an archive of lesson plans

Author: Juanpe (Page 3 of 3)

ES F09 INT/ADV Speed Dating

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 10/27/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Meeting other people; speed dating.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I found this funny activity on the Internet and I thought could be interesting to share it with them.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We created new identities for all of them dividing them in both men and women. They needed to find a picture for their new identity and fill in the basic data. Afterwards, they would be in 5 minutes dates with each of their classmates and finally they needed to choose who they liked most.

How did students react?
They LOVED the activity and had a lot of fun.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They engaged perfectly with each other and in the end, they could perfectly explain their reasons to the rest of the class.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
A chart with some basic questions, newspaper and magazines to cut a picture out of them.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They just LOVED it.

16th Class INT
16th Class TAB
16th Class DES

ES F09 INT/ADV Creative writing

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 10/22/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Creating a story

How did you pick this theme or topic?
They liked the idea of creating stories, so I decided to do one more time.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I played a music video without sound and they needed time to create a story in groups. Then, each group would read their stories and finally we would listen to the music video with the lyrics.

How did students react?
They liked it and created nice stories. They liked listen to a different type of music.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They engaged with each other very good. Not so good with me when they needed to tell the story.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Music from internet.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, maybe with a different video where something more interesting happens..

Why or why not?
Another video would be better.

15th Class INT
15th Class SONG

ES F09 INT/ADV Stereotypes USA-ES

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 10/08/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it might be interesting to talk about the different stereotypes we can find in Spain and then move to the stereotypes in the USA.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I handed out pieces of paper with different stereotypes they had to agree with and explain why. Then another person in the class had the answer and argued against that stereotype. In the end, they all had to defend the American stereotypes.

How did students react?
They liked it and they liked knowing the different stereotypes in Spain and knowing what Spaniards think of Americans.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They engaged, but maybe we needed a funnier activity to have them talking for a longer time.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Info from internet.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They liked the activity and participated a lot.

12th Class INT
12th Class STE AM
12th Class STE SP1
12th Class STE SP2

ES F09 INT/ADV Reggaeton

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 10/06/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
To close up the general topic “Music” I decided to introduce some debate with a controversial issue such as Reggaeton.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I gave them an article about reggaeton and discussed whether reggaeton tended to be violent, and the image of women. Then we watched some videos of reggaeton singers and continued the discussion. Finally they had to fill in the gaps in a reggaeton song.

How did students react?
They liked the class and found it interesting. They also liked the music and thought it was funny sometimes.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They did, and talked a lot about whether it was positive or negative.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
An article and videos from Youtube.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They liked the topic and could defend one side or the other (pro or against reggaeton).

