Language Resident Name: Tamara Olivos

Day and Date: April 20, 2017

Language and Level : Advanced Spanish

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:

How did you structure the class?

Reminder of cultural activities

Warm up: pictionary. Using the whiteboard, ask students to draw something. The rest of the class has to guess what the drawing is.

NASA activity: See attached link

Set the mood and give context using this story.

“Each one of you is part of the crew of a spaceship that is going to meet the ‘mother ship’ on the illuminated part of the moon. Due to some mechanical difficulties, the space ship had to land about 350km from the original meeting spot. During the landing, a big part of the space ship equipment suffered considerable damage and due to the fact that the crew’s survival depends on getting to the mother ship, you must select the most important material to take with you, and leave the least important ones behind.”

“Cada uno de ustedes forma parte de la tripulación de una nave espacial que iba a reunirse con la “nave nodriza”, en la superficie iluminada de la luna. Debido a unas dificultades mecánicas que surgieron, la nave espacial tuvo que alunizar en un lugar que dista unos 350 km. del sitio donde tenía que encontrarse con la otra nave. Durante el alunizaje, gran parte del equipaje de la nave en que iban ustedes, se estropeó o sufrió daños de consideración, y puesto que la supervivencia de la tripulación, o sea de cada uno de ustedes, depende de que puedan llegar a la “nave nodriza”, tienen que seleccionar el material más importante para llevarlo, dejando lo menos importante.”

Read the list of objects and equipment that were left unharmed after the forced landing. The participants must rank them according to importance and usefulness in order to get to the mother ship. 1 = most important, 15 = least important.

Fist step : Each student will rank the objects individually (column labeled indv)

Second part: Depending on your class size, you can create groups or pairs. Ask students to share their individual rankings, and then rank the again under column group.

Third part If you used pairs in part two, you could create bigger groups and ask them do rank them again. If not, provide the official ranking made by NASA and compare with each groups’ ranking. Students share observations on the process.

Collaboration, active listening, and flexibility are key for this class.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students were really surprised about the results. They collaborated a lot and they realized how talking to others improved their chances.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

You can find the items list in this link: