Language Residents

an archive of lesson plans

JP SP23 ADV / Int : Let’s go to the police in Japan! (Talking about the appearance of the suspect). 見た目について話そう


              Intro of Japanese pops



Match the number of picture (1~8) and the description (a~h) (1st page)


Check if everyone got correct answer.


Put necessary vocabulary to describe someone’s appearance (2nd page)


(page 3)

  1. Let’s decide what kind of facial feature your imaginary suspect has beforehand, (not telling to your partner),
  2. Then try to describe the features to the Police (your partner). If you are police, draw a picture in the space on the right side of the chart.


(page 4)

3. When you are shopping at the supermarket, you saw some young lads shoplifting. Tell the police about the appearance. If you are the police, draw the picture.

4. switch the role of Witness and the police.

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  

Hot tea (Houji-cha, roasted Japanese tea), small snacks

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This activity was a great success. Everyone loved to see each other’s drawing which came out hilarious.


ES SP23 INT Wild Animals

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Intermediate

Class theme/topic discussed: Wild animals

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and categorize vocabulary related to animals and pets.
  • Use conditional and past subjunctive to talk about possible scenarios
  • Discuss the benefits and risks of having a pet.
  • Compare, contrast and rate animals using a given criterion (danger to humans) 

Class structure:

Warm up:

Juego de la Canasta: In a circle, one of the students chooses a subcategory of the main theme (example: body parts of animals, wild animals of the sea, dangerous insects, etc.) and each one will say a work without repeating what someone else said. When someone repeats a word or  says something that does not belong to that category, that person loses and start another subcategory.


Students answer the questions in small groups: If you had been an animal in a past life, what animal would you be?

They discuss the following questions:

¿Cuál es tu animal salvaje favorito? ¿Por qué te gusta tanto?
¿Has tenido alguna experiencia cercana con un animal salvaje? ¿Cómo te sentiste?
¿Crees que las personas deberían intentar tener animales salvajes como mascotas? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué animal tendrías de mascota?

“¿Cuál te asusta más?”: Students see pictures of 6 animals that might dangerous to humans. In groups, they compare them and rate them in terms of which one would be more dangerous and which one would not be as much; creating a list. They later share it with the rest of the class and compare their rating with the other group. If their results are different from the others, they will make a little debate in order to show the others why they think it is how they are determined.


Students discuss the following questions about ethics on animals. After that, the class is divided two groups and they do a little debate on 2 different postures.

¿Qué tan diferentes son otros animales a los humanos?
¿Hasta qué punto es válido que no sean tratados como sujetos de derecho?
¿Qué soluciones podrían existir para evitar el maltrato a animal?

¿Qué piensas sobre los zoológicos? ¿Son buenos o malos para los animales salvajes?
¿Deberíamos dejar que los animales salvajes vivan en libertad o deberíamos mantenerlos en cautiverio para su protección?
¿Qué responsabilidad tienen los gobiernos en la protección de los animales salvajes?

Wrap up:

Students wrap up the debate and give their final thoughts on the topic

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation. 

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

Some students were very passionate about the topic, especially in the debate. However, there were some students that were not as engaged. But the class went well. While they were in groups, I went around helping with vocabulary and trying to ask direct questions to the students that were not participating as much.

FR S23 Study Break: French Songs and Watercolor Painting

Creative study breaks are, in my experience, the most popular ones. Students love being able to create something with their hands and imagination, and then keeping it as a souvenir. It is also the best way they can actually feel like they’re getting an actual break from studying as focusing on crafting, painting, or drawing something get their mind away from stress and school work. I did the watercolor painting/snacks and French songs study break twice as the turnout was huge. I also got my best memories and long deep conversations with students from these types of study breaks. They are amazing for community-building and peer-bounding with and between the students.

RU S23 INT: Nature

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/27/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: Nature

Goal of the class:

  • Students can use the Accusative Case to explain feelings (I hear, I see, I touch)
  • Students can describe different landscapes
  • Students can talk about natural disasters in Russia
  • Students can list lessons of nature

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Fill the form (10 mins)
    This assignment should be done outside. Students are given a form with a chart: I see, I hear, I feel, I touch. They have to write a list of things in the correct case.

2.Activity 1. Your Perfect Landscape (10 min)
I show the students three typical landscapes in Russian and ask them to choose a landscape in which they would like to live. They should describe the reasons for their choice.

3.Activity 2. The most beautiful place in Russia (10 min)
I ask students to choose the most beautiful natural place in Russia and present it to the whole class, showing it on a map and describing why they chose it.

