an archive of lesson plans

Author: Anastasia (Page 3 of 6)

RU F10 INT Discussing Preferences (comparatives revision)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Preferences. Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, grammar review.

How did students react?
She is a very motivated student, so she participates actively.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Printed handouts.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 10_Sept 30_Comp Grammar
Lesson 10_Sept 30_Comp Grammar

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It links grammar with its practical use in speech.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 10
September 30, 2010

1. News of the day (5 min.)

2. Grammar Review: Comparatives
explanations + handout Lesson 10_Sept 30_Comp Grammar (10 min.)

3. Practice: ex. 1, 2 in the handout Lesson 10_Sept 30_Comp Practice. (30 min.)

RU F10 ADV Computers. Russian Internet

Class theme/topics discussed:
Computers vocabulary. Russian Internet

How did you pick this theme or topic?
The skill of using Internet in Russian seems very important to me.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, practice online.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, though the task was challenging for them.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, a computer with Internet connection for each student.
Please attach a copy. A handout from В Пути, p. 86 “Как пользоваться компьютером”.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students get practice in using Russian web-sites, they learn to choose correct search terms, and they also get exposed to real language environment.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 10
September 30, 2010

1. News of the day – 5 min.

2. Handout – Как пользоваться компьютером (vocab review)

3. Students are divided into two teams and given several questions (like:
– адрес кинотеатра «Художественный» в СПб
– какой это кинотеатр (сколько залов, какие есть кафе, какие часы работы…)
– что идет в кинотеатре «Художественный» 3 октября?\
– сколько стоит билет?
They have 25 minutes to find all the requested info.

4. Students present their results.

RU F10 ADV Current News. Moscow Mayor Dismissed

Class theme/topics discussed:
Current news – Отставка Лужкова.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
A class of this type familiarizes students with contemporary political and social life ion the Russian capital.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, TV-screen, Internet.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 9_Sept 28_Luzhkov
Lesson 9_Sept 28_Moscow Pictures

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It updates students on contemporary political issues in Russia.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 9
September 28, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. Reading the handout – discussing the questions and vocabulary.

3. Looking at the pictures of Moscow – before and after reconstructions initiated by Luzhkov (buildings that were changed)

RU F10 INT/ADV Physical Appearance

Class theme/topics discussed:
Describing Physical Appearance – cont’d

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last semester.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, student presentation.

How did students react?
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Printed handouts.
Please attach a copy. – see below.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Effective practice of new vocabulary in the topic “Physical Appearance”

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 9
September 25, 2010

1. News of the day (5 min.)

2. Brainstorming – How to describe someone? Students get a handout for brainstorming to fill out together.
Lesson 9_Sept 28_Brainstorming

3. Practice: photo-robot game
Students are divided in pairs, one is a detective, the other one is a witness. The detective gets a form with clues for questions, the witness – a photograph of the «criminal». Detectives ask questions and draw a photorobot of the criminal. At the end we compare their pictures with the original.
for witnesses – Lesson 9_Sept 28_Suspect
for detectives – Lesson 9_Sept 28_Instruction

RU F10 INT Physical Appearance

Class theme/topics discussed:
Describing Physical Appearance

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last semester.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, student presentation.

How did students react?
She participated actively in all activities.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Printed handouts.
Please attach a copy. Lesson 8_Sept 23_Text

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages students’ talking.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 8
September 23, 2010

1. News of the day (5 min.)

2. Verbs of motion: practice.

Handout with pictures – compose sentences describing the pictures (a copy is in the pink folder).

3. Students read and translate the following story by Daniil Kharms

Голубая тетрадь № 10

Был один рыжий человек, у которого не было глаз и ушей. У него не было и волос, так что рыжим его называли условно.
Говорить он тоже не мог, так как у него не было рта. Носа тоже у него не было.
У него не было даже рук и ног. И живота у него не было, и спины у него не было… Ничего не было! Так что непонятно, о ком идет речь.
Уж лучше мы о нем не будем больше говорить.

Даниил Хармс (1937)

4. Students make up their own stories describing a person who does not exist or who looks very strange. We draw a picture.

