Language Residents

an archive of lesson plans

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ES FA22 INT/ADV Work and future plans

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Intermediate

Class theme/topic discussed: Work and future plans.

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Describe job positions, tasks, different work settings and eventual future plans.
  • Talk about hypothetical situations and things that they would like using the conditional form (for example, trabajaría, ganaría, me gustaría, etc.)
  • Simulate job interviews

 Class structure:

Warm up:

Word Box: students come up with vocabulary words related to the topic and the facilitator writes them on the board. There will be a chart on the board to organize them, in terms of objects, actions and characteristics.

Students discuss the following question in a small group, then share it to the class: have you ever had a job? What was it? What kind of job would you like to have in the future?


Students watch a video of a woman talking about her job routine and tasks. They talk in a group and then share the following: 

  • ¿A qué se dedica?
  • ¿Cuáles son sus funciones?
  • ¿Cuál crees que son las ventajas y desventajas de su trabajo?
  • ¿Trabajarías en algo similar?

Choose the right person for the job: Each student chooses one occupation for which they will be looking for a candidate. In two rotating circles (one inside of the other) students will interview each other simulating short job interviews. First, half the class will interview and the other will be interview. Those who interview have to describe the job position and ask questions to the other. After a couple of minutes, the circle rotates and they interview the next one. After the circle does a whole round, they switch and those who were being interviewed, take the other role. 

At the end of the activity, everyone shares who they would hire for that position. The person who gets more job offers wins.

Wrap up:

Students talk about what their ideal job would be, describing hypothetical work settings, talks, routines and so on.

Resources used: Powerpoint, projector, youtube video

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

Students seemed excited to go back to class after finishing the project. They seemed to have fun with job interviews and choosing the right candidate, since they ended up acting as real hr  agents and being critical about the candidate’s background. It might have been a bit repetitive but it seems that it helped them by being exposed to certain questions that they could be potentially ask one day if they ever have a job interview in Spanish

FR F22 ADV La mode écologique ou pas ? (Eco-friendly fashion)

Goal of the class: learn about a phenomenon/trend in France related to the increase production of eco-friendly clothes and the increase launching of eco-friendly brands. Learn vocabulary on ecology, fashion, and the environment.

Warm-up: Do you like fashion? Do you buy a lot of clothes in a year? Do you like buying specific brands of clothes?

Activity 1 : La mode eco-responsable

  • Students are shown 2 short videos, one providing facts and numbers about the textile/clothes industry in France, and how it came to become the second most polluting industry in the world. The second video is about the upsurge of eco-friendly clothes/fashion in France
  • After watching the videos, students are asked to state one or two elements they learnt in the videos and talk about it with the whole class. For instance:
  • Chaque année 100 milliards de vêtements sont produits dans le monde
  • Après l’industrie du pétrole, celle de la mode est la plus polluante au monde
  • 700 000 tonnes de vêtements chaque années en France
  • La mode éco-responsable
  • Les créateurs de marques étiques et écologiques
  • 70% des Français disent ne pas être intéressés par la mode

Some vocabulary was provided on colloquial words/expressions used in the videos

  • Quantité astronomique – quantité énorme
  • La fast fashion – la mode jetable
  • Se zapper – s’habiller

Activity 2: Débat – Quelles solutions pour créer une mode plus écologique ?

Students were asked in groups of 3/4 to draw a mental map with at its center : “la mode eco-responsable”. They have to find solutions to create more eco-friendly approaches to fashion and shopping. Then they make a presentation about it in front of the class, helped by the mental map they filled out with ideas and solutions:

  • dessinez et remplissez une carte mentale. Incluez plusieurs solutions pour créer une mode eco-responsable et durable (sustainable) – vous pouvez vous inspirer de ce site internet:
  • chaque groupe fait une presentation de leur projet lorsqu’il est terminé

Ressources : Powerpoint, Youtube, handout (mental map)

Reflection : This class went very well, the topic interested the students, the presentations were very resourceful and students came up with deep and smart solutions. We ended up the class prolonging the debate and extrapolating to other areas of societies and consumerism that could be improved in a more eco-friendly way. We also ended up changing topics towards the last 10 minutes of the class and talked about Cartoons, and I showed them the opening themes of one of my childhood French cartoons and we talked about it.

DE F22 ADV Food and Groceries – Wie bereite ich deutsches Essen zu?

