an archive of lesson plans

Category: Culture (Page 2 of 7)

RU F21 INT: Russian Cuisine

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 11/16/2021

Class theme/topics discussed: Russian Cuisine

Goal of the class:

  • Talk about most famous Russian meals
  • Learn vocabulary about cooking
  • Prepare for a cooking class

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (5 mins)
    I ask my students to discuss the following questions in pairs:
    1) Which traditional Russian meals do you know?
    2) Have you ever tried Russian cuisine? What was your experience like?
    3) Have you ever been to a Russian restaurant?

2. Activity 1. Do you know this meal? (10 minutes)
I show my students pictures of the most famous meals and ask them to guess names or ingredients.

3. Activity 2. Cooking Vocabulary (10 mins)
I show my students a PowerPoint slide with cooking vocabulary and ask if they know those words. I prepared a handout for them with those words.

4. Activity 3. Game: Describe an action (10 mins).
After that, I ask my students to come in front of the class and show a cooking action without using words. Other students should guess what they are showing. Then they change.

5. Activity 4 (20 mins)
I divide my students into two groups and ask them to choose one meal that is easy to cook. They should write a recipe on a board using the vocabulary they learnt. Then they present their recipe and we vote for the meal that the majority would like to try. Next class we will cook the meal using their recipe.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Food is one of the most favorite topics of my students since they had been asking me to talk about Russian cuisine or cook something from the very beginning of the semester. This class is good for practicing the vocabulary dedicated to food and cooking. It also includes the cultural element.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave it as it is. This class was created with the help of the Spanish language resident Natalia Cano. You can include an activity, where students should describe a picture to practice food and cooking vocabulary.

FR F21 ADV – La Musique et vous

Warm up/ice breaker (15minutes):

  • Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait ce Week-end? est-ce que vous êtes allé quelque part, vous avez regardé la casa del papel sur netflix, vous avez dormi?
  • Small Game : ‘Tu préfères…’ – Tu préfères vivre sans café ou sans chocolat ? Tu préfères pouvoir voler partout où être invisible ? Tu préfères voyager dans le passé et rencontrer tes ancêtres ou aller dans l’avenir et rencontrer tes arrière-arrière-petits-enfants ?
  • Create groups: Depending on the number of students one has in their class, they can make 2 to 3 groups of 3/4 people.
  • Give the students a vocabulary sheet with words, expressions, idioms about music, musical instruments, types of musics, celebrations, verbs, etc.
  • Vocabulary sheet I designed and provided to the class:
  • Activity 1: ‘La musique et vous’ (15/20 minutes) in groups.
  • Start by asking them to discuss the following questions: Quel-s genre-s de musique préféré vous / vous écoutez? pourquoi? (What type of music do you prefer listening to and why?) – I personally first gave my example using elements I included in the Vocabulary sheet and we discussed with the class my musical tastes. I asked them to also share with their group why do they like listening to a specific type music: Does it relax them? help them to focusing on a specific activity? help them sleep, etc.
  • Cultural input: Les expressions/ proverbes qui s’inspirent du vocabulaire de la musique (French expressions and famous saying that include music-related words/phrases): La musique adoucit les mœurs = la musique est un bon moyen d’éduquer les gens / mettre un bémol = lorsque deux personnes discutent ou débattent de quelque chose, l’une d’elle peut interrompre l’autre pour expliquer qu’elle n’es pas d’accord avec cette personne, elle pourrait dire «je mets un bémol sur ce que tu dis», ce qui veut dire, «I disagree» d’une manière plus subtile et moins directe / ça me chante = ça me dis, «I feel like-doing it», «if I want to»
  • Activity 2: La fête de la musique
  • Start by asking them if they have ever heard of or have ever been to a ‘fête de la musique’ in France which occur every summer (generally around the end ofJune) in almost every French cities and villages.
  • Video screening of Paris’ 2017 ‘Fête de la musique’: ( – after watching the video, discuss with the whole class the following questions: Avez-vous déjà participé à une fête de la musique en France ou dans votre pays d’origine? si oui décrivez votre expérience, si non pensez-vous qu’il existe une fête similaire dans votre pays / région? (Did you ever participated in one before? if yes describe your experience/opinion of it; if no, is there any similar celebration-s/annual event-s where you’re from?)
  • I used a powerpoint to structure and guide the unfolding of the class. This class was very interesting because I noticed how curious and interested students were when I talk about French cultural aspects, traditions and linguistic peculiarities of the French language. From there a lot of them started asking questions and compare/associate with how it is back home for them, or in California.They really liked the fact that I showed a video on «la fête de la musique” in France, which is a well-known musical celebration taking place all around France in Juneevery year in June all around France. I had prepared a comprehensive and detailed vocabulary sheet on vocabulary and expressions in relation to music but they seem to have not needed it that much which showed me that the advanced class needed more to learn idioms, specific expressions and even colloquialism.

RU F21 INT/ADV: New Year in Russia

Language Resident: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 12/1/2021

Class theme/topic discussed : the New Year in Russia

Goal of the class :

  • Introduce traditions of the New Year celebration in Russia
  • Practice the usage of adjectives in the text
  • Practice the food vocabulary
  • Listening and comprehension of a song

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up.
    I put my students in pairs and ask them to discuss the following questions: 1) Do you celebrate the New Year? How and with whom? 2) Do you sum up the results of the year? 3) Do you create goals to accomplish in the following year?
  2. Activity 1. The New Year’s table
    I show my students a picture of a traditional Russian New Year’s table with different meals. I ask them to name what they see and come up with more dishes. This activity is focused on creating a perfect table for the New Year’s celebration and practice food vocabulary.
  3. Activity 2. Prepare a traditional New Year’s toast
    I give my students a handout with a long traditional Russian toast. There are blank spaces that students should fill up with adjectives. They can be creative and funny while choosing words.
  4. Activity 3. A song about 5 minutes
    I show my students a video of a must-listen Russian song, which sounds in every house 5 minutes before the New Year. I also provide students with lyrics of the song. I ask them to feel free to sing along.
  5. Activity 4. President’s Speech.
    It is impossible to imagine Russian New Year without the President Putin’s speech. We watch a piece of a video from 2020 and discuss the content of this speech. This activity was performed with Advanced students.
Activity 3. A song about 5 minutes

Intermediate. What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Students enjoyed talking about New Year in Russia. We focused more on the activity dedicated to food. I wanted to practice vocabulary with them, since they hadn’t known many words before we had our class about Russian cuisine. I decided to skip the activity with the President’s speech, because the language of the speech is too difficult to comprehend. We also didn’t do the “toast” activity because I felt like it could be too challenging for them. I decided to spend more time with the song instead. I asked my two students to come up with a translation of this song and give their opinion about it.