4.Activity 3. Nanna Heitman As Frozen Land Burns (10 min)
I show the students Nanna Heitman’s photo project about fires in Siberia and ask them to describe the photos. What do you see? Where do you think this is? How are people dealing with it?
Then, I provide students with the background of the problem and ask additional questions. Why do forest fires start? Are there forest fires in your area? What are the negative consequences of fires?

5.Activity 4: Монеточка — гори гори гори

6. Wrap-up. Lessons from Nature (10 min)
Think about the five lessons nature teaches us. What can we learn from nature? For example: Nature knows what is good for her

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Several of my students are very interested in nature, so it was especially helpful for them to learn new words related to nature and issues. The activity with the form helps a lot to practice the accusative case and also sets the students up for work because of the change of scenery.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I recommend doing this class outside if possible. Then hands-on activities can be added.

ES SP23 INT/ADV Chilean celebrities and gossip

Level: INT/ADV

Class Topic: Chilean celebrities and gossip

Students will be able to:

  • Practice using colloquial language and expressions in Spanish
  • Practice expressing opinions, making predictions, and giving personal information in Spanish related to Chilean celebrities and gossip.

Class structure:

Warm up:

Students talk about what the most important celebrities are in the US, and the facilitator writes down vocabulary words that they use on the board. They are asked whether they know about any celebrity from a Spanish-speaking country.


Students watch a short clip of a Chilean celebrity (Nicole Moreno Luli). In groups, they describe the situation on the video and make assumptions on what might have happened before that video.

Jigsaw Gossip: Each group receives a different scandal from a Chilean celebrity, they learned the details, watch a short video on it, and talk about what they think about it.

After that, each person is placed in another group. That new group will have a participant from each previous group. The idea is that each participants shares the scandal with the others and they all give their opinion on them. They rank each scandal considering the celebrity that acted the worst.

Wrap up:

In groups, students perform the favorite scandals in front of the class

Resources used: Youtube, Powerpoint presentation

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

I didn’t know if students were going to be engaged, but after they saw the videos, they seemed very interested in gossip of these celebrities. They asked me a lot of questions about the details and they seemed to have fun creating possible scenarios trying to explain why that happened. In some ocassions, I had to remind them to use Spanish, because some cases needed extra vocabulary that they didn’t have, so I tried to be around and helped them as much as I could. If I did this class again, I would have extra vocabulary to provide them in order to support them while discussing.

JP SP23 INT / ADV : What would you do when you get sick!! (I mean, literally sick como enfermo in Japan, not the “cool” meaning as Gen-Z use.) 日本の病院に行こう!

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s go to Japanese hospital

Goal of the class:   increase vocabulary on medical field, learn the difference of medical / insurance system in Japan and US

How did you structure the class?

7th April 2023


              Intro of Japanese pops: Haru yo koi by Yumi Matsutouya

      松任谷由実 春よ来い


              Reviewing the name of body parts (Detailed ver)

              Reviewing vocabulary for symptoms, diseases, etc.


              Activity 2

              Talk with nurse in Japanese (skit, role play)

              Create your own situation (i.g. Having stomachache, flu, etc)

              Learning Japanese onomatopoeia in medical field to describe your symptoms properly

              Switching the role as Patient and Nurses

              Changing partners

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The medical terms and body parts, it was great opportunity for heritage speakers too since there are several registers to say each part. (Children, Casual, formal, medical term) Students loved / hated about the onomatopoeia used in medical field. 

Handouts below:

<<<< I will put the pic of the body parts which I hand draw.>>>>

Goal of the class: 病気(びょうき)になっても大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)!??

Warm-up: 身体(からだ)の部位(ぶい)についてブレインストーミングをしよう!

アクティビティ 1: 必要(ひつよう)な単語(たんご)

すいません、<<お腹(なか)・ 喉(のど) >> が痛いです。



→ 皮膚科(ひふか)・ 循環器科(じゅんかんきか)・内科(ないか)





錠剤(じょうざい)  クリーム

サバイバルアクティビティ2: 病院に行こう!


わからないことがあったらGoogle 翻訳(ほんやく)やDeepLを使ってみよう。

自分のケースについて考えてみよう!Think about your own case!

何科にかかる? Medical Genre:

症状(しょうじょう)は? Symptoms: 

いつから? Since when?:

身体のどこに? Which part of the body?:

どんな痛み(いたみ)? How is the pain?:

FR INT/ADV SP23 Political Systems in French-speaking Countries

Level: Intermediate and advanced

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the main characteristics of the different political systems in French-speaking countries and their main differences.