TopicFood and Grocery + Vocabulary for Cooking and Baking
Goals of the ClassIdentify food in a recipe and know how to cook/bake it  
Warm UpWho enjoys cooking? Who does it regularly? Has it changed with the pandemic? What’s your favorite food?
Activity 1Quick food quiz about fruit & vegetables I showed them typical German fruits and vegetables (pictures) and they had to guess the name and translation. I showed just pictures and they had to guess the name of the fruit or the vegetable. What ingredients are used for this dish?
Activity 2Everyone was given 3 vocabulary words (verbs for cooking) and had to explain them without using the word. Think of a dish that consists of the ingredients mentioned and then present it to the others. Not all ingredients have to be included and other ingredients can be used.
Activity 3How to use the ingredients to cook? potatoes, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, carrots  Apple, peach, strawberry, kiwi, banana What are the ingredients of your favorite foodShow us a picture 
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  Especially the explanation of the cooking vocabulary worked very well, and the students were able to memorize the vocabulary and use it later. Also, the presentation of the favorite dish with ingredients and cooking instructions was well received. The fruit and vegetable quiz were a bit too easy, here one could choose more difficult products.

CN F22 ADV 自我介绍 Self-introduction

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2021.08.30

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Self-introduction

Goal of the class:

1.Let the students and I get to know each other

2.Set the goals for the semester

3.Create a good atmosphere among the students

How did you structure the class?


  1. Greetings and some chitchats with students;

2. Mini presentation about myself (7 min):

  1. 开学第一天,今天你做了多少次自我介绍呢?How many self-introductions have you done during the first day of class?
  2. About me:

① Basics  ② Some fun fact about me  ③ My summer vacation in Britain


1.Ice-breaker (13 min)

1) Brainstorm different aspects about themselves, i.e.  hometown, major/minor and hobbies etc.

2) Draw a picture briefly about yourself & introduce yourself to your partner.

My demo:

  • Group work: Listen & Draw (25 min)
  • Think about your summer break: Where did you go? What did you do? Etc.
  • Tell them to your partner;
  • Your partner draws them down on the worksheet;
  • Introduce your partner & his/her summer break to the whole class.
  • Regulations & Conversation Class Agreement (8 min)

Conversation Class requirements & regulations;

Sign Conversation Class Agreement.

  • A survey (7 min)

Write down your expectations and goals for this semester: what would you like to gain from the class? What topic are you interest in?

1)Brief introduction of the class and my requirements (and why) about the lesson(Daily proformance & LT requirements); (3 min)  I used some English here in this section.

2)Agreement form signing and returning. (3 min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

Class Agreements

Attendance sheets


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I had 4 students in the class yet ALL of them are very introvert kind of person. So I had to work very hard on encouraging them to speak and letting them feel safe and confident talking to each other. However, when it came to discussion, their voices volume would ALWAYS get lower and lower and ended up with whispering to each other. I told them it’s okay to express themselves out loud, and I joined for several conversations as well. But probably since it’s the first class, everyone was a bit shy. I hope it will get better in the future.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

More team work and let students to get to know each other better. But I understand that it will take time.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

See attachment

【Handout】1.1 Survey

【Handout】1.2 Self-introduction

RU F22 ADV: Literature

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 08/29/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Literature

Goal of the class:

  • Learn about Russian Literature
  • Speculate on the content of a literature piece adaptation
  • Check your knowledge on famous Russian books
  • Practice creative writing

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: 6 classic books (10 min)
    I show students the book covers of 6 Russian literature classics. After randomly reading the books back cover, students should match them to the book cover (the idea is taken from Spanish LR Natalia Cano).
  2. Activity 1. Watch a video with “literature questions for Russian high-school students” (10 min)
    Can you answer those questions?

3. Activity 2. Watch a moment from the adaptation of Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita” (20 min)
I show students a videoclip from anadaptation of Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita” without sound. I ask them to figure out what is going on and what is the conflict of the situation. Мастер и Маргарита
Then we watch it again with sound.

4. Wrap-up (20 min)
In pairs, create a story with this text as inspirations. Then, each pair will share their story with the rest of the class.
Если моя память меня не обманывает, и я всё еще могу считать себя здравомыслящим человеком, с нормальной способностью интерпретировать знаки календаря и часов, я укажу, что я ошибся ровно десять дней и девять часов назад.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed reading summaries of works of Russian classics. I made sure to include key words in these descriptions and encouraged them to search. In addition, I made the annotations as close to real Russian as possible, so they had difficult vocabulary, but the students did a great job determining the general idea. I was worried that my students would not be able to answer the questions of the second assignment, but to my surprise, they knew almost all the answers. As for The Master and Margarita, students came up with creative interpretations. Although one of my students knew the plot, he participated in creating a new story. The last assignment also went well; it was a good way to end the lesson, although I expected it to be more massive.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave it as it is. It was a great class and I really enjoyed it!