Advanced. What worked well in this class? What did not work?
My advanced students enjoyed this class. They knew a lot of words dedicated to food and Russian cuisine. The activity with inserting words turned out to be amusing. They came up with funny and sometimes unsuitable words. That made the toasts activity very lively. We skimmed the song and spent more time with the President’s speech. Students had a hot discussion about the content of his speech because some of them found it ambiguous.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The president’s speech is an interesting text to analyze and discuss with advanced students. It consists of many topics, which students find curious to talk about. I would make a separate class about politics to discuss leader’s speeches. In the context of New Year and holiday atmosphere it is a challenging issue to discuss.

RU F21 ADV: Russian Folktales

Language Resident: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 09/16/2021

Class theme/topic discussed: Russian Folktales

Goals of the class :

  • Learn about Russian folklore and rules of creating a traditional fairytale
  • Practice storytelling

Class structure:

  1. Warm-up.
    I ask my students to discuss the following questions:
    1) What is “сказка” (traditional Russian verbal fairy tale)?
    2) Did you like reading fairy tales or listening to them when you were a kid?
    3) Do you know any Russian fairytales?
  2. Activity 1. Reading a fairytale “Сказка об Иване-царевиче, жар-птице и о сером волке” (The fairytale of Ivan-tsarevitch, a firebird and a grey wolf) (one and a half page, adapted, with vocabulary).
    Students seat in a semi-circle. We read the text aloud making stops at the end of each paragraph. I make sure they understand everything by asking them questions. I draw a plan of a fairytale on a board while they are reading. At the same time, I have a powerpoint presentation opened with drawings of this fairytale, so students have a visual image of what is going on.
  3. Activity 2. Analysis of a fairytale 
    I ask students to name all characters from the fairytale (7). Then, I ask them about the role of those characters. What do they do? We do it on purpose, so later we could discuss the thesis from the book “Morphology of the Folktale” by a Soviet folklorist and scholar Vladimir Propp. After we wrote all characters and their role (functions) on the board, I present my students Propp’s concept and give them a handout with a plan of creating a folktale.
  4. Activity 3. Create your own fairytale!
    I ask students to use the Propp’s concept of creating a folktale (7 main characters and 31 functions, which constitute the plot). They can choose any quantity of characters and functions to create a folktale.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
While reading the folktale in the class, I tried to use visual materials, gestures and paraphrasing as much as possible. Students seemed interested in the plot, because they laughed when something funny happened and answered context questions. The fairy tale was not long (adapted 1.5 pages), but it took almost 30 mins to fully analyze it (which was more, than I expected). Students seemed overwhelmed with Propp’s concept, but I was ready for it — I simplified the functions, put pictures to them and printed it out in a handout. We did not have time to complete the last activity (composing a folktale), but when students discussed their plots, they were very engaged and came up with really funny ideas. We will continue talking about it next class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would devote two classes to this topic. I would spend more time reading and analyzing a folktale and explaining to students the Propp’s concept, and during the next class I would ask students to create a folktale and present it (in a form of a performance).

PowerPoint Presentation:

CN F21 ADV 客套和礼节 Courtesy & Manner

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2021.09.23

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: 客套和礼节 Courtesy & Manners

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students are expected to know more about the cultural differences between Asian countries and western countries, and be able to talk about their own experiences and act three scenarios with their partners in the class.

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: A short review of the traditional festivals → Introduce the topic of Courtesy & Manners

  1. Question: 在中国,过春节时人们一般会有哪些习俗呢?What traditions do Chinese people have for Spring Festival in China?

吃饺子 & 年夜饭 & 放鞭炮 & 串门 & 打扫房间…………→ 红包!Red envelopes!

  • How about Christmas in your country? What do you say /do when accepting  a present?


  • 但你知道中国人在接受别人礼物时要怎样做吗?要说什么?Do you know what should Chinese people say/do when accepting a present from a family member/friend/colleague/teacher?(There are certain things that you should do and you shouldn’t.)

今天我们就一起来看一看。So today let’s have a look at them.


  1. While watching the video about Chinese ways of being polite, think about the following questions:


① 接受赞美  How to accept a compliment?

② 吃饭结账 What do people usually do after a meal? Split the bill v.s. Pay the whole amount?

③ 和陌生人聊天 How to make a small talk with strangers?

④ 怎么说“不”How to say “no” in China?

⑤ 回别人微信时的注意事项 A kind reminder of replying to others’ on social media (How to use 嗯 &嗯嗯 & 嗯嗯嗯;How to use 哈 & 哈哈 & 哈哈哈)

Activity 1:Guided discussion

Discuss about the questions in groups of 3 and discuss in the whole class

Activity 2:

小故事:文化差异 Act: Your own experiences of cultural difference & act three scenarios with your partners in the class.

Topic: 当你遇见了中国人——在中国 v.s. 在美国 In China v.s. In America(or your home country)


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint slides (12 in total)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Things that worked well:

Students were really into the topic as well! Their performances were also really funny. Comparing with the intermediate group, they focus more on the level of social phenomenon. For example, a group of students acted a scene in hospital. An old woman had cancer. Her family members were there with her. Should the doctor tell her or not? In China, there is a high chance that the doctor and family members decide not to tell her, in order to let her have a happy rest of the days. But according to the students, in America, the doctor should tell her because it is her right to know about her health condition. It’s quite interesting to jump into this topic in the class and discover those different perspectives between cultures.

Also there is another thing worth mention. In warm-up session I did a short review of traditional festivals, and asked a question: What traditions do Chinese people have to celebrate Spring Festival?

[potential answers: dumplings & dinner & firework ……→ 红包!Red envelopes! ]It is super important to get THIS feedback(Red envelopes) from the student. I found a picture with a red envelope on it(a clue) and in both classes, my picture trick worked! So we switched the topic from Festivals to Courtesy & Manners smoothly by asking what should you do when accepting a present from someone? And then the class went really well.