– PowerPoint presentation on political systems in French-speaking countries

– Handouts with vocabulary related to politics and government

– Audio recordings with native speakers discussing political systems in different countries

– Internet access for research

Warm-up activity:

Begin the class by asking students to brainstorm words related to politics and government in French. Write their responses on the board and review the vocabulary as a class. Then, divide the students into pairs or small groups of 3 and give them a list of French-speaking countries. Have them research the type of government each country has and write a brief description.

Activity 1:

Present a PowerPoint on the different political systems in French-speaking countries. Include examples of countries that use each system and the main characteristics of each system. After the presentation, divide the class into small groups of 2 or 3 and assign each group a different political system. Have each group research a French-speaking country that uses their assigned political system and prepare a short presentation describing the system and how it functions in that country.

Activity 2:

Play audio recordings of native speakers discussing political systems in different countries. Have students listen and take notes on the characteristics of each system. Then, ask them to work in pairs to compare and contrast the different systems and discuss which one they believe is the most effective.

To extend the lesson, you could ask students to research current political events in a French-speaking country and write a news report discussing how the political system is affecting the situation. You could also ask them to research political parties in a French-speaking country and create a presentation discussing their platforms and how they relate to the political system in that country.


Pros and cons:

Pros: A LOT of people showed up!

Cons: A LOOOT of people showed up!

Take away:

Chinese lounge was way too small for 40+ students showing up at the same time. For cultural events like Spring Festival, it’s probably better to host at a more roomier location.

RU S23 ADV: Dream Job

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 03/21/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: Dream Job

Goal of the class:

  • Students can talk about jobs and use related vocabulary
  • Students can give reasoning to choose a particular job
  • Students can describe their dream job and explain their choice

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Famous People’s Quote (10 mins)
    I show the students a quote and ask them to speculate on the subject. Do you agree or disagree? “Choose a job you love, and you won’t have to work a day in your life.”
    “Выберите работу, которую вы любите, и вам не придется работать ни дня в своей жизни”.
  2. Activity 1. Vocab (10 min)
    I print out pictures that can be described with certain words from the vocabulary for this class. I ask students to find a pair using the a dictionary.
  3. Activity 2. Jobs of Famous People (10 min)
    First I show the students a portrait of George Clooney and ask them if they know what this man did before his acting career. I ask students to find a celebrity whose work was very unexpected before they became famous. They show us a portrait and we have to guess who they worked for.
  4. Activity 3. My dream job (20 min)
    In pairs, students fill out a chart about their partner’s dream job. Then they present the results to the whole class.

5. Wrap-up. Benefits of knowing a second language at work (10 min)
We wrap the class up with listing the benefits of knowing the second language for work.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. The dream job is a very topical issue for college students, and in my opinion it is very useful to reflect on this topic once again. Especially in a group where everyone shares the same problem. Students made interesting arguments for the first quote.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would add one more activity with students asking each other questions about jobs. For example, you print several questions and face them down. Students pick a card and ask another student the question.

JP SP23 ADV : Let’s join creati部!

Class theme/topics discussed: Creative writing! (Just for fun)

Goal of the class:  Enjoy the art of creative writing!

How did you structure the class?

7th April 2023


 Explaining the concept, showing the actual example with my birthday


 Students started writing the piece by using their own info of b-day.


Each one of them read it out loud to the floor.


Switch the paper to other classmates, start writing the story continuing from the last person.


Each one of them read it out loud to the floor.             

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Participants enjoyed writing creative works by collaborating. They enjoyed how the story went crazily.

クリエイティ部に入ろう!(笑)Let’s joing the creati部!

今日やること:日本語で創作(そうさく)しよう!Creative writing in Japanese

下の表から自分の生年月日を探して、当てはまる単語に丸をつけて、抜き出します。その単語を使ってオリジナルな物語を創作してください。あとで他の人に発表します。Look for your birthday from the chart below, circle them. Later, start writing a creative story, using the vocabulary you got from the chart.