ES INT: Safari

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Travel, animals and future tense

Goal of the class:

The students revise animals vocabulary, travel and present and future tense

Class structure:

Activity 1:

We go on a safari. The students have to decide in pairs a safari trip for the Language residents. They have to decide where to go, who many days, find the flights, accommodation and things to do.

Once they found all the information, they have to present it to the class.

Activity 2:

What animals would we see on a safari?

The students brainstorm about all the animals they know and I give them the vocabulary they do not know.

Activity 3:

What is your animal spirit?

The students take a test in Spanish to discover their animal spirit. Then, they share it with the rest of the class. The LR also takes the test, so their information can also be shared.

Activity 4:

Animal stories.

I give each student cards with 4 random animals. They have to come up with a story for kids where those three animals are characters.

Backup activity: animals taboo

The students play taboo with the cards previously used in the activity 4.

Resources used:

Animal spirit test:

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warm up as: what is your favorite way of traveling. However, I did not do it because the previous class to this one was about traveling. The class went very well and the students were very talkative. They made me play a Taylor Swift video about a safari. I was not very happy about showing a song in English in the class, but the video had a very interesting plot, so I made them explain what happened in the video in Spanish once the video was done. We did not have enough time to do the backup activity.

ES FA22 INT/ADV Movies and series

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Advanced

Class theme/topic discussed: Películas y series

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Express interests using expressions such as “me gusta, me encanta, me fascina, prefiero, detesto”.
  • Describe movies considering elements such as plot, characters, genre and setting.
  • Use the present subjunctive in adjective clauses using expressions such as “buscamos a alguien que…” “necesitamos un ____ que…” 

Class structure:

Warm up:

Juego de la Canasta: In a circle, one of the students chooses a subcategory of the main theme (example: horror movies that start with A, comedy movies of the 80’s, etc.) and each one says a movie or series without repeating what someone else said. When someone repeats a word or  says something that does not belong to that category, that person loses and starts another subcategory. They have to use titles in Spanish only.


Students talk about their interests in movies using expressions such as: me gusta, me encanta, me fascina, prefiero, detesto”, etc. The following prompts will be displayed on the screen as well as examples of how to respond. After that, they share it with the whole class.

  • Películas/series que encuentras interesantes
  • Películas/series que consideras raras
  • Tus placeres culpables
  • Películas animadas que te gustan
  • Películas /series que te decepcionaron
  • Películas/series que son aburridas
  • Películas/ series que nunca verías

Movie producers: In groups, students are the producers of a new movie that’s going to be released. They discuss what kind of movie they want to make, how they want it to go, what kind of director they need; using expressions such as: “buscamos a alguien que…” “necesitamos un ____ que…” . They will focus on the following aspects:

  • Genre
  • Plot
  • Setting
  • Director
  • Actors
  • Budget

They will present their idea to the rest of the class

Wrap up:

Adivina la película: They play in groups. In turns, each student gets a random movie genre and picks a card, where there will be the name of a movie. That student describes the movie and his group has to say the name of the movie in order to get a point. The group that has more points wins. 

Each card will not only have the name of a movie, but also 3 words that are related to that movie. Students are supposed to describe it without saying any of those words. If they do, they lose their point.

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation. Printed out pieces of paper.

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

The topic seemed to be engaging to students. First activities were easy to follow, and for the “movie producers” it was a bit more challenging. They had been practicing the uses of the subjunctive in previous classes so I went around giving them some extra support and asking questions. They ended up doing a great job and they laughed a lot. The activity that probably worked the most was the Adivina la película. The restriction of words that they could use made them have to find other ways to use the language to explain something, and they managed to do it eventually. 