5. Discussion: Пластическая хирургия – личное мнение.

RU F10 ADV Technology. Strange Inventions

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted to try new activities for conversation class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts with pictures, props.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 8_Sept 23

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Activities are fun, which allows to get students motivated and encourage conversation.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 8
September 23, 2010

1. Story Bag Activity

Students get each a bag with five random objects in it. Objects have no relation to each other. The task is to make up a story (ORALLY!) that includes all objects.

2. Strange Inventions

Students are given pictures of Heath Robinson and Rube Goldberg’s inventions and are asked to pick up one and describe the device/ mechanism and how it functions.
Lesson 8_Sept 23

Then they have to decide on the winner in the nomination for usefulness and for creativity.

Students are asked to design their own device – draw it and explain its functions.

3. Discussion:

If you could use only one device of these three (telephone, computer, car) for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Why?

What device/ invention is the most important in your life?

How have technologies affected our lives? (for example, cell phones?)

RU F10 INT Guests. At the table

Class theme/topics discussed:
At the Russian table.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Russian culture of receiving guests is very different from the American, and this class familiarizes students with the basics of Russian everyday life.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the activities, and the text brought about many questions.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. Lesson 7_Sept 21_Etiquette

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It provides students with some cultural knowledge.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 7
September 21, 2010

Прочитайте текст и поразмышляйте об отличиях традиционного приёма гостей в России и в Америке.

Один из распространенных стереотипов о русских – что это очень гостеприимные люди: они всегда рады гостям. Они любят и ходить в гости, и приглашать гостей к себе. Если вы пришли в гости, будьте готовы целый вечер сидеть столом, есть и пить. Сначала подают холодные и горячие закуски, потом всё убирают со стола и подают горячее – это может быть мясо, рыба, курица с разными гарнирами (овощи, рис, картошка и так далее). Потом всё опять убирают со стола и накрывают «сладкий» стол: торты, пирожные, выпечку, чай, кофе, фрукты (иногда фрукты стоят на столе с начала застолья). За столом произносят тосты. Часто в тостах звучат слова «Выпьем за…», «Хотелось бы выпить за…», а также пожелания и благодарности хозяевам или виновникам торжества.

Как вы думаете:

Кто разливает напитки в бокалы?
Как произносить тосты? Как ведут себя остальные гости?
Что говорят перед тем, как приступить к еде?

Ваше мнение:

1) Когда мы приглашаем гостей, важно приготовить вкусную еду.
Гости приходят не для того, чтобы есть, поэтому можно не готовить.

2) Семья всегда должна ужинать вместе.
У каждого в семье своя жизнь, и неважно, обедают все вместе или нет.

Это стихотворение написано в форме тоста. Прочитайте и переведите его.

Я пью за разорённый дом,
За злую жизнь мою,
За одиночество вдвоём,
И за тебя я пью, –
За ложь меня предавших губ,
За мёртвый холод глаз,
За то, что мир жесток и груб,
За то, что Бог не спас.
Анна Ахматова (1934)

RU F10 ADV Shanson

Class theme/topics discussed:
Русский шансон

How did you pick this theme or topic?
This genre of music is very important in Russian culture, and its association with a specific group of people and experiences gives a broad context for discussions and for exploring this phenomenon.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, video.

How did students react?
They talked a lot, and discussed their experience in Russia with this type of music.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, map, laptop, TV screen.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 7_Sept 21_Магадан

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would.

Advanced Conversation
Lesson 7
September 21, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. Introduction to the topic – word ШАНСОН on the board.

What is it? What do you know about it? Any examples?
Make sure to explain that there’s a stereotypical perception of this type of music as solely “criminal”-style-oriented, but in reality it is an umbrella term for various styles of singing – городской романс, авторская/бардовская песня, «воровская» песня и т.д.
Tell about the origin of the word – it is French.
Tell about the experiences and environment that evoked this genre (or ask the students to guess an talk about it)

3. Pre-listening:
Introduce the song. Ask them about its name – Магадан. What do they know about Magadan? What is it famous for? Etc. Ask to show it on the map.