       ・8月4日(土)は?How would it look like for 4th Aug?⇨

Sao Paulo サンパウロ, むしゃむしゃMusha musha (munch munch)

生まれた年 birth year

2000年👉明日 tomorrow

2001年👉昨日 yesterday

2002年👉今日 today

2003年👉おととい the day before yesterday

生まれた月 birth month

1月 大阪 Osaka

2月 ヤンゴンYangon

3月 ホノルルHonolulu

4月 リマLima

5月 ヨハネスブルグJohanessburg

6月 上海Shanghai

7月 マドリッドMadrid

8月 サンパウロSao Paulo

9月 ソウルSeoul

10月 フランクフルトFrankfurt

11月 ロサンゼルスLos Angeles

12月 カイロCairo

生まれた日 birthday

1 ふわふわ Fuwafuwa

2 キラキラ Kirakira

3 ぷにぷに Punipuni

4 むしゃむしゃ Mushamusha

5 くちゃくちゃKuchakucha

6 ぐりぐりguriguri

7 ぐつぐつgutsugutsu

8 ぽろぽろporoporo

9 ふつふつfutsufutsu

10  チカチカchikachika

11  チラチラchirachira

12  チリチリchirichiri

13  つやつやtsuyatsuya

14  てかてかtekateka

15  とろとろtoro toro

16  ほわほわhowa howa

17  カリカリkarikari

18  ガブガブgabugabu

19  サクサクsakusaku

20  パリパリparipari

21  チリンチリンchirin chirin

22  ガタンゴトンgatan goton

23  パサパサ pasapasa

24  ドロドロdoro doro

25  コロコロkoro koro

26  ごろごろgoro goro

27  ピカピカpika pika

28  ざあざあzaa zaa

29  さらさらsara sara

30  きりきりkiri kiri

31  いらいらira ira

生まれた曜日(上座部仏教東南アジアでは大事)date of the day (Teeravada Buddhist countries in South East Asia such as Myanmar, Thai, is important.)

月 笑っていた Mon: Laughing

火 泣いていた Tue:Crying

水 ぼーっとしていた Wed:Zooning out

木 にらんでいた Thu: Staring

金 怒っていた Fri: Angry

土 悲しんでいたSat: Sad

日 悔やしがっていた Sun: lamenting

自分の単語は??👉 What words did you get?

物語(ものがたり)を書き始めよう!Let’s start writing!

CN SP23 INT/ADV 电视剧电影和综艺 TV shows & Movies

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2023.02.21

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: TV shows & Movies

Goal of the class:

  1. Talk about your favourite TV shows and movies
  2. Learn vocabularies about TV/Movie industries

How did you structure the class?


TV & Film Genres 电视剧、电影有哪些类别?它们用汉语怎么说?

Activities (30 min)

1.Vocab builder

  • TV & Film Genres 电影/电视剧的类别
  • Guess what is your partner’s most favourite TV/ Movie Genre & why do you think he/she likes this genre.

2. Discussion






3. Activities

What is your most favourite:

Design + Music + post-credits scene? & Why?

Make a short movie about your daily rountine.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It went really well! But we didn’t have time to finish all the activities.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Too many activities! We didn’t have time to finish all the activities. We will continue doing the activities next week.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

FR INT/ADV S23 French Museums and Arts

Level: Intermediate and Advanced

This lesson can take between one to two hours depending on the activities you choose to do. It is better to take more time doing each activity and thus to dedicate 2 classes to this lesson

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe different French museums and their collections while learning French vocabulary related to art.


– Computers or tablets with internet access

– Pen and paper


– The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson by showing pictures of famous French artworks or landmarks such as the Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower, or the Palace of Versailles. The teacher asks the students if they recognize any of them and what they know about them.

Presentation / activity 1:

– introduce various French museums such as the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, the Centre Pompidou, and the Musée Picasso, and explains their collections and history. Show pictures of the museums and explain where they are located in France.

– introduce vocabulary related to art such as peinture (painting), sculpture (sculpture), exposition (exhibition), artiste (artist), and œuvre d’art (artwork), etc.

Activity 2:

– divide the class into pairs or small groups of 3 and assign each group a French virtual museum to explore. The museums can be found on websites such as Google Arts & Culture or the museums’ official websites.

– provide a worksheet with questions for the students to answer while exploring the museum. The questions should include specific artworks or collections to look for and descriptions to write.

– encourage the students to use the vocabulary they learnt in class to describe the artworks and to write short paragraphs in French.


– ask each group to present their findings and to show pictures of the artworks they have explored.

– lead a discussion on the different museums and their collections, and ask students to share their favorite artwork or museum.

– review the vocabulary and encourage the students to continue practicing by exploring more French museums or by watching French documentaries or films about art.