RU F22 ADV: Origin and Hometown

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 09/01/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Introduction – Origin and Hometown

Goal of the class:

  • Get to know each other
  • Learn about each other’s origin and hometown
  • Introduce new vocabulary (Cities, Transportation)
  • Create arguments and debate on a given topic

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. CATEGORIES. (5 mins)
    Teacher writes categories on the board. Students brainstorm in groups and write vocabulary on the board. Write vocabulary connected to cities. Everything that you can think of in the board. 3 Categories: Тип поселения, Виды транспорта, Места досуга в городе, Государственные учреждения
  2. Activity 1. My hometown: Speaking cards. (10 min)
    Work in pairs. Ask questions to fill information about a home city of your partner. Name, Type, Population, Transportation, Center, Likes, Dislikes.
  3. Activity 2. Present information about your partner’s city to others (10 min)
    Students show their partner’s city in the google maps and say what their partner like/dislike about their city.
  4. Activity 3. Debate— FOR/AGAINST (15 min)
    Controversial Russian saying: Где родился, там и пригодился. Where you were born, there you come in handy. Students are divided in three teams: “for”, “against” and judges. They have time to discuss their arguments and then they start the debate. Judges evaluate the quality of the arguments and determine a winner.
  5. Wrap-up. A typical citizen of your city. Типичный житель вашего города (20 min)
    Students are divided in pairs. They choose one of their home cities. Together they draw a picture of that citizen and then present it to others, describing a picture.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was one of my favorite classes so far. I divided them in pairs for the first activity to brainstorm on vocabulary. They took time to prepare a list of words. I also appreciated their energy when they were working in pairs, discussing their hometowns, and presenting them to others. The discussion on controversial topic was successful, students came up with a list of arguments trying to persuade each other. I was afraid that they might argue in a negative way, but since they were not defending their own opinion, it went well. The only difficult part was to involve not active speakers in this activity. That’s how last minute I came up with an idea of the judges. I figured not participating speakers and allowed them to be listeners who later decided on a winner. Last activity, where students had to draw a picture, was very funny and it’s a nice way to wrap up and go over descriptions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

In a debate activity, I might have tried switching active speakers and not active, so that active speakers could be listeners (judges), and quiet students could have a space to talk more. It could have been interesting.

FR F22 ADV l’Histoire de France (French History)

Goal of the class: learning about important figures and periods of French history

Warm-up: in pairs or groups of 3 they start discussing the following questions related to French history and historical figures

  • Est-ce que vous aimez l’histoire?
  • Quelle est la période de l’histoire de votre pays, et/ou d’un autre pays, que vous préférez?
  • Si vous pouviez remonter le temps, dans quelle période de l’histoire iriez-vous et pourquoi?
  • Y a-t-il un/des personnage-s historique-s que vous admirez?
  • Connaissez-vous les noms de personnages historiques connus dans l’histoire de France?
  • Y a-t-il une période de l’histoire de France que vous connaissez mieux que d’autres?

Activity 1: Les personnages clés de l’histoire de France

The main activity was a game I created for the students to learn about important figures of French history. I created 4 groups of students who had to work together and match different pictures/paintings of popular French historical figures with their main role in French history, their profession/main activity (what they are basically well-known for) and the century they lived in. (Associez les images des figures historiques françaises à leur nom, le siècle dans lequel ils ont existé et leur rôle/activité principale pour laquelle ils sont célèbres)

Activity 2: l’histoire coloniale de la France

This second activity was designed to conclude the class talking about a significant aspect/part of French history that is colonialism. I started by giving the students information and dates related to French colonies, etc. Then students watched the first 10 minutes of a documentary in French showing archive videos and images on this period of French history.

  • les Colonies Françaises:
  • La France des colonies (1830-1939): « À partir de 1830, la France se lance à la conquête du monde et au début du siècle suivant (20eme siècle) elle contrôle 1/10ème de la surface de la terre. Son empire, le deuxième après celui de la Grande-Bretagne, comprend le Moyen-Congo, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Dahomey, la Haute-Volta, le Soudan français, la Centrafrique, la Guinée, le Niger, le Tchad, la Mauritanie, Madagascar, l’Indochine, le Maghreb et des terres en Océanie” – (Source:

Ressources : Powerpoint, Youtube, a game that I created (matching photos of great figures from French history with their role in history/profession/main activity, and the century they lived in)

Reflection: This class was extremely interesting both for me and the students. It was challenging to match all the pictures/figures with who they were and when they existed, but it was fun, interactive, and instructive. This class opened further discussion on French history, history in general, and colonialism

RU F22 INT/ADV: Medicine and Health

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 12/01/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Medicine and Health

Goal of the class:

  • Learn vocabulary about diseases, health concerns, and treatment
  • Get acquainted with Russian medication and traditional medicine
  • Describe symptoms in Russian

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (10 min): Discussion
    1) How often do you get sick?
    2) Do you prefer to take medicine or wait for symptoms to go away?
    3) Do you believe in traditional medicine? What methods do you know?
    4) Do you know how to provide first aid?