4. First listening – without the lyrics. What did they understand? What’s the story tht the song tells us?

5. Distribute the lyrics – work with the vocab in the song.
Lesson 7_Sept 21_Магадан

6. Second listening – with the text.

7. Opinions, feedback.
Is the song serious? Is it a tongue-in-cheek song? Etc.

RU F10 INT A Song (Naik Borzov – Loshadka)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Listening Practice

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Previous semester materials.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Playing the song with the video on the screen, handouts.

How did students react?
They always enjoy songs in class..
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Laptop, TV, Internet (
Please attach a copy. See below.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is both entertaining and educating, so it provides high motivation and interest in the task.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 6
September 16, 2010

Найк Борзов. Лошадка

1. I introduce the song saying that this song was released several years ago and that to be allowed to put the song on the radio they had to remove one word from it. We will try to guess what this word is. + explain the slang meaning of the title

2. Students listen to the song without the transcript, then we discuss what they understood, what the possible story is, etc.

3. They get the transcript with the words missing; the song is played twice.
Lesson 6_Sept 16_Лошадка

4. We read out the text in turns and translate it.

5. Students try to guess what word was removed from the song on the radio and why.

6. Students share their impressions on the song.

RU F10 INT Fairy Tales

Class theme/topics discussed:
Fairy Tales

How did you pick this theme or topic?
From last semester’s materials – it was a successful class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, video.

How did students react?
They participated in the discussion.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts with exercises, TV, Internet.
Please attach a copy. See below.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It requires creative use of the language.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 5
September 14, 2010

1. Exercise to revise the cases (10 min.)
Lesson 5_Sept 14_Exercise

2. Warm-up (10 min):
1. Что такое сказка?
2. Какие сказки вы знаете с детства (русские/американские)?
3. Кто вам их читал?
4. Какая ваша любимая сказка? (Перескажите коротко)
5. Назовите 10 русских сказочных персонажей (положительных\ отрицательных)
6. Кто ваш любимый персонаж?

3. Watching a trailer to a Russian animated movie and discussing it: (15 min)

1. Каких сказочных персонажей вы увидели?
2. Опишите одного из них.
3. О чем эта сказка? Пофантазируйте о сюжете.

4. Practice: (15 min)
Making up a fairy-tale. Each next person adds a sentence.

RU F10 INT My Day

Class theme/topics discussed:
My Day

How did you pick this theme or topic?
In connection with classes in Mason.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, pair work, discussion.

How did students react?
They were asking additional questions concerning the meaning of some words and their usage, and they participated actively in class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. See below.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes. It combines a vocabulary learning exercise with conversation practice, thus enabling students to learn the language actively instead of reproducing what they already know.

Intermediate Conversation
Lesson 4
September 9, 2010

1. Word of the day: БОТАНИК
Write the word on the board and ask the student to guess what part of speech it is and then what the meaning is.

Read the handout with explanations and examples.

Lesson 4_Sept 9_Word of the day_Ботаник

2. Practice the My Day vocabulary
Charades game: a student draws a card with a picture of some action and shows it. The others guess, the one who guessed gets to show the next expression.

Lesson 4_Sept 9_Review Game_My Day

3. Reading “Расписание бездельника” (A Procrastinator’s Schedule)
Translating/ discussing
Attention to expressions: полазить в Интернете, перерыв на кофе/ чай.

Lesson 4_Sept 9_Расписание бездельника

4. Tell a story of your day of procrastination (Один день из жизни бездельника).

RU F10 ADV Protests and Demonstrations. Group Strategiya 31. Human Rights Watch

Class theme/topics discussed:
Protests/demonstrations in Russia.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Some students seem to be interested more in politics, so I am trying to keep the balance. Moreover, this discussion provides students with important cultural knowledge.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group discussion, handouts, video.

How did students react?
It was not the most lively class, but they participated and they definitely learned new things about Russia. They talked a lot and seemed to like it.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, videos, laptop, tv screen.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 4_Sept 9_Protests Presentation
Lesson 4_Sept 9_Video 1 _Стратегия 31 в Москве_
Lesson 4_Sept 9_Strategiya 31 TEXT
Lesson 4_Sept 9_Video Questions

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would. It provides knowledge about the current events in Russia and gives students a chance to shape their own opinions on these issues. Probably additional questions for the discussion should be designed in order to facilitate participation. The language in the videos may be too challenging for the students, so suggest substantial guidelines and vocabulary from the task! (I offered only guidelines and SOME vocabulary, which apparently was not enough. So work with the texts/vocab from the videos more.)

