an archive of lesson plans

Author: Nana Ando

JP F13 INT Onomatopoetic word and mimetic word

Language and Section: Intermediate

Date: November 12 

Class theme/topics discussed: Onomatopoetic word and mimetic word

Goal of the class:

-Students will be able to understand what the onomatopoetic words and mimetic words are

-Students will be able to use onomatopoetic words and mimetic words in their original stories 

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

First activity

-I played the YouTube clip of the song “Bun bun bun”, which is a song that uses onomatopoetic words. Then the students sang while checking the lyrics of the song.  The teacher asked the students what kind of onomatopoetic words they heard in that song.

-Teacher made sure that the students knew what onomatopoetic words are and what mimetic words are.

Second activity

-The teacher distributed the hand out with pictures of many kinds of animals to the students and they guessed what kind of sounds each animal makes. This activity was done in pairs.

After students finished their work, the teacher checked their answers.

Third activity

-Students shared the onomatopoetic words and mimetic words that they already knew with the other students. Then the teacher put cards of onomatopoetic words and mimetic words that they did not know on the table. After that, the students made stories using the onomatopoetic words and the mimetic words.  Lastly, the students shared their original stories in class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

YouTube clip ( )   , handouts, 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-The students showed their interest in onomatopoetic words and mimetic words. The good thing was that since I asked them to share onomatopoetic words in English, I could make the class more motivated, effective, and enjoyable. The students worked hard to make interesting stories using onomatopoetic words.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Class worked out well. But after the class I realized that I should have used real world material in class as well so that the students could better understand that there are many onomatopoetic words and mimetic words that are used in real life situations in Japan. 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

JP F13 INT Kansai dialect

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section: Intermediate

Date: November 5 

Class theme/topics discussed: Kansai dialect in Japan

Goal of the class:

-Students will learn about Kansai dialect and know the difference between Kansai dialect and the standard language

-Students will learn about vocabulary and common phrases in Kansai dialect

-Students will be able to use Kansai dialect



Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):


(1st activity Introduction)

-Students watched a youtube clip of “吉本新喜劇“which is a Japanese comedyans the  teacher asked the students what words or phrases they heard in the clip

-Teacher taught the students about the background of Kansai dialect, such as in which areas Kansai dialect is spoken

-Teacher taught the students about characteristics of intonations and accents of Kansai dialect

-Students rehearsed a short script written in the standard language and the students listened to a recording of a short script in Kansai dialect


(2nd activity Reharsing Kansai dialect)

-Students rehearsed the short script written in Kansai dialect

-Teacher taught the students some distinctive Kansai dialect vocabulary such as:“おおきに” or ”なんぼ.

-Students practiced speaking Kansai dialect in pairs using the script.


(3rd activity Making-up the stories)

-Students made short original stories using Kansai dialect in pairs and students shared their original stories with the class.


(4th activity conclusion)

-Students discussed about what they think about Kansai dialect (Is it strange? Is it interesting?)




What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


Handout, whiteboard, map of Japan,

YouTube clip (


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Students enjoyed watching the Japanese comedy, and they were also able to catch the words and phrases of Kansai dialect spoken in the YouTube clip. The YouTube video successfully stimulated their motivation to learn Kansai dialect. I did not expect them to be able make their own original short stories using Kansai dialect, but they used a lot of Kansai dialect that we went over in class. They were entirely engaged in the class.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

I chose a YouTube video where the cast spoke a little bit too fast so the students struggled to catch the words and phrases when they watched the video. I should have chosen a video where the cast spoke more slowly.

 November 5 Intermediatehandout


JP F13 ADV Skit

Language and Section:

Date:  October 15

Class theme/topics discussed:

Creating and acting out original skit (1) ~ what is going to happen in the next scene? ~

 (We used Japanese drama “Otomen” for this class)

 Goal of the class: 

–       Students will be able to grasp the personality traits of the 3 main characters

–       Students will acquire new vocabulary related to the movie

–       Students will be able to think creatively for their skit

–       Students will be able to act out their skit with confidence

–       Students will realize the importance of using Japanese phrases with emotion

–       Students will be able to cooperate with their team members towards achieving a goal.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

 (1st activity Introduction)

-Teacher introduced the topic and skit project that the students will act out it in groups.

-Teacher introduced the 3 main characters’ names and made the students watch them carefully during the summary part of the video

(2nd activity Go over the drama)

-Students watched the first part of the video to understand the summary of the drama

-Students described the characteristics of each main character as a class

(3rd activity Discussion and Making own drama)

-Students watched the main part of the video that they will use to lead in to their skit

-Students discussed what happened in the main part of the video

-Students split into 2 groups and assign each member a role

-Students discussed about what is going to happen in the next scene, and then practice acting out their skit

(4th activity Sharing own skit each group made)

 -Each group present their own skit

-Students evaluated each other’s skits

-Students watched the true ending to the video

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

TV, macbook, video,

handouts, doll

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-Students enjoyed watching the Japanese drama and were able to cooperate with one another when they made their skit. In addition, students were able to act out their skit emotionally with gestures that is, they learned how to speak Japaanese emotionally as well.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

This class went really well!

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

JP F13 ADV Tradition of Kimonos

Language and Section: Advanced

Date: September 26

Class theme/topics discussed: The tradition of Kimono in Japan

Goal of the class:

-To learn about the history and transition of Kimono

-To make students aware of the declining trends that kimono traditions are facing in modern day society

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): September 26th Ad handouts

(1st activity Learning about Kimono Culture)

-I shared my power point describing history of Kimono and we watched a youtube video of Kimono store owner’s speech about the history and decline of Kimono atched a youtube video of popularity of Kimono in America

(2nd activity  Discussion)

-Discussed about beauty as well as issues of Kimono

(3rd activity Making project)

-Using my project outline, students worked in pairs to planed their projects to help restore Kimono tradition

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

TV, youtube , PowerPoint

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed working on their project and they learned a lot about how they can restore Kimono culture working in groups.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I had difficulty working with the PowerPoint so if I practice it can go more smoothly next tim

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


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