Peleas, ron y gatos voladores
Los altercados se suceden en la zona de ocio nocturno de Famadas tras el asesinato de un hombre – L’Hospitalet estudia instalar cámaras de vigilancia
Barcelona – 02/03/2009
Una mirada retorcida y un cuerpo agitado por el alcohol pueden hacer que salte la chispa. Por cualquier motivo, dos adolescentes, uno dominicano y el otro ecuatoriano, se han picado (atacar con una navaja o cuchillo) en un vagón del metro. Acompañados por un grupo de chicos y chicas, llegan al polígono de Famadas -la zona de ocio nocturno entre L’Hospitalet y Cornellà- a medianoche. Por su aspecto, parecen menores de edad. Pero una pregunta lanzada al aire (“¿por qué no demuestras lo que eres?”) se interpreta como una amenaza a la propia hombría: empieza la pelea. Llueven los puñetazos y vuelan las patadas. Las novias incitan a sus muchachos a intervenir y el cuerpo a cuerpo está a punto de cambiar en pelea colectiva.
La bronca (pelea), abortada a tiempo, es la primera de la noche, pero no será la última. Se trata, en todo caso, del mismo lugar donde, hace una semana, un boliviano de 53 años fue asesinado durante una pelea, ésta sí, masiva. El hombre recibió diversas puñaladas y fue golpeado en la cabeza con una botella de vodka. Los autores del crimen, miembros de una misma familia, ya han sido detenidos.
Pese a que incidentes de esa magnitud no son habituales, los altercados son el pan nuestro de cada viernes y sábado (el pan nuestro de cada día = muy frecuentes). Hace unas semanas, un joven fue herido en las nalgas y las piernas. La policía sospecha de un grupo de dominicanos que frecuenta la zona. Para protegerse ante la ley, las bandas suelen dejar que los menores de edad carguen en sus amplios bolsillos con las armas blancas (navajas y cuchillos). Fingen, además, supuestos conflictos con otros jóvenes (el clásico “me has mirado mal”) para robar.
La afluencia de jóvenes es masiva: unos 2.000 visitan cada noche esta zona de ocio situada en un oscuro polígono industrial. Hay unos cuantos bares musicales y tres discotecas, pero sólo dos ambientes: uno, dedicado al público autóctono; el otro, centrado en la clientela latina. Si no fuera porque tienen que transitar las mismas calles, estos dos colectivos no se intercambiarían ni una mirada.
Un joven de L’ Hospitalet está tomando una copa en un bar situado junto a una de las dos discotecas latinas de Famadas. Él piensa ir con sus amigos a Malalts de Festa, una macrosala donde pinchan música comercial y pachanguera. Los porteros vigilan la fila con cara de pocos amigos, pero no llegan al extremo de sus colegas de las discos donde imperan la bachata, la salsa y el reggaeton: allí se cachea minuciosamente a todo el que entra. Nadie protesta por ese trato. Y muchos no pasan de la puerta. Como un joven que presume ante sus amigos de los efectos de cierta droga que él consume: gracias a ella, cuenta, ve “gatos voladores” y puede anticipar la presencia de los Mossos, que, casualmente, realizan un control de seguridad a escasos metros.
Entre las cinco y las seis de la mañana, la fiesta toca a su fin y Famadas parece una zona en cuarentena.
© EDICIONES EL PAÍS S.L. – Miguel Yuste 40 – 28037 Madrid [España] – Tel. 91 337 8200

Atrévete, te, te, te
Salte del _________, te
Escápate, quítate el esmalte
Deja de __________ que nadie va a _______________
Levántate, ponte hyper
Préndete, sácale chispas al estárter
Préndete en fuego como un ___________
Sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un _________
Que tu eres _____________, “Street Fighter”

Cambia esa cara de _________
Esa cara de intelectual, de __________________
Que te voy a inyectar con la bacteria
Pa’ que des vuelta como machina de feria
Señorita ______________, ya sé que tienes
El área abdominal que va a ____________
Como fiesta patronal, que va a ____________
Como palestino…
Yo sé que a ti te gusta el pop-rock latino
Pero es que el _____________ se te mete por los intestinos
Por debajo de la _________ como un submarino
Y te saca lo de indio taino
Ya tu sabes, en tapa-rabo, mama
En el nombre de Agüeybana
No hay mas na’, para na’ que yo te vo’a __________
Yo se que yo también quiero consumir de tu ___________
Y tú viniste amazónica como ___________
Tú viniste a matarla como “________ _______”
Tú viniste a beber __________ de barril
Tú sabes que tú conmigo tienes refill

Atrévete, te, te, te
Salte del _________, te
Escápate, quítate el esmalte
Deja de __________ que nadie va a _______________
Levántate, ponte hyper
Préndete, sácale chispas al estárter
Préndete en fuego como un ___________
Sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un _________
Que tu eres _____________, “Street Fighter”

Hello, deja el show
Súbete la _________-_________
Hasta la espalda
Súbetela, deja el show, más alta
Que ahora vamo’a bailar por to’a la jarda
Mira, nena, ¿quieres un sipi?
No importa si eres _________ o eres ___________
Si eres de Bayamón o de Guaynabo City
Conmigo no te pongas picky
Esto es hasta abajo, cogele el tricky
Esto es fácil, estoy es un mamey
¿Que importa si te gusta _________ ______?
¿Que importa si te gusta ____________?
Esto es directo, sin parar, one-way
Yo te lo juro de que por ______
Aquí to’a las boricuas saben _____________
Ellas cocinan con salsa de tomate
Mojan el arroz con un poco de _____________
Pa’ cosechar nalgas de 14 quilates

Atrévete, te, te, te
Salte del _________, te
Escápate, quítate el esmalte
Deja de __________ que nadie va a _______________
Levántate, ponte hyper
Préndete, sácale chispas al estárter
Préndete en fuego como un ___________
Sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un _________
Que tu eres _____________, “Street Fighter”

Atrévete, te, te, te
Salte del _________, te
Escápate, quítate el esmalte
Deja de __________ que nadie va a _______________
Levántate, ponte hyper
Préndete, sácale chispas al estárter
Préndete en fuego como un ___________
Sacúdete el sudor como si fueras un _________
Que tu eres _____________, “Street Fighter”

ES F09 ADV Grammar Project

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/29/2009

Class theme/topics discussed: WORK ON THE PROJECT. Correcting the songs and singing them to see whether it matches or not.