Things that did not work:

This time the handout was pretty clear so no one had a problem with what they should do. However, there was a problem with time control. Since I had 3 groups of students, the class was more tight than yesterday’s intermediate group. Also after the 2nd group’s performance, we spent a few minutes on the doctor-patient topic. So after the 3rd group’s performance, we didn’t have much time for feedback and discussions. Next time I’ll probably shorten the 1st discussion session(after video watching discussion ), and pay more attention on time-control.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I feel that time management is really important in conversation classes. So next time I’ll pay more attention to it and try not to give too much feedback to one certain group, but to each and every group equally.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Time/stepTeacher focusStudent focus
PresentationWarm-up (10 mins)A short review of the traditional festivals1)Question: 在中国,过春节时人们一般会有哪些习俗呢?What traditions do Chinese people have for Spring Festival in China? 吃饺子 & 年夜饭 & 放鞭炮 & 串门 & 打扫房间…………→ 红包!Red envelopes!  2)在西方国家呢?比如圣诞节的时候,你会收到别人的礼物吗?你会说什么(怎样表示感谢)?How about Christmas in your country? What do you say /do when accepting  a present? 3)但你知道中国人在接受别人礼物时要怎样做吗?要说什么?Do you know what should Chinese people say/do when accepting a present from a family member/friend/colleague/teacher?(There are certain things that you should do and you shouldn’t.) 今天我们就一起来看一看。So today let’s have a look.– Answer the questions
Presentation (8 mins)1.While watching the video about Chinese ways of being polite, think about the following questions:你知道哪些中国人客套的方式?① 接受赞美  How to accept a compliment?② 吃饭结账 What do people usually do after a meal? Split the bill v.s. Pay the whole amount?③ 和陌生人聊天 How to make a small talk with strangers?④ 怎么说“不”How to say “no” in China?⑤ 回别人微信时的注意事项 A kind reminder of replying to others’ on social media (How to use 嗯 &嗯嗯 & 嗯嗯嗯;How to use 哈 & 哈哈 & 哈哈哈) -Think about the questions given while watching the video- Be ready to answer questions and give their own opinions
Guided & Communicative practice (12 mins)Discuss about the questions in groups of 3.Discuss in the whole class.In the mean time, I’ll type them on the slide. – Answer the questions and give their own opinions 
Communicative practice (25 mins)小故事:文化差异 Act: Your own experiences of cultural difference & act three scenarios with your partners in the class.Topic: 当你遇见了中国人——在中国 v.s. 在美国 In China v.s. In America(or your home country)要求:①写出时间、地点、人物;②简历三个情景③和你的队友一起表演出来– Prepare for the show;- Perform 3 scenarios with partners in the class
Summary (5 mins)– Give Feedback – Have a look at the cultural differences mentioned in the performances together

ES F21 ADV Using de Subway

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Advanced

Class theme/topic discussed: Travelling 

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Give directions in a subway setting of a Chilean city.
  • Use expressions to express directions such as “Toma el metro en la estación…”, “avanza dos estaciones en dirección”, etc.
  • Determine the best way to use the subway taking into consideration some eventual difficulties

Class structure:

Warm up:

Students see images of people lost in a city and discuss whether they have been in a situation like that in the past, or have had the chance to help someone in that situation.


Students remember words and expressions related to giving directions and giving direcions using the subway. “toma la línea _____ en la estación ___”, “avanza tres estaciones en dirección ____”, etc.

Students see a map of Metro de Santiago and practice with three different destinies:

  • From Las Rejas to Estación Central
  • From Cerrillos to San Miguel
  • From Los Dominicos to Grecia
  • “¿Cómo llegar al aeropuerto?”: Students discuss the best way to help somone to go from Trinidad station to the Airport in Pudahuel station, considering that some of the stations are closed during certain hours. (sheets of paper were printed out with the map of the metro, and some difficulties were added afterwards)

    Wrap up:

    Students talk about whether they found that easy or not, whether they would see themselves using those expressions in the future, etc.

    Resources used: Projector, imovie

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    The class went well. I realized in the class that students did not know very much about giving directions in Spanish, so I ended up using some more time at the beginning to help them get not only the expressions that they were going to use for the main task, but also other kind of expressions that they could come across when giving directions. They seemed to appreciate the class, because they said that it was very useful if they ever went to a Spanish-speaking country; and that it is something that they are not usually taught in Spanish classes.

    JP F21 ADV: 大きな数、否定疑問文、ジェスチャー(Big numbers, negative question such as “Do you mind if ~~”, Gestures)

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary

    Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

    Day and Date: 12th week (15th to 19th Nov 2021)  

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed:  ちょっと文法コーナー(ややこしいこと、大きな数や単位の計算について)、ジェスチャー・寸劇

    Answering to questions with negation (Complicated issues such as big numbers, calculating units.), Gesture; Making a short skit

    Goal of the class:

    Students can learn the linguistic / cultural differences of responding to questions, different gestures, different meanings.

    How did you structure the class?

    16th Nov 2021


    Check in with students (to wait a little bit for some students from different campus.)


    Explain the grammatical difference on 否定疑問文, let students make 3 example sentences to practice the grammatical pattern.


    Students learn big numbers, look for some statistic data


    Students calculate temperature of different places



    18th Nov 2021


    Wait until students fully come to the class by checking in


    Show video about misunderstanding with air quote:

    The funny aspect of gesture, reflection from students


    Explain each Japanese gesture


    Students start discuss with partner to make a short skit


    Starts presentations (everyone)



    What technology, media or props did you use?   

    Students’ mac laptop, handouts

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Almost everyone seem to enjoy. But compared to intermediate class, they are not fully satisfied with the lecture. ( I do not know the needs of students,,, ) (Or it is just because they are too tired to do things due to mid term examination.)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ handout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




    今日(きょう)ってテストじゃないよね?We don’t have exam today, right?

           ⇨ うん、テストじゃないよ〜。No, we don’t have one.

      ⇨ いや、テストだよ! Yes, we have!


    Oh, I didn’t give you 30 dollars back yet which I borrowed from you last month, did I?



    ポイント:日本語(にほんご)では、相手(あいて)質問(しつもん)正誤(せいご)最初(さいしょ)判断(はんだん)してから、自分(じぶん)意見(いけん)言います(い   )

    • パートナーと一緒に、否定疑問文の例を作ってお互いに質問しましょう。



    いち One
    じゅう Ten










    As of (year ~~)




    (F°− 30)÷2≒C°

    例)Los Angeles 73°


    RU F21 ADV Intro to the Soviet Poetry: Gennady Shpalikov

    Language Resident: Aleksandra Bystrova

    Date: 10/05/2021

    Class theme/topic discussed: Soviet Poetry of the Khrushchev Thaw (1960s)

    Goal of the class: 

    • Learn about the poetry during the Khrushchev Thaw
    • Practice translating and listening skills
    • Get to know the Soviet director, screenplay writer and poet Gennadiy Shpalikov

    Class structure:

    1. Greetings and warm-ups.
      Discussion in pairs: Do you like poetry? Who is your favorite poet if you have one? Do you know any Soviet or Russian poets?
    2. Introduction. Gennadiy Shpalikov
      I briefly introduce the biography of Gennady Shpalikov to the class. Why he was important for the “Ottepel” (the Khrushchev Thaw) and what the general atmosphere in the culture at that time was. I ask students if they know something about 1960s culture in the Soviet Union.
      “В воздухе была надежда на свободу, и мы дышали этим воздухом, а как точно заметил Сергей Соловьев, Шпаликов этот воздух создавал” (Юлий Файт)
    3.  Activity 1. Translate a poem.
      I give students a handout with the Shpalikov’s poem “Людей теряют только раз” (“You lose people only once…”) translated in English and ask them to come up with a Russian translation for this poem. I put students into two groups, so every group come up with their own translation. Then, I ask them to present their poems to the rest of the class.
    4. Activity 2. Comparison with an original.
      Александр Яценко – “Людей теряют только раз”
      I show students a video of a Russian actor Alexander Yazenko reading this poem in a studio. Before that, I give them a handout with an original text, so students can compare their poems with the original.
    Геннадий Шпаликов
    Людей теряют только раз,
    И след, теряя, не находят,
    А человек гостит у вас,
    Прощается и в ночь уходит.
    А если он уходит днем,
    Он все равно от вас уходит.
    Давай сейчас его вернем,
    Пока он площадь переходит.
    Немедленно его вернем,
    Поговорим и стол накроем,
    Весь дом вверх дном перевернём
    И праздник для него устроим.    
    Gennady Shpalikov
    Translated by Igor Skryagin and Aleksandra Bystrova  
    All people may be lost just once,
    And a lost trace may not be found,
    When a person, who is staying with you,
    Leaves into the night, saying «goodbye».
    And if they leave in the afternoon,
    They leave you anyway.
    Let’s return them right now,
    While they are crossing the square.
    Let’s return them immediately,
    And talk to them, and set the table,
    Turn the whole house upside down
    And arrange a feast for them.  
    Activity 1. Translate the poem.
    Activity 2. Comparison with the original

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?
    Students came up with beautiful translations of the poem. They were very engaged into translating it. If students are interested in the Soviet culture and poetry, it can be a very enjoyable class. However, if students don’t like poetry it might be challenging. The level of the poem is appropriate for advanced learners. The groups of two students in each group worked well.

    How could this class be improved/ modified? 
    I would leave it as it is. If you have more time left, you can do the same with another poem from the Thaw’s poet Bella Ahmadulina “В тот месяц май, в тот месяц мой…” (

    JP F21 INT : 芸術の秋 Art related activities

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary

    Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

    Day and Date: 11th week (8th to 12th Nov 2021)  

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed:  芸術の秋1・2(Artistic Autumn part 1, 2)

    Goal of the class:

    Art 1

    Students can express how to describe shape, texture, size, and impression in Japanese.

    Art 2

    Students can introduce their favorite films, books in Japanese.

    How did you structure the class?

    9th Nov 2021


    Wait until everyone comes, by showing Intermediate class’ video.


    Explaining the procedure of competitive drawing game. Reviewing all the expressions.


    Game start! (for 3 different drawing, so that everyone have opportunity to draw at least once.)


    Students put phrases which they want to know, on google sheet.



    11th Nov 2021


    Wait until everyone comes, by checking in with students who came on time.


    Explaining how to describe feelings, thoughts, introduce film / book to others. Demonstrate teacher’s example.


    Preparing short paper to talk with partner.


    Start talking with partner


    Presentation of favourite films by 3 students (2 assigned, 1 volunteer)



    What technology, media or props did you use?   

    Students’ mac laptop, handouts

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Handouts always help both students and me. For the advanced class, they seemed to enjoy the activities.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ handouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    (げい)(じゅつ)(あき) 〜アートに()れよう その1




















    眉毛が 太い 細い




    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2nd handout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    芸術(げいじゅつ)(あき) パート(ツー)  好き(す )(ほん)映画(えいが)について話そう(はな  )!(口語(こうご)

    表現(ひょうげん)したい内容(ないよう)簡単(かんたん)にメモしてから、知りたい(し   )単語(たんご)をSheetに書く

    Q1. その((ほん)(えい)())の(ひょう)()(ひと)(こと)()うと?

    楽しかった(たの      ) 悲しかった(かなし     ) 切なかった(せつ      ) 爆笑(ばくしょう)だった 怖かった(こわ    ) 叫びまくってた(さけ       ) )

    Q2. 簡単(かんたん)なあらすじを紹介(しょうかい)

     主人公(しゅじんこう)は( 貧乏(びんぼう) 金持ち(かねも) 女性(じょせい) 男性(だんせい) 高校生(こうこうせい) )で、( 1960の東京(とうきょう)・1992年のロス )を()(たい)に、( ()(かい)(すく)う・(せい)()のために(たたか)う ) という(はなし)

    Q3.  一番(いちばん)(こころ)動かされた(うご)のはどんな(内容(ないよう)・シーン)ですか?

    Q4.  この作品(さくひん)(だれ)勧めたい(すす)ですか?

    Q5. それはなぜですか?


    ♪わたしがオススメしたい映画(えいが)は 「コニー アンド カーラ(Connie and Carla)」です。主人公(しゅじんこう)売れない(う   )女性(じょせい)歌手(かしゅ)二人(ふたり)で、殺人(さつじん)現場(げんば)見た(み )せいでアメリカ中(    じゅう)を逃げないといけなくなり、ドラッグクィーンの世界(せかい)大活躍(だいかつやく)するというドタバタコメディーです。逃げる(に  )(なか)主人公(しゅじんこう)自信(じしん)取り戻して(と もど  )行く(い )様子(ようす)がとても好き(す )です。いまとにかく、(なに)考えず(かんが  )笑いたい(わら   )!そういう(ひと)におすすめの(えい)()です。

    ES F21 INT Food and Beverages II

    Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

    Level: Intermediate

    Class theme/topic discussed: Food and beverages II

    Goal of the class:

    Students will be able to:

    • Describe food and use expressions to order food in a restaurant (for example: “me gustaría ordenar”, “quisiera pedir”, “¿Qué lleva el ___?”, “¿me podría traer la cuenta?”, etc)

    Class structure:

    Warm up:

    Students remember vocabulary of ingredients of food by seeing last class’ images of Chilean food and saying the ingredients that they can see.


    -Students watch a video on “how NOT to order food in Spanish” and are asked to identify the expressions that are used to order food, as well as answering: how should the customer have said those expressions in a better way?. After that, the facilitator writes on the board relevant expressions for ordering food.

    -Students see an open-ended dialogue at a regular restaurant setting and practice the expressions filling in the blanks the information that they want to add to the situation. They practice asking about ingredients and describing plates in the process.

    Roleplay: One of the students is the waiter and the others are customers. They simulate a restaurant setting in which some difficulties happen (they take turns so that someone is not always the waiter):

    1. Their favorite plate is not available that day and they have to find something that could be enjoyable for them.
    2. While eating, they realized that there was meat on what they ordered. They are vegetarians.
    3. While eating, the restaurant is about to close, but they only started eating about 5 minutes ago.

    Wrap up:

    Adivina el plato de comida: Each students describes a plate, and the rest of the participants guess what the plate is.

