This was the first day of class. The students introduced each other.

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?

It was the first class, so I wanted to get to know the students and I also wanted them to get to know each other since they were going to spend the semester together.
I also wanted to hear them speak to see their level.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I introduced myself with a powerpoint presentation – I thought it was a nice way for them to get to know me, with funny pictures – then I gave them the sheet of rules that we read together.
They were 9 so I decided to make them interview another student for 10 minutes and then introduce her partner to me and the class.
We then had a discussion about what interested them.

How did students react?
Good! They were talkative right from the start and I knew some of them so I guess it was easier for them to talk.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they had to interview each other so they talked for 10 minutes in French to each other and then made a summary of the information they managed to gather about their partner.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handout with questions to ask
Powerpoint presentation

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, it was nice getting to know them and evaluating their level in French.

Why or why not?

Advanced 01/18

– ask students if they are not Pomona College students
→ if so, take their student ID number

– Read the agreement


1. Ma propre présentation – 5 mn
– Powerpoint
– Cours de conversation
– Table Française
– Study Breaks

2. Lecture des règles – 5 mn
– Chacun à leur tour lisent un passage
– Explication si nécessaire en anglais

3. Leur présentation – 15 mn
– Un étudiant se présente à un autre : nom, age, classe, bâtiment, originaire de…, études à Pomona (et antérieures ?), étude du Français, passions, voyages en France
– Vice-versa

4. Résumé – 15 mn
– Chacun doit dire quelques phrases sur un autre

5. Ce qu’ils voudraient apprendre ou faire dans le cours

Questions à poser – en paires
Pose ces questions à ton camarade, et écris les réponses.
Puis présente ton camarade aux autres étudiants.

1. Comment t’appelles-tu ?

2. Quel âge as-tu ?

3. D’où viens-tu ? (état, pays…)

4. De quel campus viens-tu ? (Pomona, Scripps…)

5. Où habites-tu sur le campus ?

6. En quelle année es-tu ?

7. Qu’est-ce que tu étudies ? (spécialisation, sous-spécialisation, etc…)

8. Quels sont tes loisirs ? (sport, musique, art…)

9. Es-tu déjà allé(e) en France ?
– Où ?
– Quand ?
– Combien de temps ?

10. As-tu étudié d’autres langues ?
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