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

How did students react?

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

9th Class ADV
9th Class GR

ES F09 INT/ADV Spanish Music

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/22/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Introduction to Spanish music.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Continuing with Spanish and Latin-American culture, I decided to start a project with them related to music.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Since it was an introductory class, I decided to show some music, starting with Spanish speaking singers, then collaborations, after that some Spanish singers that also sing in Spanish, some weird things (One semester of Spanish, Spanish love song) and finally American singers that sing in Spanish, which is what they were going to do.

How did students react?
They liked the music thing but they didn’t know many of the singers. They weren’t really willing to work, not to mention sing a song.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They talked but I had to address them many times. In the end, they really liked the idea of translating the song.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Mac and youtube videos.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, maybe better for advanced, or it depends on the group.

Why or why not?
They enjoyed the music. The only problem was that they didn’t speak that much, maybe it would be advisable to create an activity in which they can have some discussion.

7th Class INT

ES F09 INT/ADV Famous people

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/17/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Famous Spanish people.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
In continuing with the topic of Spanish culture, I decided to introduce them to some very famous Spanish people and let them tell me who they were.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I printed images of famous Spanish actors, singers, directors, architects, writers etc., and showed them in class. They had to say how many of them knew and try to figure out who were the ones they didn’t know.

How did students react?
They liked the activity and talked quite a lot.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They tried to guess who all these people were and were really good at guessing. Some were not very interested and had to be addressed to take part, though.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Images from Internet.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
I would, it works for both intermediate and advanced, depending on the people you choose.

Why or why not?
They liked the activity but maybe another activity should be made in addition to this. They enjojey but some didn’t know any of them and got tired of guessing.

6th Class INT

ES F09 INT/ADV Spanish Regions

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/15/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Clichés within Spain.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it could be interesting to figure out how much they know about Spain and present it in an interesting way.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I decorated the lounge with both images of Andalusia and Catalonia and split the students into two groups. We started with a warm up activity, then a text to fill in the gaps and finish with a discussion on why should the others visit their region.

How did students react?
They didn’t participate and it was really hard to have them talking. They knew very little about the regions and didn’t enjoy it.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Not much. They worked well in groups but with difficulties.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Images and other info from Internet.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
I would, but maybe with other groups.

Why or why not?
They didn’t like the topic but maybe because they didn’t know much about it, so it should be better to compare two countries instead of two regions (such as Mexico and Spain).

5th Class INT
5th Class IB
5th Class Cataluna
5th Class Andalucia

ES F09 INT/ADV Personal Relations Pets

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/10/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Relation between animals and people.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Since I decided to put two short movies this week, I thought that this activity from the previous LR would be great for today, of course, with some changes to adjust it to this particular class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Making use of a powerpoint I introduced the topic and made them answer some questions about their pets and the relation with animals. We talked about the use of the past in stories.
Later, they needed to write a story in little groups about what they thought was happening in the images and compare it with the original.

How did students react?
They liked the audiovisual material and really liked the idea of making a story out of that. Some of them were really shy but they liked working in groups. They made great stories and with only a few mistakes.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did. They feel more comfortable when working in small groups.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Powerpoint, list of vocabulary and short movie (Ana y Manuel).

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, definitively.

Why or why not?
They enjoyed the topic. Also, everybody has or had a pet and they liked talking about them. They participated a lot.

4th Class INT
4th Class voc
4th Class

ES F09 INT/ADV Relations Men-Women

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/08/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Friendship between men and women.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought it might be interesting for them to know some of the vocabulary it is used in this kind of situation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We started with a little advertisement from Argentina that I wrote down for them and discussed the differences between Spanish from Argentina and Spain. Later I gave them another page with an article from a magazine about the topic and asked some questions about it, and we finished watching a short movie about the same topic and drawing conclusions.