I ask students to discuss those questions in pairs.

2. Activity 1. Vocabulary (10 min)
I show students pictures of people having common symptoms and ask them to try naming what they see. It helps me to learn how much they know. I also provide them with the printed handout with vocabulary, so they can use it for future activities.

3. Activity 2. What kind of medication is appropriate? (10 min)
I show my students pictures of people with different symptoms and popular medication that you can find in a pharmacy. They have to describe a picture using vocabulary from the past activity and find the most appropriate medicine reading its package.

4. Activity 3. Situation: Your friend is sick (10 mins).
We look at the pictures of people being sick. Students have to “go to a pharmacy” and describe a pharmacist their friend’s symptoms. A pharmacist has to recommend a customer medicine from the past activity that they think suits their need the best.

5. Activity 4: Traditional Medicine (7 min)
I show my students pictures of common traditional ways to treat some symptoms. Then, I ask for students’ opinion on what the purpose of the products they see is.

6. Activity 5: Help them with traditional medicine (10 min)
I show students situations of people being hurt or having symptoms. What kinds of Russian traditional medicine they would use?

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved the topic. We had many real-life situations and role plays that students seemed to enjoy. I believe that gradual development of vocabulary and descriptions work well in the class. The only thing is we did not have enough time to finish all the activities that I have prepared.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would dedicate two classes to this topic. There are more activities that could be added, and it would not be as rushed.

JP F22 INT/ADV 政治や外交・歴史や人権、人種差別の問題について話そう!Let’s talk about complex subjects such as Politics, Intl relations, History, racism and Human rights!

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 14th week (29th Nov and 1st Dec 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Conversation project

Goal of the class: To be able to express on the academic interest they have

How did you structure the class?

29th November 2022


              Talking about bilingualism and economical success in California

              Talking about a documentary film about heritage language

and social exclusion in Korea


1st December 2022


              Talking about microaggression and racial justice

              Talking about minority / majority issues in Japan


What technology, media or props did you use?  

   Handout, YouTube video

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was great two consecutive session to talk about their themes that they’re passionate about. They learned many higher / abstract words.







CN F22 INT 自我介绍Self-introduction

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2021.08.29

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Self-introduction

Goal of the class:

1.Let the students and I get to know each other

2.Set the goals for the semester

3.Create a good atmosphere among the students

How did you structure the class?


  1. Greetings and some chitchats with students;

2. Mini presentation about myself (7 min):

  1. 开学第一天,今天你做了多少次自我介绍呢?How many self-introductions have you done during the first day of class?
  2. About me:

① Basics  ② Some fun fact about me  ③ My summer vacation in Britain


1.Ice-breaker (13 min)

1) Brainstorm different aspects about themselves, i.e.  hometown, major/minor and hobbies etc.

2) Draw a picture briefly about yourself & introduce yourself to your partner.

My demo:

  • Group work: Listen & Draw (25 min)
  • Think about your summer break: Where did you go? What did you do? Etc.
  • Tell them to your partner;
  • Your partner draws them down on the worksheet;
  • Introduce your partner & his/her summer break to the whole class.
  • Regulations & Conversation Class Agreement (8 min)

Conversation Class requirements & regulations;

Sign Conversation Class Agreement.

  • A survey (7 min)

Write down your expectations and goals for this semester: what would you like to gain from the class? What topic are you interest in?

1)Brief introduction of the class and my requirements (and why) about the lesson(Daily proformance & LT requirements); (3 min)  I used some English here in this section.

2)Agreement form signing and returning. (3 min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

Class Agreements

Attendance sheets


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everything went as planned and turned out to be really well. I had 7 students in this group, with 2 repeating students and 5 new students whom I’ve already met in last year’s language tables. We got acquainted very fast, and I had a really good feeling about this class. The vibe was great! 3 students actually had a very good level of mandarin. We had a conversation them after class, but they told me 1) they are friends and really want to take the class together; 2) they are seniors and their time schedule won’t allow them to take ADV class on Tuesday and Thursday. During the class they did show patience and helped the other students quite a lot, especially in group work since I assigned them in pairs with real INT level students together, I think let them study should be OK. One thing that I could do better is time arrangement. 2 students didn’t finish the survey so I let them hand the survey to me next class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Shorten the Group work: Listen & Draw part a bit and give students a bit more time on the survey, or tell them it’s ok to answer in English for this time since it’s a lot harder to answer everything in Chinese.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

See attachment

【Handout】1.1 Survey

【Handout】1.2 Self-introduction

CN F22 ADV 传统节日Traditional Festivals

Day and Date: 2022.09.06

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: 传统节日 Traditional Festivals

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students will learn more about Mid-Autumn Festival and the stories and legends of it. By the end of the class, they are expected to make a video to families and friends and send their best wishes to them.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: Labor Day

Where did you go? What did you do?