    Resources used: Projector, Power point presentation, youtube video 

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    Students participated well during the class. They had practiced describing food on the previous class, so it was easier for them to do it that class. It was surprising for me that they remembered so many things about Chilean food ( I thought that they would forget it right after the class). In general, they seemed to have fun, but I realized that, even though I still tried to model before each activity, I could have done it more; because there were a couple of situations in which students were not so sure about how to proceed, so then I would try to show them again.

    Food ordering dialog (for controlled practice stage)

    Mesero: Buenas tardes, bienvenido/a al restaurante ____________. Mi nombre es ____ y voy a ser su mesero. ¿Qué desea tomar/beber?

    Cliente: Me gustaría pedir____ / Quisiera ordenar _____ / Déme un/a _________

    Mesero: ¿Qué le gustaría de entrada/entremeses? Tengo para ofrecer ______, ______

    Cliente: ¿Qué trae la ______ ? (Nombre del plato)

    Mesero: Trae ____ , _____ , (descripción del plato)

    Cliente: Déme el / la ________ / Me gustaría ordenar el / la _____

    Mesero: ¿Qué le gustaría de plato principal / plato de fondo? 

    Cliente: ¿Tiene _______?



    Cliente: ¿Me trae la cuenta por favor?

    Mesero: Con mucho gusto. ¿Con qué medio va a pagar?

    (Indica el medio)

    (Se despiden)

    JP F21 INT : The difference of medical system between US and Japan : 日米の医療制度の違いについて

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary

    Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

    Day and Date: 13th week (22nd to 26th Nov 2021)  

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed:  

    Goal of the class:

    How did you structure the class?

    23rd Nov 2021


    Check in with students (to wait a little bit for some students from different campus.)


    Explain the difference of medical system, health insurance. Expose my own experience at Urgent care and Emergency room in Pomona.


    Students start explaining to their partners


    Students start presenting their ideas to entire class



    What technology, media or props did you use?   

    Students’ mac laptop, handouts

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Everyone loved speaking ill of medicare system in US. The story of my own experience was somewhat relatable to students.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ handout below ~~~~~~~~~~~~





    日:                        米:                その他:


    日:                        米:                その他:

    1. 直接病院へ
    • 基礎情報の確認
    • 整理券を受け取り、





    日:                        米:                その他:



    Q2: あなたの出身地の病院のかかり方はどのようなものですか?


















    ES F21 INT Food and Beverages I

    Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

    Level: Intermediate

    Class theme/topic discussed: Food and beverages I

    Goal of the class

    Students will be able to:

    • Describe different kinds of food and ingredients.
    • Use food vocabulary and expressions to indicate place (encima, al lado de, sobre, debajo de, etc.)

    Class structure:

    Warm up:

    Students see an image of different kinds of foods and answer the question: “¿what’s your favorite food/restaurant?”


    -Students see images of Chilean traditional food and beverages  (cazuela, humitas, empanadas, mote con huesillo, leche asada, terremoto) and mention the ingredients that they think they might have, how they think it could be prepared and whether it looks similar to a plate from another country or culture.

    -“¿Qué comida es?”: Each student gets small pieces of paper that can have either an image, name of a meal or a description on it. They go around the room and try to exchange information with their classmates in order to match each image with the name of the plate and its description. Some of them are the ones that were shown before and some others were new.

    -“Encuentra las diferencias”: Students get a sheet of paper with the image of a man in a kitchen. Some of them got the A form and others the B form. Both have a similar image on it, but many of the elements in the image are different. Without seeing their classmate’s sheet, they ask questions to them in order to find out what the differences are. (for example: “hay un trozo de queso al lado del vaso de leche?”)

    Wrap up:

    Students remember the Chilean food that they learned about and talk about which one they would eventually like to try and why.

    Resources used: Projector, laptop, pieces of paper.

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    Students seemed to like the topic about food and asked questions about Chilean food. One of my students has Mexican relatives and we realized that there were some plates that were similar, although they differ in aspects of how they are made or the ingredients. We also spent some time talking about the vocabulary difference of some ingredients (for example “porotos” vs “frijoles” or “choclo” vs “maiz”). The activity in which they had to ask questions about the other person’s image also worked well and it gave them the chance to ask questions about prepositions and more vocabulary. 

    What was a little bit more challenging were the descriptions of food on the sheet of paper. They ended up doing it well, but it took them a while to understand everything, so they asked questions on vocabulary and expressions. Maybe a simpler version of those descriptions could have worked better, but at the same time, I think that the little challenge that they had could also have been helpful, since it wasn’t extremely hard for them.

    FR F21 ADV/INT Harry Potter – create your Hogwarts’ House

    Goal of the class: Create a conversation around the books and movies, learn new vocabulary (adjectives, qualities and personal attributes such as bravery/honesty/wisdom, etc.; clothing (colors, various clothes, accessories), furniture and the vocabulary belonging to the magical universe of Harry Potter).

    Reviewing some grammar/syntactic points such as the phrases to explain/describe people’s personality and personal attributes, their outfit, detailing the layout of the furniture in a room.

    In addition to that, the main activity is designed as well to make students review and practice how to express wishes in French and structure their presentation of their houses.

    Creating groups: Depending on the number of students one has in their class, the groups can count 2 to 4/5 students. Putting them in group is a good idea as it incites them to do teamwork, share ideas and vocabulary to complete the main task. I personally made this class more challenging for the students as they are advanced ones and therefore are more proficient/comfortable in the language.

    Structure of the class

    1- Warm-up :(10 minutes)

    •What did you do this Weekend?

    Presenting today’s topic: Harry potter. Who is a fan? Which books did you read/movies did you watch? What are your favorite-s one-s and why?

    2- Input:(10 minutes) Which words come to your mind when you think about Harry Potter? (in order to introduce new vocabulary, I personally wrote the words they gave me on the board and provided new ones). Since my students were advanced and naturally wanted to know more complex vocabulary and expressions, I showed them two extracts of the first HP movie in French, with French subtitles. I then wrote on the board some words and expressions used in the extracts and which I thought could be very useful for the task and for their personal use (adverbs, common exclamatory expressions in French, idioms, words such as feather, candles, magic wands, snake, etc.)

    3-Then I showed them the names of the Hogwarts’ houses in French, we also discussed who had done the internet quiz to know the house they belonged to. Then I had made a detailed PowerPoint slide explaining the main activity for the day: “créer votre maison à Poudlard!” (create your Hogwarts’ house!).

    The steps they could follow to create their house were the following:

    1) Find a name

    2) What are the values qualities specific to your house and required to be a part of it?

    3) Which animal represents your house?

    4) what sort of uniform/clothing? (Colors, motifs, design, accessories)

    5) How does your common room looks like?

    This lesson plan can also be used with Intermediate students. I would recommend however providing more input before starting the main activity such as vocabulary lists with expressions and phrases to guide the students in expressing themselves and structuring their argument/presentation.