How did students react?
They really liked the audiovisual material and found really funny both the ad and the short movie (Yo tambien te quiero). They were interested and talked a lot, but ones more than others.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, most of them.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Articles and youtube videos.

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They liked the topic and had a chance to ask a native speaker all this vocabulary they wouldn’t ask a normal professor. They were interested but they are still shy and didn’t speak as much as I wanted.

3rd Class INT
3rd Class INT texto
3rd Class INT Intro

Anuncio 1

Hey, vos1!
Sprite tiene algo para decirte: tu amigo te tiene ganas2.
Mira, atrás de ese mejor amigo se esconde un caldero3 de hormonas que está al acecho4, esperando que tengas un momento de debilidad…
Masajes, mimos, roces, cualquier excusa es buena para tocarte.
De donde sacaste esa idea ingenua de que él es tu amigo?
Él ya tiene un montón de amigos y tienen pelos en las piernas!
Pensás5 que te entiende. No, solo te imagina sin ropa.
Aun así, darías todo por él, y él te daría6 porque… te tiene ganas.
Las cosas como son.

1 y 5: Acento argentino. Las forma vos es muy común allí. Además modifican la segunda persona del singular (piensas → pensás).
2: Tener ganas a alguien: Dos significados. Según el diccionario español: Tenerle rechazo o repugnancia a alguien o algo. En Argentina: Tener deseo sexual hacia una persona (to fancy).
3: Caldero: caldron.
4: Estar al acecho: Observar, aguardar cautelosamente con algún propósito.
6: Darle a alguien: en slang, querer tener sexo con alguien.


Amistad entre hombres y mujeres
Puntos a favor y otros en contra de este tipo de amistad:
Tener un amigo (o una amiga si eres hombre) nos permite entender más sobre la manera de pensar del otro. Entender su opinión, su forma de ser y sus prioridades nos puede abrir la puerta a una mejor relación de pareja, basada en una mejor comprensión del punto de vista del sexo opuesto.
No hay competencia. En algunas personas, competir con los de su mismo sexo es algo innato, que desaparece en esta clase de amistad.
Podemos compartir charlas sobre temas impensados, lo que nos hace aprender sobre muchas más cosas (para las mujeres, por ejemplo, desde cómo cambiar la rueda de un auto hasta entender cómo forma un equipo de fútbol).
Nuestra pareja puede tener celos…
La atracción… No solo sucede en películas como “Cuando Harry conoció a Sally”, la realidad es que acostumbrarse a una persona muchas veces deriva en sentimientos inesperados.
Que sea una amistad “encubierta”: es común “hacerse” el amigo o la amiga para estar cerca de esa persona y así conquistar su corazón. En muchas circunstancias, da buen resultado, pero no se trata de una amistad sincera, y de alguna manera estaríamos engañando a la persona que confía en nosotros…
Si además añadimos el sexo en este tipo de relación, una de las dos partes probablemente quiera que la amistad cambie de categoría y se transforme en noviazgo… y cabe la posibilidad de que se suscite un problema (y el fin de la amistad) si no es correspondida.

¿Crees en la amistad entre hombres y mujeres?
¿Tienes amigos/as del sexo opuesto?
¿Crees que tarde o temprano alguno de los dos va a sentir algo más?
¿Más aspectos positivos y negativos?

ES F09 ADV Intro

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/03/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Introductions and music.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Even though this was the second lesson, the best thing was to start with a game about them so that they would feel more comfortable to talk to each other. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work, so I decided to pick something for the second part of the activity that the surely would like. In this case a video of Shakira.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I made a little introduction and presented the game we were going to play.
Game: They needed to stand up and look among their partners and me for somebody who had done some of the things listed in the grid. They needed to ask questions and be able to answer them as well.
After that, we decided to play a video of Shakira (las de la intuicion) and fill the blanks.

How did students react?
They really liked both games. They were really happy not being just sit and everybody loved asking questions to the other. They also liked the video (the audio-visual material helps a lot) and were really into the game.