ES SP23 ADV Chilean memes and viral videos

Level: Advanced

Class Topic: Chilean memes and viral videos

Students will be able to:

  • Practice using colloquial language and expressions in Spanish
  • Identify popular Chilean memes and viral videos and their cultural significance

Class structure:

Warm up:

The facilitator starts by showing a picture of a popular Chilean meme and asking the students to describe what they see and what the meme means. The facilitator writes vocabulary words in the white board that are relevant to use in the class


In groups, students are assigned list of popular Chilean memes and viral videos, such as “Papi ya bájame”, “Instinto de madre leona”, “No soy material de los weones”, etc., and ask the students to watch them and analyze the language and expressions used. They are allowed to use their phones to watch them. Then, in their groups, they will practice using the new expressions in their own sentences.

Activity: Role play

The class is divided in 3 groups to work on the cases at first.

In small groups or pairs, students choose one of the videos and perform it in front of the class. They plan and prepare for it, discussing how they want to perform it, what elements they want to change and the kind of vocabulary that they want to use

Wrap up:

Students discuss and vote on the performance that was best in the class. They consider their acting, use of vocabulary and creativity

Resources used: Cellphones, Youtube, Powerpoint presentation

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

It was a bit difficult for students to understand the vocabulary on the videos, which is why I wouldn’t do this class for the intermediate class. I tried to show them the kind of words that they would find in the videos, so they had an idea. They had fun though, and they did a great job performing the videos.

DE 23 Study Break Event – Eastern Brunch

What worked well in this Event? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

Very many students and professors came to this event, which made me very happy. Since I held this event on a weekend, accordingly many people had time to come, which I can also recommend. The only problem was that the purchased food and snacks were eaten relatively quickly. Some students unfortunately could not try German food, which is a pity. For the next event, which is held on a weekend, I would definitely buy enough food. In general, the interest in a brunch event was very high and especially the white sausages were very popular and therefore eaten very quickly. What I should have next time also on the screen that you need a lot of chairs and seating. Which one should organize in advance. In general, however, it was a very sound event, which was received with a lot of joy. Especially the fact that professors came to this event made me very happy.


Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Goal of the class: The students learn about Bad Bunny, Rosalia and old Reggaeton

Class structure:

Warm up:

Do you know Bad Bunny?

Do you know any of his song?

Activity 1: Bad Bunny and Kendall Jenner go on a date

We watch a little bit of this video:

Even though it is in English, it is important for the activity, since they have to know about Bad Bunny’s English for the activity.

After watching the video, they have to decide in pairs who is going to be Bad Bunny or Kendall Jenner. After that, they have to do a little theatre being these characters.

Activity 2: La noche de anoche

What references do you see in this video? What do you think about it?

Activity 3:

We listen to these three song with the lyrics:

-Titi me preguntó – Bad Bunny

-X si volvemos – Karol G

-Candy – Plan B

What differences do you see between these songs and songs in English

Resources used:

Youtube, Spotify

What worked well? What did not work?

This class was very good, my students were very enthusiastic about the topic. However, a class about reggaeton is always going to have explicit content. So it is important to do a disclaimer at the beginning of the class.

CN SP23 INT/ADV 数学与自然科学 Math and Stem courses

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2023.02.07

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: 数学与自然科学 Math and Stem courses

Goal of the class:

  1. Learn vocabularies about courses (Humanities & Stem)
  2. Talk about learning experiences

How did you structure the class?


Greetings and some chitchats with students.


Brainstorm: 你知道下面的课程用汉语怎么说吗?文科 liberal arts/ humanities + 理科 Stem



你最不喜欢的专业课呢?为什么? 大学里,你对那一堂课 印象最深?为什么?
在课上,教授带你们做了什么? 灵魂拷问:你翘过课吗?为什么翘?


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It went really well!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Nope 🙂

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/09/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: NEWS: TRUTH AND FAKES

Goal of the class:

  • Students will identify for themselves news media where they can read the news
  • Students can distinguish truth from untruth in Russian
  • Students can lie in Russian

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Good News (10 mins)
    Share the good news; what positive and interesting things happened to you in the past week?
  2. Activity 1. Discussion about news (10 min)
    Students discuss the following questions in pairs: Where do you read/watch the news? What was the last shocking news item you read? How do you recognize fakes? Is it difficult?
  3. Activity 2. What words are associated with the newspaper? (5 min)
    I write the word newspaper on the board and ask students to write all the words they associate with it.
  4. Activity 3. Objects create news (15 min)
    Create a news story with the items from the picture. In pairs, choose three items from the picture and create a news story.