    Below is the PowerPoint I made and used to teach this class to both Advanced and Intermediate students:

    4-Main activity:(20-25 minutes)Idivided them in 2groups of 4-5and after explaining to them what the activity was about and thesteps to follow, I handed a vocabulary sheet to them with words, expressions and phrases to help them complete the activity. The handout was designed in accordance withthe guidance/steps I had provided beforehand for completingthe activity.While they were exchanging in groups, I went back and forth between thegroups and projected images with ideas of items they could include in their common room (this way they could also learn more words). Bothgroups made amazing drawings of their House’s uniform, animal, and common room! One group designed a common room with a pool and an aquarium in it. The other one decided the animal that would represent their house would be a mix between a bear and a bird.5-After each group had completed the task, I asked them to come forward and present their house to the rest of the class6-To conclude this class on Harry Potter, I asked them to give me one or two words they had learnt todayWhat technology, media or propsdid you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)I used internet, a vocabulary sheet, and aPowerPoint I had designed myself for this classWhat worked well in this class? What did not work?This class went very well.Like with my intermediate students,even those who were not Harry Potter fans were interested in the class and very engaged into the activity. They all participated and really tried to design a detailed presentation of their house and its specificities.

    CN F21 INT 新牛郎织女 A New Story of Niulang & Zhinv

    Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

    Day and Date: 2021.09.15

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

    Class theme/topics discussed: 新牛郎织女 A New story of Niulang & Zhinv

    Goal of the class:

    By the end of this class, students will be able to creat their own story about Niulang and Zhinv, and be able to perform their stories in front of the class.

    How did you structure the class?

    Warm-up: The story of Niulang & Zhinv

    1. Questions:

    When is the Valentine’s Day here in the U.S.? Why is it on Feb. 14th? Is there a story about it?

    When is the Valentine’s Day in China? Do you know the story of it?

    • Presentation: A brief introduction of the story of Niulang & Zhinv
    Niulang & Zhinv
    • What would the story look like if it happens in modern times?

    Characters: Niulang, Lao Niu(the cow), Zhinv(the weaver girl), Wang Mu Niangniang(the queen mother)

    1. How did Niulang and  Zhinv meet each other?

    2. What did Lao Niu do?

    3. Wang Mu Niangniang(the queen mother) doesn’t agree that Niulang and  Zhinv fall in love. What did she say? What should Niulang and Zhinv do?

    4. How does the story end? Is it a good ending or a bad ending?

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    PowerPoint slides (23 in total)


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Things that worked well:

    Students need to get to know the orginal story first, and then creat a modern version of the story. They really enjoyed creating a story by themselves! There was a group created a story like: Niulang was a student in CMC, while Zhinv was in Scripps. While they were watching a basketball game, Niulang was hit by a cow and then taken to a hospital and met Zhinv… The stories they creat were pretty convincing, and the words and sentence structures they used were actually exceeded my expection.

    The thing that did not work:

    The story that I presented to they was a little bit hard for the intermediate group to understand. So I adjusted some words when telling the story. Since there are many pictures about the story on the slides, students were able to understand what was going on eventually. However, I think to make it easier for students is a good idea.

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    The text that I put on the handout should be modified into a easier version in order to match students’ level.

     If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

    Time/stepTeacher focusStudent focus
    PresentationWarm-up (5 mins)Warm-up: The story of Niulang & Zhinv1)Questions: When is the Valentine’s Day here in the U.S.? Why is it on Feb. 14th? Is there a story about it?When is the Valentine’s Day in China? Do you know the story of it?– Greet the instructor 
    Presentation (10 mins)A brief introduction of the story of Niulang & Zhinv
     –  Understand the story.
    Guided & Communicative practice (25 mins)Ask students to think about the questions below:1) How did Niulang and  Zhinv meet each other?2) What did Lao Niu do?3)Wang Mu Niangniang(the queen mother) doesn’t agree that Niulang and  Zhinv fall in love. What did she say? What should Niulang and Zhinv do?4) How does the story end? Is it a good ending or a bad ending?2.Ask students to write a story outline with your partners(In groups of 3/4)3.Ask students to make some props for the performance4. Ask students to rehearse the story5.Ask students to perform the story – Think about the questions;- Write a story outline with partners-  Make some props for the performance- Rehearse the story- Perform the story
    Communicative practice (5 mins)Evaluation of each group’s performanceDiscuss in the whole class.

    FR SP21 INT/ADV Advertising & Slogans

    Language Resident: Marie Segura

    Class theme/topic discussed: Advertising

    Goal of the class: learning vocabulary about advertisement, learning more about French culture and especially the advertisement culture. 


    ACTIVITY 1 – Slogans

    • Show the students a list of French slogans and a list of brands and ask the students to pair them up.
    • What are the characteristics of a good slogan? (repetitions, rhymes…)
    • In pairs, ask the students to come up with the best slogan to sell a simple object (something they use everyday).

    ACTIVITY 2 – Discussing (French) commercials

    • Brainstorming: what aspects do publicists rely on to sell specific types of products? (eg for coffee: seduction, luxury…)
    • Show the students a French ad and ask them to guess what it is trying to sell + what aspects  are emphasized 
    • Reflection: show them an infamous car ad that was taken down and ask them what they understand + what they think about it. What is it trying to sell? Who is the target audience? Is it efficient?

    ACTIVITY 3 – Create your own commercial

    • In pairs: give each group a picture of an impossible object. Ask the students to write the scenario of an ad promoting it: what is the target audience of the ad? where does it take place? Who are the characters? Is there music? What happens?
    • Present your ad to the rest of the class. 

    Resources used:



    Powerpoint, pictures of impossible objects

    ES S21 INT/ADV Abortion Laws (Marea Verde)

    Language Resident: Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez 

    Class theme/topic discussed : Abortion Laws in Latin America

    Goal of the class 

    • Discuss “Marea Verde”, the pro-choice movement born in Argentina

    Class structure

    • Activity 1 Green/Blue Scarves: I show students pictures of people of protestors wearing green (pro-choice) and blue scarves  (pro-choice). Have you seen these pictures before? What do these people stand for?. 
    • Activity 2 Marea Verde: Students hear a short presentation to contextualise the pro-choice movement “Marea Verde”, which started in 2018 in Argentina.
    • Activity 3: What do you know about reproductive rights policies in the US?  Students discuss in pairs and then volunteers report in the main room
    • Activity 4: In small groups students choose 2 different countries (a Spanish speaking country & another one) an do a small research on reproductive rights public policy from those 2 countries. What to these countries’ policies have in common? Are there any differences? 
    • Activity 5 75 Opiniones: Students are given a list of 5 questiones used by a Peruvian Organization to gather opinions about abortion within the country. They discuss how appropriate they think these questions are to address the issue and whether they would use a different set of questions.