Advanced Conversation
Lesson 4
September 9, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. PowerPoint Presentation – show the slides one by one, and each time ask students what they see in the picture, what it could be, what its meaning is, etc.
Lesson 4_Sept 9_Protests Presentation

3. Distribute the text Стратегия 31 — Lesson 4_Sept 9_Strategiya 31 TEXT — read the abstract together, then assign roles to students – each reads comments from one person, then retells. Tell them about the people who are commenting (those who are known) – who they are, why they are famous, what happened to them.

4. Introduce the videos that they are going to see. Distribute handouts with questions about the videos, look them through to make sure students understand them and remember. (handout Lesson 4_Sept 9_Video Questions)

5. Watching the videos (they are on Sakai)

6. Working with the questions. Students’ general impression/ feedback on what they’ve just seen. Compare the culture of demonstrations/ protest in Russia and in the US.


RU F10 INT Invitations/ Suggestions

Class theme/topics discussed:
Invitations/ suggestions

How did you pick this theme or topic?
As a follow-up class with advanced exercises on the topic Everyday routine/ schedules.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, pair work, discussion.

How did students react?
They were asking additional questions concerning the meaning of some words and their usage, and they participated actively in class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. – see below.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would. It combines a vocabulary learning exercise with conversation practice, thus enabling students to learn the language actively instead of reproducing what they already know.

Intermediate Conversation
Lesson 3
September 7, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. Tongue-twister:
On the board – the word СКОРОГОВОРКА. Ask students to guess the meanng of the word; then – analyze the structure of the word (two roots). Brainstorming for the words with the same roots (in two columns under the roots: words like скорость, скорый – скорый поезд – скорая помощь and говорить/ разговор/ разговаривать/ говорун и т.п.)
Tongue-twister on the board (maybe there is a volunteer to write it down on the board by ear): Невелик бицепс у эксгибициониста. (discuss the meaning)
Practice the tongue-twister.

3. Word of the day: ФЛЕШКА (students get a handout, see file Lesson 3_Sept 7_Word of the day – ФЛЕШКА).
Lesson 3_Sept 7_ Word of the day – Флешка

4. Suggestions/ Invitations:

Students get a handout Lesson 3_Sept 7_Suggestions/ Invitations. We read dialogues 3, 4, 5 and discuss necessary phrases and word usage.
Then they practice making plans in pairs according to the examples given in the previous exercise.

Lesson 3_Sept 7_Suggestions Invitations-1
Lesson 3_Sept 7_Suggestions Invitations-2

RU F10 ADV Gossip

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It’s a free-designed conversation motivating activity where students cannot avoid talking ☺

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Pair work, individual presentations.

How did students react?
They talked a lot and seemed to like it.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy. Lesson 3_Sept 7_Gossip-1

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would. Students as a rule enjoy games, and this one, encouraging creative use of the target language and giving enough freedom to the students in the task, provides efficient practice.

Advanced Conversation
Lesson 3
September 7, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. Word of the day – до свадьбы заживёт.
Write on the board, ask to try and guess the meaning. Then after writing down their versions on the board and voting for them, distribute the handout Lesson 3_Sept 7_Word of the day. Read and discuss.

3. Word СПЛЕТНИ On the board. Ask if they know the meaning. Ask to form a verb and a noun (СПЛЕТНИК/ СПЛЕТНИЦА; СПЛЕТНИЧАТЬ).

For the following part of the lesson see the attached file.

RU F10 INT Everyday Routine

Everyday Routine; Present Tense Revision

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Students in class are not fluent in Russian, so they need to be given some basic grammar structures and vocabulary to practice. This topic is relevant since it can be applied to any group and it provides both language in the task and opportunity to use it in a narrative of your own.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, video.

How did students react?
They were not talking freely since the task required to follow the guidelines, but they still produced their own texts. The tasks might have been slightly challenging for them, so the students had to recur to their previous knowledge and to the new material.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV screen, laptop,, handouts.

