an archive of lesson plans

Author: jean-pascal

FR S12 ADV Workout

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 13 SP 12

Date: 01/26/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Sports and workout
Goal of the class: learn about sports and rules in French

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Mime different sports other have to guess (10 minutes)
-Conversation in pairs: what sports do you do, any trophies? Did your parents force you to do a sport you didn’t want to do? (10 minutes)
-Tell us in group about the rules of a sport (La Crosse, Hockey, Basket Ball) (20 minutes)
-Video of a populare French skit with Jean Dujardin (of the movie the Artist), Brice de Nice, a fake surfer in Paris (10 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The mime, the video and the conversation in pairs was great. But some students didn’t know about the rules of Hockey, They had to use French Wikipedia.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-The girls didn’t speak enough, next time, they will have to start the demonstration.

FR S12 INT Food

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 11 SP 12

Date: 02/14/12

Class theme/topics discussed: French food habits in France and in the United States
Goal of the class: Make the students learn and exchange about the different food habits in France and in the United States.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Open conversation about the different food habits in France and in the United states(20 minutes)
-Comment on a campaign made by the INPES (French Institute for Health) in 2008 (10 minutes)

-Working in pairs, the students had to talk about the cultural differences they noticed between eating in France and in the States (30 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheets to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer for the video.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The students were excited about the topic and had a lot to say about they’re food habits (What they are cooking, what they like to eat, why they are vegetarian…)

How could this class be improved/ modified?
-In the intermediate class a few people went to France, I had to talk more than I should.

FR S12 ADV Love

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 11 SP 12

Date: 31/01/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Dating and relationships
Goal of the class: learn about dating in France, the vocabulary of relationships; make the students know each other better

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Conversation about the vocabulary of relationships (15 minutes)
-Speed dating, guess who’s who in the class with a 2 minutes dating (25 minutes)
-Analyse of a song by Bénabar dis lui oui -2004-(20 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The students were interested in the topic. The song was perfect to get new vocabulary. The students had a lot of fun playing the dating game.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-A scheme of the modern family would be necessary to recap all the different names of family relatives which are quite intricate in French.

Dis-lui oui _ Bénabar
Je sais bien, Muriel, que ça ne me _________ _____
Tu l’as foutu dehors et je respecte _____ ________
Mais il voudrait revenir… d’accord, j’insiste pas
C’est mon ami quand même! Non, C’est pas lui qui _ ________
ça me fait de la peine, vous alliez si bien ensemble
____ ______ de vie commune mais je veux pas le défendre
Avec tout ce que vous avez vécu, avoue que c’est dommage
Et j’ te dis pas combien il souffre, ça serait du _________
Muriel je t’en prie
Je t’en __________
Dis-lui Ouiiii
Depuis qu’ tu l’as ____________, il habite chez moi
Je ne peux plus le supporter, Muriel aide-moi
Il veut toujours qu’on parle et qu’on parle que de lui
La discussion consiste à l’écouter, à dire ” oui ”
Le seul moment tranquille c’est quand il t’écrit
Mais les poèmes de cinq pages, après ___ ___ ___ ______
Il me raconte votre vie dans les moindres détails
Ce qui s’ passe ____ ____ ___ depuis vos fiançailles
Je suis un gentleman, j’ répéterai pas, c’est intime
Rassure-toi Muriel… Espèce de _______ _________
Il va et vient la nuit à n’importe quelle heure
Il _______ dans ma chambre pendant que je dors
J’ai frôlé la ____ ________, j’en ai encore mal dans le bras
Il a fait semblant d’être somnambule pour que j’ l’engueule pas
Tu sais, c’est un mec bien mais j’ veux pas _’________
Il gagne pas mal sa vie, à deux c’est mieux pour le loyer
Voyons les choses en face, t’es pas non plus __________
Regarde-toi dans une glace, Muriel, faut être ___________
Bon, il a des torts, il t’a __________ c’est vrai
Avec ta ________ d’accord mais ramène pas tout à toi
Muriel, mon enfant, je t’aide parce que je t’aime bien
Mais on ne s’en sortira pas, si t’y mets pas __ _________.

FR S12 ADV Health

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 13 SP 12

Date: 01/19/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Being sick in France

Goal of the class: learn to describe symptoms to a doctor, compare the two systems

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Learning new symptoms and illnesses (20 minutes)
-Describe hospital experience in France and in the states, learn about the different systems, emergency numbers… (15 minutes)
-Role play in group: one student is the doctor, you describe the symptoms and he/she has to determine your illness, tell you what to do and where to go. We also had a debate about getting a flu shot or not. (25 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet ressources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The topic was fun, but the students found out the illness too fast during the activity. I had to improvise a conversation about cures and a debate about flu shots.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
-I didn’t evaluate the time of the activity for so many people of an advanced level.