Did they engage with each other and you?
In the end, everybody knew everybody’s name and they wanted to hear Shakira’s song over again because they liked it and to make sure they had fill in the blanks ok.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, definitively.

Why or why not?
It was a very funny game that they liked. They also learnt each other names and they wanted more videos, maybe next time with a boy for the girls. (They love Spanish and Latin-american music, so they were glad of having it as part of a “subject”).

2nd Class ADV
2nd Class Act
2nd Class IB

ES F09 INT/ADV Personal Relations

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 09/03/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:
Introductions use of “Tu” and “Usted”.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Even though this was the second lesson, the best thing was to start with a game about them so that they would feel more comfortable to talk to each other. For the second part of the class I decided to focus on the use of formal and informal speech.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I made a little introduction and presented the game we were going to play.
Game: They needed to stand up and look among their partners and me for somebody who had done some of the things listed in the grid. They needed to ask questions and be able to answer them as well.
After that I made clear how they had been using the informal way and we talked about the situations in which one should use formal speech. Then I paired them and gave them the role plays they were going to perform and 5 minutes to think about what they were going to say.

How did students react?
They really liked both games. They were really happy not being just sit and everybody loved asking questions to the other. They also liked the second game because they had to make up stories to try and convinced the other person. They knew how to use the formal and the informal way, but they way of solving out the problems was the funniest thing of all.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, a lot. In the first game everybody talked to everybody and in the second the pairs worked really good.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
See next page.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, definitively.

Why or why not?
It was a very funny game that they liked. They also learnt each other names. The second game was also funny and even though they knew how to use formal and informal speech, it was very funny to listen to their stories, and they laughed a lot.

2nd Class INT

2nd Class IB


Estudiante A: Tienes 60 años, eres fumador convencido y empiezas a tener problemas serios de garganta, pero no crees que se deba al tabaco.

Estudiante B: Tienes 30 años y eres médico. Sabes que la garganta de A empeorará si sigue fumando.

B y A no se conocen. Se presentan. A continuación B debe explicar a A por qué el tabaco es malo para su salud y convencerlo de que debe dejar de fumar.

Estudiante A: tienes 18 años y eres estudiante universitario. Necesitas hablar con tu profesor para justificar una futura ausencia.

Estudiante B: Tienes 27 años y eres profesor universitario. Eres una persona muy estricta y formal.

B no recuerda el nombre de A. Se presentan. A debe negociar con B para intentar que éste no le tenga en cuenta la ausencia de clase.


Estudiante A: Tienes 20 años y trabajas en una tienda los fines de semana, pero este sábado no puedes trabajar porque tienes un compromiso personal.

Estudiante B: Tienes 25 años y trabajas en la misma tienda de lunes a viernes. Tienes un viaje reservado para este fin de semana.

A y B se conocen. Se saludan al comenzar el día. A debe convencer a B de que necesita su ayuda para cubrir su puesto el sábado.

Estudiante A: tienes 40 años y eres abogada/o. Necesitas la ayuda de tu secretaria/o para ayudarte a gestionar unos papeles. La gestión llevará una hora.

Estudiante B: Tienes 50 años y trabajas para A. Dentro de 5 minutos termina tu jornada de trabajo.

A y B se saludan. A debe intentar que B le ayude. B no esta contento con el incumplimiento de su horario.

Estudiante A: tienes 18 años y estudias la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Estudiante B: tienes 88 años, serviste en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y nunca hablas del tema.

A no conoce a B. Se presenta y trata de averiguar la experiencia personal de B en la guerra. Al anciano B no le gusta hablar del tema.

A y B son amigos, y tienen la misma edad. Hace un mes que no se ven. Se saludan. A pide ayuda a B para ayudarle con sus deberes. B tiene prisa. A intenta convencer a B.

ES F09 INT Jobs and Careers

Lesson Plan
Date: 11/01/2009

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
All of them pursue a certain degree and a career, so I think this is an interesting topic for them

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I gave them a list of questions related to the topic. As they answered the questions randomly and others commented on their classmates opinions we had a free conversation on the topic.

How did students react?
They liked it a lot. They like this kind of activity.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They spoke for the rest of the class.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
A card with a series of questions about the topic.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not
Yes. It is a topic they all know well and they are interested in giving their point of view.


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