Please attach a copy. See files Lesson 2_Sept 2_Everyday Pictures 1 and 2 in the Intermediate Visuals folder.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?

Yes, I would. It combines a vocabulary learning exercise with conversation practice, thus enabling students to learn the language actively instead of reproducing what they already know.

Intermediate Conversation
Lesson 2
September 2, 2010

1. Each of students is given a handout with pictures illustrating basic daily activities. The task is to arrange them into chronological order – working in pairs. When telling the story, students are asked to indicate the time for each activity (утром/ в десять часов вечера и т.п.).

See handout Lesson 2_Sept 2_Everyday Pictures 1 and Everyday Pictures 2.

2. Watching a cartoon «Утренний кофе Масяни» (
Before playing it – the words МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ, МУЛЬТИК on the board;
Plus – a little bit about Масяня and its creator, what kind of animation it is, etc.

Follow-up questions: Кто это? Сколько ей лет? Чем она занимается?
Что происходит в мультике? О чем он?
Похоже ли ваше утро на утро Масяни? (explain the words сова and жаворонок).

3. Talking about everyday routine – interview each other using the questions from a handout as a prompt. (Handout from ГОЛОСА Book 1, p. 144.) Tell about your partner.

Lesson 2_Sept 2_Everyday Pictures 1

Lesson 2_Sept 2_Everyday Pictures 2

RU F10 ADV Narration-Focused Board Game

Class theme/topics discussed:
Narration-focused board game.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
There are three new students in class, so there should be an activity to facilitate the process of getting to know each other.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Board game – individual presentations.

How did students react?
It was an efficient and fun activity; students talked a lot.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy. Lesson 2_Sept 2_Board Game
IGRA vopros-otvet

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Yes, I would. Students as a rule enjoy games, and this one, encouraging free monologues on given topics, provides efficient practice.

Advanced Conversation
Lesson 2
September 2, 2010

1. News of the day.

2. Question-answer game:
There are two sets of paper stripes, a blue one with questions and a pink one with answers. One student chooses the student to reply and they simultaneously draw papers from two sets. Then they read out loud the question and the answer. If needed, translate.
The fun part is that the q-s and answers often doesn’t match – but they are designed to create funny combinations.

3. Board game
Play as a regular board game – throw a dice, move the figure on the board, answer the corresponding question.

RU F10 ADV Introductions

Class theme/topics discussed:

Introduction to class
Getting acquainted

How did you pick this theme or topic?

There are three new students in class, so there should be an activity to facilitate the process of getting to know each other.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group work, individual presentation, handouts.

How did students react?

Interviews went well, but the comic-strip task might have made the students feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?

Yes, I would. It is an efficient start of the semester, and the interviewing activity seems to help them feel more comfortable with each other. Although the comic strip task should be done in pairs or even small groups, since students are not eager to share the product of their individual work. Moreover, in the process of fulfilling the task they do not talk, and more communication could be produced if they did it in pairs.

Advanced Conversation
August 31, 2010

1. Introduction to class: schedule, requirements, projects.

2. Getting to know each other: students work in pairs. The task Is to interview each other and find out as much interesting information about their partners as possible. They can take notes. After ten minutes they introduce each other.

3. Comic strip: students get a comic strip with blank balloons that they are asked to fill in. They read out their stories, we vote anonymously and define the best/funniest story.

RU S10 ADV Analyzing a poem by Iosif Brodsky

yClass theme/topics discussed:
Analyzing a poem by I. Brodskiy

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, direct questioning, general discussion.

How did students react?
The task was challenging for them, but it didn’t make the class inefficient.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, Internet.

Please attach a copy.
– Brodskiy #1 – the text of the poem with blanks Lesson 28_April 29_Brodskiy _1;
– Brodskiy #2 – the full text of the poem with accents, vocabulary footnotes, and questions Lesson 28_April 29_Brodsky _2;
– Brodskiy Teacher’s – more notes about using the material in class + additional questions Lesson 28_April 29_Brodsky TeachersNotes.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
It’s a cultural experience;
it requires the use of specific language;
it is a way to teach students to understand not only simple messages, but to analyze deep meanings and metaphors.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 28
April 29, 2010

1. Introduction:
– Слышали ли вы имя Иосифа Бродского? Что вы о нем знаете?
Students tell what they already know, then the teacher introduces some basic facts about the poet.

