos locos viviendo una aventura 
castigada por Dios. 

Un laberinto sin salida
donde el miedo se convierte en amor

Activity 2: Now is your turn

In pairs they have to choose two fragments of poetry, or a song and the rest of the class has to guess what they are.

Activity 3: Estopa

I give the students the beginning of a well-known Spanish song:

Era una tarde tonta y caliente

De esas que pega el sol en la frente

Era el verano del noventa y siete

Y yo me moría por verteThe students have to imagine a story with this text as an inspiration, when they finish, I showed them the video and the ‘’storyline’’ of the song.

Resources used:

We used the projector for the poetry/reggaeton fragments.

Video la raja de tu falda:

What worked well? What did not work?

I might add a warmup to this class, but I also think that activity 1 worked a little bit as a warmup.

They discussed a lot during the first activity, so I think it was nice. With the second activity one of the pairs decided to put a fragment of Lorca’s poetry. So, we look the poem up and discussed it a little bit too.I really liked activity 3 because the students had great ideas in their stories, and they were quite disappointed by the actual song.

Es F21 Adv Dating

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme: Dating

Goal of the class: dating/relationships/describing a person vocabulary and having a date in the target language

Warm up: What adjectives do you use to describe a person?

We write all of them on the board.

Activity 1: Red flags and green flags

The students write on the board what are red and green flags for them when they meet someone. After that they have to explain what they wrote down to the rest of the class.

Activity 2: Are these green or red flags?

  • They criticize your physique
  • Both are compromised with the relationship
  • They don’t like High School Musical
  • They don’t take your feelings seriously and say you are crazy.
  • Both share the same goals and lifestyle.
  • They criticize their exs.
  • They don’t value your achievements
  • They are responsible with their selves
  • They criticize you and/or your friends
  • They joke about your insecurities
  • They take your phone
  • They don’t treat their family well
  • They are still sleeping with their ex
  • What they do matches what they say.
  • They think your work is not important.
  • They cook for you when you are sick
  • They don’t know where Canada is.
  • You change your behavior when you are with them
  • You love each other
  • They don’t ask you questions. They are not interested in you.
  • You must fight to have you place in the relationship.
  • They are sincere and you trust each other.
  • They are married
  • They are cheap
  • The communication is not good
  • You empower each other
  • They manipulate situations and feelings
  • They respect your space and priorities
  • They control you on social media
  • They treat waiter/waitress respectfully
  • You both communicate your feelings and necessities in a freely.
  • You listen to them, but they don’t listen to you.
  • They like cats and they aren’t allergic.

The students have to agree if these are green or red flags form them and explain why they think so.

Activity 3: We have a dateThe students get a Tinder profile with 5-6 adjectives/characteristics, and they have to have speed dates with other students.

Resources used: Powerpoint and fake tinder profiles

Reflection: This class worked very well. The students liked to give their opinions on red and green flags. I found the speed dating activity very good because you can do more or less rounds depending on the time you have left. I also think that this class could be improved with another warmup activity in which the students work in pair, because they always share more opinions when they are talking in pairs.

Es F21 Adv Traveling

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Topic: Travelling


Test: What type of traveler are you?

Activity 1: What do you need in a trip?

The students write in a paper 5 things they need while travelling and they give this paper to another student. The second student decides which destination is the best one to the first student. The second student also decides how much time the trip is going to last, which transportation she/he should use, where is this person staying, activities that can enjoy in the destination and things that they should pack.

Each student presents the organized trip to the rest of the class. The student who receives the surprise trip has to react using expressions proposed on the powerpoint: me encanta, está bien, lo haría, no me gusta, no lo haría, lo odio.

Activity 2: Transportation

  • Which means of transport do you know?
  • Which one do you prefer?
  • Why?

Resources used: Powerpoint


I think that the warmup was good, because we all have done this kind of test as some point of our lives, so they know how they work, and they also asked about vocabulary they did not know.

Planning a trip for another student was something that they really liked, they put a lot of effort on that, and each student paid a lot of attention to what the other students were saying. It was a useful activity too because they didn’t remember the names of the other students in the class, so it also helped them to get to know each other a little more. The only thing I didn’t like about this activity is that some students were faster than others and I didn’t want to have students checking their phone in class. So, I had to stop some of them is the last part of the planning, and some of them didn’t have the items that the other student had to bring to their trip. Activity number 1 took a big part of the class, but we spent the last 5-7 min talking about transportation. It was good because each student liked a different one and they gave different reasons for it, so it worked well.

ES F21 Int Dream House

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Goal of the class: Conditionals

Activity 1: Vocabulary related to houses

The students brainstorm together on the board the vocabulary they know about houses.

Activity 2: My dream house

In pairs they have the draw their dream house on the board. Then, they have to present it to the rest of the class while using conditionals. 

Activity 3: My dream house

I showed them a very fancy house and they had to describe what they saw in the pictures and give their opinions about the house.

Resources used: House in Idealista and blackboard

Reflection: I would add a warm up activity with questions like ”What’s your favorite part of your house?” Where do you spend more time?” ”What would you change from your house”. I would maybe also make them talk about their actual houses after I talk about my house in Spain.

ES F21 Int prepositions (por and para)

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Goal of the class: Por and para

Warm up: some examples with already know

-Por favor

-Por el momento

-¿Hay un banco por aquí?

-Este regalo es para ti

-Trabajo para una multinacional

-¿Algún otro ejemplo que se os ocurra?

Activity 1: Por and para explanation chart

Activity 2: In pairs the students think about an example of every por and para case.

Activity 3: Map

In pairs they tell their partner how they go from one place in the city map to another by using por and para. Ex. Yo voy de la cafetería para el banco por la avenida Hablo español.

Activity 4: Fill the blanks with por and para

.We did this activity in group. Each of them reads a sentence and decided if por or para was the right option.

Resources used: Powerpoint


In this class we worked more on grammar, but I tried to make them talk to each other by putting them in pairs. They asked me a lot of questions with different examples in which they had doubts, so I think that this class was very useful for them.I would add a specific  warm up to this class, not just taking with them about how everything is going on and the couple of examples of por and para.

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