    Resources used

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    • ADV: The class worked great! I was worried about how students would feel talking about more controversial topics, but they were very talkative and seemed to enjoy the class a lot. For activity 3 almost all groups chose different countries so it was very interesting comparing that many policies. 
    • INT: It was a good class too, we weren’t able to have the same dynamic, thought-provoking discussion as with the advanced group but students still enjoyed it.
    • ** I asked both classes in advanced if whether they were interested talking about this topic or not, and how did they feel about it.

    JP SP21 INT/ADV: Hyakunin Isshu, Waka, Renga

    This topic can be done in a class or two classes.

    anguage Resident/Assistant Name:  

    Kozue Matsumoto  

    Day and Date:  

    Wednesday April 14, 2021   

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  


    Class theme/topics discussed:  

    • Movie trailer 
    • Make Renga 

    Goal of the class:  

    • Understand a movie trailer  

    anguage Resident/Assistant Name:  

    Kozue Matsumoto  

    Day and Date:  

    Wednesday April 12 – 15, 2021   

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  


    Class theme/topics discussed:  

    • Movie trailer 
    • Hyakunin isshu 
    • Renga 

    Goal of the class:  

    • Understand a movie trailer  
    • Understand hyakunin-isshu, waka poetry, and other ideas around waka
    • Make some renga 

    How did you structure the class?  

    1. Trailer #1 (20 min) 
      2. What kind of characters? 
    2. Karuta or Hyakunin isshu (15 min) 
      1. What is this? 
      2. A collection of Waka poems 
        1. 100 poems from 100 poets throughout the history  
        2. Created in the early 13th century 
        3. Who are poets? 
          1. Emperors, aristocrats, monks 
      3. There are lots of other waka collections 
        1. Some of them include regular people’s poems and poems with writers unknown from ancient times  
      4. What Is waka? 
        1. Haiku (5.7.5) vs. Waka ( 
        2. 柿くへば鐘が鳴るなり法隆寺 by 正岡子規 
        3. ちはやふる 神代もきかず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは by 在原 業平 (9th century) 
      5. As a game 
        1. How the game works 
      6. Renga 
        1. Difference between waka 
    3. Trailer #2 (15 min) 
      2. What’s new here 
      3. New Character? What’s she like?  
      4. What’s a message shown throughout the trailer? 
      5. The effect of adopting story that was originally written in a manga format. 
    4. Let’s make renga (30 min) 

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)  Class agreement, breakout rooms 

    Zoom, Sharescreen, Youtube, Whiteboard 

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?   


    • Today’s trailer was a lot easier to understand for them. They were able to guess the relationship of 3 main characters. 
    • They know some sort of card game is related, but they had little idea. One student was able to guess that it would be something with poems. That was great. 
    • Introduced this game, Hyakunin Isshu, Waka, and Renga. I talked a lot for this to explain what they are. It was like I’m doing a Japanese class in a junior high school in Japan. At least they got the new ideas and cultures around Hyakunin Isshu and Waka poems. 
    • The trailer #2 was fun. This time we guessed what’s going on and also tried to listen carefully each phrase in the trailer. From these phrases, we thought about shared value that these characters are having (team work) in contrast to the best player (individualistic). 
    • Renga was a fun activity. This is a collaborative poetry, so you have to follow 5-7-5 and 7-7 format and also develop the idea and theme that previous people present. They created funny poems collaboratively. 
    • I used whiteboard for this collaborative activity. They just type their work on to whiteboard by themselves. This worked out very well. 
    • I shared music when they were working on poems. It was a good and fun addition to the class. 


    • Today’s trailer was a lot easier for them to grasp the story. They were able to find more details than 11.1 students 
    • We talked a lot about Hyakunin Isshu, Waka, Haiku, and Renga. They knew Haiku but they didn’t know Waka. 
    • We discussed the difference between Karuta and Hyakunin Isshu, which also called karuta occasionally  
    • With trailer #2 we talked about certain values that Japanese society likes to hear and see in pop cultures and entertainment. Some elements, friendship, collaborative work, hard work, are so popular and they are seen a lot of pop cultures 
    • We also talked about a little strange cinematography. This might be because the film tries to adopt the styles of comic. 
    • Renga making was so fun. I used background music to play while they are thinking so there is no awkward silence. Their works are so funny. 
    • I used white board for the renga making activity, and it worked well 

    How could this class be improved/ modified? 

    • Renga making was so fun. I used background music to play while they are thinking so there is no awkward silence. Their works are so funny. 
    • Renga activity can be done in breakout room instead of whiteboard. I was thinking which way to do. This time I used whiteboard. But I think breakout room works as well 


    Haiku, Waka, and Renga Whiteboard

    Students’ Renga Works

    DE SP21 Study Break: Easter Escape Room

    Excel file used for Easter-themed virtual Escape Room:

    (Each group of students playing against each other gets a separate file. We used Google Sheets so they can all work on the same sheet within their group. The Excel file can be imported into Google Sheets, if necessary).

    The Key file has one tab with the solutions and one “Student” version tab that can be copied for the files to be used and filled by the students.

    DE SP21 INT/ADV – Student Presentations

    Note: This is a two-part class! I did one class brainstorming and then one to two classes presenting.
    ADV: 15-20 minutes per presentation, over several classes
    INT: 5-10 minutes per presentation, can be held in one class, depending on number of students.

    Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

    Day and Date: 4/15/2021, 4/20/2021, 4/22/2021,

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed: Presenting

    Goal of the class: Learn interactive ways to present a topic

    How did you structure the class?

    Class 1

    A) “Word of The Day” Game: Students are given a very specific and not well known word that fits the topic of the day (For example a slang word: “Trantüte”). They write a quick description of what they think the word could be (on a card, piece of paper, or in Zoom they would privately message you). When all have submitted their description, you read all of them, including the correct one and let the students guess which one is right. I do this at the beginning of every class as an ice breaker, but it can also be done as a quick random activity.

    B) Presentations Discussion: What makes a good presentation? Which ones do you remember best? Tell us about your favorite and worst presentations you have heard or seen. As the teacher, filter out bullet points of Do’s and Dont’s that the students can have access to.

    C) Brainstorm: What you could do in your presentation? Each student deliberates for themselves. The questions are asked one after another, so the students have to sit with them for a bit to give them a chance to go deeper.

    1) If you had to talk about a topic, what would you talk about and why? – everybody gets 5 minutes to think about a topic (or optional: topics can be assigned, but I found they enjoy picking their own more)

    2) How would you put a new spin on it? – 5 minutes

    3) Think of an interactive exercise to incorporate in your presentation – 5 minutes

    4) Which other aspects of what we reviewed earlier (your bullet points) can you incorporate in your presentation? Brainstorm for 10 minutes (or until the end of class)

    D) Optional homework: Pick a topic and prepare a 5-10 (INT)/10-20(ADV) -minute presentation. Think of an interactive exercise and a new way to present your topic.