FR S12 INT Institutions

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 13/ SP 12

Date: 03/29/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Political institutions.

Goal of the class: give the students and Idea of the French political institutions and the main political parties.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Review of the vocabulary of animals (10 minutes)

-Conversation and explanations regarding the French political institutions compared to the united states (35 minutes)

-Screening of two videos regarding French politics from news website and the Zapping+questions(15 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Whiteboard, tv screen and computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-The students had the choice between this class or planning a trip to France. The intermediate class choose to talk about politics.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-I should re-print the handouts from the French embassy I used during the first semester.

FR S12 INT Pets

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 11/ SP 12

Date: 03/27/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Pets and animals

Goal of the class: learn the extended vocabulary of animals and create a debate about it

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Conversation about the animals possessed by the students (10 minutes)

-Reading and commenting the vocabulary of animals in the handout (20 minutes). What are the symbolic animals you know?

-First debate between the “cat” team and the “dog” team. What animals do you prefer and why (15 minutes)

-Second debate, who is the strongest? The elephant or the rhinoceros? (15 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Animal vocabulary handout.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-Some students really own crazy animals. They loved the class. But commenting the vocabulary paper was a bit “dry”.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-Maybe using a video including animals (the jungle book?) would have been stimulating.

FR F11 ADV Politics

Language and Section: FR 13

Date: 09/27/11

Class theme/topics discussed: France’s national institutions and politics

Goal of the class: Make the students able to hold a colloquial conversation about politics in French

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up with previous class’ vocabulary (10 minutes)

-Introducing the French national institutions in interaction with the students making them read and comment the French embassy’s documents for foreign people, and the political parties (20 minutes)

-Group work : your party just won the 2012 presidential elections and your representatives holds the two assemblies, according to the party you choose, write a 5 points political program for the country (10 minutes)

-Discussion about the political program the students made up  (20 minutes)

 What technology, media or props did you use? (Satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Whiteboard, TV screen, computer, documents from the embassy.

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-The class worked well, the students were very interested in French politics and institutions, but it was a lot of information at the same time.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-Maybe an article about the primary elections would have been interesting.


FR F11 INT Sports

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 09/20/11

Class theme/topics discussed: Sports and rules

Goal of the class: make the students familiar with the vocabulary of sports and able to describe the rules in French

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up with previous class’ vocabulary (10 minutes)

-Tell us what sport you practice (10minutes)

-Listen to the rules of Soccer (10 minutes)

-Group activity : discuss the rules of Base Ball (group 1) and Football (group 2) 15 minutes

-Explain the teacher the rules of Base Ball and Football using the whiteboard. 15 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Whiteboard, sheets of vocabulary

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-The students were passionate about sports and glad to talk about it. But some of them already knew the rules, and some of them didn’t. It was frustrating at the beginning but they actually asked questions in French, which generated a lot of talk.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

-A video of a game could have been useful

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

FR F11 INT Travelling in France

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 09/15/11

Class theme/topics discussed: Transportation in France.

Goal of the class: make the students able to plan a trip in French and talk about it.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

-Warm up with previous class’ vocabulary (10 minutes)

– Explaining the trip and the vocabulary (budget, departure and arrival, the French websites for subway, train, plane…) (15minutes)

– Planning of the trip in groups (20 minutes)

-Presenting the trip to the rest of the class (15 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Computers (The class took place in the FLRC), whiteboards.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

-The trip in France was interesting, though some students were tired. The experience of some students that travelled in France already led the group. Nevertheless, some of them were distracted by the computers.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-The use of a map and more geographical elements concerning France could have been useful. And also some vocabulary about using the internet in French, maybe for another course.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


FR F11 INT/ADV Dating

Language and Section: FR 13/FR 11


Date: 11/10/11 

Class theme/topics discussed: dating, relationship and professions.

Goal of the class: make the students have a romantic conversation and play with stereotypes.


Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Handout dating/Relationships

-Warm up with previous class’ vocabulary (5 minutes)

-Students are given lists of different characteristics that they could find in partners. They have to rank them according to what they consider to be more or less important in a relationship (20 minutes)

-Individually, they have to come up with three meaningful questions that they would like to ask to potential partners. (5 minutes)

-Speed-Dating: students have 2 minutes to ask their questions. (15 minutes)

-The students will work in groups of three or four. Each group is given a specific situation that describes a problem regarding relationships. They will have to come up with the best solution to each issue. For example: long distance, cheating and break-ups. (15 minutes)


What technology, media or props did you use? (Satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)




What worked well in this class? What did not work?


-The students were very enthousiatic about this class, and learned a lot of vocabulary. The level of participation was high and everyone played the game.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Gendered activities are hard when you have queer students. That’s why I made them choose a character they would play during the speedating (Trader, lawer, Baker, Professional soccer player). They had to guess who was who at the end of the class. It worked perfectly.

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