2. Listening to the recital (в исполнении В. Маслакова, например)
And filling in the blanks in the handout Brodskiy #1.

3. Students get the handout Brodskiy #2 with the full text and correct themselves. They look through the text and new words.

4. Reading loud the poem, paying attention to the new words. Translation into English if needed. + answering “additional questions” from the teacher’s copy (Brodskiy Teacher’s).

5. Answering the questions from the handout. Discussing the impression students have.

RU S10 INT Making Requests/ Invitations

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, listening practice

How did students react?
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, Internet.
Please attach a copy.
HANDOUT – Lesson 27_April 27_Requests_Students

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 27
April 27, 2010

1. Warm-up:
– Как бы вы пригласили кого-то в кино? (How would you invite someone to go to the movies with you? What would you say in your language? What would you say in Russian?)

2. Pre-listening: exercises 1, 2 from the handout
3. Vocabulary:
Как вы понимаете выражения «сказать как отрезать» и «понимать с полуслова»?

4. Watching the video “Муж”:
1) First playing: Посмотрите рекламный ролик и ответьте на вопросы:

– Кто персонажи ролика? Кем они являются друг другу?
– Что мужчина заявляет о себе?
– Что они, скорее всего, сделают в результате?

2) Second playing: Посмотрите рекламу второй раз и продолжите фразу женщины, которая начинается со слов “А не стоит ли…”.

3) Practice: (handout, exercise 3) Используя модель просьбы из рекламы, сделайте следующее:

– попросите друга поехать с Вами в Нью-Йорк
– попросите соседа по комнате поучиться с Вами вместе сегодня вечером
– предложите посмотреть российскую комедию
– предложите кому-нибудь сходить в гости к Джону.

5. Watching the video «Тренер»
1) First playing: questions
– Во что играют эти люди? (вид спорта)
– Что спортсмены думают о своем тренере? Как они его описывают?

2) Second playing: complete the line
Продолжите фразу тренера, которая начинается словами «Ну чё, …».
Тренер вежливый или грубый? Почему он обращается к спортсменам именно так? Как бы вы перевели эту фразу на английский?

3) Practice: (handout, exercise 4) Используя модель просьбы из рекламы в следующих ситуациях:

– Вы хотите, чтобы друзья пошли с вами на концерт в пятницу;
– вы предлагаете друзьям поучиться вместе в кафе сегодня вечером;
– вы хотите, чтобы ваш брат поехал в Калифорнию не в июле, а в июне.

RU S10 INT Dating Culture vs Hook-Up Culture

Class theme/topics discussed:
Dating Culture vs Hook-up Culture

How did you pick this theme or topic?
There will be a lecture on this topic on Pomona campus.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Video, general discussion.

How did students react?
The discussion was lively, they seemed to enjoy the topic.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Laptop, Internet.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic seems to be discussion-provoking and relevant to the students.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 26
April 22, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day

2. Pre-listening:

What are the dating practices on campus? How are romantic relationships established? Etc.

3. Watching a video

– Discussing the language we might need to speak on this topic
(brainstorming – a “word tree” on the board)

– Discussing the video:
С чем вы согласны, с чем не согласны? Чье мнение вам ближе всего? Что вас удивило? Соответствует ли это тому, что вы видите в этом колледже/ вокруг?

RU S10 ADV Dating Culture vs. Hook-Up Culture

Class theme/topics discussed:
Dating Culture vs Hook-up Culture

How did you pick this theme or topic?
There will be a lecture on this topic on Pomona campus.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, videos, general discussion.

How did students react?
The discussion was lively, they seemed to enjoy the topic.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, Internet.

Please attach a copy. Lesson 26_April 22_Nikas

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
The topic seems to be discussion-provoking and relevant to the students.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 26
April 22, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day
2. Pre-listening:

What are the dating practices on campus? How are romantic relationships established? Etc.

3. Preparation for the discussion: watching a video

– Discussing the language we might need to speak on this topic
(brainstorming, scheme on the board)

– Discussing the video:
С чем вы согласны, с чем не согласны? Чье мнение вам ближе всего? Что вас удивило? Соответствует ли это тому, что вы видите в этом колледже/ вокруг?