5. Activity 4: Fake News
In pairs, students choose one news story that is real and make up a fake one from it. They can use their phones to do this. They then tell both news stories to the class, and they have to decide which one is true and which one is fake.

6. Wrap-up. Do you agree or disagree (10 min)
Read these statements. Decide whether you agree or disagree with them. Think about the reasons for your answers.
– Now that we have the Internet, print newspapers are no longer necessary.
– News reports are always biased.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I really enjoyed this class. The students are very interested in the topic of news in Russia. They talked a lot during the discussion. The picture activity, where they had to choose several subjects, was very interesting. The students were very creative. Also the last activity worked well. Students were able to practice their presentation and lying skills.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I wouldn’t change anything. In my opinion, the class went very smooth, even though I was a little nervous to talk about news sources.

FR INT/ADV S23 Introduction to French Literature


– To introduce students to French literature and its cultural significance

– To improve students’ reading comprehension in French

– To expand students’ vocabulary and improve their language skills through games and activities related to French literature


– Copies of short stories or extracts from French literature (in French)

– Vocabulary lists for each story/extract

– Whiteboard and markers

– French literature-themed games such as Scrabble, and French literature trivia


– Begin the class by asking students what they know about French literature, what books from French authors they know and/or like/have read before.

– Discuss the significance of French literature in French and global culture and education.

Activity 1: Reading Comprehension

– Hand out copies of short stories or extracts from French literature.

– Divide the class into pairs or small groups of 3 and ask them to read the stories/extracts and answer questions.

– Each group presents their answers to the class

The following activities are examples of games you can use in this class:

Activity 2: Vocabulary Building

– Provide the students with a vocabulary list related to the short stories/extracts they read in the first activity.

– Have them work individually or in pairs to create flashcards or a quizlet deck with the new vocabulary.

– Once the vocabulary list is complete, conduct a quiz or game to test the students’ understanding of the new words.


Activity 3: French Literature Trivia

– Divide the class into teams and conduct a French literature trivia game.

– Questions can include famous French writers, their works, and their impact on French culture.

Activity 4: French Literature-Themed Games

– Play Scrabble with French literature-themed words.

– This activity can help students expand their vocabulary, practice spelling, and improve their understanding of French literature.


– Recap the class by discussing the importance of French literature and its contribution to French culture.

ES SP23 INT/ADV Crime and Law

Level: Intermediate/advace

Class Topic: Crime and law

Students will be able to:

  • Use vocabulary related to law, trials, crime.
  • Identify and discuss differences between legal systems in the US, Chile and other Spanish-speaking countries
  • Simulate a mock trial with a case taking roles as the different participants of a trial

Class structure:

Warm up:

The facilitator shows a picture of a crime scene in Chile and asks the students to describe what happened and what they think the motives were. The teacher will then introduce the topic of crime and law and ask the students what they think about it.

The facilitator writes vocabulary words in the white board that are relevant to use in the class


Students see an image of how the judicial system in Chile works. In groups, they compare it to the system in the US. They discuss similarities, differences, as well as pros and cons of them. They answer the question, what’s the good and bad thing about having a jury?

Activity: Mock trial

The class is divided in 3 groups to work on the cases at first.

First, each group decides what the case is going to look like: what is the crime in hand? Who is the suspect? What can witneses say about it? What evidence has been found?

Second, one person in the group becomes the defendant and another person becomes the lawyer. Then, for each case, the facilitator assigns people from other groups to participate in each case: a Fiscal (prosecutor), a witness and a judge. At the end of that part, for each of the 3 cases, each students has a role, which means that for one case, a student will be the attorney, but also the witness for another case and the defendant for another case.

Third, they role-play the trial of each case. Each student has a role for all of the cases, so they can all participate.

Wrap up:

Students discuss what they learned and how the trials went. They provide feedback on what could have been different in the trials and the evidence that could have helped.

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

The class was fun! At first, I was a little bit afraid that intermediate students might not be able to use legal jargon, but once we had vocabulary on the white board, they were able to access it at any time and they did a good job. Organizing the cases was a little bit messy, so I think I’d be good to show them a diagram of how cases are going to be organized, so that they know what they’re supposed to do. But it was fun to do the mock trials and students seemed to have fun doing it.

DE 23 Welcome Back Event – Study Break

What worked well in this Event? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

This event went a little differently than I had planned. It was the first week of the new semester and some students had to arrive and get settled. Therefore, unfortunately, only one person was present. It would have been helpful to hold this event in the second week to have more time to advertise the event. Since I had also prepared snack in this event.

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