Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

 Class theme/topics discussed: Consensus Game

 Goal of the class:

Students will be able to express their ideas and opinions in the class.


How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10 min): Attendance check & Announcement & Warm-up

I check students’ attendance and give them announcements. Then, I casually ask the students about their updates and news, leading small conversation in the class.

Activity 2 (5 min): Introduction of the Game

I briefly introduce about Sekiggae, one of the exciting school events in Japan. And then I give them a handout and introduce the game in the class. Also, I explain about the situation to the students.

Activity 3 (20 min): Consensus Game 1 (Where is my seat??)

Students are given pieces of information cards and look at them and read them on their own. And then I explain a couple of rules on the game to the students. When they are ready, students stand up and talk with one another exchanging information with classmates in order to complete the game. They write down the answers on the whiteboard. And I check them out at the end.

 Activity 4 (25 min): Consensus Game 2 (Drawing a map)

I briefly explain the game in the class and give the students pieces of information card. The students read them on their own. When they are ready, students stand up and talk with one another exchanging information with classmates in order to complete the map activity. They draw the map on the whiteboard. And I check it out at the end.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was successful in general. And students loved the activities I prepared. They spoke a lot in the class in order to work on the activities. I conducted this kind of consensus activities for the first time, but it went well. I have two more classes left this semester, so I am going to try this type of activity again in the next class on Monday.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Everything was perfect in the class today. The students engaged a lot and participated in the activities. They were also motivated to working on the activities. Overall, today’s class was, needless to say, wonderful. Students really liked it as I did. I will teach them two more times through the semester, and I am so excited to teach them in the class.