  • Do you know which Festival is coming soon in China?
  • When is Mid-Autumn Festival? & How do Chinese people celebrate it? – Top Activities & Traditions
  • Stories & Legends of Mid-Autumn Festival
  •  嫦娥奔月 ‘Chang E Flying to the Moon’
  • 玉兔捣药 Rabbit in the Moon
  • 吴刚伐桂 Wu Gang Chops the Tree
  • 朱元璋和月饼起义Zhu Yuanzhang and Moon Cake Uprising
  • What phrases do people usually use for this Festival?

Make a lantern!

  1. Make a video to your family/friend and give him/her your best wishes on this festival.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint slides

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Things that worked well:

The class went really well! Since I had some inventories(lanterns) from last semester’s study break, and I only got 2 students in this group, an idea popped up just before the class began: why not making lanterns, writing wishes on them & making videos to loved ones(families/friends)? So I added two slides of lantern-making traditions and did this activity in class. It went so well! I think my students love it!

The thing that did not work:

Actually everything worked really well. The students were not as shy as last week and I could see that they engaged more and more in this class. We had a conversation about their Labor Day break at the beginning of the class and they even started making jokes about each other. At the end of the class they asked me to airdrop them the videos and I think one student actually sent the video to her mom. Since I had the experience from last semester that the stories maybe too hard for them to understand, so instead of showing the videos on Youtube, I told the stories myself with easier sentences and phrases(+ an amount of body language). So I think they understood the cultural background and the stories really well.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I’d say nothing much. Just this class would probably only works for a small group of students. Any class with more than 5 may not work as well.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

FR F22 INT La ville du futur, quelle sera votre ville du futur idéale ? (The city of the future, what will be your ideal city of the future?)

Goal of the class:

  • learning new vocabulary on sustainability, ecology, urban spaces. Discussing current issues regarding the building of the citites of the future
  • use of the future and conditional tenses in French
  • Warm-up:
  • Quelle est ta ville préférée, pourquoi?
  • À quoi ressemblerait pour toi la ville du futur idéale?
  • En quoi les villes du futur seront-elles différentes de celles d’aujourd’hui ?
  • Si vous étiez maire d’une ville (city mayor), quels changements apporteriez-vous à votre ville pour qu’elle soit une vrai ville du futur ?
  • Quelle ville choisirais-tu comme capitale du monde et pourquoi ?

Activity 1 : À quoi ressemblera la ville du futur ?

  • Selon la vidéo, quel est le pourcentage de personnes qui vivront dans les villes en 2050? (According to the video, what is the percentage of people who will live in cities in 2050?)
  • Quelles actions les villes d’aujourd’hui doivent prendre pour devenir des « villes vertes »? (What are the actions modern cities need to take to become “green cities”?)

Vocabulary input following the videos on words/expressions used in it:

  • Pionnier – pioneering
  • Climat – climate
  • Vivre en symbiose avec la nature – live in symbioses with nature/the environment
  • Consommation – consumption
  • Urbanisation croissante – growing urbanisation
  • Recycler – to recycle / recyclage (nom) – recycling
  • Cultiver – to grow (food, etc)
  • Citoyens – citizens
  • Protéger/respecter l’environnement – protect/respect the environment
  • Energie renouvelable – renewable energy/power

Activity 2: Construisez la ville de demain (imagine/create the city of tomorrow)

  • Quels sont pour vous les critères de la ville idéale du future? (listez les au tableau/sur un feuille de papier ou votre ordinateur/telephone)
  • 1) Imaginez que vous êtes des architectes célèbres. Vous devez réaliser un croquis et une brochure descriptive d’une ville du futur. Votre objectif est d’attirer des investisseurs pour pouvoir construire cette ville, quels seront les critères important pour rendre votre projet unique et pionnier? (nouvelles technologies? Respect de l’environnement/écologique?, etc). Soyez créatifs!
  • 2) Présentez votre projet devant toute la classe (present your project to the class)

Ressources : Powerpoint, Youtube

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