    Note: If you don’t want to do it as homework, students can work on a shorter presentation in the next class in the first half and present in the second half of the class

    Class 2:

    Students present their topics. Afterwards you can have a discussion about what they liked, what new things they learned, etc.

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.), Props: Share Screen function in Zoom for presentations, Google Doc to write down bullet points

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    This class worked very well, the students were very engaged talking about presenting in the first half. The second half was quiet work where they could start preparing the concept of their presentation and brainstorm ideas about how to present it. Every five minutes I changed prompts to help them brainstorm.

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    You could have less prompts and more talking about presenting, but with four people we had a good chunk of time at the end for prep. It reduces some of their homework time to let them start on it in class and gives them a chance to really think about it and take their time.

    FR SP21 INT/ADV (Fake) News

    Language Resident: Marie Segura

    Class theme/topic discussed : News and fake news

    Goal of the class: Discuss pieces of news, improvise

    Structure of the class:

    • How do you like to stay informed? Do you use newspapers, online newspapers, social media… ?
    • What was the most memorable piece of news you ever watched?
    • If you are someone who usually follows the news, has there been a time when you decided to stop? Why and for how long?
    • Do you read newspapers in other languages?
    • If the news reported your week, what would the headline be?
    • Each student is sent a short article, without the title, and is given a few minutes to read it. Then, they are sent in breakout rooms in pairs/groups of 3 with students who don’t have the same article.
    • Each student has to explain the content of their article (without showing the text) and together they have to find the most original title
      • For the advanced class: find a second version for the internet, like a clickbait

    Students have to guess whether the piece of news is real or fake.


    Each group is assigned one of the “real” titles from the previous activity. Together, they must come up with a story to go with the title. They have to prepare a presentation in a news-report format: they have to be either a journalist or the protagonist of the story. Each group then acts in front of the rest of the class.

    Resources used:


    Newspapers articles (without titles):

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    ES S21 ADV Accents and Stereotypes

    Language Resident/Assistant Name: Tamara Olivos

    Day and Date: February 2, 2021

    Language and Level : Spanish Advanced

     Class theme/topics discussed: Accents

    Goal of the class:

    • To talk about different accents in English and Spanish.
    • To talk about how accents influence our perception of people

    How did you structure the class?

    Ice breaker: “House Treasure Hunt”. The instructor will post items on the chat (one at a time) and students must try to find the item and bring them back as soon as possible.

    • A kitchen item that starts with a “C” (cuchara, cazuela, cubeta, copa)
    • The longest book/textbook you can find
    • Something yellow
    • Scissors
    • A small box
    • A broom

    Warm up: Which accent is your favorite in Spanish and in English? Which accent is easiest/hardest to understand in Spanish? Why? Are you good at imitating accents in English?

    Activity 1: We watch a video about the different accents in English. What did you think? Did she do a good job? Did you like her accent? Where is she from? Because the video is pretty long, the instructor can pause after each accent and discuss the questions above.

    Alternative: Watch this video instead about Spanish accents, although it’s in English.

    Activity 2:  We watch a series of videos by HBO Latino where they discuss stereotypes and their lives in the US. We discuss the videos. What is the stereotype? What is the situation in their states?  How can we change this? What’s the main reason for the rejection of people different from us? Has anyone made fun of your accent, in English or Spanish?

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    Zoom, YouTube

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    I skipped the accents video because my previous class didn’t enjoy it very much. I added an alternative because it may be easier for students to talk about Spanish accents. This class loved all the HBO videos though and had lots of comments. Because we skipped the first one, we had a lot of time to spend on the HBO videos.

    JP SP21 INT/ADV: Asian Stereotypes

    Language Resident/Assistant Name:  

    Kozue Matsumoto  

    Day and Date:  

    Tuesday March 3 & 16, 2021   

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  

    Intermediate & Advanced 

    Class theme/topics discussed:  

    • Stereotypes towards Asians and Half Japanese people 

    Goal of the class:  

    • Think about stereotypes  

    How did you structure the class?  

    1. Language Table Reminder (5 min) 
    1. Study Break date? (1 min) 
    1. Good News? (10 min) 
    1. Asian Stereotypes (45 min) 
      1. What kind of Stereotypes exist towards Asians and Half Japanese?  ? 
      2. Have you had such experiences?  
      3. High school experiences? students hang based on race? 
      4. What is stereotype?
      5. Why does this happen? 
      6. Internalized racism in Japanese people?
      7. Why do we need to talk about?  
      8. What stereotype do we have?
      9. What can we do for that? 
    2. Asian history and now
      1. Idea of model minority  
      2. At the same time no matter how hard we work, there are hate crimes against us 
      3. Hate crime against Asians over covid 
    3. Japanese history 

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)  Class agreement, breakup rooms 


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?   


    • Today’s topic was complicated and not easy to talk about. So I was wondering how long this was going to last. But students shared a lot of experiences and thoughts around the topic.  
    • We are all Asians in this class. I believe that this fact helped them to talk more honestly and share their own personal stories.  
    • I appreciate their honesty and effort to discuss the complicated and sensitive issues. And they had a lot of ideas, thoughts, and experiences related to it.  
    • They said that the more they think the more difficult and complicated the issue looks, but they said that such complexity shouldn’t discourage them to keep talking about it.  
    • There are a little more silent this time as they needed to think and find a way to say in Japanese. At the same time, things that they said were a lot longer and more complicated than other classes.  


    • We talked about stereotypes. This turned into a little different topic from the 11.1 class. Students in the 11.1 class are all Asian Americans who live in the USA. Students in this class are half Japanese and lived in Japan. Experiences around stereotypes created the topic around “why do Japanese people think about us that way?” 
    • They also witnessed Japanese people’s reaction to their white fathers and had some thoughts around that.  
    • They also think about their Korean friends and Japanese people, and how different their attitudes towards their own cultures. 

    How could this class be improved/ modified? 

    • Depending on students’ awareness on the topic, some introductory video or a good ice breaker might be helpful. This particular group of students have some awareness already, and all are Asians. This situation might have made it easier to discuss the topic.  
    • I also shared some of my own experiences for a few times, which helped them encourage them to share their stories and related ideas.  
    • It was interesting to hear what they say about the topic. They have a lot to talk about. It is possible to spend multiple classes for this topic.
    • Also it would be interesting to spend another hour to think about Japanese culture as national culture and more regional cultures, such as Kyoto culture, Osaka culture. Some peole think that their culture is Japanese culture. Some Japanese people think their culture is their regional culture (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Tohoku, Okinawa, etc.) instead of general Japanese culture
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