4. Reading the text (Lesson 26_April 22_Nikas)
Make sure the students pay attention to the underlined words/expressions.
Discussion: do you think it’s the same pattern as described in the video? Why?
Do you find this model of relationships prevalent these days? Accepted? Appropriate?

RU S10 INT Print Media vs Online Media

Class theme/topics discussed:
Paper publications vs E-publications
How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, debate, listening practice

How did students react?
The listening part seemed to be not very challenging for them;
The topic itself is a successful communicative idea – students willingly expressed their opinions.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, Internet.
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 25_April 20_News

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is an efficient combination of listening, reading, and conversational practice.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 25
April 20, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day

2. Listening Practice:

(for the vocabulary list, exercises, and transcript see file Lesson 25_April 20_News)

– read and discuss new words;
– listen to the recording;
– do the exercises
– answer the questions:

Что американцы предпочитают читать онлайн – книги, газеты или и то, и другое?
Сколько в среднем люди готовы платить за доступ к Интернет-изданию?
Откуда эта информация?

3. Reading and Discussion:
Students read the text along with the recording and the translate if needed.

Что предпочитаeте вы – бумажные или электронные издания? Почему?
Как вы узнаете новости?
Считаете ли вы, что информация должна быть максимально доступной? То есть – должен ли быть доступ к онлайн публикациям дешевым или даже бесплатным? Аргументируйте.

RU S10 INT April’s Fool Day

Class theme/topics discussed:
April’s Fool Day
How did you pick this theme or topic?
Related to the day of class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
It’s not the most exciting class, but it is still useful ☺
Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Articles: Lesson 20_April 1_Fool_s Day

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, but I would add some fun activities as well.

Why or why not?
The text is interesting and challenging for the students, but it should be accompanied by an activity encouraging speaking.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 20
April 1, 2010

1. News of the day.
2. Warm-up:
What day is it today? What’s special about it?
3. Reading the text, translating.
4. Are there any traditional jokes in the US for this day? What usually school kids do on the first of April?
5. Russian “jokes”: а у вас коленки сзади грязные/ спина белая…
Expression of the day: Первое апреля – никому не верю!
6. Do you remember any global jokes on the Fool’s Day in the media?
7. Reading examples from the handout.

RU S10 ADV April Fool Day

Class theme/topics discussed:
April Fool’s Day

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Up-to-date topic.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.

Did they engage with each other and you

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
Lesson 20_April 1_Fool_s Day

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
The activities encourage speaking in the target language.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 20
April 1, 2010

1. Warm-up: News of the day.

2. April Fool’s Day: День дураков
Что вы знаете об этом дне? Как первого апреля шутят в Америке? Есть ли «дежурные» шутки? (draw students’ attention to the word ДЕЖУРНЫЙ)

3. Reading the text, translating.
Discussing: what’s the modality of the text? What’s the intention of the author? What kind of person could write this text?

4. The most “successful” jokes: слышали ли вы о каких-нибудь масштабных розыгрышах (в СМИ, розыгрыши президентов…)

Text “Самые масштабные розыгрыши” is cut into strips, students draw a strip and retell to the others what is written on it.

RU S10 ADV TV (games: interview, advertising)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Listening-Comprehension Exercise
Communicative Exercises

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Before the break I wanted to do some fun activities with them.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, TV screen.

Please attach a copy. Lesson 16_March 11_Video-1

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It’s fun and it encourages students to speak in the target language.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 16
March 11, 2010

1. News of the day – (5 min.)
(Plans for the spring break)

2. Watching a video (15 minutes)

a) Without the transcript, then comprehension questions;
b) With a transcript – filling in the blanks (the video is played twice);
c) Reading the text.

3. Communicative Exercise – Interview (15 min)
One person is a host of a TV—show about paranormal, the other – someone who had an encounter with an ET.

4. Game: Advertisement (15 min)
A student is seated with their back to the whiteboard, the other students write a word on the board – any noun (proper nouns are allowed) . Then the student has to advertise that object not knowing what it is. After his/her 3-4 minute monologue other students may ask additional questions.

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